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Why do people roll on a pvp server when they can't even pvp?


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It really amazes me how many people have no clue how to pvp yet they roll on a pvp server?


I just don't get it. I was in a WZ this morning when we set a bomb on a door and there were 5 people near the door and not a single one AOE'd the door they all just sat there and waited.


Same WZ they would run when attacked NOT EVEN TRY TO FIGHT BACK just run like rabbits.


They were everywhere a fight here a fight there only a few times did they actually even try to fight as a team it was more like a bunch of isolated fires instead of a big single blazxing fire.


Yet these people actually think they know how to PVP? Seriously?


BW can we please have a PVP server that we can vote kick people off of?

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Personally, I think that many people roll ona PvP server with an image of them wtfpwn'ing everyone on the opposition team, and then finding that wtfpwn'ing anything other than npcs requires something called "skill", which has the pre-requisites of "practice", "dedication", and "luck", as well as inherent ability.

The fact that the classes in SWTOR are arranged in a rock-paper-scissors style, where each has a particular class (or classes) they are suited to fight and one (or more) they are not suited to fight, combined with that need to become good through practice and learning means that most inexperienced PvPers will try it, get smeared into the ground a couple of times, and give up rather than trying to figure out how to counter what they have just experienced.

Why those people do not just reroll on a PvE server, I have no idea. Why they queue for warzones, I have no idea.


If someone sucks but is trying, I can understand it - we were all there at some point, and it sometimes takes very little advice to get that person on the road to being effective in PvP. But when you come across someone looking for the "I Win" button, the only thing you can really hope for is that they are on the opposing team, because they will generally not learn or improve.

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The difference between a PvP- and a PvE-Server is:

- PvP: You can attack every enemy player you see. PvP is always turned on in a neutral zone.

- PvE: You can only attack players who turned on the PvP modus by themselves or have been in action with another player who had PvP modus on (attacking enemy player, healing friendly player etc.).


It has 0 influence on the PvP in Warzones, the only difference is the world PvP.

Since there is no world PvP in SWTOR, this doesn't matter anyway.


Playing on a PvP server means neither that you are good at PvP nor that you have to be good at PvP.

Edited by iphobia
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The difference between a PvP- and a PvE-Server is:

- PvP: You can attack every enemy player you see. PvP is always turned on in a neutral zone.

- PvE: You can only attack players who turned on the PvP modus by themselves or have been in action with another player who had PvP modus on (attacking enemy player, healing friendly player etc.).


It has 0 influence on the PvP in Warzones, the only difference is the world PvP.

Since there is no world PvP in SWTOR, this doesn't matter anyway.


Playing on a PvP server means neither that you are good at PvP nor that you have to be good at PvP.



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Why do people that have been pvp'ing for a while be selfish and not teach the new pvp'ers a thing or two? I'm sure they will learn pvp in a day like you did.


Are you nuts? Every time you even try to explain something to them or help them they get all defensive and call you names.


These people DON'T WANT HELP they already think they are the bomb.

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If someone sucks but is trying, I can understand it - we were all there at some point, and it sometimes takes very little advice to get that person on the road to being effective in PvP. But when you come across someone looking for the "I Win" button, the only thing you can really hope for is that they are on the opposing team, because they will generally not learn or improve.


Words of wisdom.

Edited by Maelfician
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Are you nuts? Every time you even try to explain something to them or help them they get all defensive and call you names.


These people DON'T WANT HELP they already think they are the bomb.


Well. That is a different situation altogether. lol. I do agree a lot of players go on the defensive when you try and help em out though.


It still won't stop me. If I see someone doing something really bad I will let them know. They are a detriment to the team. I don't care about their feelings and if they're going to rage over it after I tried to help them because what their doing is pulling the team down I can utilize the ignore feature, although I haven't had to yet.

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I agree with the calls for patience. My server has seen a huge influx of pvpers. What most people fail to see is that these guys come from a server where they were maybe getting 4 or 5 que pops a night and probably playing the same premades and players over and over. Give these guys some time and I think with experience gained most if not all of them will get better.
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Because it is not a requirement to be good at pvp to join a server.

I ended up enrolling in a PvE server cause the idea of getting killed everywhere by kiddies with more time on their hands did not sound good to me.

But i haven't done anything PvE on my main since it turned 50.

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I do it so when in a bar and I tell a girl I play MMOs, after she looks at me strange, I can add but I play on a PVP server where it's all out deathmatch. Sometimes they continue looking at me strange but at least I feel more macho about it. :D


I never mentiom I play a healer though. :o

Edited by LancelotOC
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It really amazes me how many people have no clue how to pvp yet they roll on a pvp server?


Yet these people actually think they know how to PVP? Seriously?


BW can we please have a PVP server that we can vote kick people off of?


It really amazes me how ignorant some people are.


Without NEW PvPers, PvP dies. If you can't handle players learning how to PvP, go play something else or only queue up with your own group.

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Are you nuts? Every time you even try to explain something to them or help them they get all defensive and call you names.

I'm just gonna guess here...but I'm willing to bet THEY didn't start with name calling or insults.

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I love jumping a PvE carebear while they quest. They'll just stand there and look kind of befuddled, or kind of weakly push out a few easily interrupted/avoided skills after a couple seconds. Why roll on a PvP server if you have no idea what to do when you get jumped?
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I love jumping a PvE carebear while they quest. They'll just stand there and look kind of befuddled, or kind of weakly push out a few easily interrupted/avoided skills after a couple seconds. Why roll on a PvP server if you have no idea what to do when you get jumped?


