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I just played a trooper for the first time today after playing a bounty hunter all through beta and early access.


I got on here because I immediately noticed both of these issues/differences between BH and trooper today. Glad to see you guys are aware of it. It really feels like fairly big handicap after having played both classes. Hope they fix it soon.

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I played both bounty hunter and trooper to lvl 20+


and yes trooper ability are delayed alot it feel alot slower then the bounty hunter abilities


on a side note Full auto on the bounty hunter lose tick while getting hit like the troopers, feel alot smoother after getting the 75% pushback talent protection.

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it's unfortunate that 70% of the posts in this thread are people saying "nah mortar volley is strong it's good vs. weak mobs"


maybe we need a more obvious thread title that makes it clear - stockstrike, full auto, and mortar volley are SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE than rocket punch, unload, and death from above. please. PLEASE. fix.

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I completely agree about full auto only hitting for 2/3 ticks. Either fix this to always fire off all 3 ticks just like the BH ability, or make the bounty hunter equivalent work the same way and lose ticks to pushback too.


Also the .7 second delay on so many abilities is pretty ridiculous, please make squashing this bug a higher priority.

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Stock Strike seems fine. I never played a BH in PvP so I can't speak on damage of Rocket Punch vs. Stock Strike in PvP, but in PvE it seems fine.


I can, however, agree wholeheartedly with the OP that Mortar Volley is delayed too much compared with Death From Above. Full auto seems fine though.



I'm a Shield Specialist spec in case anyone is wondering or can't read my sig.

Edited by Jassie
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Completely agree with the OP.


I have rolled Empire only during the beta's but come launch my Guild went Republic and i chose Trooper as i know how Bounty Hunter's worked and enjoy the play style. I have been trying to tell one of my guild mates about this issue and he's been adament that it's not the case even though it clearly is.


Bumped for interest.


Whilst Bioware probably won't comment on this issue hopefully they either buff Mortar Volley and Full Auto or nerf the Bounty Hunters equivalent skills to be a better comparison forr PvP.

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Bump for this.Also maybe we should take it to customer support or general?Fear it wont get any attention here:confused:


To be honest this is the best place to stick it as this would be the first place Bioware will look to implement balance changes. If it were in Customer Services or General forum it will get trolled to death and eventually drop off the first page due to the amount of posts made there.

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The problem with these two abilities is their cast times. The Trooper spends so much time going through a casting animation instead of actually using the abilities whereas the Bounty Hunter does not.


For example, Mortar Volley is supposed to launch three shells over three seconds. Instead, the Trooper spends the first two seconds going through an animation and the final second launching two shells. The third shell launches after the channel time has already expired. The Bounty Hunter does not have this problem, so obviously he has an advantage especially in PvP because enemies have an additional 2-3 seconds to move from Mortar Volley as opposed to Death from Above.


In addition, Full Auto will only deal damage twice (as opposed to three times) if the Trooper suffers from pushback. This would be fine except the Bounty Hunter's Unload is not vulnerable to pushback and will always deal its full damage. Full Auto must also be channeled for at least 1.4 seconds before it begins doing any damage, whilst Unload must only be channeled for at least .8 seconds.


The following video demonstrates these imbalances:




This should be addressed because the Bounty Hunter and Trooper are supposed to be mirrored and on even ground. The way it is now, the Bounty Hunter is simply better than the Trooper. BioWare, please take note and consider fixing these problems.


Thank you,




Totaly agree, my problem is same. I played BH and Trooper too, and trooper MV and FA dmg delay is to late. BHs same abilitys works fine.


Please fix this.

(and the 5-7 hour q time on Fredoon Nadd<-- important)

Edited by Bredan
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Press Escape

Go to Controls

Scroll to the bottom of the menu

In the dropbox below "Ability Action Queue Window" set it to 0.0



this has nothing to do with the animation being off by a full second, but it does make the game feel more responsive.

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The problem with mortar volley goes beyond a mere delayed animation - it is actually designed to fire FOUR shots.


It was broken a couple of builds from the end of beta and the people who had been in beta before this were complaining about it when I joined and were saying there was a noticable drop in damage output from the ability (25% less)


This isn't something you would know unless you had seen the fully working version, maybe a long time tester could confirm this as I joined with the build where it was first broken.

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Just a thought...


I have looked at it and there there is an obvious disparity between the trooper abilities and the BH abilities even though they are supposed to be "mirrored". This results in the BH being more powerful than the trooper (at least in PvP).


However, has anyone considered that the Trooper abilities may be working as intended, with pushback and such... and it is the BH abilities that need fixed. My experience tells me that they are more likely to nerf BH than buff Trooper. Not to be a killjoy, but I suspect the "fix" won't be the one we want.



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I've noticed a huge amount of incorrect timing in Trooper abilities myself. It's not just limited to Full Auto and Mortar Volley, though--I have worse cast experiences with Grav Round and Charged Bolts than I do with the previously mentioned abilities. In this case, the cast usually doesn't start until 1/2 or all the way through the GCD, and it keeps casting/firing into the next one, making it hard to chain abilities.
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Having played a bounty hunter all through beta, I do find it very difficult to use the trooper abilities in PVP. I usually just skip using full auto completely and save mortar volly for the rare occasion were a group is cc'd.


Granted I understand that part of the delay with Mortar Volly is to account for the time it takes for the BH to launch up into the air before they start shooting, but i still feel like it is longer.


I also find with stock-strike that I have to spam the button in PVP to get it off, where as a BH I usually only pressed rocket punch once or maybe twice to get it off.


Of course I ride the GCD, so a lot of that is just waiting for it to come up. I just felt like there was more ability sync with the BH then i am finding with my trooper. What i mean by that is I could watch my character moves and time my next moves, where now I watch the GCD to time my next moves.


Still love my vanguard and the damage he does

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I hope someone pointed out already that Unload IS vulnerable to pushback. So the argument of Full Auto being less effective than Unload is incorrect. I play a lvl 38 Powertech and can't ever get full Unload damage off unless the enemy is stunned while I do it.


Furthermore, I've never used Mortar Volley but I'm 99% positive the OP is overhyping exactly how long it takes to see damage using that skill, both from the experience of having it used *against* me, and the fact that Death From Above takes roughly a second before you start seeing damage and I doubt very much Bioware decided to not mirror this skill alone out of every single other skill in the game. I am fairly certain it's roughly a second for Mortar Volley to start damaging as well.


This whole thread is null and void imho.

Edited by Mhak
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Mortar volley and any other channeled spell...is not meant for PVP.....that so obvious..its sad really...to even have to explain it, its excellent for trash mobs in pve..as its intended..its timing needs to be reworked..but it works just fine for what its intended...what scrub would use it for anything other than a stationary target??...


Wow... so much fail here.


Glad I don''t take pvp advice from you.

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Yep, but there are at least three other threads in this forum about channeled abilities not firing correctly.


They deserve the attention. For a game that was in beta for months on end, these are quite minor fixes to address that greatly affect such things as PvP balance etc.


The most annoying bug with Troopers so far is when you queue up Full Auto after jumping or immediatly after a global and it channels without doing anything most of the time : /

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