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Everything posted by SithRex

  1. My guess would be that The Rise of The Hutt Cartel would end up being patch 2.0, not 1.7, since it the 1st expansion of the game.......
  2. I just hope that GL will still have creative athority over Star Wars, I know many people were claiming that he ruined the prequal trillogy, but he is the original creator and the only person who can really say what is truely cannon or not. I'm scared to death that the SW franchise will become just another Disney cash Cow, who's story turns out worse than any bad fanfic due to the fqact that the story will now be written by marketing statisics now........... I just hope this isn't the death of SW..........
  3. Does anyone know if there is any (either from RE'ing or a schematic), and how to get them? I've been wonderin about this since I've first heard about Custom Off-Hands in 1.4, but I haven't seen any yet......
  4. It's actually learning the "Teg Mumble Suppression" ability that gives you the 0.00000008 % more ***kickery that being with us gives you! Now if only we can do the same for our ship droids..............
  5. I'm guessing that it's to bring down the high pop testing serveer and do all the forced transfers........
  6. I'm hoping it means that ton Tuesday we're getting patch 1.4, including HK_51, Cathar, and Guild Capital Ship! I'll probably get dissapointed, but you can't blame me for hoping!
  7. Yup, just tossing in a couple of extra idea's on how it could be possible to obtain, and some of the benefit's of having one!
  8. How to obtain: Requirements- The GuildMaster must be Lv 50, the Guild must have at least 1 bank tab, and at least 24 members. Once these are met the GM can accuire a 1 time quest at the Fleet, there has been several Capital ship Captain's of different types that have gone rogue and are trying to defeect to the other side, the GM must pick one to go after (this choice determines what type/kind of Capital Ship the Guild recives on completion). Once this choice is made A new one time instanced Lv 50 24-man Operation becomes available (thatn only members of the GM's Guild can enter), the objective, clear out and take oxer the Capital ship to take as their own! On a side note several bonuses that could be included in getting one: 1. tarship vendor & Fleet comendation vendor onboard, that sells exclusive items, like upgrades for your new Capotal Ship,new Cybertech Scematics for Capital Ship items/gear, and possibly new social gear too. 2.Penty of new possibities for new Space missions, even Space Operation, a Guild Capial Ship vs. Guild Capital Ship PvP matches! 3. New military titles for the Players like Imperial/Republic Admiral For the GM once the Capital Ship is aquired, and possibly for the guild's officers too. 4. It can have unique customization option, like assing a Cantina to it, or building a Tropy Room to hold trophies of all the Ops bosses that they have defeated in Guild Runs. 5. It could even have possibilities for new normal (non-space) FP's and Ops, and could even become a new daily quest hub!
  9. How about something a bit beter, the ability to changw Bound itema to "Bound to Legacy" items? That way all of your old/outdated gear can be sent to an alt who might need it?
  10. That would be Awesome! I remember a good bit about Sith Alchemy from the SW RPG books that WotC did a while back! And the Jedi Beast master would be pretty awesome too! (FINALLY, an actual use for all the friendly animals scattered all over......)
  11. In the latestest video of updae 1.2, I noticed several very interesting looking characters that I wanted to ask about, does the Legacy system incorperate weapon and armor proficinency unlocks for your other characters too?
  12. Prety sure that the main Star Wars site store already has all the Republic and Imperial sybol merchandise. The other stuff sounds good! And the custom t-shirts with server and Guild names is pure awesome, I'd probably get one the second they were up!
  13. Just think about it, how much sense does it make for Khen Val and Xalek to be nueral?
  14. And now that I think of it, so far no class has a Sage/Sorcerer companion yet we need one!
  15. That sounds like a pretty good idea! Although I would say: It's a one-way trip to any taxi point on said planet, at no cost and no cooldown. That way you can get to any one spot on the planet you want, but not be able to go back to your ship that eay. This way it makes some sense, and avoids other limitations.
  16. And let me mention some of the RP possibilites: Lightside Sith joining up with Jedi to disscuss the philosphies of the Force, Darkside Jedi joining up with Sith to wreak havoc and bloodshed on any who would cross there path, IA's joing up with anyone to play all sides against the middle (which is what they seen to do best), a Smuggler hirong a Bounty Hunter to escort him across imperial teritory, A bounty Hunter joining up with Jedi to take down a rogue Sith Lord in Repulic territory, a Trooper who Shares Bounty hunter. Think about it, the RP possiblities are limitless!
