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Carnage for the win


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Class thats long over due for a nerf TTk for Marauders is just out of control right now.


You do realize that in order to be good as a Marauder, you have to work for it right?

It's not a faceroll class.



Edited by Thundergulch
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You do realize that in order to be good as a Marauder, you have to work for it right?

It's not a faceroll class.




Ya thats only relative if all dps classes do well at dps.. We know thats not the same across the board. When you start seeing people rolling up Marauders across the board that should speak for itself as the FoTm class.

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You do realize that in order to be good as a Marauder, you have to work for it right?

It's not a faceroll class.




I beg to differ on this having played both Merc/PT, Operative and Commando to 50. That those classes you have to work alot harder and in most cases skill being equal Marauder is hands down a class that does considerably more burst dps.

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When you start seeing people rolling up Marauders across the board that should speak for itself as the FoTm class.


Let everyone roll a Marauder, I'd be willing to bet you that a small percentage of them will be good at the class.

It's not for everyone.

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I beg to differ on this having played both Merc/PT, Operative and Commando to 50. That those classes you have to work alot harder and in most cases skill being equal Marauder is hands down a class that does considerably more burst dps.


Merc ant PT are pretty damn faceroll.


You have to work harder on Merc/Commando to be effective in PVP, but that's because all the DPS specs for Merc and Commando are underpowered right now and need to be tweaked upwards. The change to Arsenal/Gunnery to double the stacks of Tracer lock (and mirror) is great, but it's still a turret class with worse defenses compared to Sniper/Gunslinger. And Pyro/Assault spec are like the PT/Vanguard version but worse.


PT is fine, and faceroll.


Operative/Smuggler are definitely also high skill/gear cap classes.

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Class thats long over due for a nerf TTk for Marauders is just out of control right now.


Dude I could fill these forums with screenshots of every DPS class not only leading WZs, but by twice as much as the next player. And most of them would be PT/Vanguard. DPS is always going to be FoTM not because it's easy to be good, but because people are a lot more tolerant when you aren't.


We're all just pressing buttons, the difference is when you play a support class, people are depending on you, and you need to rely on other people to survive. DPS just kind of relies on themselves, for better or worse. Sure a good DPS will work with his team, try to peel people from his healers etc, but you're not expecting the same protection from a Mara or a Sniper, that you would from a Jugg.


There is less "pressure" playing a DPS, that doesn't mean it takes less skill to do it well. And maybe in WZs just PACKED with people talking smack and trying to blame everyone but themselves for losing, people just wanted to roll a class that gets yelled at less. Not because they are OP.

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Let everyone roll a Marauder, I'd be willing to bet you that a small percentage of them will be good at the class.

It's not for everyone.


Your right, getting hit by those 4.5-5k crits even when I am in 1.2k+ expertise gear on my Mercenary is not for everyone...

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I beg to differ on this having played both Merc/PT, Operative and Commando to 50. That those classes you have to work alot harder and in most cases skill being equal Marauder is hands down a class that does considerably more burst dps.


Merc/PT - Ranged Class, much easier to do sustained dps with, both have stun/knockback/cc abilities and comparable sustained dps.


Marauder - No real cc other than aoe cc broken by any dmg and i guess choke if you even count having to cc yourself in order to cc someone else. And they have to close the distance, likely will not be on the target for at least 50% of a fight. So yeah, they need higher burst potential to keep up. If you think this is imbalanced then you don't understand how the cat/mouse cc/stun/kite perspective of pvp works. Melee have an inherent disadvantage by their very nature. Burst dps is supposed to make up for this.

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Ya thats only relative if all dps classes do well at dps.. We know thats not the same across the board. When you start seeing people rolling up Marauders across the board that should speak for itself as the FoTm class.


I do as a......wait for it!!!!!!!..........Madness Assasin.

It's called brainpower. I steamroll Mara's and Sentinel's on it, 99% of the time.

And i'm talking well known & geared one's at that, and my Sin's only in Full BM + 1 WH piece.


How's about before coming on the forum too cry about the opposition you worry about your own gameplay.

And before i get a stupid comment like ' I bet he's a Mara and pretending... Nope... i have one at lvl 29, and have a ton of SS's of my assasin... and i can outdamage the original screenshot by atleast 200k when trying, I do what the SS shows on a sub-par game.



Edited by arkzehhh
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I've played as a marauder since beta and will always play as a marauder but I only recently switched to carnage from anni after 1.3. I gotta say I love it compared to anni, the burst is rediculous and if I have a healer on me it's GG.


I will say tho (about nerfing/buffing marauders), There has been a huge uptick in the number of marauders in warzones since 1.2, slowly at first but now It has gotten so bad that I am not suprised to see 5-6 marauders(on my team) in 1 warzone. Does this mean we need a nerf? No I don't think so, just that other classes need a slight buff, not all mind you, I still get my *** handed to me by certain classes.


I will say too that I think the funniest thing is being pounced on by an op dps, after you trinket out of his 2nd stun and just light him up as carnage, he is probably thinking to himself "W.t.f. just happened" Love it.

Edited by SmearBlood
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I've played as a marauder since beta and will always play as a marauder but I only recently switched to carnage from anni after 1.3. I gotta say I love it compared to anni, the burst is rediculous and if I have a healer on me it's GG.


