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How would you grade each classes voice acting


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Out of all the classes you played, which one had the best voice acting, and which one had the worst?? 1-10 scale


I played JK, SW, Trooper, BH, JC, and SI, all males.


JK - 10 very good, sounded like a Jedi and it matched well with missions

JC - 1 by far the worst, he sounded like he was trying to be like a Jedi and it never worked, you could tell he was acting and it sounded fake.

SW- 9 matches perfectly with a dark side sith, sounds kinda odd with light side though

BH- 8 good but not great

Trooper - 9 great acting, but not as memorable as a commander shepard

SI - 4 not very good, uses the "murder and mayhem await" phrase way too much and it does not make me think of a Darth Sidious type character


What is your opinion of your classes acting??

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Imperial Agent. I enjoy the female voice acting. The male is appropriate, but his nasal sounding accent gets annoying after a while.


BH male is the best IMO.


JC sounds terrible and poorly done.


Smuggler is well done with the male being the better of the two.


Male Trooper is good


Female SW is awesome.


Havent played any of the others much.

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My take!


Male SW - 10. This guy has a good range. The SW tells a surprising amount of jokes, and I love how they're delivered. He also does 'I AM REALLY ANGRY' well. He does everything well, and I just like his voice. Good timbre. I can't think of a single line that I thought was oddly delivered.


Male BH - 9.5. I really like this voice actor! I was even more impressed going LS - he pulls off 'gruff but secretly a sweetheart' really well. He doesn't get a 10 only because of the "Don't leave me hangin'" line. I can't really express how much I dislike hearing that.


Female Smuggler - 9.5. Hilarious, sarcastic, I love this girl. Her voice is a character unto itself. I feel jokes sometimes fall a little flat in delivery though.


Female Agent - 9. Very solid performance. She doesn't get a 10 though because her atrocious romance with Vector. Could be the writer's fault, or her direction, but it made my skin crawl.


Female Trooper - 9 Jennifer Hale's amazing, and I'm inclined to blame the writing over her, but some of the lines come off... weird. We aren't quite up to Shepherd quality here. Maybe I'm grading her too harshly because of Mass Effect, damn Hale's impressive oeuvre.


Female Consular - 6. She does 'I am an austere, peaceful, noble Jedi' very very well. But that's a very inflexible attitude, and unless she's spouting Jedi wisdom the voice gets a little... stale. But as someone who plays an austere, peaceful, noble Jedi, I am rather happy with the voice acting.

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BH (Male) - 10. Gruff, manly, and unrefined, just what I expected.


Agent (Female) - 9. Again, very well delivered. I like the accent as well.


Warrior (Male) - 8. I liked the performance, but at least in my mind the accent doesn't fit as well. I really wanted a Pureblood Sith warrior, but the voice just killed the experience for me, so I re-rolled as a Human.


Trooper (Male) - 7. Good, but I would've liked a more authoritative and season veteran sounding voice...like Jorgan's.


Jedi (Male) - 7. Very monotone and unemotional. I guess that's kind of the point of being a Jedi, but the voice acting here is just a bit too mellow.


Agent (Male) - 3. Hated it. I don't generally like playing female characters, but I just couldn't stand this guy's voice so I re-rolled as a Female and it was a hundred times better.

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JC - 1 by far the worst, he sounded like he was trying to be like a Jedi and it never worked, you could tell he was acting and it sounded fake.


Poor Nolan North :(

I agree that it is bad, what i don't understand is why they didn't just get him to use the Desmond Miles voice from assassin's creed. In my opinion it would sound much better than the current voice, playing the "Desmond's journey" missions in Revelations the voiceover sounds like it could be given to a jedi.

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SI (male)--9.8--An excellent delivery to nearly all his lines and a wonderful range. The actor really played with a lot of the lines and made them sound unique to him without sounding stuffy and pompous (like the female SI) when you were playing nice. His ability to sound very light in pitch and then very deep in pitch in the same line gave an edge to his words that are perfect. However, there are a few of his lines which sound rushed or like a jumble that just do not come off right.


notable lines: "Just make sure people know who helped you."--"Time for you to see what a Sith can do"--"Then set down some mines and check back in a week"--"That is not fear I smell is it?"--"There will be no survivors"--"What exactly does this have to do with me?"--"Murder and mayhem await!"


SW (female)--9.5--An amazing actress who portrays the brutal, cruel, and vicious aspects of the SW perfectly. Not only did she voice her anger and frustration, she had a sort of eloquence and influx in her tone and pitch that made her sound delightfully evil. Her shortcomings come in that some of the generalized lines fall flat and many of her "neutral" options make her lose a lot of that brilliance that makes her go from sounding annoyed and frustrated to calm and inquisitive which does not hit right on characters not trying to be stupid evil.


notable lines: "I didn't even break a sweat"--"You must think I am an idiot."--"I am Emperor's Wrath."--"You are wasting your time. Just die!"--"You heard him! Bow before Darth Baras!"--"I am nobody's tool."--"Why so silent Baras?"


