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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll


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I really hope the Devs take note of this threat and look at the different species that could be implamented.


As I look at those that are currently available it is a real mystery why such a group of uninspired species was picked. I know the argument about romance, or story or fitting in armour etc. But as has been noted many many times and can hardly have escaped even the most unobservent dev they are a mostly recoloured humans. All you had to do was give humans more colour choice of skin and eyes and a few other traits such as eye coverings or horns (call them near humans if that helps) and you could get away with half the available species.


Why when they have such a choice to pick from they went and found the most uninspired ones was a poor choice and one they seem slow to correct. Star wars introduced movie goers to a galaxy far far away where aliens and humans mingel seemlessly together and cantina were filled with all manner of alien. TOR on the other hand prefered a more Star Trek Approach where aliens were marked by skin colour, hair cut or slightly pointy ears. A shame really.

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Maybe he don't look at the thread once he voted, send him a private messsage.

Done. :)

I really hope the Devs take note of this threat and look at the different species that could be implamented.


As I look at those that are currently available it is a real mystery why such a group of uninspired species was picked. I know the argument about romance, or story or fitting in armour etc. But as has been noted many many times and can hardly have escaped even the most unobservent dev they are a mostly recoloured humans. All you had to do was give humans more colour choice of skin and eyes and a few other traits such as eye coverings or horns (call them near humans if that helps) and you could get away with half the available species.


Why when they have such a choice to pick from they went and found the most uninspired ones was a poor choice and one they seem slow to correct. Star wars introduced movie goers to a galaxy far far away where aliens and humans mingel seemlessly together and cantina were filled with all manner of alien. TOR on the other hand prefered a more Star Trek Approach where aliens were marked by skin colour, hair cut or slightly pointy ears. A shame really.


While I was quite disappointed by the lack of variety at launch, I do not place all the blame with BioWare. Both EA, force-feeding them the "essential reliability" and the players themselves share a bit of fault. EA's influence was very intrusive during the closed beta events (of which I was a part of many, starting from the early waves and being re-invited on a regular basis) - the most obvious two issues being story-free flashpoints to fill in level gaps and the nearly complete neutering of the modding system (and the back and forth thereafter). In short, EA was very stringent about making SW:TOR emulate WoW as closely as possible whilst disregarding SW:TOR's strengths. I believe that tendency extends to WoW's very humanoid races, although there is still more variety there in proportion.


The decision regarding playable species was very nearly cemented when players got a hold of the game, but not entirely. This was a crucial point at which I believe the players themselves discouraged variety in playable species - when Twi'lek were introduced, people complained about them mercilessly. For every reasonable concern about them, there were a dozen hateful ones. People wanted to customize lekku, they wanted to eliminate clipping, but they couldn't express that constructively and all they really accomplished was making BioWare hesitant to experiment with the more-exotic features. Heck, they went out of their way to ask player permission to add them to the Sith Inquistor storyline: the one that begins in slavery!


Could BioWare have been more courageous in their selection? Of course. But given corporate pressures, player feedback and nearly half a billion dollars riding on their shoulders, they played it very safe. Too safe? I would argue yes, but before I condemn them, I want to see what they can do once they've found their stride. Cathar are a great starting point. I hope they succeed, and furthermore, I hope they encourage BioWare to take more risks with future selections.

Edited by CelCawdro
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OP not to sound like a broken record, but Shistavanens would be classified as humanoids.


1. They speak basic


2. They walk up on two feet


3. They can wear pretty much what humans can, save for boots, gloves, headgear.


4. They have s similar facial structure to humans, save for the ears, snout, and of course fur.


5. Hell they even have opposable thumbs.




They clearly are humanoids.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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OP not to sound like a broken record, but Shistavanens would be classified as humanoids.


1. They speak basic


2. They walk up on two feet


3. They can wear pretty much what humans can, save for boots, gloves, headgear.


4. They have s similar facial structure to humans, save for the ears, snout, and of course fur.


5. Hell they even have opposable thumbs.




They clearly are humanoids.


I've elaborated further elsewhere, but in short, their depictions vary and they have canine legs that are not compatible with existing models. While they are (usually) humanoid in every other respect, that one detail forced them out of that category as they would require a new model/animations, etc. If I placed Selonians in that category (which also vary wildly in their animalistic depictions, but are definitely non-humanoid by SW:TOR's standards), it would be hypocritical of me not to place Shistas in there with them.


The categorizations I have set up consider how much effort would be needed to implement a species, how many new assets would need to be created, how many could be reused, etc. - this usually matches up well with in-universe definitions, but some oddities can crop up. You identified one. :)

Edited by CelCawdro
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I know Togorians shouldn't be included since at this point in SW history the race hasn't been discovered yet, but if Chiss can be here nearly 4000 years early then why not :p


I'm not entirely aware of the Togorians, but unless there's some sort of extenuating circumstance, it's always easy for something -even an entire species - to be forgotten in a universe as large and varied as Star Wars. :)

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Togorians are a large felonoid race, I think from the mid-rim. They are a highly aggressive and brutal (would probably make your average sith shudder lol) race of mostly pirates. Mght makes right only scratches the surface of these nut-jobs, but I've always loved playing them in the RPG. Try playing a 10 foot jedi who struggles wether he should mind trick someone into going home, or seeing if you can throw each of thier limbs as close as possible. :D

Honestly, they would be the programmers worst nightmare so I'd never expect it to happen, but was a fun suggestion.

Edited by Jenassarai
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As long as it's not blue human and red human and yellow human with fur I don't really care, but if I have to chose:


1. Wookie


2. Droid


3. Barabel


Oh, and Vongs please :D (though I don't know if they existed at this time, they don't really fit into this era anyway)

Edited by POPsi
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