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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll


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Where in the world did you see Shistavanens as non-humanoid? They are humanoid...


Anyway, vote for Shistavanens.


Leg structure. That being said, that can vary wildly in their depictions - we have not yet seen their implementation in SW:TOR. But I figured that if I was going to toss Selonians into non-humanoid (namely because of their leg structure that is similar to the Shistavanan's, and how that structure has been depicted in-game), it would be a double standard if I did not toss the Shistas in there, too.


A lot of species vary wildly in their depictions. And when they are not already implemented in-game, I choose to err on the side of caution when grouping them. Shistavanen, specifically, fall into a bit of a "Klingon"-esque territory for me - when we first saw them, they were very human. But as time progresses, as more authors and artists use the species, they begin to diverge.


For Klingons, it was the hair, the foreheads, the size, the culture, etc. For Shistavanens, what started from a man in a werewolf mask is progressing into something that is quite animalistc. You see them on all fours. The new canine leg structure is already noted. Their posture is very different from your run-of-the-mill near-human. And I have a feeling that it would be a step backwards, and indeed a discredit to the species and their evolution over the years, if BioWare simply gave us guys in werewolf masks.


I'm not saying that it isn't a possibility. I'm just saying that, at least in my opinion, it is very unlikely.

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Well, Wookiee would always be my number one choice but so many people have said it won't happen. Therefore I agree Jawa :)


I think sometimes its wise to vote smart. BW has suggested that the next species unlocks will be user decided I imagine through a poll. I suspect I will vote Kel'dor which is my second favour species over Gran which is my first. Because I would rather get to play a Kel dor than vote for something I know wont be popular enough and get none of the species I want to play.

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W T F is with all the Togruta love? Jabba's lacky was not that cool or around long enough in the movie to give a rats. Additionally if anyone is attempting to say Palpatine's serf deserves consideration I will rebut with "You fail, the prequels were basically some of the worst cinema ever created." I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

"Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (May the power of Christ impale you)" had more redeemable qualities than those 3 pieces of garbage.

Had to speak out, sorry to those who were offended.

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W T F is with all the Togruta love? Jabba's lacky was not that cool or around long enough in the movie to give a rats. Additionally if anyone is attempting to say Palpatine's serf deserves consideration I will rebut with "You fail, the prequels were basically some of the worst cinema ever created." I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

"Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (May the power of Christ impale you)" had more redeemable qualities than those 3 pieces of garbage.

Had to speak out, sorry to those who were offended.


No need to apologise. It's nearly impossible to be offended by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. For instance, "Jabba's lacky (sic)" was not a Togruta. Neither was "Palpatine's serf." Those were Twi'lek and Chagrian, respectively. And saying "You fail, the prequels were basically some of the worst cinema ever created" is not a rebuttal. It's a retort.

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