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So, How Many Names Did You Lose?


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I lost two.


My friend lost not only her legacy, but 7 of her 8 names. Ironically, the one that kept her name was some obscure name from Kotor 2... go figures.


I was lucky, I kept the names that were lost by changing them ever so slightly. Still. Annoying.

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I'm down three, that I care about ;(.


Now to spend an hour on each trying to think of better ones, and a legacy to match.


Edit: For the record, I'm not bitter or in any way blaming Bioware. Just a little sad, which is outweighed by the fact I'll (hopefully) have a decent WZ pop rate at any time of the day.


Edit 2: Get off your high horses about original names. You know the real reason your name wasn't taken? It's either because a), you're lucky, or b) the name is terrible.


No matter how original you think your name is, if its pronouncable, someone else has used it at some point throughout history.


I lost 16 names and 2 legacy names and it DOES TICK ME OFF. As for you high horses telling ppl to get over it such gall, what your names must be moron1..2..3 etc...

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Nope your certainly are not alone, many of us feel betrayed since they should of done something with the naming policy system before they even introduced transfers. It is very limited, therefore flawed, my story is meaningless now because of this, not only did I loose my in-game username but my legacy name as well, both need to be resolved especially with the players that have stuck around since launch, we have paid our dues and deserve to have those names restored to us.


We agree the time to stop the money for this game is now. Just the shallow way they refused to alert us...and I did ask in a post here (which they deleted) We lost 4 legacy and 31 names (sith on one server jedi on another each 2 toons).


I've really really really R E A L L Y tried with this company, however I've had it...when our subscriptions run out I'm gone.

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I lost 2, but I wasn't too broken up about it. I just adjusted their stories to suggest they changed their name for some reason - and I managed to land names I actually like -better- - I keep their original names as their nicknames in RP. Edited by Belora
forgot to mention it wa sa RP thing
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Well i just thought someone from Bio/Ea would like to know that now with your loss of players and "free" server transfers, allot of us gammers with names we like are losing them and we made a major effort to get them back at start. It sucks, because some of our servers were ok and had pretty good grouping for pve and pvp... now not so much. So those that want to stay and keep there toons name are left in a "NOW" dead server. I feel robed, but i know there's nothing i can do. What's worse is being last to transfer and finding no names that you like to transfer with. I am sure allot of players are happy this is happening, but a few of us aren't.


Just my thoughts on what's going on with servers that had ok players numbers and now don't

Edited by Apsen_Layne
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Actually when I told my bf that server transfers are available I forgot to tell him that there's a possibility of name change so when he transferred them he had to change both of his character's names.

He got REALLY upset and threatened to not play anymore. I sweet-talked him out of that absurd idea and told him he could add certain characters and still keep his name.



Funny story after that, he goofed and somehow named the wrong character and so I told him to send in a ticket to CS. They reset his names with no problems at all (thank you!) and was able to rename his characters properly. If they didn't reset his name he was really going to quit. So I'd like to thank Customer Service again for not letting my boyfriend rage-quit on me.

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The best part of losing my name and legacy is that the doosh who has it is lvl 17 and hasnt logged in once since the transfers. So they dont even want or need the name, since they probably quit 4 months ago.


Meanwhile my legacy lvl 42 account gets to rename everything and get completely lost in the shuffle of transfer so no one who knew me ever will know me now.


Plus I basically have to leave two imperial lvl 50s behind on my old server, since the reroll server has 2 of my republic toons on it... and apparently we need those for the HK pet (wont matter anyways since I likely wont be here for 1.3...but still)


Just a really horribly planned out transfer overall.


To balance my vitriol, I will comment that the actual transfer service is smooth as silk, and was completed very quickly and with no problems- aside from losing the most important aspect of my gaming- my names, but that was Biowares lack of planning not an issue of the actual move of data.


overall having a full server took some sting away, but doesnt make up for the loss of identity, and frankly, the undelivered promise of legacy and story meaning anything in the game.

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The best part of losing my name and legacy is that the doosh who has it is lvl 17 and hasnt logged in once since the transfers. So they dont even want or need the name, since they probably quit 4 months ago.


