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What is your favorite Star Wars song?

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I'm intrested to know what everyones favourite Star Wars song is. There are so many good ones. It can be from any movies or from TOR or any other game/show as long as it is Star Wars. Try to post a video of it if possible.


I'll start off, for me it is across the stars:

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Into the Trap




Favorite bit is after 1 min when it starts to slowly build.


Also how can you like the new ROTJ ending song over Yub Nub




and Sny Snoodles original song is better then Jedi Rocks especially with Galactic ****-wailer Max Rebo



and what kid wouldn't want to play with Sny Snoodles.... yeah...


edit: rofl they actually edit out j i z z wailer lol Hey mods thats actually what Max Rebo is and its not a dirty word. In Star Wars J.i.z.z is their version of Jazz

Edited by jarjarloves
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I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet... but I love this song so much that it's been my ringtone for years now:


I also like the Windspire remix (the video for which was made using Star Wars Galaxies):

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I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet... but I love this song so much that it's been my ringtone for years now:


I also like the Windspire remix (the video for which was made using Star Wars Galaxies):


I like the fett song as well, they used it in "zack and miri make a porno", its on my current gaming playlist for this game.

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The Imperial March-y song that played at the end of Episode 2.


The song in ep. 3, I forgot what it was.

The sad song that plays when the jedi knight finds Agent Galen as a power guard



The song that plays at the beginning of Kotor 1.

Also has a very very cool redoing at the end of Maelstrom Prison during your conversation with Revan.


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