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Confirmed: SWTOR to have micro-transactions/in-game purchases


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Oh how the mighty have fallen to microtransactions.


let me get this straight, so hypocrisy of mmos continue. They say micro-transactions and you assume that means we can buy black hole gear instead of raiding for it. No sparkly ponies....no special rainbow color crystals... nothing... but wait that means no paid character transfers....no name changes.....no race changes.... ALL things people **** about wanting since day one.... hmmm contradict much?





lol such is the life of mmos.


Its 2012 people, and hardcore whiny mmo players who enjoy wallowing in the filth of disparity and forum banter is a dead sport.


When rift goes F2play then and only then will i worry about Swtor going f2play... like the CEO said as long as their is 500k subs they have nothing to worry about... Swtor isnt having subscription issues, its having population placement issues brought by the low(1000) population caps placed on servers. Thats being rectified wonderfully.


Wow has micro-transactions, WOW has F2play to a level extent and wow is still subscription base, so is rift and so is swtor. ITS THE NEW MMO MODEL, nothing to do with failure or doom. Its how you sell your product these days...

wow is the standard and as long as you don't go below the standard - you are a strong competitor.


Nobody rejects mmo b/c of vanity micro-transaction or a minimum level free trials or a reported loss of subs that dont kill the game, they quit because people QQ on forums and news bits and scare them away with false allegations and dead wrong presentations of the actual game experience.

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You know, until they say otherwise, we should just let it go. We do not know what they are going to sell. All of these pessimist really need to get off these forums.


It could be just mounts and pets, but all these pessimist are having heart attacks.


Well some of us know from experience that in game stores 99% of the time DO NOT STAY as "fluff items"


Nobody is complaining about fluff. People are concerned about items that give an in game advantage, and they should be because that is total ******** to buy your way through the game, and I for one want nothing to do with any player who can't do the same hard work I have to do in order to advance, it's as simple as that.


I hope they do add new haircuts and cosmetic clothing, the game needs it, but the second I see an XP booster or a medpack on that store, that's it as far as I am concerned, sub cancelled. Nobody has to agree with me, I'm just trying to relay to you people what I know through experience, that these in game stores are NEVER EVER EVER a GOOD thing for the game. Maybe for the company yes, but for the core gameplay no

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Microtransactions and a trial based on the first 15 lvls. Somehow someone got that TOR is going F2P out of all that............WoW does it for 20 lvls and it's not F2P, Rift does it for 20 lvls as well and is not F2P, a lot of MMOs do it and are not F2P. Ppl are stupid.
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Still waiting on a BW employee, actually stating such. Don't trust articles for a minute!


Especially on Yahoo Finance. This is not a news article. It is, for all practical purposes, a blog entry.

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Especially on Yahoo Finance. This is not a news article. It is, for all practical purposes, a blog entry.


Ya becuase Zacks reserach (a multi billion dollar company) is in the habit of making things up as they go. :rolleyes:

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I perfectly understand what I buy, thanks.

They could also delete all our characters if they wanted to.


All I'm saying is as a customer, I don't want to spend more than my sub to be able to get all the content available. I know that some or all the things are not necessary to play, I know I can choose not to buy from the store, I just don't want to use my credit card for more than a sub.


It's not a question if I can or cannot play, it's just me, wondering if the price is right.


You don't care about vanity items, that's fine, I might care for some. I don't care about operations, I don't ask to pay less, I don't tell people not to care about thoses.


I want all the content available for my sub, no RTM.


You are the exact type of customer that no one can please. You rip at benefits that do not affect your ability to play the game and obtain, better in game items.


This is just a cash shop for vanity items. If that upsets you enough to quit, then please, by all means cancel right now. You can provide no benefit for EA/Bioware because you are so extremely picky about what your $15 a month means that its no longer worth it to please you. No one is taking content away from you. They are only providing extra (non content) items that people can use to play dress up or sparkle ponies.

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You are the exact type of customer that no one can please. You rip at benefits that do not affect your ability to play the game and obtain, better in game items.


This is just a cash shop for vanity items. If that upsets you enough to quit, then please, by all means cancel right now. You can provide no benefit for EA/Bioware because you are so extremely picky about what your $15 a month means that its no longer worth it to please you. No one is taking content away from you. They are only providing extra (non content) items that people can use to play dress up or sparkle ponies.


To be fair we have no idea if it will even happen. Things change all the time. Sometimes things change at the last minute (ranked WZs in 1.2 anyone?). So before we start saying what will be in the shop we should wait until we know there will even be one.

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Somehow, an article on yahoo finance claiming some exclusive info no other media outlet got during e3 ... doesnt hold much weight. That and MT's could have been mislabeled as thing like server xfers, character recustimzation, etc ... specially from a non-gaming source.


