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Everything posted by Xthlo

  1. Apparently you don't pvp much. Anyway, your not suppose to see them are you? Not until they want you to.
  2. Xthlo

    PvP Ability Delays

    Its on Biowares side which they admitted. This doesnt happen on such a large scale of users because their high end machines are not working properly. You realize there are thousands of posts in regards to this, correct? Its a crap engine with garbage optimization. Your intentions are great but your kicking a dead horse.
  3. /signed:D for the OP. To the person with negatives. Your obviously are new to MMO's and should let the grown ups talk now.
  4. Xthlo

    Huttball is crap

    Have fun watching your latency jump in Civil War.....Hutball is a blast!
  5. Got ganked lastnight on tatt by roving pack of 50's. The game just started...stop crying OP or go back to your precious WoW.
  6. Xthlo

    Huttball is crap

    hutball is the only fun one.
  7. Agreed Mainly if your about to cast it and get charged...if you move before it goes off you still spend the ammo...blah...
  8. That gave me my first chuckle on a very sh#tty day....ty.
  9. uhhh BS.......stunned and dead. Every game ..purple lightning...stun..dead. OP bs.
  10. 4 hour queue's and Alderan and Void star are sooooo laggy. Inq just warping across the screen all I see is a light saber sometimes. Abilities lag bad...just not fun. Hopefully they fix it soon ....not goin to waste time with the game otherwise. Too frustrating.
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