BH (male)--9.5--I am actually surprised this voice actor gets a bad rep for not fitting body types other than 3. I played with body type 2 and although it had that initial feeling of being a bit deep, it sank in quickly and looked natural. The voice actor plays the role perfectly. No matter what choice you do, you never feel bipolar on your options and he makes it so playing LS on him is still sarcastic, emotional, and lively as playing him DS so you never feel like there was some weird leap in your character's personality. The voice fits the role of a mercenary well and his down-to-business lines are not said in a way that they sound stale.


notable lines: "I love credits!"--"Talk to me, Mako."--"Mako said that, did she?"--"Are there credits involved?"--"You are right. You die. I win."--"Awww, I can't stand to see a grown Imperial cry."--"One of these days I am going to kill Tarro Blood."--"Don't look in a mirror then."--"I got a blaster to your face and you are asking for details?"

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Actually, to be honest I would bump the JK down to a 9 because he does not really have any emotion. I understand a perfect Jedi is supposed to not have any emotion, but I was not the perfect Jedi so I couldn't agree more with what you said about them not having emotion.
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BH (male)--9.5--I am actually surprised this voice actor gets a bad rep for not fitting body types other than 3. I played with body type 2 and although it had that initial feeling of being a bit deep, it sank in quickly and looked natural. The voice actor plays the role perfectly. No matter what choice you do, you never feel bipolar on your options and he makes it so playing LS on him is still sarcastic, emotional, and lively as playing him DS so you never feel like there was some weird leap in your character's personality. The voice fits the role of a mercenary well and his down-to-business lines are not said in a way that they sound stale.


Yeah, I play a male BH with body type 2 no problem. But he's also a BA looking Zabrak, so that helps. Body type 1, however, is an abomination. I know because when the game first came out I said, "I'll make a dapper little bounty hunter!" ...that did not work. But was hilarious.


But you also bring up a good point, in that whether the BH is being mean or nice, he delivers the line with a similar tone so any conversation path you take sounds believable. I think that really characterizes the best performances for all the classes.

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Naaw, I like Nolan's voice acting for the Consular! Maybe a little forced at times but it works for me, It's the female one that's apparently bad.


Male BH is excellent, can't fault it for what it was meant to be.


Trooper's wasn't too memorable for me, I forget what it actually sounds like despite it being my main character at the moment, all the other characters I can almost hear in my mind when I try to remember what they sound like.


The Imperial voices are done well with the exception of the male warrior, he sounds like a British news reader, seriously! It's like, 'I will slaughter every last one, and now for the weather...'

But I don't find them as interesting as Republic ones because people talk like Imperials all the time where I am so it's a little too familiar :o

Edited by AelixVII
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Almost all of my characters were female, except one I played:


Female SW: Very fitting with a gritty Imperial tinge, when you say dark things, you sound really dark at the same time. 9/10


Male SW: Again good, but didn't catch me the same way that the female did. 7/10


Female SI: Very good voice acting, the little things make a big difference, and it shines with her. 9/10


Female JK: One of the best ones in the game when you try Dark Side, absolutely arrogant and purely egotistical, most convincing by far. 10/10


Female Smuggler: I logged out and deleted this character about five levels in because I couldn't stand the accent. 1/10, worst I've heard.


Female Trooper: Jennifer Hale of course, not her best work, but did a very good job of the soldier personality. 8/10


Female Bounty Hunter: got a soft spot in my heart for Grey Delisle, From Brianna in KotOR II to Jeanette and Terese in Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, my favourite ever voice actor. 15/10

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Male SW: 9/10

Male JC: 2/10 at the start, 9/10 once you get past the early parts of the story. For some reason it sounds terribly forced when you are starting out on Tython.

Male BH: 6/10 it suits the BH and is good, however the whole tough guy thing gets tiring after a while.

Male Smuggler: 8/10 really good delivery for the funny lines, though shorter lines seem kind of abrupt.

Male Inquisitor: 9.5/10 really great voice acting, however the story itself is awful. Sounds exactly like how i'd expect a youthful Palpatine to sound, only with a lot more snark.

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I can only rate on 4\four of the voices withreasonable opinion. The other four I have not played enough to get a true feel for them. The four I need to play more are the female Knight, Smuggler and male BH,warrior. For my other four I rate them as follows.


Female Consular: 7/10 Love the voice itself. Some of the lines just came off wrong though. I blame the script writing for that.

Female Inquisitor: 10/10! I absolutely love her voice. It fits my Twi'lek Sorc so perfectly.


Female Torrper: 10/10! Jennifer Hale, enough said!


Female Agent: Also 10/10! Jo Wyatt is awesome. Loved her as FemHawke in Dragon Age 2 and love her even more as the agent voice.

Edited by Kilikaa
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I haven't played any female toons enough to actually rate them, but of all the classes I've played...


Male SW: 10/10. Best player voice in the game, imo. Mark Bazely does an outstanding job of keeping the character classy while still being a total BAMF when needed.


Male JK: 9/10 for Solid Snake. The Easter Eggs thrown in for MGS fans are part of what makes the Knight so cool.


