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This AC should be a lot more popular


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Despite my initial impressions, I am extremely impressed with what I've seen from Operatives. They look cool, have lots of utility, and are flexible. Quite frankly, it's the only class I would consider re-rolling.


It's extremely surprising that it's arguably he least played AC on Empire. We need to raise awareness!

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Despite my initial impressions, I am extremely impressed with what I've seen from Operatives. They look cool, have lots of utility, and are flexible. Quite frankly, it's the only class I would consider re-rolling.


It's extremely surprising that it's arguably he least played AC on Empire. We need to raise awareness!


Shhhh. The last thing we should do is to raise awareness.


Let them keep their inquisitors while we have fun...

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Yea...the class is amazing, I won't argue with you on that point. However, we certainly do NOT need to raise awareness. I'm perfectly happy being one of the few. Less competition for gear and group/guild slots. Not to mention the more ops in pvp the more the likelihood of whining and eventual nerfs to the point of being the least popular class for a reason... Edited by Phated
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i'm currently the only concealment operative in my entire guild at least... and probably will be the only one in my raiding group :o


i am really liking the playstyle of concealment AND medic (having tried a bit of both in FPs and such) it's great all the way up to where i am (26) and i don't see it going downhill anytime soon.

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I think one of the main reasons why IA is unpopular is because there's no iconic major movie character to represent it. SI/SW have all the dark Jedi characters, Bounty Hunters have Boba Fett, but there haven't been any major Imperial spy characters in Star Wars. I'd imagine that Smuggler is significantly more popular despite being the same class due to being the class of Han Solo.


Class population balance will probably level out over time- Force classes will always be more popular, but it'll probably be more like 1.5-2:1 SI/SW:BH/IA instead of the 5-10:1 we have now.


I'm just hoping that the people who rolled IA first don't get an elitist hipster "I was here before it was cool" attitude over the people who ran around with a lightsaber first.

Edited by Suzushiiro
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I started out as a sniper, made it to 17 and rerolled to an operative. It wasn't that it was difficult, rather that it was just boring. Operative feels a lot more 'hands on'. As a sniper there was very little room for variation - most everything good only happens in cover.
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Got my Operative to 40 today and i have to admit, that i was really not that pleased with my class before, thoughts of rerolling where in my mind.


I lvl with a Mercanary and a Sith Sorc (he heals) and the Mercanary does so much more dmg then me, but after i got lvl 40 it blows, sooo much dmg, I am giggling most of the time because i have so much fun.


Oh and in pvp he is a beast! I am really happy now :)

Edited by Lykurgos
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Got my Operative to 40 today and i have to admit, that i was really not that pleased with my class before, thoughts of rerolling where in my mind.


I lvl with a Mercanary and a Sith Sorc (he heals) and the Mercanary does so much more dmg then me, but after i got lvl 40 it blows, sooo much dmg, I am giggling most of the time because i have so much fun.


Oh and in pvp he is a beast! I am really happy now :)


Not to disagree with you one bit but this is something that has me worried about the class (especially the concealment role) how so much of its damage output is tied up into one talent/ability.


Anyone who played WoW during the days of 15% Hunger for Blood can probably remember the kind of headaches their devs had balancing such a talent, Acid Blade is no different. It's just so much tied into one ability that it has severe implications to all current AND succeeding abilities the Operative has/ever will have.


Every ability they roll out for this class (and the baseline/shared Agent abilities) will have to be balanced around the Acid Blade buff and odds are this will lead to many abilities that would just look kind of "meh" before the 50% Armor Penetration is figured in.


Don't get me wrong I love the ability it's tons of fun and quite amusing to see such a massive spike in your damage output but I kind of wish it was toned down and that damage spread around and folded in the rest of the tree and skills, otherwise it's gonna be "Hunger for Blood" all over again.

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You are right and the concealment Tree is all about Acid Blade, the dmg is nice but the +50% armor penetration is what let you do so much dmg.


So yeah i have to say that the Operative is far far behind in dmg if he wouldn't have this skill.


The Conc. Operative raise and fall with this skill.

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i'm absolutely loving my Lethality Op, i love the ability to be effective at longer and short ranges, makes PvP very diverse and fun with the things you can pull off.. i can sit back and dot someone up, plinking away with Rifle Shot/Snipe if things look too dangerous, and once things settle down i can move in for some sweet Shiv/Overload Shot/Cull action. amazing fun.
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I refuse to play a force using class. I am anti-force!


So I made both a BH and IA. Powertech BH for tanking and Operative IA for heals, I am currently leveling both at about the same pace, but I am finding that I may get the IA to 50 first because I am really enjoy it more over the BH Powertech.

Edited by mogishu
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