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the prices to swap mods are still high


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The endgame in SWTOR is CREDITS.


It's not about Ops Progression, (lol NMM EC), or leveling an alt. It's about how much money you can make.


That is not how things should be.


Credit sinks in this game is stupid. I should not be punished if I want to change the look of my character by switching some armor.

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Seriously. I spent nearly a million credits last night just augmenting and moving mods. You can't make that much money that fast without spending hours doing dailies in this game anyways.


Also, thank you slicers for making the price of mats needed to craft augs 4x what they were 2 months ago. It makes the price of augs even more prohibitvely higher if any profit is to be made.


Hey BioWare, way to make every crafter of augs (3 different professions already requiring 2 specific gather skills) dependent on materials that only come from one source (slicing).


I dont buy or sell augments or components on the GTN but I do have a slicer. They have killed the rate of return on the missions so the prices are pretty much on par with the cost of getting the items. They also lowered the drop some time back on the crafting mission drops to know you couldnt get a slicing mission on my server for less than 100k. which is why people are selling the purple parts for 25k each or more. I pretty much use all mine for my chars so never have any to sell. It typically takes 4 to 6 missions without the special mission to get enough for one augment.


On topic, I agree since day one I have never understood the reasoning behind charging us to unclip a augment and set it in our inventory and click in a new one. Pure and simple this is a money sink and for me is the thing that almost causes me to quit everytime I want to change out my mods.

Edited by Burtlebe
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The price is fine, it's STUPID EASY to make credits in this game.

Solo all daily quests aside from EOT, and you walk away with 450k approx.


Be that as it may, that's not even enough cash to change your mods over from one set of armour to another. Also to get the 450k you would have to do all the heroics as well and by the time you're done with all of that, including travel time and what have you, it takes hours to do all of that. And only idiots would do all these dailies every day. I understand that games need some repetition to keep people busy, but mind numbing is yet another thing.


The game has too many money sinks and in the wrong places. There just aren't enough armour skins and certainly not enough rare skins. There is no dye system and all in all the customisation options are virtually non existent and expensive on top of that. When change the mods from one armour piece to another it costs about 120k, let alone all 5 pieces which add up to 600k....just to move the mods.


It's just bloody annoying and I can tell you another thing. I have 5 level 50s and a couple of them do fp's regularly, aswell as ops. My main has close to 500 columi commendations that I can't do anything with. To give them to alts, I would have to spend 500k or more to get legacy armour and then I have to get the columi pieces, remove them, stick em in the legacy armour and since most of them are butt ugly, I have to take em out again to stick em in proper looking armour. Total cost, including bracers and belt gets close to around 2 million.


Let me tell you something there....most people don't have 2 million because it's mind numbingly boring to get it together. Once people have enough bh comms (and I am almost done with those) there is no reason to do the fp's via the lfg tool anymore either and all there is left to do once you have bh gear is denova....that's it. There is nothing else for that level gear.


The game has a lot of good things in it but endgame has the most pointless gear progression and reward system I've seen in a long time. It makes no sense at all. My main is getting close to being full BH and I've only set foot in Denova once (SM at that).

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They are way to high,should not cost anything so players can look the way they want.

As it is now we cannot do that.


The mod swapping price is too high. I agree if it does not exceed 5000-10000 credits it would been fine.


Now BW is killing a potentially very fun aspect of freely customizing ones look. Less fun is bad for gaming business. This is not hard to understand.

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It cost credits to look good in a video game...weird...


Nope, just this one. In other ones they free you up to let your imagination and experimentation go wild. The prices aren't prohibitive. That is fun. This is not.


You think people in other mmo's are clamouring for the SWTOR cosmetic system? No? There is a reason for that.

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i agree, they need dropped quite a bit




They need to be removed full stop, Mod removal is directly linked to character customization, Ie: appearance and basically we are charged for our appearance, I cant name an MMO that does that other than this..!!


TBH i think this will disappear come F2P, with the ridiculous credit syncs in the game, they will not hold on or keep cheap skates around while this is here,. and lets be fair anyone that cant pay £8.99 a MONTH is a cheapskate.




LOOL just worked out how much that is per hour


0.125 pence



Edited by Nippon
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the game has credit sinks to keep the economy in check. There is no reason to lower the price of mods and if you can't afford to do that...........you're doing something wrong.
Go away parrot! The majority of people don't play the market, they play the actual game! So most people aren't rich. There are enough credit sinks in this game to keep the economy reasonably healthy, without having to charge us a fee to be able to swap out a set of mods. All this current system really does is kill game progression. Edited by SwordofSodan
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Seriously. I spent nearly a million credits last night just augmenting and moving mods. You can't make that much money that fast without spending hours doing dailies in this game anyways.


Also, thank you slicers for making the price of mats needed to craft augs 4x what they were 2 months ago. It makes the price of augs even more prohibitvely higher if any profit is to be made.


Hey BioWare, way to make every crafter of augs (3 different professions already requiring 2 specific gather skills) dependent on materials that only come from one source (slicing).


The blue augment upgrades to purps are miniscule. If you are focusing on purps, you are killing yourself for a minor increase in stats. A wise man once said "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself!"

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Hi there! The curve on extraction costs is getting adjusted downwards in an upcoming release.




Although I wouldn't even be opposed to it being a legacy perk, have 3 percs each one lowering the cost of mod removal..... But as it is right now it's just so restrictive unless you play 8-10 hrs a day.... People say to run dailies, well if I do all the dailies that pretty much kills my MMO time and can't do anything else in the game... Some of us can only play for 2-3 hrs a day max...


People against it are usually the hardcore min/max people, they want it to be hard for other people to do what they do so they can have an advantage in PvP.... The cheaper the mods are to exchange for other ones the more level the playing field gets, something hardcore players hate with a passion because now there not special anymore and have to actually rely on skill to win...

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Oh my land, he didn't say "soon" or "looking into it" I'd say that account was hacked!


Good news indeed though!


It's hard to appease all the crowds. But something as simple as playing outfit changes with your dolls should not be catered to the addicts, it should be there for everyone to enjoy stress free.

Edited by Blondesolid
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Hi there! The curve on extraction costs is getting adjusted downwards in an upcoming release.


Adjust it to zero. Any fee greater than zero is unacceptable.


I make no secret of it; I don't believe in the credit sink mentality. If I'm actually BUYING something, then yes, charge me for it. Examples would be a speeder, or training. But what is being purchased to swap a mod? It's like paying a fee to change my socks. It's stupid and makes no sense.

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