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Honest opinion- do you think the game is in trouble?


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i get the feeling none of you have played on a real server.....


No, the game isnt in trouble.


It is getting EXACTLY what it needs. Rated WZ's, New PVE content, balanced servers.


If anything the game is getting better. The only people who left were the game hoppers who would have left anyway.


you took the words right out of my mouth!

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Is the game in trouble?


I don't give a damn - it is just a game. I am enjoying it as of now and will keep my sub until I get bored. When that happens I will quietly click the unsub button. I will not come kicking and screaming like so many others and try to justify my actions to total strangers. Seriously, those who have time to post here - that game is doomed if it does not adopt "their" awesome ideas - should get a life. Who cares if they dont like the game? Not I.


This shows how far in the sand your head is. This is an MMO. If everybody leaves but you, you have no game. You should definitely care what other people think and what is pushing them away. Less subs = less game for you.


Seems like common sense, but then again, I am constantly amazed at how uncommon some sense is.

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This shows how far in the sand your head is. This is an MMO. If everybody leaves but you, you have no game. You should definitely care what other people think and what is pushing them away. Less subs = less game for you.


Seems like common sense, but then again, I am constantly amazed at how uncommon some sense is.


If he/she doesnt care what other people think and he/she makes up there own mind on the game and plays it for there own reasons and not because someone else said it was bad then what exactly is wrong with that, just because they have there own mind doesnt mean it is unique to them.

Edited by Shingara
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...And another thing re. space combat.


So people expect BW to have created for launch a game that comprised:


- planet-side sandboxed worlds with fully open pvp

- And freeform sandboxed space combat.


So essentially BW should've created a game that is the same size as both WoW and EvE combined? Do you have any idea as to how much work that would've been? We'd have been looking at a holiday 13 release date for that. I think that we all need to be a bit more realistic guys... :)


In regards to space combat, I just think that a lot of people were looking for more than a boring Starfox 64 port.


I remember them saying last summer that it was a tube shooter. That was the point that I suspected this game was in for it, as I got the impression that corners were being cut.


Half of Star Wars is space, why botch it? Either don't have it at release and put it out as a major Xpack, or throw the money into the initial release and have it ready when the game drops. What they did was a poor attempt.

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personally I think the game and Bioware are in serious trouble


either the dev team are completely incompetent or they've outsourced most of the development to an incompetent 3rd party, theres no excuse for the shambles we've seen so far, its taken them this long to bring out character transfers only to mess that up and over populate servers and we still have bugs that were introduced with 1.2 with no ETA on a fix. that is totally unacceptable in my opinion.


I used to love bioware, i hate them now and i will never be buying an EA/Bioware game again, they've lost a very loyal customer because they've consistently and constantly ignored the community, starting with beta testers and continued with the retail customers.


The only thing good about Bioware are the PR team. somehow they actually made 1.3 sound good even though its nothing more than a LFG tool and social items aren't locked to a specific armor type.

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Oh gee let's see....


Load times

Fail CS and game notifications about fixes

Releasing game without a clear plan of action for server pop when things declined

Empty servers screwed your game


Space fail combat of boredom





I could go on for days but its everything everyone already posted.

I mean all the mmo's that come out every year, all the different successes and failures and these guys couldn't pull the what works and what doesn't out of the hat and go "oh ya these are standard things we need huh"


I mean don't u people at BW sit there for weeks and weeks just talking about the overview for the game and features BEFORE you start developing it?.... GET A CLUE


The saddest part is that this game was in development for several years!! It's like no one there had any real clue what an MMO should include. I agree, there is a whole list of things. Unfortunately most of these things should have been fixed or resolved before launch. This is also not just any other MMO, this is a Star Wars license. Star Wars is one of the most promotable licenses on the planet.

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Bioware "EA" is thinking about making it free to play so 100% yes.


This right thaere screams omg more than anything else. Yes we finally got server transfers. People are logging back in to move their toons around. I expect that most of them will leave again after this 30 days time they just got. And for the same reasons it is a single player game.

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Trouble is a relative term, to the only people that really count I.e. EA execs, then unless something is done to reverse the decline in subs the answer is probably yes,


If they need 1m subs for a profit that is nothing to write home about , then they will need to consider how to increase subs or use the future investment elsewhere.

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...And another thing re. space combat.


So people expect BW to have created for launch a game that comprised:


- planet-side sandboxed worlds with fully open pvp

- And freeform sandboxed space combat.


So essentially BW should've created a game that is the same size as both WoW and EvE combined? Do you have any idea as to how much work that would've been? We'd have been looking at a holiday 13 release date for that. I think that we all need to be a bit more realistic guys... :)


You do realize they worked on this game for 5 years before launch right?

You do realize this game has the biggest IP involved with out of any MMO to date right?

You do realize this game had the biggest staff at one time out of any MMO ever right?

This is why you see threads/reply's like the one above.People like myself do not understand where this game went wrong with all the feedback an time an marketing questioning as well as surveys involved for this game to get developed by.

Put it all together and none of it makes any since at all.More importantly when you see the money involved for development. it makes you scratch your head

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You do realize they worked on this game for 5 years before launch right?