Male BH: 8/10. He does a great job with the tough gunfighter type.


Male IA: 8/10. The James Bond of Star Wars. Cool, calm, collected, and a professional ladies' man. Also, his ability to drop the accent when necessary was outstanding.


Male Smuggler: 7/10. Great one-liners. Fun dialogue. He fit the part.


Male SI: 6/10. Could have been better. Not nearly the worst, though. He has great delivery for some darkly comic lines.


Male Trooper: 4/10. Could have been quite a bit better, tbh. This one was a miscast. Should have been Adam Baldwin, imo.


Male JC: 2/10. I expected way better from Nolan "Nathan Drake" North. I understand why he did it that way, since the JC is the basic stuffed shirt Jedi. That doesn't make the actual performance any better, though.

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Oh this looks like fun!


Male Imperial Agent: 10/10 Everything the male agent says is pure, solid gold, awesome. His voice just sends chills down my spine, every time I hear it.


Male Sith Warrior: 10/10 Just the right mix of strength, humor, and cold blooded menace. He really captures the power of the Sith with his voice, and it makes his actions really come to life.


Male Sith Inquisitor: 8/10 I can't always tell if he's being crazy, or sane, he gives a solid performance all around. he also has some pretty funny one-liners.


Male Bounty Hunter: 7/10 He's a gruff sounding gunslinger, but, sometimes he comes off as a little flat. I just can't seem to 'get' into his voice all that much. Perhaps I need to try body type 3.....*ponders*



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JK Male- 9/10 Fits the cliche Light Jedi perfectly. DS Sounds abit weird though.

JK Female- 8.5/10

JC Male- 5/10 TERRIBLE

JC Female- 8/10 Not sure about this one. I feel like it fits the Consular character but she sounds so boring?

Trooper Male- 9810 Solid trooper.

Trooper Female- 9/10 Not 10/10 because voice is too similar to Satele

Smuggler Male- 10/10

Smuggler Female- 6/10 Irks me to death


SW Male- 8/10 Good DS voice, weird LS voice.

SW Female- 8/10 Same as Male. Doesn't fit with LS.

SI Male- 7/10 A bit to comical.

SI Female- 8/10

IA Male- 8/10

IA Female- 8/10

BH Male- 10/10

BH Female- 8/10

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Yeah, I play a male BH with body type 2 no problem. But he's also a BA looking Zabrak, so that helps. Body type 1, however, is an abomination. I know because when the game first came out I said, "I'll make a dapper little bounty hunter!" ...that did not work. But was hilarious.


But you also bring up a good point, in that whether the BH is being mean or nice, he delivers the line with a similar tone so any conversation path you take sounds believable. I think that really characterizes the best performances for all the classes.


I play with Body Type 2, Sith Pure blood and the face and look works beautifully with the graphics and seems natural to me. However, I do love Female BH's voice actress and from what I have heard, she plays her role perfectly as well. Unfortunately, hearing the Trooper male has convinced me to play a female trooper, which I was not planning on. I thought I would get over it like I usually do with most things but it is worse than nails to a chalkboard (which I like!). Sad too. :(

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I really liked the girl smuggler, but then I found out (thank you Wikipedia) that the same actress also plays the worst Futurama character, Cubert. After that I couldn't unhear it, and every time I watch that show I think of my character.


Also, Risha is on My Little Pony FiM apparently.

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Ah crap, must've missed those. You mind giving me a list of those Easter Eggs?:o


Most of the DS choices you make in military matters and life and death moments when it comes to enemies. His voice takes on the Snake gravel when he decides to go Old Testament on some fool. :D

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never thought i'd say this, but female SI is the best acting, i think. she does the snarky dark side lines so well...it's perfect. 10/10


I love male smuggler. 9.5/10 (see my sig for his best line)


The female smuggler took some time to grow on me, as she's pretty bad on ord mantell, but after that, man, it really fits, especially late game. 9/10


female and male trooper both are 9/10 for me. I love Jen Hale, of course, and I love Steve Bloom. i loved him as Varric, and i think he does fine here.


Female agent, 9/10. <3 Jo Wyatt, too. And the vector romance is one of my favorites, and makes playing alderaan on any other toon kind of tough for me, knowing what i know about killiks.


Male SW: 10/10 i love this guy. i'm going LS and making jokes everywhere...it's making me love this game again.


the ones i really don't like that much are female JC, Male BH (too gruff for me, sounds forced) and Male IA.

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I really liked the girl smuggler, but then I found out (thank you Wikipedia) that the same actress also plays the worst Futurama character, Cubert. After that I couldn't unhear it, and every time I watch that show I think of my character.


If it makes you feel any better (worse?), she's also the voice of a major villain from

- Minx of the Stingers.


Truly outrageous. Truly, truly, truly, outrageous.

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Male SW: 10/10 i love this guy. i'm going LS and making jokes everywhere...it's making me love this game again.


Mark Bazely did an Epic job with the male SW voice. Quite possibly even better than Simon Templeman (Tyr Loghain, Lord Kain, etc.)

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