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Everything posted by Skinatics

  1. One person can make or break a team...Ask yourself what are you doing to help the team win...Saving a door, stealing a node, making great passes, killing the ball carrier, doing heavy dmg or healing....Adjusting what you do depending on the combo of players on your team...and the wins will come!
  2. Ahh lol ...these post are too funny...I sometimes have a warzone queue pop while I'm on my ship and then forget where I was initially going, exit the ship then realized I went the wrong way...
  3. When ranked warzones come out, and the first season ends...will there be some sort of prize for being ranked in the top 10percent? Like a +5 extra stats weapon or a rare mount etc?
  4. I'm a little unhappy by not being on a server that's open to transfer..But on the other hand I understand what the employees at BioWare are going through with rude people always posting and complaining about their transfer process... I get a lot of silly customers at my job too...always wanting things to work right away...and when I tell them it's gonna take time to get it right they always wanna switch carriers or curse up and down all day...What I've learned is that yelling really don't help the situation get any better and sometimes it makes the process longer....its so funny that some of yall are in such a rush to get killed by my operative...be patience and you will be respawning soon enough!!! PVE~~Server~~Tarro Blood~~"yeah we pvp"
  5. I was about to log onto my server Tarro Blood and I noticed 4 servers with wait times The Fatman, The Ebon Hawk, Jedi Covenant, and The Bastion ....Are they gonna make the server cap bigger soon?
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