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Current Transfer Servers


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They said well over a week ago that the process would be gradual and start with a few servers. They also clearly explained why they would not release the server list in advance. The only failure, as has been pointed out, is in your ability to process the information provided to you.


Your failure to read and comprehend is equally as bad as you claim mine to be. ;)

They said gradual, sure. They knew what servers from and too also, yet failed to say which. Again read my post that you quoted. For anyone to claim that they did not know prior to this morning patch on what servers from and to that would be set for transfers is lying through there teeth.

Edited by SgtWalt
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Quote: Originally Posted by YanksfanJP View Post

WoW didn't even have server transfers for what, 3 years? And you want BW to have it in place at launch for a game that had every server full to the brim? Come on, man.

WoW did not need it for three years - population was increasing since start for 3 years! When they need something they do it quickly - when SWTOR needs something they make it after months of dead servers and still not good enough.


When WoW (Blizzard) releases something I can see some negative opinions but not all of them (and if yes - I see no real changes in population even raising) - that has to mean something.

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Millions of characters? really? you don't want to rethink that guess? If there were millions of characters to be moved we wouldn't need to be moving now would we?

As for the very very very small amount of servers open for transfer for the first few days from the sounds of it well this sums it up...its as if millions (if you go buy joveth's estimate) of voices all screamed out and were suddenly silenced....


Millions of characters, not millions of subscribers. Most subscribers have more than one character. the game still has ~1m subscribers. So yes, millions of characters.


Billions and Billions. - carl sagan (not really)

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You whiners are pathetic... The transfers are here, they are doing them in a controllable way, and all everybody seems to be able to think about is: Owh, I'm a special snowflake, transfer me first!.


Bunch of losers, that's what you are...


And FYI: yes, i'm waiting for transfers as well, but apparently I'm intelligent enough to understand the process involved...


Ok genius. Keep waiting and be happy. By yourself. Stay away from us.

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Really you transfer TO the fatman?


Also, Frostclaw needs more people, it has 30 people on average in the fleet, but I guess that's enough for Bioware's standards?


With so many people that left Frostclaw in the past weeks (blame D3 and GW2) you better pray that we dont find us on the Origin side of the servers!


And OF COURSE the heavy servers are the first destinations (for the really dead servers), that is the only way to spread out the destination servers.

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Having to rely on outside game mechanics to perform a simple feature is just bad design, bad database management, and just bad management period.


I agree. It's also bad design that players have to rely on outside game mechanics to get nourishment or rest, also basic features. Why would players want to do anything outside game they are paying for, I have no idea.

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Rift launched over a year ago, and they launched with server transfers. Since BW launched SWTOR just over 6 months ago, then hell yes I expect them to launch with it.

Rift did not have Server Transfers for a very long time after launch and their community was begging for them just as ours is now. Trust me I was there since Beta and by the Time transfers WERE available I had a level 50 of each class and was totally burned out on their game.

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Just an fyi... you see how they are picking the to and from for you and its only 1 destination for the from?:rolleyes:


Keep in mind that PAID transfers are coming out after this, so what they really care abut is your money... "free" xfer now that you have no control over at all... so that you can PAY them later to move where you want:mad:


The almighty dollar people, it runs the world even in SWTOR

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This is a flop.


Most of the dead servers, which is just about all of them, didn't get server transfers.


Really? lol


What a joke. This was the big, huge, mind blowing, grand fix they were promising?


:eek: :eek: :eek:

Edited by Rhysling
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Well one thing I can say is my subscription is still cancelled and due to run out at the end of this month.


Why only 4 US servers as opposed to 6 EU is just poor decision making.


Hope the list is updated daily or twice a day, picking 4 servers a day will take almost a month to hit up every US server. A lot of people will be long gone by then if their server is at the end of the list.

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WoW did not need it for three years - population was increasing since start for 3 years! When they need something they do it quickly - when SWTOR needs something they make it after months of dead servers and still not good enough.


When WoW (Blizzard) releases something I can see some negative opinions but not all of them (and if yes - I see no real changes in population even raising) - that has to mean something.


