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Official Q&A Thread for June 22nd Blog Post


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As of right now warrior/knights, bounty hunters/troopers, smugglers/agents have alot of choices in armor styles seeing as warrior/knights can were some bounty hunter/trooper heavy armor styles and same with smugglers/agents with the warrior/knights. I was wondering if for inquisitors/consulars which are the only classes that can only wear light armor if there was any plans to bring out new different styles? Besides the few social gear, all of the oranges are very similar. With the customization coming in 1.3 would be nice if light armor could get some new concept designs.

Poor lil Usoldia wants to wear something pink and cute :(

Edited by MadPink
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Are there any plans to make Armstech a more useful end game crafting skill when compared to others? Currently every craft is given some form of Rakata level item as a bonus for max skill, except Armstech. During flashpoints and operations every craft is regularly given some form of patterns that drop, except Armstech. Currently Armstech is reduced to spitting out augmentable weapon shells, a few augments, and lower barrels/weapons for leveling. Even after 1.3 it looks like their only major job will be augment kits, and level 50+ patterns pretty much don't exist.
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Could someone explain why the character creation process was designed the way it was... and whether or not there's a chance it will ever be brought more up to date with standard MMO character creation (for example; "slider" body shaping, facial sliders instead of just pre-made faces, "hover hints" instead of "guess the number of the notch")?
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There is a good population of players that have been waiting patiently for the implementation of Same Gender romance/flirts with both companions and NPC characters. It has been a long time since any real information has been provided and with the recent "staffing changes" there has been worry that the plans for this have either been discontinued or delayed even further. Can we get an update as to what is in the plans for this? If its still in development? We're definitely trying to be patient but the months of silence is becoming quite a source of worry that this will never come about.
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I am still curious as to when we will be getting some quality of life and very needed RP additions to the game such as chairs and couches that can be sat in around the cantinas or chat bubbles. I understand that to the developers this is a low priority, but to the role play community these are things that are very important.
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I know that you have put a lot of time and effort into the cut scenes, but is it possible to toggle them off for the two PvP warzones? A person sees them so often they just kind of become a hinderance when you want to get in the match..
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Guys I have a question....


I love the Story inbeded in SWTOR and cant help but love Malgus hes such an awesome character.



I felt cheated that he's defeated in The False Emperor Flashpoint and not in a Operation. Can we expect to see him return? its no saying he's dead aka Darth Vadar style. I mean the game sequences at the start feature him yet he's not been in the game since clearing FE Flashpoint.





Edited by Notannos
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Have the developers considered making legacy unlocks free if you are double or even triple the legacy level required to purchase them with credits?


Those rocketboots call my name, but Mr. Budget says no every time...

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Can you tell us why you keep taking hats and hoods away from Twi'leks? In 1.2, Sage Columi/Rakata hats were taken away from us as well as the Smuggler Columi/Rakata hats from them. Now in 1.3, you're taking away the Black Hole Hoods from Sages.


Some of us worked hard to get our gear and for particular looks. Why do you keep changing them negating our style and hard work?

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Hey, I know it has been asked before, but are there any plans to add more character slots to one server? It may not be a big deal to some, but people like myself would like to have one of each class and multiples of some and would really like to take advantage of the Legacy unlocks we already have on that server. Plus, forcing us to start on a new server takes away from the people we have grown to know on the current server we play on.
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Are there any plans to improve tab targeting? As it is, using tab to target produces some funky results, such as prioritizing targets way off in the distance rather than targets closer to you/the center of your screen. Additionally, do you plan to add the ability to click name plates to make targeting in combat a bit easier? Edited by GTownsend
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Can we please get an update on the hood toggle feature? Some characters have clipping issues with hoods, and aside from that, many players would like to be able to see their character's faces better in cut scenes.
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I have a question regarding alacrity, are you guys going to be reworking it so that it becomes a desirable stat again? As it stands right now with the nerfs done to healer resources, as a BH healer I can not afford to have much if any on my gear. I have had to go from 11-12% alacrity to under 4% to manage my heat decently. As a healer it is definately desirable to have my heals land faster but the nerf to heat makes that impracticable. I'm not sure if other healer classes are in the same boat or not. If it's not possible to rework alacrity can you lower the CD of vent heat?
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Any plans to expand the use of the legacy tag to most if not all random loot drops?


The legacy tag helps ensure the PLAYER that earned it can use it where it suits them instead of like myself having BoP schematics and rakata gear sitting in my bank rotting when I could use it on other characters. Millions of items went to waste in eq2 until the heirloom tag was utilized for general loot. Having random loot BoP can waste loot drops if the dice are against the players. Using the legacy tag would significantly reduce item waste while signature quest rewards could remain BoP.


If the player earned it, what does it matter what character it is used on?

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Not sure if this was asked/answered already. Why can't we reverse engineer the orange crafted gear we make, specifically the lvl 50? Most of these items take 25 minutes or so to craft and sometimes take mats from multiple disciplines. If we craft it, we should be able to break it down if only for the refund of mats used. Other modifiable items that are orange (drops) are able to be broken down by their appropriate professions. I understand that the augment system is changing but I'd still like to RE the obnoxious amount of Orange pistols, rifles, armor, lightsabers, etc. that I have sitting in my bags.


Thanks and keep up the good work!

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