In either case, MT = Unsub for me. Im sure that holds true for many others. They should really consider the losses theyll get before jumping the gun with this. Vanity items is a thin line to walk on, keep it short, keep it cheap, and even then if I ever feel robbed (ie. blatanly keeping the best looking items for the cash shop) ill still quit. This is why ive passed up paying for any of the more recent EA games ... theyre thieves with no respect for the customer.


If it were just the Yahoo site, I would pass it over.


But thinking back to the Survey that was leaked, I have a feeling it was no coincidence about it being leaked. I'm starting to ponder if EA set that Survey up to gauge interest in MTs and what people would buy.

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To be fair we have no idea if it will even happen. Things change all the time. Sometimes things change at the last minute (ranked WZs in 1.2 anyone?). So before we start saying what will be in the shop we should wait until we know there will even be one.


I agree with you!



I got caught up in the fact that we "assumed" there will even be a vanity shop and Yahoo Finance didn't screw up the press release.

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If it's only vanity items like in WoW I think it's OK. But no Pay to Win features please.




BW and EA are a business. If they want to make a little extra cash off micro transactions thats fine with me as long as it's vanity items only.


Some people do have extra cash they want to spend. Why not give it to a gaming company that you play games from instead of a movie theater or whatever people like to spend cash on?


As long as it's not pay 2 Win (or like Diablo 3 - pay to complete which is just as bad as pay 2 win) I see not reason to not have a macro transaction store. Please though - VANITY ITEMS ONLY.

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I would pay real money for things like species I want (Zeltron *cough*), really awesome looking speeders, social armors, ship paintjobs, etc.....I enjoy the game and don't really mind putting in a little extra money when I have it long as the price is reasonable. They would prob also make more money if they allowed things like character re customization (making ur male a female or vise versa and possibly just resetting companion affection levels) or paid server transfers later. Plenty of ways for this game to make money still =)




For cosmetic or social items only. I would love to be able to buy a different ship. To color/design ships, weapons, and armor. If I could buy playable races (wookie, trandoshan, rodian, jawa) that would be super awesome.

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As long as they don't sell BiS gear, or things that would impact PvP in any way then how is it a bad thing? Most of MMOs are going to micro-transactions for vanity pets, different appearance gear, mounts, emotes... all stuff that is completely optional and has zero impact on the actual game other than how your character stands out in the millions of players that are the same class/race.


If games don't have a micro-transaction store than they usually have some sort of incentive program to get items for being subbed for a certain length of time. How is that any different than putting up the same type of items in a micro-transaction store which would allow you to get to those items faster?


No one complains about the micro-transaction stores if they are done right. All those stores add is a little flavor to the game and a way for the companies to make a little extra cash. How many people do you know that have bought Avatar gear for the Xbox Live avatars? Most people have. If you are a PS3 fan, most people have bought something from the PSN store for their characters... it doesn't do anything, but add a little more personalization. How is that a bad thing?


It doesn't mean the game is going under. It doesn't mean the game will be F2P anytime soon. You can take you tinfoil hats and put them back in your closet.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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You are the exact type of customer that no one can please. You rip at benefits that do not affect your ability to play the game and obtain, better in game items.


This is just a cash shop for vanity items. If that upsets you enough to quit, then please, by all means cancel right now. You can provide no benefit for EA/Bioware because you are so extremely picky about what your $15 a month means that its no longer worth it to please you. No one is taking content away from you. They are only providing extra (non content) items that people can use to play dress up or sparkle ponies.


Actually, it's really easy to please me and they can even spend less money by not developing the store and its infrastructure.


The point is where to draw the line, what is affecting our ability to play.


There's hundreds of items with different looks, tenths of different speeders, ...., are all theses necessary to play ? Why not make only one free 3D model for each item and put all the others styles in the store ?

One default race with a default look and all the customization in the shop ?

Would that be ok for you ?


Again, if you don't care, that's fine. I do. I don't mind a shop for vanity items if there's a way to obtain thoses items in game but I don't want to see exclusive items.

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Ya becuase Zacks reserach (a multi billion dollar company) is in the habit of making things up as they go. :rolleyes:


Apparently they have the habit of making statements without attribution. I don't care how many billions they make: That is not trustworthy behavior.

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For cosmetic or social items only. I would love to be able to buy a different ship. To color/design ships, weapons, and armor. If I could buy playable races (wookie, trandoshan, rodian, jawa) that would be super awesome.




Now not everything should be a micro transaction as your $15 a month should still give content and races and gear and customizations but there is nothing wrong with allowing a little vanity items as well.

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Actually, it's really easy to please me and they can even spend less money by not developing the store and its infrastructure.


The point is where to draw the line, what is affecting our ability to play.


There's hundreds of items with different looks, tenths of different speeders, ...., are all theses necessary to play ? Why not make only one free 3D model for each item and put all the others styles in the store ?

One default race with a default look and all the customization in the shop ?

Would that be ok for you ?