You do realize this game has the biggest IP involved with out of any MMO to date right?

You do realize this game had the biggest staff at one time out of any MMO ever right?

This is why you see threads/reply's like the one above.People like myself do not understand where this game went wrong with all the feedback an time an marketing questioning as well as surveys involved for this game to get developed by.

Put it all together and none of it makes any since at all.More importantly when you see the money involved for development. it makes you scratch your head


World of warcraft was also in development for 5 years also, you will find star wars galaxy came out before this shocking i know. You will also find alot of the staff were doing voice over, writting, the content we are now gettiing and the content still coming, you realise the ammount of cutscenes in this game and the money that cost ?

Edited by Shingara
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Unless you have stock in EA, why does it matter if the game is doing bad? If you enjoy it, play it until you no longer do. If you don't or stop enjoying it, unsubscribe and be done with it. No need to post about how the game is failing, or try to get everyone still enjoying it to follow you.


We don't have access to EA/Bioware's player stats, so we don't know exactly how many people come and go. We don't work at Bioware, so we don't know what they plan to do in the future. All those prediction are just guesses, often not even educated guesses. A friend of a friend, or some anonymous guy at Bioware/EA is not a reliable source, and anyone who has ever followed gaming news knows just how unreliable those kind of "sources" are. All we really have is Bioware's PR promotions. If they turn out to be lies, you can take your $15/month somewhere else.

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Yes, it's in trouble. It's a good game. But there is a serious lack of content (unless you enjoy leveling more than two 50s). It gets boring to log in and do the same dailies, same WZs, and same Ops over and over again.


And there isn't much new content to look forward to: in 6 months, we'll get 1 new WZ and 1 new Ops to quickly tire of (after quickly gaining 5 levels).


This isn't to say that other new/recent games have more or better content. But new games = unplayed content (vs. SWTOR's stale content): GW2, The Secret World, WoW expansion, etc. So, yes, I fear that SWTOR is in trouble.


Whats the difference between the dailies of wow GW 2 the secret world and swtor? not one bit. Because dailies are the best way for to progression. if you dont like dailies you dont like mmo then end.

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No. It's still growing like any other MMO would.


We either have mmos developed that are progressive, bringing in features and content in batches, keeping a smaller scope/focus... or we have mmos that try to do everything at once, striving for launch perfection, run over cost and fail or get cancelled because they can't sustain development.


TOR could never have had everything WoW has (now) on launch, there is too much there. If they scrapped the story/voiceover in favor of more systems/raiding/etc., they probably wouldn't have had the same pull and retention they did. It would have strictly been another 'clone' with nothing new.

Edited by RAZIM
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Unless you have stock in EA, why does it matter if the game is doing bad? If you enjoy it, play it until you no longer do. If you don't or stop enjoying it, unsubscribe and be done with it. No need to post about how the game is failing, or try to get everyone still enjoying it to follow you.


It matters to a lot of people because they see the potential in the game and want it to be better. Also if you want a SW MMO then it’s the only game in town these days.


I don’t think anyone is trying to get the people who are enjoying the game (or think it doesn’t need improving) to follow them, they just disagree with these people. Personally I am at a loss as to why anyone who plays the game and enjoys it in its current state wouldn’t still be in favour of improvements, or why these people seem incapable of looking at the situation objectively and realising that something is going wrong.

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My honest opinion.


It's a good game.


It is just that given what I've experienced with other MMOs this game isn't as good as it could be.


The above is compounded on by the mistakes Bioware have seemingly made. The over-estimation of server populations. Then, the lack of information/communication and length of time it took to implement server transfers - and the said thing is, it didn't take that long to implement transfers (compared to other games) the lack of information and communication fed the anxiety making it seem that it took long. Then, the decision to over-populate the most active (EU PVE) sever as part of the transfer policy so that players had to wait to log-in was bizzarre. Why not just increase the populations of the second and third most populated servers with those players?


It all just adds to the frustration.


If this was RIft or any other new fictional Universe I'd say "meh" and expect the players to stick it out until the next best thing. But this is Star Wars it's supposed to be the best thing. The game has pedigree, it has the richest history of lore and mythos going. It also has a ton of other best selling critically acclaimed games t could base its gameplay on. I don't understand why the PvP and Space games in this aren't Battlefront 2. I don't understand why there isn't any pod racing or Pazaak. I don't understand why combat is so static when games like Terra show that they don't have to be. I don't understand why there isn't any proper space exploration, hidden Worlds found by collecting star maps.


Bottom line this game should be better. If it was a off the shelf single player game, it would be fine. I could play it and leave it. But it's not, it's an MMO and I want to be devoted to it long after my PC - that I built to play this game - has exceeded its own lifecycle.


I don't think the game is in trouble, there are more people online happily playing than there are complaining on the forums. So I'll probably stick with this hoping space gets off rails, that frame rate and optimisation is actually improved, that the graphics get a massive High Def update and the World become more vibrant and dynamic and I hope that mini-games are included.



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personally I think the game and Bioware are in serious trouble


I used to love bioware, i hate them now and i will never be buying an EA/Bioware game again, they've lost a very loyal customer because they've consistently and constantly ignored the community, starting with beta testers and continued with the retail customers.



