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All servers down?


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Last update from @SWTOR on twitter was 45 minutes ago. This is absurdly long for a restart.


You would think that BioWare would learn from all the previous times we have complained about a lack of communication. This is exactly what we're talking about. No posts in the thread since about 2:15. It is currently 4:39 Central.


Seriously: you guys need to hire some gamers to run your community. I would never in a billion years think that one update every 2 hours would be sufficient for a forum thread.

Ok now Im starting to believe this too, now that I look at it, really what takes over an hour to restart "if that is what it really the problem" I mean the way they made it sound was we where going to be back on the game in 15 or so minutes :confused: Now Im starting to get concerned !!!!
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god, so sick of reading trool posts while waiting for an update....I just downloaded resident evil 4 off the PSN while I wated for the "restart", and I am going to go play it now, and maybe have some fun on this sunday.
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Indeed the way BW handles their community reminds me of how politicians "handle" people.


Politicians handle people better, they have to actually fight for re-election.


I can confront my politicians on policy issues, and they'll engage in a dialogue with me. I can confront bioware, and get no response, or a nice copy-pasted mass templated response.

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WOW ...and if we all got paid IT wages we would be back in 1962 and kennedys camalot with no infaltion, working mon-fri grilling in the back yard on weekends and playing with our kids....Get over it poindextor the IT guys make big bucks and know this stuff can happen at any moment but like the boyscouts they should be prepared , with at least the ability to unform ther communitty of the situation which has'nt happened.


And what makes you think they aren't prepared?? People are fixing it aren't they?? My issue is that your post is ignorant of reality.. Computers don't send little notes as to when they will crash.. Or how serious the issue will be.. Since we don't know what is wrong.. I fail to see how anyone has any business complaining.. Yes.. The community was informed.. At least the part of it that chose to read the stickies.. So it has happened.. It has been pasted in a number of threads.. Just because you don't know doesn't mean it hasn't happened.. Here is a word from Poindexter.. Be in the know.. Read the stickies.. That is what everyone else does.. Why don't you??

Edited by MajikMyst
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Last update from @SWTOR on twitter was 45 minutes ago. This is absurdly long for a restart.


You would think that BioWare would learn from all the previous times we have complained about a lack of communication. This is exactly what we're talking about. No posts in the thread since about 2:15. It is currently 4:39 Central.


Seriously: you guys need to hire some gamers to run your community. I would never in a billion years think that one update every 2 hours would be sufficient for a forum thread.


IBM 3850s to get past post take almost 7 minutes to past POST. Let alone application and OS restarts. The term hours could actually take effect. Not to mention if there is a database or other connectivity issues. Not to mention SAN controller updates, etc. The first temptation is to just restart a server in the middle of a prod day and a heavy prod day. It never goes the way you think. VMs will typically reboot faster but, depending on IOPs it may not perform better. And it may have been an application restart, not a full server reboot.


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You are absolutely right. Even if it's an "emergency," you should still send out a server-wide message letting people know. Sounds like they have a bunch of project managers running the place instead of IT people...lol.


I have to agree. There was no in-game warning. They just kicked everyone. While I understand the necessity of a restart. They should have announced it in-game before hand. I was in the middle of a FP, we were about to hit the final boss when the server went down. If I had known they were going to reboot I wouldn't have started a FP let alone queue for one.

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I dout you have a 100 megabit/second connection as only government militaries have that, your obviously reading your output wrong run your connection on a internet speed test online and youll get you're actual internet upload/download speed. heres a link for speed testing. http://www.speedtest.net/



8 megabits - 1 megabytes, so having 100 megabits download speed would technically mean that your download speed is 12.5 bytes.



The really, really, REALLY sad part about net speeds on the USA... most countries offer faster net speeds for free. South Korea for example... they offer up to 100 megabits for free, and even offer upwards of 1 gigabit for paying customers.



I'm from Bosnia and my cousins, living in a third world country, have higher net speed for 1/100th the price then I can EVEN get in the stats without paying hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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