Hmm, are you sure they have 'no idea what to do' or do you think, perhaps, they are just 'befuddled' at the idea that a 50 would be bothering attacking a 20? (I use the +/- 5 levels to gauge whether I would attack someone in open world or not. So if he was within that range then disregard this.)


I would like to see some good open world pvp too but when the only calls are "50's camping Alderaan/Nar Shadda" is not what I would consider good open world pvp.

:rolleyes: Edited by Ridickilis
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It really amazes me how many people have no clue how to pvp yet they roll on a pvp server?


I just don't get it. I was in a WZ this morning when we set a bomb on a door and there were 5 people near the door and not a single one AOE'd the door they all just sat there and waited.


Same WZ they would run when attacked NOT EVEN TRY TO FIGHT BACK just run like rabbits.


They were everywhere a fight here a fight there only a few times did they actually even try to fight as a team it was more like a bunch of isolated fires instead of a big single blazxing fire.


Yet these people actually think they know how to PVP? Seriously?


BW can we please have a PVP server that we can vote kick people off of?


Better yet, have those awesome, oh so good, PvP players be able to vote themselves into a special server where only players with a certain PvP goodness rank can go. You're the cream, you deserve to be on top. I just don't like cream in my coffee so i'll put you on the side.

For the sake of argument, I love PvP. In games that doesn't have gear check. In this case, that's hardly possible.

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Hmm, are you sure they have 'no idea what to do' or do you think, perhaps, they are just 'befuddled' at the idea that a 50 would be bothering attacking a 20? (I use the +/- 5 levels to gauge whether I would attack someone in open world or not. So if he was within that range then disregard this.)


I would like to see some good open world pvp too but when the only calls are "50's camping Alderaan/Nar Shadda" is not what I would consider good open world pvp.



Nah, I never jump lower-levels. There's no fun in one-shotting someone. The fun is killing someone because you were better than them. I do, however, love prowling around lvl 50 daily quest areas. I also hunted imps while levelling my VG, and I'm currently doing it on my Gunslinger alt.


Also, this is what world PvP is like when I organize it. The trick is to use a custom chat channel (type "/cjoin worldpvp"). You flog the channel every five minutes in general chat for a couple days, spread the word to guildies and friends. Then one day, you put out the call. As more people not in the channel show up, tell them how to join. We have some pretty active world PvP on The Bastion.

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Are you nuts? Every time you even try to explain something to them or help them they get all defensive and call you names.


These people DON'T WANT HELP they already think they are the bomb.


I see this happen a lot, especially in lowbie WZs.....Once upon a time i tried to help out this low level juggy, told him just to call incs before he died....then he went on the defensive and started calling me names and such....we lost a turret in novare cost and i said "there was nobody there" implying none of our team was there. He took it as i meant there literally was no-one near the turret at all.....it was quite funny seeing as he was protecting our east turret and not fighting at all, actually when he'd get in a fight at east he would die and we would lose it :|

Edited by DarkLordNeo
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Are you nuts? Every time you even try to explain something to them or help them they get all defensive and call you names.


These people DON'T WANT HELP they already think they are the bomb.

I'm new to MMOs, hence new to PvP. I see a lot more comments along the line of "you guys suck" rather than "defend the doors" or "group up before you attack" or "don't try to stun the guy with the huttball".


Just saying. Certainly most people stink at taking advice, but way too few people bother to give it in the first place.

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I guess "real" pvp player think only they on PvP server know how to pvp. Kinda funny really


I personally dont like being bothered 1-50

I would love a server that was pve but when your turned 50 you were always pvp flagged


I been on pvp servers for every game I played minus EQ and I just got tired of what people consider pvp to be anymore.

Early games pvp was real pvp, now it is filled with babies who have ego issues


Hell people can hide in the fleet 10-50 anyway and never ingage in real pvp

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I'm just gonna guess here...but I'm willing to bet THEY didn't start with name calling or insults.


So you must be one of those peeps who can't pvp yet roll on a pvp server..... Just sayin...

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I've actually tried to help people with their PVP. Mainly gear. They will come in with the PVE columi or rakata (whatever its called, I dont PVE Ops) with 20K health and get owned. I mention that the recruit gear will be a better option due to the bonus of percent attack and defense.
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But when you come across someone looking for the "I Win" button, the only thing you can really hope for is that they are on the opposing team, because they will generally not learn or improve.


I've seen a few people on my server (pre-transfer - easier to pinpoint them back then) who were exactly this. I tried to give them advice, they didn't take it. I just saw one of these people again on the post-transfer server on the opposing team. Having the game start as a 8v7 because one of their teammates is essentially useless meant that, unsurprisingly, we won. I've never lost against these players, and I've never won with them on my team.


So yeah, some people are indeed bad enough that they make the game essentially an 8v7. In this case, you either hope they have someone bad enough to make it a 7v7, or just make sure you carry hard so that you can make up for their mistakes.

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Are you nuts? Every time you even try to explain something to them or help them they get all defensive and call you names.


These people DON'T WANT HELP they already think they are the bomb.


Judging by this thread you should prolly look in the mirror.

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