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Sad moments in SWTOR


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The last quests of the Taris planetary arc, Republic side


where you head into the abandoned subways and read the cairns left by the outcasts as the plague is taking hold. How can you not consider the few remaining people slowly dying out, their oral history fading away and finally the inability to have any more children and their fading away. Forgotten as one day we will be too.


It's weird, so many people say they hate Taris but the story on both sides is completely riveting to me, the Imperial maybe a little more exciting, but it's some of the better writing in the game.


That bit on Taris was really sad, my whole group just stopped for a bit when we got to that part, just to talk about what it must have been like for that group of people. It just got worse after every bit of information you got.

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After you walk in on Syreena who's chatting up Savik after she killed Viidu, you deal with her however you decide, but later, you get a mail from Viidu ''in the event of his death'' asking you to do one last personal favour for him since he's gone. Take good care of his girl since he can no longer look after her (being dead and all).


I really felt bad for Viidu since he obviously really loved the girl that was using and betraying him. Poor man.

That made me soooo happy I left her alive, so I could imagine my girl went back and saw her, and lectured her a lot for being a jerk.




That made me soooo happy I left her alive, so I could imagine my girl went back and saw her, and lectured her a lot for being a jerk.




I would have to agree with this moment in the Smuggler story. :( Poor Viidu is just an old softy who let's his guard down around a wolf in sheep's fleece once too often . I personally took the "You killed my friend, now you must die. Period." approach even though I'm LS . I figured you don't mess with me nor those I care about, ever. If you do, your dead. Period.

Helped me reason it too since My Smuggler/Gunslinger is a female Twi'lek with zero remorse for backstabbing female humans who mess with those she cares about . Syreena deserved :D what she got from me for doing Skavik's dirty work once too often. Does not bring Viidu back from the dead, but makes sure Syreena does not do it again to another Viidu like older man. Give me the DS points, my trigger fingers are itchy. :cool:


Gin'neesa = Twi'lek Gunslinger / The Ebon Hawk Server X-fer from Sanctum o.t.E.





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After you walk in on Syreena who's chatting up Savik after she killed Viidu, you deal with her however you decide, but later, you get a mail from Viidu ''in the event of his death'' asking you to do one last personal favour for him since he's gone. Take good care of his girl since he can no longer look after her (being dead and all).


I really felt bad for Viidu since he obviously really loved the girl that was using and betraying him. Poor man.

That made me soooo happy I left her alive, so I could imagine my girl went back and saw her, and lectured her a lot for being a jerk.








I would have to agree with this moment in the Smuggler story. :( Poor Viidu is just an old softy who let's his guard down around a wolf in sheep's fleece once too often . I personally took the "You killed my friend, now you must die. Period." approach even though I'm LS . I figured you don't mess with me nor those I care about, ever. If you do, your dead. Period.

Helped me reason it too since My Smuggler/Gunslinger is a female Twi'lek with zero remorse for backstabbing female humans who mess with those she cares about . Syreena deserved :D what she got from me for doing Skavik's dirty work once too often. Does not bring Viidu back from the dead, but makes sure Syreena does not do it again to another Viidu like older man. Give me the DS points, my trigger fingers are itchy. :cool:


Gin'neesa = Twi'lek Gunslinger / The Ebon Hawk Server X-fer from Sanctum o.t.E.






I also try to pick LS/DS choices based on what my characters would actually do, and I just couldn't see my girl hurting Syreena. I think she just kind of thought that Syreena was ultimately weak and got taken in. And I think my smuggler also realized that she could very easily have been in that sort of situation herself if she weren't careful. She definitely lectured Syreena a lot, though.


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I'm surprised no one mentioned this or at least that I could see from reading it here.

Consular Story Act III



When Nadia's father is killed and the only way she can deal with the grief is to avenge his death by killing the Sith who killed him.

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There's a lot of good examples here but, as many mentioned, in Taris



after spending a lot of time doing the Promised Land quest in KOTOR, and all the way through repeating "I hate the darn rakghouls" I actually thought "You know what? It was worth it...this planet is going to hell, people are treated like trash but these guys have a chance...good for them".

Then when Taris got bombed I was so convinced that if anybody escaped that it would have been those guys and I was so very happy when I heard the first holorecording, thinking "It might not have changed the galaxy but 'my' Revan did a very good thing and it's showing now.

