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I was wrong


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I figured I would come here and publicly say I was wrong. In the forums and in game I said several times "transfers wont work they have to merge or this game is done." I was obviously wrong. So my apologies and hopefully the servers continue to look like they do now that they are consolidating. Now if only I could get my favorite characters on to one server lol.
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It has certainly improved things for some, but not for all (I'm one of the lucky ones it did work out for though). It's too soon to call it a complete success. Let's see how things are a month from now. If it's still a choice between a bloated server with login queues and laggy Fleet or a dead server with no one to group with, then I may not stick around. After 4 rerolls, I'm not doing it again. But overall, I'm happy with the server transfers and it has been good to dust off the high level toons that I had invested a good deal of time in. Despite my strong opinions in the Xserver debate, I like this game and I do want it to succeed.
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Well - seeing as the transfers effectively was a merger (transfer or be alone) - I wouldn't put myself too much down if I was you.


Yep it was just away for them not to use the word "Merge" which if you have been around the block a few times, is a word you do not want to use, in a new game, they were able to by pass the negative impact for now.. When they do away with the other servers, I am sure they will put a upbeat spin on that as well, all about marketing and persecption.

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I'd wait a month or two before admitting that. Just over a month ago the population of one of the EU destination servers had the occasional queue and multiple fleet instances, a month later just before the 'transfers' it was lucky to see 100 on the fleet. That type of decline doesn't get stopped by mere merges, it will take changes and additions to the game.
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I'd call this a merge for the "European PvP servers"


Ahto City --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Basilisk Droid --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Bloodworthy --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Chuundar --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Hex Droid --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Kai-kan --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Legions of Lettow --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Niman --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Scepter of Ragnos --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Senator Contispex --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Starstorm One --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Tassaa Bareesh --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Ravager --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Shadow Runner --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Kumumgah --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Exile's Crystal --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Tott Doneeta --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Trayus Academy --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Ula Vii --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Uthar Wynn --> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Edited by Valperion
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I wasnt really trying to put myself down and while its still in its infancy its looking good. The reason I stated it the way I did is I was convinced the only way to get it to work would be to quite literally force 4 or 5 servers entire pops into another server closing down the old servers and not giving people the choice. I figured it would be like "transfers" I have seen in other games where most people refused to move but the community seemed to come through and go with it with open arms. Honestly I never thought I would be happy to have to wait 5 minutes to get into the game lol.
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I am glad you feel better about the game and the transfers are going to help your decision to stay. However..nothing has changed my mind yet in staying. I did not transfer and down the road..they should shut down my server and I try to resub..only to see my char's names will have to change to do so, then that will make up my mind not to resub. They have yet to offer any solution for those who stayed on the low pop servers. Edited by Valkirus
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...They have yet to offer any solution for those who stayed on the low pop servers.

What would a solution look like? Cross-server PvP?? I know it's been done in other games, but if SWTOR's underlying architecture was not set up to support multi-server stuff, it would be quite a chore to add it.


I am happy with the transfer -- much, much happier than I could have imagined. I love how the PvP queues pop, It's nice to have folks around to make ad hoc teams for heroics; it's cool to see Imps to gank (or even to get ganked by), the only problem is that my son keeps laughing at me 'cause since the transfer I always have a big grin on my face when I'm playing.:p

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Other than some people having to rename their characters, I think the whole process was a massive success. I mean, you had hundreds of thousands transferring and it was all very fast and again, other than the name bug where it would put the wrong name to the wrong toon, everything happened without many hitches. Now, the servers are full and MMOish times are being had by all.
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Server Transfer was a success, with a million people you wont help everyone but it was done well. Hopefully they fix the rest.
I really wanna make a sarcastic comment about the 25 minute wait, on a Wednesday evening, I'm getting to login to the server I've been on since day 1 and which I did not choose as I was assigned this server by BW as part of the pre-launch guild formation program.


However, I will not, as I the pros to that far outweigh the cons...

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I would not call it a voluntary server transfer. For me it is more like:


Great news! You can now move to a new server where all the people are! You of coarse can stay here and play all alone, but why would you want to when you can do a voluntary move to where all the people are!


Feel free to stay where you are, but really you should move..come on..we will help you...move?...please?

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I wasnt really trying to put myself down and while its still in its infancy its looking good. The reason I stated it the way I did is I was convinced the only way to get it to work would be to quite literally force 4 or 5 servers entire pops into another server closing down the old servers and not giving people the choice. I figured it would be like "transfers" I have seen in other games where most people refused to move but the community seemed to come through and go with it with open arms. Honestly I never thought I would be happy to have to wait 5 minutes to get into the game lol.


The community welcomed with 'open arms' because it was a needed thing that was requested for a couple of months.


While they literally did not force people to move it is very much still the same effect as doing it. It was in effect a force move simply because there's no game if you're alone on a server and there's very very little game if almost alone with 10-20 others. All they managed, as others said - is to avoid calling it a merger and having to state shutting down servers. Effect is the same and I doubt many people fall for what effectively looks like PR spin.


Seriously - the only way Bioware could have "messed" up transfers was by dragging their feet for much longer than they did. And even now, I'm not sure that they didn't take too long still - I know for me at least it zapped much of my desire to play this game, being on a low populated server for so long, that I've only logged in once since the transfer.

1.3 and group finder - another long requested feature, in fact requested since the development phase - where once again Bioware was way too slow - is the next milestone, and I doubt I'm alone in this, for me to judge this game upon.


I find it difficult to find praise for Bioware for implementing features, or the result of them doing so, that really should have been present at launch in my book. And obviously - not just 'nice to have' features, but essentially 'need to have' features.

Edited by xandax
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I really wanna make a sarcastic comment about the 25 minute wait, on a Wednesday evening, I'm getting to login to the server I've been on since day 1 and which I did not choose as I was assigned this server by BW as part of the pre-launch guild formation program.


However, I will not, as I the pros to that far outweigh the cons...


Well would you rather have a 25 minute wait or 10 people on fleet during peak times? You cant have it all. I think a meme will describe your mentality just fine:D




I know its annoying but I would much rather wait in a que for 20 minutes than play for 4 hours and not be able to do a single heroic quest, flashpoint, warzone or any other group related gameplay because NO ONE ELSE IS THERE

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I figured I would come here and publicly say I was wrong. In the forums and in game I said several times "transfers wont work they have to merge or this game is done." I was obviously wrong. So my apologies and hopefully the servers continue to look like they do now that they are consolidating. Now if only I could get my favorite characters on to one server lol.


that was very grown up of you to say. Apology accepted and glad to have people like you playing the game.

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that was very grown up of you to say. Apology accepted and glad to have people like you playing the game.


Hehe glad to be here. There are many people who are immature, childish, selfish babies but most of them avoid the forums like the plague. Dont get me wrong I'll troll from time to time in good taste (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4662156#post4662156) but I see no reason to whine and cry, screaming "I WANT" over and over again. A little bit of logic and reason can go along way. I hope that more people in my age group (will just say over 25) start to show up more often and show that requests and points can be made without acting like a screaming two year old or the ever present "internet ******"

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