This is exactly how I feel and I felt bad for bringing my friends, and defending both the company swtor. There was a months long continuous let down. The way they handled the problems and reacted to such supportive community made me question my views. Then after all my guild members left and how Bioware constantly ignored the feedback even during beta test..



I quit Skyrim for this game, and after I quit SWTOR I started playing it again. It took me only a few seconds to realize one of the major lacking elements in the game : dynamism. That lead me to think, if SWTOR is built this poorly then how come could I have hope for the game ? I transferred yesterday from Darth Sion, the fleet was full and I was sitting in the fleet with my shiny end game gear for minutes. Like I guessed before the transfers, the population DID NOT solve the "so what ?" feeling in the game. Like the rest of my guild I was done with the game. Now I will go ahead and delete my characters and never buy a single BW game ever.


buh'bye. Hope to see you guys in another Star Wars mmo.

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My honest opinion.


It's a good game.


It is just that given what I've experienced with other MMOs this game isn't as good as it could be.


The above is compounded on by the mistakes Bioware have seemingly made. The over-estimation of server populations. Then, the lack of information/communication and length of time it took to implement server transfers - and the said thing is, it didn't take that long to implement transfers (compared to other games) the lack of information and communication fed the anxiety making it seem that it took long. Then, the decision to over-populate the most active (EU PVE) sever as part of the transfer policy so that players had to wait to log-in was bizzarre. Why not just increase the populations of the second and third most populated servers with those players?


It all just adds to the frustration.


If this was RIft or any other new fictional Universe I'd say "meh" and expect the players to stick it out until the next best thing. But this is Star Wars it's supposed to be the best thing. The game has pedigree, it has the richest history of lore and mythos going. It also has a ton of other best selling critically acclaimed games t could base its gameplay on. I don't understand why the PvP and Space games in this aren't Battlefront 2. I don't understand why there isn't any pod racing or Pazaak. I don't understand why combat is so static when games like Terra show that they don't have to be. I don't understand why there isn't any proper space exploration, hidden Worlds found by collecting star maps.


Bottom line this game should be better. If it was a off the shelf single player game, it would be fine. I could play it and leave it. But it's not, it's an MMO and I want to be devoted to it long after my PC - that I built to play this game - has exceeded its own lifecycle.


I don't think the game is in trouble, there are more people online happily playing than there are complaining on the forums. So I'll probably stick with this hoping space gets off rails, that frame rate and optimisation is actually improved, that the graphics get a massive High Def update and the World become more vibrant and dynamic and I hope that mini-games are included.




"Thats a Bingo!"

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Why would I care what W0W did? I'm not playing W0W, I don't know what W0W had at release vs. this game, I've never even played W0W. If you'd like to discuss W0W, I'm sure Blizzard has a forum for it. This is a forum to discuss SWTOR. If you disagree with my opinion, fine...you don't need to take my opinion seriously, nor agree with it. I don't take yours seriously either, but I will debate SWTOR with you if you'd like.


Because is the most successful mmo of all time and so i use it as a standard to measure the quality of swtor. And as i said before BW have managed to put content in swtor in six months then blizzard does in a year in WoW. Very simply put some people like you have way to high expectations. You demand something that even blizzard can accomplish and blizzard has more resources then BW

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His expectations are not unrealistic. It is also not unrealistic to want them to do better on a game that spent as long in development as this one. And, just so you know, some of us do have some clue of how a game is developed.


erm, his expectations are, 200-300 mil dollars ye, the most voiced and cutscened game ever into how many languages. with 5 years of development and no idea what they had to pay to lucas how much of that cash do you think went into the bolt and nails of the game.

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Your not helping the game get better by ignoring the truth as well as calling out folks for pointing that out.


EXACTLY! We're all here because we WANT to enjoy THIS game! To deny its flaws is utter ignorance. The best that guy can do is insult people.


SWTOR is a fun game, it just lacks development (and direction as someone else noted). There's no freaking way the game reflects 600+ employees best efforts. Can it get better? Sure. But not if Bioware ignores the problems and continues down this same path.

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His expectations are not unrealistic. It is also not unrealistic to want them to do better on a game that spent as long in development as this one. And, just so you know, some of us do have some clue of how a game is developed.


Really? because WoW took 5 years of development and was barren compared to SWTOR.

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Because is the most successful mmo of all time and so i use it as a standard to measure the quality of swtor. And as i said before BW have managed to put content in swtor in six months then blizzard does in a year in WoW. Very simply put some people like you have way to high expectations. You demand something that even blizzard can accomplish and blizzard has more resources then BW


This is where we differ. I use SWTOR to judge how well SWTOR is doing. I'm not demanding anything either. I was stating my opinion. Argue against it and insult it all you like buddy, it wont change.

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erm, his expectations are, 200-300 mil dollars ye, the most voiced and cutscened game ever into how many languages. with 5 years of development and no idea what they had to pay to lucas how much of that cash do you think went into the bolt and nails of the game.


Perhaps they should have gone with a movie, instead. They seem to be pretty good with cinematics and story. :cool:

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