Again, if you don't care, that's fine. I do. I don't mind a shop for vanity items if there's a way to obtain thoses items in game but I don't want to see exclusive items.


Now you're just creating false situations and slippery slope arguments that don't exist to prove a point. That's a logical fallacy.


I've stated my stance and if you don't like it, there's the door. I'm going to keep playing and enjoy the game. I could care less if they are selling sparkle ponies.

Edited by Arkerus
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It will be just mounts and pets and such... stupid little trinkets that won't affect anything.


You are wrong. It may start out like that, but it NEVER stays like that. Content begins being SOLD vs. released. New items are introduced via the cash shop vs. gameplay. Grinds are made longer to encourage purchase.


Cash shops are EVIL!!!

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You are wrong. It may start out like that, but it NEVER stays like that. Content begins being SOLD vs. released. New items are introduced via the cash shop vs. gameplay. Grinds are made longer to encourage purchase.


Cash shops are EVIL!!!


Yes WoW's cash shop has clearly made the grind unbearable for millions. Sarcasm aside... I know that a lot of Asian F2P games DO offer stuff like that or even F2P LOTRO turned into that... but those are F2P games that have to have barriers to ensure income.


P2P MMOs have steady income already. This is just something to add to the game and make a few extra bucks a long the way.

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Yes WoW's cash shop has clearly made the grind unbearable for millions. Sarcasm aside... I know that a lot of Asian F2P games DO offer stuff like that or even F2P LOTRO turned into that... but those are F2P games that have to have barriers to ensure income.


P2P MMOs have steady income already. This is just something to add to the game and make a few extra bucks a long the way.


It will NEVER EVER last! EVER! I'm sure it'll start out as "cosmetic" and "vanity", but it will NOT stay that way. Not in a game that has plummeted as quickly as this one has.

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Ya becuase Zacks reserach (a multi billion dollar company) is in the habit of making things up as they go. :rolleyes:

It seems they do. I mean, Yahoo! was far from the only news group present at any EA presentation at E3. Yet, they are the only one reporting a suggested micro transaction future.


The only thing coming even close to micro transactions that has come out of any EA or Bioware employee's lips recently has been about paid character transfers. Not a single other thing has been said.

Now, some might state that is already micro transactions. But it is also a very common practice in subscription MMO's and one not many complain about.


Then there was the sales survey thing. But such a survey is as much about measuring customer response as it is about actual plans. In management, surveys like that are used to determine future plans, not to test already set-in-stone plans with the market.


So really, is there any other source on the internet anywhere that suggests EA will create some kind of 'cash shop' besides one (probably misinterpreted) line from one news outlet and a survey that can mean anything?

Edited by Devlonir
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Now you're just creating false situations and slippery slope arguments that don't exist to prove a point. That's a logical fallacy.


I've stated my stance and if you don't like it, there's the door. I'm going to keep playing and enjoy the game. I could care less if they are selling sparkle ponies.


Well, sometimes, it works to make someone understand another's POV.


I understand your POV, you don't care about vanity items and they can sell it through a store for RM. You seem (maybe I'm wrong) more interested by the combat gameplay of the game and probably care about min/maxing your stats and competitive PvE or PvP.


The thing is I'm also interested in the way my characters look. I spent some time searching for gear that I like, I do some content just for that purpose, to get the item I want for my character or a companion. Maybe it's not content for you, but it is for me and many devs understand that as they put rare looks in HC quests, FPs, champions on the planets...

I don't want to have to use my credit card to get a specific look, I don't want to start to see all the best looks being sold only in the store while the new ones in-game don't improve.

Edited by Nyla
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Note to BioWare:


I like your game. A lot. I will pay the $15 a month to continue to play it.


I will not pay to win your game. I will not pay for new content patches that aren't full-blown retail expansions.


I like Star Wars, I like BioWare, but I won't play this game if it's that bogus "free" to play where you nickle and dime me to play.

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Ya becuase Zacks reserach (a multi billion dollar company) is in the habit of making things up as they go. :rolleyes:


For a multi-billion dollar company, their webpage looks like my 6 year old made it. They are also referencing a document from 2010 for their "article", you can get the source if you submit your email address to be used for marketing purposes by their affiliates (ya, multi-billion dollar company). I watched a LOT of the E3 coverage on EA and I didn't see one mention of anything regarding F2P or Microtransactions, Unless hes referring to the paid transfer service.


An attention grabbing thread title like "CONFIRMED: Monkey's do fly out of my ***" has sent people into a discussion about something thats not even happening, with no solid source to even back it up except someone saying they saw it but you have to give me your email address to see my proof, which is 2 years old.


Paranoid people will be paranoid.


If someone wants to link me an EA press release or interview from someone from EA or Bioware saying this then ill come back on here and eat crow, but till then everyone getting worked up or threatening to quit over this are just a bunch of sheep that got trolled.



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