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The problem with these two abilities is their cast times. The Trooper spends so much time going through a casting animation instead of actually using the abilities whereas the Bounty Hunter does not.


For example, Mortar Volley is supposed to launch three shells over three seconds. Instead, the Trooper spends the first two seconds going through an animation and the final second launching two shells. The third shell launches after the channel time has already expired. The Bounty Hunter does not have this problem, so obviously he has an advantage especially in PvP because enemies have an additional 2-3 seconds to move from Mortar Volley as opposed to Death from Above.


In addition, Full Auto will only deal damage twice (as opposed to three times) if the Trooper suffers from pushback. This would be fine except the Bounty Hunter's Unload is not vulnerable to pushback and will always deal its full damage. Full Auto must also be channeled for at least 1.4 seconds before it begins doing any damage, whilst Unload must only be channeled for at least .8 seconds.


The following video demonstrates these imbalances:




This should be addressed because the Bounty Hunter and Trooper are supposed to be mirrored and on even ground. The way it is now, the Bounty Hunter is simply better than the Trooper. BioWare, please take note and consider fixing these problems.


Thank you,




I almost never use either because of this issue.

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I played a BH to 28. My buddy has a trooper at level 29. We decided to compare

gameplay and sure enough (as someone earlier posted) it is striking how clunky

the Trooper plays when compared to the Bountyhunter.


Address the issues described by the OP please, Bioware.



Emshwiller on Red Eclipse

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404 posts later, soon 65k views, and no developer response in this thread.... abilities still broken.


You'd think this would be a quick, and prioritized fix. We're not asking for any skill changes, or a balancing of abilities. We're asking for our abilities to work as intended, like our mirror class.



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Mortar Volley gives the enemy 2 secs to get out of the red circle before taking dmg, the bh's version hits right away. Full auto doesn't doesn't do the the third tick of dmg if you take dmg while channeling. These 2 bugs are very annoying.
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Having played and leveled up both, The BH with the same build is superior in every fashion.


Why bioware would code the animations differently for the same abilities and add ability delay to the trooper stifles even the best of us. One can only assume they are Republic haters. Look how boring and ugly the Republics Jedis look compared to the Sith and they are surprised as to why we have severe population imbalances in the game.

Edited by Uzial
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OK there is issues here, but saying UNLOAD does not have Pushback is total ********, even with the talent for reducing pushback on the BH merc class you will not get off all 3ticks off unload if you suffer damage and instead only do 2ticks of damage as compared to getting off all 3 ticks while taking no damage "the talent is broken in itself since it doesnt do anything for Unload".


That said Mortar Volley needs to be reworked to mirror Death from Above in the way spells deals damage.

Edited by Beiken
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I have just recently began both my Commando and Mercenary, and I can easily say that the Mercenary seems better overall. My Commando is only level 31 and my Merc is 14, yet the differences seem undeniable. As a lvl 11-12 Merc, I was able to clear 200-250k damage in warzones with ease...


As I switched back and forth between my Trooper and BH, I had to admit that one of the glaring factors was AoE ON DEMAND with my BH; enemy players just could not run out fast enough when I activated DFA like they can with Mortar Volley. Granted, I already knew how to play the BH due to having already played my Trooper, but having instant ranged AoE was able to literally turn the tide of a fight, not due to any differences in the way the damage is coded, but in the way a BH can apply it so quickly/effectively.


Now I am obviously not an uber pro yet with either class, but I feel I have an "unjaded eye" so to speak as I do not have really alot more time vested in either class at this point, but this needs to be fixed. Trust me, I played Warhammer, and right now I see so many parallels between these 2 games in the way of parity among the so called mirror classes its not even funny. Bright Wizard vs Sorc anyone? (Burn baby burn?!)


TLDR: Bioware needs to fix this ASAP, if only to show their customers (us) that they care about this game and they are listening. If not, all these little things will add up to big losses, especially with GW2, D3 and Panda time inbound.

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WHY do imps have faster abilities, better skill effects/animations? Sides are already fubar'ed in numbers. BH floats in air, hard to target them. Trooper stands for extra time trying to activate mortar volley.



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All channelled ability's are **** atm ... they will be fixed.


Man if you guys were women there is no way I could handle going out with you.