  17. Lol! I aready knew about him, he's what's given me some hope that there might be others in the future!
  18. Ever wonder how awesome it would be for the Jedi and Sith to join forces to take down an evil that theatens both sides? I'd like to stop having to wonder and try it out myself! Honestly, I don't even have to go into the Movie or EW Lore for examples of it, I only need to go into the IN-Game Lore/Class stories itself! For almost every class I've seen, we get at LEAST 1 companion from the other side! SI gets Ashara, a Jedi Sentinel, as an apprintice, SW gets Jaesa Wilsaam, a Jedi Shadow, JK gets LORD SCOURGE!! Not too sure about the other classes (I haven't checked to se what non- Sith/Jedi companions are from/based off of, but Andronikos Revel seems to either be or be based off of a Smuggler). So please at some point in the future let us al team up to take on the big stuff! Even if it's some sort of special Flashpoint/Operation that ment to try this out! Honestly, yes I;'ve hear of people's complaint's that even opening any kind of chat that's cross Faction would only open mass greiving, but how about introducing a Planet that's stirctly PvE only (as in having PvP and being flagged for PvP completly disabled planet-wide)? It could have some interesting cross faction Lightside, Darkside, and Social vendors! And even beyond that, if we got mixed faction Huttball teams, do you really think that someone would be grieving someone from the other faction if they knew it was possible that they could be their best chace of winning their next game of Huttball? Even if the Republic and Empire are set against each other for galactic supremacy, the Player all still playing SWTOR! Last I checked BW is trying their best to try to build communities on here, not just a bunch of subscribers who pay to do randoms with people they never talk to otherwise, but people who get to be friends and want to hang out with each other to enjoy the game! This would be an excelent opportunity to get to solidify the communites of BOTH sides of each server! I've heard people with character on both sides or have friends on the other faction state they want to at least have communication options other than then say and the standard emotes, how about we go one better and actuall let people play SWTOR with their FRIENDS, regardless of their characters Faction? Even beyond that, think of sll the new RP possibilities!!! So please BW, try giving this some serious thought! True their are some immature players who would be grieving others, but their's plenty of people that know how to be civil enough to make this a possibility so they can play with their friends!
  19. I would like some custization options for companions beyond different acloths/color set for your starter companion. Companion titles would be awesome because It get's a little bit too generic for my taste to see a buch of avatar's that have "****"s Companion" above their hads, we could have tittles based on how far in the companion's story line and what choices are made during it. Some example's "****"s Gal Pal, ****"s best Friend, ****'s Husband/Wife, ****"s Dark Apprintice, ****'s Servant, Ect.... Beyond that, I would like to see companion's get LS/DS points from their actions, and even beyound that, even if they don't get to have their LS/DS point total changed, it would be nice to see their starting total be anything other than 0, for some companions it makes some sense for them to be neutral, other it makes none (Khem Val an ancient Dashade, who devours every force user possible, has 0 DS points, it would make a bit more sense if he started at DS level 3+). And the LS/DS points could/would change their personality when reaching different LS/DS levels. Even if they we don't get the option to change their LS/DS points, at least having them have a different starting LS/DS level than 0 would be very nice. Other than those, it would be nice to get compaion customizations for characters that would change their body type (my Vette is too scrawny, and needs to be fed.....), along with customizations for companions OTHER than for our starter companion.....
  20. Companion custimization options to change their body type, my Vette is scrawny and needs to be fed...........
  21. I would like a page on my character sheet that I can edit to have a description of my characters backstory/Personality details (along with any other details that I might want to add, like the reson I picked it's name/race/class combo), that other players can veiw as an inspect option. This would be a great benifit to RP'ers, but can have some very good utility purposes for others too (like having talent/spec/other info for Raiders, along with info on What Raids/HM's they want/need to do, along with the one's they don't need anymore).
  22. Personally, I'd really like to play as a Jawa, they could be limited to SSmuggler/IA/SI/JC (even though Blizz apperantly uses hevy armor and Blaster Cannons, I prbably wouldn't work wioth players). As for Wookiees, a lot of the fans would be seriously let down if they spoke basic, part of their appeal (at least for me anyway) is their grunts and growls. Some people on the forums mentioned that their grunts and growls would get annoying after a while, but personally I don't think it would get any more annoying than any of my basic speaking characters catchphrases (Just show me where the fun is, Murder and mayhem await, I've been looking for a reason to cause some chaos, ect.). beyond that, yes JL did ban any more Wookiees from becoming Jedi, but he never said anything about them not becoming Sith! XD And I have two very storng possiblities for Hutt Characters: 1. Shell Hutts- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shell_Hutts They basically lived in heavy armor, and even had buit-in weaponry attached (good for at least BH, if nothing else) 2. Beldorion a Hutt Dark Jedi http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Beldorion Even though this is the one an only example of a force weilding Hutt that I've found, it shows that not only that they can become Jedi (and I'm guessing Sith too), it also shwes that they can have more athetic body types then Jabba. The only major thing that would be difficut about Hutts would be they BW would need to need to create a lot of brand new animations for Hutt Jedi/Sith (Shelll Hutts are mostly competely immobile except for the robotic manipular arms of their armor, and some attached weaponry). As a side note, they can speak basic, but they usually speak Huttese due to their massive superiority complexes (it's possibe that player Hutts could be different), and it is possible for them to grow hair and facial hair (giving more customization options for them) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Zorba_Desilijic_Tiure
  23. Well, what it could mean is this: Once you get the final conversation with them, (once the Legacy system is implemented) you unlock that companion fior your Alt's to use. Say you get the final coversation with Xalek on your Lv 50 Sith sorcerer Main, after that your Lv 10 Jedi Knight could summon him as his active companion. Or since each talk about teaching you apprinticeses/childern their skills, each final coversation could unlock 1 of your companion's attacks as learnable for your alt's (although that might get a bit funky, imagine you Twilek Smuggler learning Khem Val's Lightning Fist......) In any case, I hope we find out more about the Legacy System soon......
  24. Sounds good to me! On my Imp characters I keep getting crafting scematics for Repubic classes..... Besides that, it would help with not having to keep mailing stuff back and forth to alt's to try and keep them decently geared, and sharing leftover mats with them... I would like to add that it would be nice if you could put bound items into it, effectively making the BoA gear.
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