But as I moved through that quest I kept thinking "oh no...not after all of this..." and them talking about how they couldn't vaccinate their children anymore I just felt like killing every single rakghoul in the planet, sentient or not...of course my JK would never do that, but I actually, and for the only time in the game so far, felt loss..."


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Getting your ship stolen.


For me, it was more of a "Congrats Bioware, excellent way to explain a Smuggler not having his ship in the beginning!" moment. I don't think I could have done anything better myself. (For the record, I wasn't being sarcastic. I actually enjoyed that plot twist.)

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The Foundry when


You realize Revan has fallen again and doesn't realize. (Even if you mention this every conversation chance.) Not only that, but considering some of the things he says he's clearly no longer fully sane. I think that's just so sad... His personality is fragmenting from the 300 year imprisonment and all the programming and you just have to stand by and watch him self destruct. And then the last line where he realizes it... And you can tell he regrets Malak's death too just by the way it is said...



Malaks death?

I was under the impression he was talking about the Exile personally at the end of Revan. Maybe i was wrong though...



Saddest moment so far...


Jedis' choice to kill the force wielding flesh raider. What made it worse was that it was a child and just the way he said "I want to be a jedi and help stop the killing" (Something like that)... TBH I actually started on a new server and will go light side for that part because watching the lifeless body fly off the cliff with the music almost made me blub.


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I agree with Renadiel and the others who liked this one. To me, it, along with the ending of the Maelstrom Prison (Republic-side) flashpoint, really helped drive SWTOR from being an Old Republic-themed MMO to being a true KOTOR sequel. And the way the Lost Ones' story plays out, it really sets up the rakghouls as in-game villains. And yet, there are several quests on Taris' Republic side that hints at the rakghouls being something more than just mindless villains.


My runner-up vote goes to the Trooper's Ord Mantel finale. I did NOT see that one coming. At all.


And none of your arguments are going to change my view of that. It was lazy writing, imo. They dropped the ball, and missed out on some great opportunities for added stories with any Chosen Ones survivors there might have been. It was basically a slap in the face to any of us who played KotOR and held out hope that there might have been survivors. It completely negated the last bit of good we did on Taris in KotOR.

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Malaks death?

I was under the impression he was talking about the Exile personally at the end of Revan. Maybe i was wrong though...



Saddest moment so far...


Jedis' choice to kill the force wielding flesh raider. What made it worse was that it was a child and just the way he said "I want to be a jedi and help stop the killing" (Something like that)... TBH I actually started on a new server and will go light side for that part because watching the lifeless body fly off the cliff with the music almost made me blub.



At the end of the Foundry he quotes Malak. "And as the darkness takes me I am nothing. Now I understand how you felt old friend." What part of that is NOT regretful? And how do you get the Exile out of that?


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For me, it was more of a "Congrats Bioware, excellent way to explain a Smuggler not having his ship in the beginning!" moment. I don't think I could have done anything better myself. (For the record, I wasn't being sarcastic. I actually enjoyed that plot twist.)


Yeah, I felt the same way. I actually feel that smuggler got a bit odd after you recover the ship, as there was a bit of a feeling (for me anyway) of "Hah hah hah! Why should I do this stupid class quest? I am free!!!!! I am going to run off to Tahiti and have space Mai Tais on the beach!"


But it was an enjoyable plot twist *and* it kept the smuggler from starting with ship (in a logical way), both of which were good. ;)

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the Jaxo choice. ugh. so sad.



Battle for Ilum flashpoint (playing as Empire):



OK, this one is more angering than sad, I guess. The final choice after you kill Darth Serevin, where you choose to kill or spare the Voss mystic. I mean, she flat out tells you that if you take the LS choice and spare her, Voss will join the empire. Kill her, and you virtually push a vital and contested planet straight into the hands of the republic. I mean, the dark side choice here is so monumentally, strategically stupid, that I am truly sad every time I run the flashpoint and some dumb dark sider wins the conversation role. Even on my dark side toons, i refrain from choosing anything here because it is sooooo stupid to kill that mystic. *facepalm*





So much in the IA story makes me sad, i can't even list it all. Hell, I think Vector's entire character is saddening, in a way. The peace and innocence he feels by being a joiner, thrown into the IA's world of intrigue and hatred, etc. Actually, after learning more about the Killiks from Vector, playing Alderaan on any new character is difficult for me. Especially that one empire quest where the guy's daughter is a joiner. Both LS and DS choices make me sad.