Maybe your experience of WoW differs from mine, but in the first 3 years of WoW I was part of 2 dead realms that had to transfer/merge. One was so dead, I would often find myself as one of only 2-3 people in orgrimmar on horde side on a horde heavy server. Clearing a HM dungeon or KZ in BC was impossible on one of my original servers. I've first hand been a part of two dying/dead WoW servers in their first 3 years so your theory is very flawed. We all know Bioware opened WAY too many servers at launch, now they are correcting it. I'm just hoping they choose my realm to head to fatman as well

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Do you work in the industry? Do you have any idea how the server transfer work at a technical level? Have you even CONSIDERED the fact that they are starting slow on purpose? They need to make sure a smooth process for everyone that isn't bringing down the physical servers that are doing the data crunching. Do you know how easy it is to bring down a server with a stuck process of bad batch job?


You people make me sick. I am ashamed to say I play the same game as some of you.


I want all of you who can't stick out a day or two wait to just quit. Quit right now. Get off the forums and leave the rest of us to talk about the game in a constructive manner.


MY GOD THANK YOU! You are right some of these people need to pack it up, head out and let the ADULTS play. for those of you that DON'T understand this is how it works. You should remember as is was not too long ago.....you wiggle, you roll over, you get on all fours, you craw, you walk THEN you run. And what happens when you don't follow the propper steps you fall FLAT on your face while everyone laughs at how cute you look!

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Millions of characters, not millions of subscribers. Most subscribers have more than one character. the game still has ~1m subscribers. So yes, millions of characters.


Billions and Billions. - carl sagan (not really)


I really doubt the game has a million players. It's probably around 500k or less. A lot less after today, it's all guess work though.

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Millions of characters, not millions of subscribers. Most subscribers have more than one character. the game still has ~1m subscribers. So yes, millions of characters.


Billions and Billions. - carl sagan (not really)


You still dream...millions = at least 2 million...so if everyone had 2 characters and everyone were transferring maybe but I believe the game population is now under 1 million or will be soon. Out of everyone having characters not everyone is going to transfer because there are origin and destination servers...and it appears some of the most populated servers are destination servers so then you cut even more characters needing transfer out of that...Millions? I think not sir.

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my 2 cents.


i don't care that its just 4 NA servers to start. i know that there will be others.


my issue is that Jedi Covenant and the Fatman are the two largest servers currently. they don't need transfers to even out their population. i know, i have alts on JC. always can find a group and can always pvp.


now the server with my mains on it, its dead and the reason i went to JC a month ago. even in my guild with over 100 memebers i have a hard time finding a group. the fleet averages friday and saturday nights at around 30 poeple. weekdays its about 20. now, really don't care if my main server gets a boost over others, like i said, i've already moved on.


so i'm just want to know why the two largest are getting a boost and not say, a server at a middle range to start. why would they want to overcrowd a server rather than help another out? it really doesn't make any sense to me, at all. of course, that might be a reason that i'm not part of the booming industry that is mmo development, because i don't understand these obviously awesome decisions.


The reason is because they're starting off slow to make sure everything works and the process can handle it. In order for a transfer to a low or medium pop destination server to work, it has to be multiple servers transferring there at once. But since they're not ready for that yet (give it a day or two), they went with the 1-to-1 transfers to Fatman and JC first.


It makes perfect sense, plus it gives you an idea about how big they're looking at making ALL the servers, since they're increasing their already-high pop ones.

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With all teh Whinning aboutteh controlled and gradual and transparent transfers, next time BW should just allow everyone to transfer from teh get-go...with weeks long que list then of course. But at least you special people are then all transferred first.
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Bottomline, BW should not be directing where your character can or cannot transfer or at the very least choose several dead servers to transfer to one specified not this one to one garbage that is happening now, its ridiculous..
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I wonder about the average ages of the people whining about this process, because with the entitlement running rampant around here, you'd think we were all dealing with toddlers. Because a toddler thinks just because he wants something, he is entitled to getting it immediately and in the exact manner of his preference.


You can't expect a toddler to understand logic. You can't say to a toddler "the transfers are being staged in order to manage the populations so we don't have to do this again'. All they understand is that they're not getting what they wanted exactly this minute.


It has more to do with playing an MMO on a dead server, hearing about the 12th for transfers and then being let down. So, of course people are upset. The immature people are the ones antagonizing the frustrated people IMO.

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I also wanted to point out that this process was outlined in our community blog last week and in our main transfer thread here. Specifically:


This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes.


Millions of characters? really? you don't want to rethink that guess? If there were millions of characters to be moved we wouldn't need to be moving now would we?

As for the very very very small amount of servers open for transfer for the first few days from the sounds of it well this sums it up...its as if millions (if you go buy joveth's estimate) of voices all screamed out and were suddenly silenced....

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