Its not that long ago that this MASSIVE MMO was released ... news flash! Some things wont work as in intended one of those being channelled ability's work with your weakness rather then against it.


Even with the delay I have had no problems in PvE and PvP its simply comes down to this: Some players evolve until fixed, others cry and fail.

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WHY do imps have faster abilities, better skill effects/animations? Sides are already fubar'ed in numbers. BH floats in air, hard to target them. Trooper stands like a retard for extra time trying to activate mortar volley.




FFS ... "hard to target them"




My stock strike still hits them in mid air man, what game are u playing?

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FFS ... "hard to target them"




My stock strike still hits them in mid air man, what game are u playing?


They aren't on the ground like everyone else is...they are up in the air.

My post didn't say "They can't be hit while doing DFA!"

Not everyone uses tab, even though I do.

Edited by msrose
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Quit the whining with words like it's sad to see and bla. bla.


There is nothing sad about a skill that is not even broken.


This skill is not functioning as optimal as it should and the emperial players currently have an advantage yet.


But Bioware is freaking updating every week and just because you are so spoiled rotten that you cannot appreciate that, there is nothing sad about them not fixing this as a high priority bug over other stuff that is actually entirely broken or even gamebreaking...


So just shut'up and set aside your needs for a bit and you'll see everything fixed. For now be happy and play the game. If you lose then atleast know that you could've done and will do better when this skill is fixed.....

Edited by RragnarR
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Quit the whining ....


So just shut'up and set aside your needs for a bit and you'll see everything fixed. For now be happy and play the game. If you lose then atleast know that you could've done and will do better when this skill is fixed.....



I get so tired of hearing this argument. If no one ever complained or reported errors or bugs, and everyone just **** and played the game, serious flaws in the game would go unnoticed by the devs and would never be fixed.


The more people who complain about a bug, the more likely it will get attention and get fixed.


Now I'll be the first to agree with you if this was about someone's opinion of balance between classes. But it's clearly not. The BH and the Trooper are mirrors of each other. One side has a broken ability, which is clearly highlighted by the example of the unbroken ability of the other class. This is not opinion. It is fact backed up by evidence.


- - - - - - -


On a side note, I've just recently started playing a Vanguard to see what the Republic story is like, and I've noticed the same delay on the activation and animation of Mortar. Full Auto I hadn't noticed, tbh, but after reading this thread I'll be keeping an eye out for it in the future.

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Quit the whining with words like it's sad to see and bla. bla.


There is nothing sad about a skill that is not even broken.


This skill is not functioning as optimal as it should and the emperial players currently have an advantage yet.


But Bioware is freaking updating every week and just because you are so spoiled rotten that you cannot appreciate that, there is nothing sad about them not fixing this as a high priority bug over other stuff that is actually entirely broken or even gamebreaking...


So just shut'up and set aside your needs for a bit and you'll see everything fixed. For now be happy and play the game. If you lose then atleast know that you could've done and will do better when this skill is fixed.....


Because it seems Bioware can afford to make slight changes to trees and abilities (such as making assassin's techniques cost force) and not give much attention deserved to a useful ability - in PvE and PvP - that is highly gimped.


"e(I)mperial players currently have an advantage" read your own quote sir.


They are fixing other things that aren't gamebreaking, that aren't as broken as Mortar Volley.

Edited by Daezihang
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Because it seems Bioware can afford to make slight changes to trees and abilities (such as making assassin's techniques cost force) and not give much attention deserved to a useful ability - in PvE and PvP - that is highly gimped.


"e(I)mperial players currently have an advantage" read your own quote sir.


They are fixing other things that aren't gamebreaking, that aren't as broken as Mortar Volley.


Well, in a few minutes here when the servers come back up from the most recent patch, we'll see if the notes that say:


Combat Ability Responsiveness


  • Further improved response time for ability activation requests, especially in low-framerate situations.
  • The activation bar now appears at the correct time (when the activation of an ability begins) and disappears when activation is complete


Actually fixes the problem or not.

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....Nope. Not fixed. Still delays around a full second before even beginning to fire a mortar, and the final shot is either cut off by damage or fires after the bar has already completed.


Pure fail. I think I'm gonna go back to my BH until this is fixed. Its extremely annoying.

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