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Trooper Act I End.



The fact that unlike pretty much every other major character, after you defeat Tavus, and he refuses to surrender, your character doesn't just kill him in a cutscene. Instead it enters combat again, and he has only 1 HP. You yourself - the player - is forced to pull the trigger to end his life.




I made him surrender! :D Yupi!


For me:




When you were to make a selebrations with other BHs on NarShadda and find them all dead





When you choose to activate superweapon to not allow fallen sith to escape. Messages from the planet are very sad



Republic Taris quest


When you find out what happened with people and 'promised land'



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At the end of the Foundry he quotes Malak. "And as the darkness takes me I am nothing. Now I understand how you felt old friend." What part of that is NOT regretful? And how do you get the Exile out of that?



Oh **** yeah... Its been a while since ive played KOTOR (Im assuming thats where he quotes it) and completely forgot :D

Thanks for explaining that xD


On another note, i still dont think Revan is dead permanently.


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Has anyone mentioned Corso's final companion quest?



You kill a group of Imperial soldier who turn out to be undercover resistance agents. Then you have to give the information to the widow of one of the soldiers. I think that pretty much killed Corso on the inside.

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The Foundry when


You realize Revan has fallen again and doesn't realize. (Even if you mention this every conversation chance.) Not only that, but considering some of the things he says he's clearly no longer fully sane. I think that's just so sad... His personality is fragmenting from the 300 year imprisonment and all the programming and you just have to stand by and watch him self destruct. And then the last line where he realizes it... And you can tell he regrets Malak's death too just by the way it is said...


This^ :(

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IA End of Chapter 1



I felt terrible about the incoming messages of the cities being razed as I tried to set up Jadus's trap. I try to roll play a little and think of my Operative as a Super Patriot, so the needs of the Empire come before it's individuals in that case. But still, it was bad.



Taris Empire world quest



When at the end, after killing the (General?) in the Pub spaceport, that cranky Sith apprentice asks if you want to trap all the refugees in the collapsing spaceport. With my Sith Warrior, I am very DS so I said yes. Then I had to listen to them scream. He (and Jaesa) enjoyed it but I didn't :(



Corellia Empire world quest



When you have to fight the "invincible" Jedi that survived the Sacking of Courscant, after you defeat him he asks you to leave the infirm alone. Mr. DS Sith Warrior choose to leave no survivors and I had to listen to them die.



Jaesa (SW)



When I was tracking her, she emailed me that she wanted to kill me! Not very Jedi like, I suspected I could turn her. But making her kill her master was a little disturbing, and the fact she fell in love with me because I was a loose cannon Sith Lord makes me a little sad. On the other hand, she was the perfect companion for my SW.


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SW Balmorra


For me it wasn't the commander that made me cry, it was the story arc with his son (LS). How the kid goes from a scared and frightened child to being willing to face his destiny (giving up all his memories to keep his dad's secret) just made me sniffle. If there was one NPC I could save during my SW's quests that I couldn't already, it would be him.



I only remember sleeping with the Governor Sith Lady on Balmorra :) What happened? I played DS by the way


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The safest moment that i have encountered in the game was at a companion quest for vette


on the quest mother, you and vette go to tatooine because her sister and her moff have tracked down their mother. you are one day to late to catch her before she was overworked to death. its so sad to see the blue twilek family crying and eventually plotting to avenge their mothers death. i talked them out of it, but that caused vette's sister to disown her and call her a coward. it was like watching an episode the real housewives of the empire. But instead of crazy people, its actually sad


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I'm surprised no one mentioned this or at least that I could see from reading it here.

Consular Story Act III



When Nadia's father is killed and the only way she can deal with the grief is to avenge his death by killing the Sith who killed him.



I was just going to post the same thing, actually. This was the only thing that really made me cry, and I had to get up and stop playing for a bit.


I'm not sure if you can convince her to not kill the guy or not, I actually told her to go ahead and do it. But the saddest part to me was when she was hopelessly trying to "heal" him, not yet accepting he was dead. :(


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