I will say tho (about nerfing/buffing marauders), There has been a huge uptick in the number of marauders in warzones since 1.2, slowly at first but now It has gotten so bad that I am not suprised to see 5-6 marauders(on my team) in 1 warzone. Does this mean we need a nerf? No I don't think so, just that other classes need a slight buff, not all mind you, I still get my *** handed to me by certain classes.


I will say too that I think the funniest thing is being pounced on by an op dps, after you trinket out of his 2nd stun and just light him up as carnage, he is probably thinking to himself "W.t.f. just happened" Love it.


It's all fun and games until you get 2 of your mirror class bombing you and you're thinking exactly the same thing, lol. Gotta be quick w/ that Force Camo or Fear!


I was enjoying being one of the very, very rare Carnage Maras on my server prior to 1.3. : )

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Back to the OP though, I really do love carnage at the moment. It does good, consistent damage, and requires you to think about what you're killing, what kind of cc/stuns they have (so you know when you can gore/burst), and requires you to be smart about ability usage, rage management etc.


Bottom line: Marauders, and especially carnage, are super fun! They aren't OP, and that isn't the reason why so many players have chosen them. If you want to talk about an OP class, try the Pyrotech PT. They do by far the best damage in warzones, have high survivability, AND have stuns/cc.


Why the Marauder is popular:

Fun to play end game, competitive as any spec in pvp, 2 viable specs in pve.

Challenging to level, but rewarding - it gets easier the higher you go, and you become more powerful the higher you go.

Lots of interesting abilities and counters.

Fun story (at least I thought it was a hell of a lot of fun).

Scales well with gear.

Easy to play and be mediocre with, difficult to master and be uber (this keeps people playing and trying to improve).


But with all of that, we don't really have good CC/no stuns. Other classes have enough stuns and cc to keep us out of a fight for a good 10 seconds or more (they seriously need to add some DR to cc/stuns) and/or burn us down fairly low before we even get to take a swing at them. We have to make up for it with burst and survivability cooldowns, or just die.


If you think marauder is OP, go and make one, and I'll laugh at you when you go back to your main after being cced/stunned for a longer period of time in a warzone than your actual dps uptime.

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Used Annihilation for 6 months, using Carnage for past month.


Carnage just suits better for ranked, especially with recent gore changes.


Taking a fact that usual ranked team gets at least 3 healers, burst from carnge is much better than sustained anni damage in those cases.

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Yeah, how dare a DPS class do well in DPS!


it's a difference between doing well and facerolling. I admit, having played a sentinel to lvl 41, that at low level, their survival abilities are poor, compared to guardians/juggernauts, but once you get all your major abilities, you faceroll.


Now both Carnage & anni are great. Compare that to Vengeance and you have a huge gap... or another "pure dps" The sniper, MM and Engineering doesn't even come close!


this class deserves a nerf, but it wont get one, being the FOTY (year, not month)

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it's a difference between doing well and facerolling. I admit, having played a sentinel to lvl 41, that at low level, their survival abilities are poor, compared to guardians/juggernauts, but once you get all your major abilities, you faceroll.


Now both Carnage & anni are great. Compare that to Vengeance and you have a huge gap... or another "pure dps" The sniper, MM and Engineering doesn't even come close!


this class deserves a nerf, but it wont get one, being the FOTY (year, not month)


I've played half the classes in the game, and definitely all of the "popular" classes. There is absolutely nothing more faceroll about Carnage or Anni than any other class in this game, period.


PS) Snipers are EASY from the moment you get Leg Shot to the 50 bracket, at which point it doesn't become hard, it's just mechanically inferior as a DPS due to its turret status. As far as ranged classes go, however, a Sniper is still a top-notch DPS and no laughing matter after the recent buffs. I won't be surprised when this sleeper AC becomes more popular over the upcoming weeks.


Also, MM, Engineering, AND Lethality are all valid trees for the Sniper, as well as a couple pretty powerful hybrid builds (MM/Eng, Eng/Leth). I have no idea where you're getting your information, but it's just flat out wrong. <.<

Edited by Varicite
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Bottom line: Marauders, and especially carnage, are super fun! They aren't OP, and that isn't the reason why so many players have chosen them. If you want to talk about an OP class, try the Pyrotech PT. They do by far the best damage in warzones, have high survivability, AND have stuns/cc.


If you genuinely think that Pyrotech PTs have high survivability, I think you should play one and judge for yourself. And as far as stuns and CC, they get two stuns, one lasts literally one second past the GCD, the 4 second one that almost every class has, and a pull. That's it. Pyro PTs are the squishiest class in the game. It's what they give up for being able to do that insane burst.

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If you genuinely think that Pyrotech PTs have high survivability, I think you should play one and judge for yourself. And as far as stuns and CC, they get two stuns, one lasts literally one second past the GCD, the 4 second one that almost every class has, and a pull. That's it. Pyro PTs are the squishiest class in the game. It's what they give up for being able to do that insane burst.


And you know WHY they don't have our Defenses? It's because they can do that burst FROM RANGE. As a Marauder, I HAVE to get into your face to do my burst, thus the cooldowns. A PT Pyro can kite and LoS and if they're not doing it they're bad. Flat out, that's all there is to it.

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You do realize that in order to be good as a Marauder, you have to work for it right?

It's not a faceroll class.





Complete rubbish, went on my 17 marauder that I haven't played in months and got 182k damage in huttball, might not seem huge numbers but for not knowing what half the skills do and ungeared it's pretty decent.

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