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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy Perks in Game Update 1.3


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OMG you mean I can't buy everything instantly because it doesn't come cheap? WTH BW???


Seriously people, obtaining credits in this game is ridiculously easy, can make a million in a matter of hours, and who the hell says you've to get everything immediately, finally, something that will take some time to complete, kudos BW, kudos.


Agreed. Play smart and any of this can be had without much trouble.

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Regarding the Priority Transport to the Black Hole: Do the design/dev teams really think it's a "perk" to allow players to skip the unnecessary loading of Corellia? That's not just an in-game QOL perk, it's a real life QOL issue - there is no valid reason for an end game player to have to load a world just to allow them to load another world. The Priority Transport to the Black Hole ~should~ be an automatic unlock upon completing your first BH weekly or some similar metric.


Additionally, the Priority Transport Perks to the Black Hole, homeworld, and Outlaw's Den share a cooldown!?!? Really? How grindy are you trying to make the endgame? Are the Advancement (experience buff) Perks exclusive of one another? I would love to have someone from one of the teams explain the intent behind not allowing a player to use the PT Legacy Perks they unlocked & purchased with credits. I am convinced they should have separate cooldowns.

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Agreed. Play smart and any of this can be had without much trouble.


So your telling me that shelling out 3,380,000 credits per character can be done without much trouble.




8 characters x 3.38 million = 27,040,000 credits.


Are you serious?

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You could just still do the quests you know. Or...why not control how much you do, this way you don't out level anything? You don't need a button or whatever to slow/stop XP....you just need to control what you do.


Button? Who mentioned anything about a button? Out level, I have no problem with that, quests bore me, but I don't concern myself with fast levelling, it's good to have a couple of lvl 50's with ease, just glad to see that legacy won't come so easy to everyone as gear does in this game, well those that can't make and save money that is :cool:

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So your telling me that shelling out 3,380,000 credits per character can be done without much trouble.




8 characters x 3.38 million = 27,040,000 credits.


Are you serious?

God forbid you having to do something over time :rolleyes:
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God forbid you having to do something over time :rolleyes:


Just to put that figure in perspective; if I was to run every daily, every day, until I had the money, it would take me over two months.


That's not factoring in repair costs, mod extraction costs, respec costs, etc.



For something coined as "legacy", why does it have absolutely nothing to do with the legacy system?


I'd be more than happy to pay those prices for server wide unlocks. But character only unlocks, what a ******* joke!

Edited by Ignicity
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Just to put that figure in perspective; if I was to run every daily, every day, until I had the money, it would take me over two months.


That's not factoring in repair costs, mod extraction costs, respec costs, etc.



For something coined as "legacy", why does it have absolutely nothing to do with the legacy system?


I'd be more than happy to pay those prices for server wide unlocks. But character only unlocks, what a ******* joke!

TBH, I suspect they are they prices due to the possibility that legacy perks will be obtainable through micro transactions. Anyway, you got time to make 8 lvl 50's you've got time to make the cash, and dailies are pennies compared to what you can make from GTN. So what if it takes you 2 months, this in an MMORPG, some games take you years to get to certain stages. Edited by DiabloDoom
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TBH, I suspect they are they prices due to the possibility that legacy perks will be obtainable through micro transactions. Anyway, you got time to make 8 lvl 50's you've got time to make the cash, and dailies are pennies compared to what you can make from GTN. So what if it takes you 2 months, this in an MMORPG, some games take years to get to certain stages.


I love how you assume so much.


Such ignorance must be blissful.


I never said I had 8 lvl 50s. I never said I had the time to make 8 level 50s.



What you seem to be saying is this feature is only really fully usable by marketeers.


Well, that seems like a great reason to keep it the way it is. /sarcasm

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I love how you assume so much.


Such ignorance must be blissful.


I never said I had 8 lvl 50s. I never said I had the time to make 8 level 50s.



What you seem to be saying is this feature is only really fully usable by marketeers.


Well, that seems like a great reason to keep it the way it is. /sarcasm

Stop arguing for the sake of it, I used 8x50's figuratively as did you, yes it may be only fully attainable by certain people at first, but even if you had to get everything, you'll get there eventually, 2 months isn't long, for crying out loud stop crying because it isn't an insta-win.

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Stop arguing for the sake of it, I used 8x50's figuratively as did you, yes it may be only fully attainable by certain people at first, but even if you had to get everything, you'll get there eventually, 2 months isn't long, for crying out loud stop crying because it isn't an insta-win.


I don't want an instant-win. Quit assuming that I do.


I want the legacy system to be utilized correctly. The legacy system was created as a way to reward players for playing (like a Veteran Reward). Now, instead of keeping to the server wide system they created, they've decided to make a massive credit sink (money not going to the GTN) on a per character basis, and "labelled" it "legacy".