Meanwhile my legacy lvl 42 account gets to rename everything and get completely lost in the shuffle of transfer so no one who knew me ever will know me now.


Plus I basically have to leave two imperial lvl 50s behind on my old server, since the reroll server has 2 of my republic toons on it... and apparently we need those for the HK pet (wont matter anyways since I likely wont be here for 1.3...but still)


Just a really horribly planned out transfer overall.


To balance my vitriol, I will comment that the actual transfer service is smooth as silk, and was completed very quickly and with no problems- aside from losing the most important aspect of my gaming- my names, but that was Biowares lack of planning not an issue of the actual move of data.


overall having a full server took some sting away, but doesnt make up for the loss of identity, and frankly, the undelivered promise of legacy and story meaning anything in the game.


How do you know if he has logged in or not? Anyways, for all you know the name could belong to a soldier on a 3 month deployment with no internet access, and plans on coming back to play the game when he gets back. Do you really want to take his name away? The are many good reasons for people to be away from the game temporarily, and Bioware would have no idea who would be coming back and who would not be coming back.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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How do you know if he has logged in or not? Anyways, for all you know the name could belong to a soldier on a 3 month deployment with no internet access, and plans on coming back to play the game when he gets back. Do you really want to take his name away? The are many good reasons for people to be away from the game temporarily, and Bioware would have no idea who would be coming back and who would not be coming back.


Doesnt matter to me. Just like I didnt matter to them.


some men just want to watch the world burn.

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Didn't lose any of my names/legacy.


But I'm not the sort to get over attached to an arbitrary string of characters attached to a digital avatar in a video game anyway, so it wouldn't have bothered me even if I did :p


People moaning about this stuff need some perspective.

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The best part of losing my name and legacy is that the doosh who has it is lvl 17 and hasnt logged in once since the transfers. So they dont even want or need the name, since they probably quit 4 months ago.


Meanwhile my legacy lvl 42 account gets to rename everything and get completely lost in the shuffle of transfer so no one who knew me ever will know me now.


Plus I basically have to leave two imperial lvl 50s behind on my old server, since the reroll server has 2 of my republic toons on it... and apparently we need those for the HK pet (wont matter anyways since I likely wont be here for 1.3...but still)


Just a really horribly planned out transfer overall.


To balance my vitriol, I will comment that the actual transfer service is smooth as silk, and was completed very quickly and with no problems- aside from losing the most important aspect of my gaming- my names, but that was Biowares lack of planning not an issue of the actual move of data.


overall having a full server took some sting away, but doesnt make up for the loss of identity, and frankly, the undelivered promise of legacy and story meaning anything in the game.


Trust me when I tell you playing on a full server greatly outweighs having some 'cool' name. You can still have an awesome name, just make it a little funky. On my first server I had Grevious. Now I just have Grevous. No big deal. And if that was taken then I would have just used an alt letter. The game has been so much more enjoyable with other people to play with.

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Didn't lose any of my names/legacy.


But I'm not the sort to get over attached to an arbitrary string of characters attached to a digital avatar in a video game anyway, so it wouldn't have bothered me even if I did :p


People moaning about this stuff need some perspective.


QFT Just enjoy the game. Especially now that you will have others to play with.

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Trust me when I tell you playing on a full server greatly outweighs having some 'cool' name. You can still have an awesome name, just make it a little funky. On my first server I had Grevious. Now I just have Grevous. No big deal. And if that was taken then I would have just used an alt letter. The game has been so much more enjoyable with other people to play with.

while in theory I agree, its the principle of the matter.


This is an issue caused 100% by Bioware, and thrust onto the players.

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while in theory I agree, its the principle of the matter.


This is an issue caused 100% by Bioware, and thrust onto the players.


I still haven't seen an alternative outlined that wouldn't take a complete rework of the entire naming system?

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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My Empire chars are on Sith Wyrm and my Repub are on Rubat Crystal. I refuse to move off those servers because I do not want to lose my names and especially the legacy name. I love how Bioware touted how important the Legacy was supposed to mean and yet has no qualms forcing you to destroy your own character at a drop of a hat.
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