If you're happy with this, then I can only assume your a Bioware Fanboi, and think they can do no wrong.


Well, I'm sorry. I disagree whole-heartedly with this design choice, as do many other people, and I wont be told to shut up about it by someone who can't understand the issue, or even acknowledge that there is one.

Edited by Ignicity
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Stop arguing for the sake of it, I used 8x50's figuratively as did you, yes it may be only fully attainable by certain people at first, but even if you had to get everything, you'll get there eventually, 2 months isn't long, for crying out loud stop crying because it isn't an insta-win.


I think you're missing the point - which is specifically that the 2 months of doing every daily on 8 characters (which is probably going to be a full day's work) is an unnecessary grind. There's no accomplishment in it, it's just how much time you dumped into doing dailies instead of leveling alts.


Even in this hypothetical "doing dailies on 8 characters" scenario you already have 8 50s, and thus have passed the period where legacy perks would be most beneficial.


I like leveling alts. Putting the perks in makes leveling alts nicer, IF you can afford it. How can you afford it? Playing level 50 characters is by far the most efficient way to make money. Therefore the dev logic here is that to make leveling alts more pleasant, you must spend your time not leveling alts. Please just reward us based on legacy level, or cut the costs down by at least an order of magnitude. And no more of this "customize your character!" ******** - paying 8x for the same perks instead of paying once to give your legacy the bonus is some of the most offensive mislabeling I've been exposed to in a game. It's a thinly veiled money sink, call it what it is.

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The 1.3 per-character legacy perks (on Public test) are way too expensive for per-character perks. If they were legacy-wide unlocks, the credit price would be justified, but it's not.


Either change it to legacy-wide unlocks or lower the prices to 10-20% of the current prices.


Also, it would be good if you could either unlock these legacy perks by just reaching a certain legacy level without credits as well as paying for them. It would give people a choice - either pay credits quickly or get to the legacy level.

Edited by Glzmo
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The cost of legacy "perks" is a bit expensive. I love credit-sinks for what they do for the economy, but 30% total boost from so many credits seems pretty meek. The 300% on all xp WOW gives for refer a friend might be too fast at this point, but somewhere in the middle (closer to WOW) would be better.
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Meh, nice idea Bioware, but make is Legacy-wide. Nobody is going to spend that many credits for each character that they level. Most of us are still too busy trying to unlock all the other extortionate Legacy 'rewards'...
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Nice "Rewards" Bioware. I'm so happy the reward I earned was the privilege to spend credits,


Be careful how you talk to William Wallace, ive heard he can shoot fireballs with his arse and hes ten feet tall.

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I think you're missing the point - which is specifically that the 2 months of doing every daily on 8 characters (which is probably going to be a full day's work) is an unnecessary grind. There's no accomplishment in it, it's just how much time you dumped into doing dailies instead of leveling alts.


Even in this hypothetical "doing dailies on 8 characters" scenario you already have 8 50s, and thus have passed the period where legacy perks would be most beneficial.


I like leveling alts. Putting the perks in makes leveling alts nicer, IF you can afford it. How can you afford it? Playing level 50 characters is by far the most efficient way to make money. Therefore the dev logic here is that to make leveling alts more pleasant, you must spend your time not leveling alts. Please just reward us based on legacy level, or cut the costs down by at least an order of magnitude. And no more of this "customize your character!" ******** - paying 8x for the same perks instead of paying once to give your legacy the bonus is some of the most offensive mislabeling I've been exposed to in a game. It's a thinly veiled money sink, call it what it is.

It's not my point anyone should be concerned about, it's the Dev's, and I think their point in doing this is because legacy will be the new MT shop.

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Should not have to spend that much credits on something that will be obsolete and completely useless once a character reaches max level. Shouldn't have to spend it for each character, too. Punishes people who have lots of alts.


For that many credits, these must be legacy wide.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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With those kind of prices I find the whole thing to be a total waste of resources by BW that could have been deployed on more useful projects for the game.


This will certainly not encourage me to roll more alts and spend time leveling them or encourage me to extend my subscription. It is nothing but a credit sink with prices far above what most players have to spare, even with my legacy level in the mid 30s and 3 level 50s I do not have that kind of spare change to throw around and I have no interest in grinding the same mindless dailies again and again ad nauseum to get mounds of credits. Better things to do with my time that do not involve logging into TOR.

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With those kind of prices I find the whole thing to be a total waste of resources by BW that could have been deployed on more useful projects for the game.


This will certainly not encourage me to roll more alts and spend time leveling them or encourage me to extend my subscription



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