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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current Transfer Servers


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123 US servers, 4 servers eligible for transfer today, I'm going to ASSUME they will be adding more servers each day, so lets say they stick to 4-5 servers a day, that means it will take another month to get all the server out with transfers, I'm sure by then people who end up on the *** end of server transfers will have already unsubbed, and many more who wont care to renew their subscription during the whole process. They should have started transfers 2-3 months ago, its a fail on their part and people have every right to be pissed.


You make one bad assumption.. besides the 4 a day.. as we don't know if all waves will be this big.


You state only 4 servers are involved.. I count 8. Origin and destination. Just saying

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they did 4 servers for today's maintenance and they will probably do 4 more random US/EU ones the next time; so we're probably looking at months of waiting.


There's nothing random about them.


1 US East PVE. 1 US East PVP.

1 US West PVE. 1 US West PVP.

1 EU English PVE. 1 EU English PVP.

1 EU German PVE. 1 EU German PVP.

1 EU French PVE. 1 EU French PVP.


10 Servers.


No randomness.


Pure taking it slowly to test the process.

Edited by Lakhesis
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Tweeting is not the way to keep most of your customer base up to date. Stop with the GD tweeting crap. You have forums, USE THE GD FORUMS NOT A TWEET!


I agree with this, twiiter is dumb....

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Look, im taking a neutral stance as i ask this question, please dont accuse me of criticizing Bioware.



Does anyone knowledgeable in these kind of things, estimate how long it will take for all servers to eventually be eligible for transfer? A day? A week? A month?



Thank you


About 3 months.

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They obviously are going to start slow in case there are bugs they didn't find.


"Swtor loses 50% of their characters in transfers!" Would not be a good thing.


Wow this is a clairvoyant one.... because WE ALL know how well Bioware deals with bugs.

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lol tell you what my server and alot of others would notice 10 extra people on during peak times.


Favorite post in this thread so far...


Annoyed that I don't know if we are going or not. As a Guild Leader I have been answering A LOT of questions about this and I promised I would know more today. Not fun hearing 10-15 people disappointed in vent at once. Breaks my heart. They are my gaming soulmates...


Bioware, I expected more from you...


If they add like 10 servers every 4 hours or so people might calm down a little.... but the thought of having to wait a day or more to see potentially 4/100+ servers pop up on the list isn't very encouraging...

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They are doing transfers, because if they dont the game IS DEAD!. We have no patience, because BW has given us no reason to be so with their past performance on being timely with any sort of update. The little notice a few days ago on whats servers to were, would have gone a long ways in helping with that. But as typical with BW they never say anything except trivial BS. They cannot even fix the damn CS green tag, they said they fixed it in todays patch, but it still gives the same damn notice even though there is no message on the same dam help tickets each time you change to another character on the same server. Do they even test **** anymore before they patch it and say its fixed? LMAO

That is the reason primaryly for NO PATIENCE!


Too bad. If you don't have enough patience to wait a few days, then unsubscribe. They said it was a gradual process and yet for some reason so many people thought they were going to be the special snowflake chosen to transfer at the very start. Holy crap you people are ridiculous.

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Look at most of the updates that Bioware has released, then look at the time frames that the were release in...they did 4 servers for today's maintenance and they will probably do 4 more random US/EU ones the next time; so we're probably looking at months of waiting.


Stop spreading disinformation Captain Rage

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^^^ This. When they used words like "slowly" and "gradual" i thought of a relative small amount but nowhere near this small. 15-20 Servers was what i thought as well. 4 servers for N.A? Sorry it simply feels like a bad joke.


I count 20 involved servers.. 10 origin, 10 destination.

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"just be patient guys" BW is handling this appropriate and effectively as usual. I will continue to play on my server that has a total population of 10 for the next month! But really, a big shut the **** up to those brown nosers on this forum ;).
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I think BW have bad Marketing teams.


Understandably the process will take time and they can't just do all at once; however they could easily release information about servers and where they can go and a start date for transfers, even if that is further down the line, then at least people on that server will know they will be able to move or their server is getting players etc.


No they can't give us the information because it can change, that is the whole point of the gradual approach, so that they consolidate the right number of servers to produce high population servers.


They could announce that A will transfer to Y eventually but by the time they announce sever A it might need to transfer to X because X is not full enough or to Z because Y has filled up to the level they want. And no matter how many times they stated how its going to work people would complain, the whining in this threads demonstrates the inability of people to actually read when the announce.

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jedi tower and freedom of nad both are on standard populations gratz guys and girls:)


nice 1 bioware


they will so gonna lose more players with this fail transfer stuff.... ppl are tired to see this slow motion work wich sometimes takes months to see anything real moving from BW...

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I also wanted to point out that this process was outlined in our community blog last week and in our main transfer thread here. Specifically:


This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes.


This worries me a tad. Does this mean it could take a few weeks for our servers to be transferred? Is this list a daily list or is it for 2-3 days before the next transfers start? I really want server transfers as well, but I would rather take longer and be done properly. Look on the bright side, server transfers could have come out with 1.3 in a few weeks. At least they are starting them. What happened to new super servers that were mentioned by bioware? I'm thinking EA nixed this because of the server cost.....

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Tweeting is not the way to keep most of your customer base up to date. Stop with the GD tweeting crap. You have forums, USE THE GD FORUMS NOT A TWEET!


Yes, because there's more people sitting in front of their computers than people who have their phones handy. :rolleyes:

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Bioware, why are you are dragging your feet on this? You are losing subs by the minute, and will have a dead GAME if this keeps up.


I am tired of people who say "have patience". I have had patience for months. It has not been a problem for only about a month, but has been for many months. I don't even care if I have to transfer my toon now... I just wanna know where all the destination servers are.


You keep everything secret behind the curtain, then tell us "oh here, this will solve your problems", and then when you unveil it... it does absolutely nothing.


I been a supporter and defender of the game. My mantra has been "the games is only XXX months old, give it a break" - but this isn't about the game so much as it is about people's money that is being spent on a monthly basis wait for a product which is daily becoming worse and worse.


Oh, and the few server that do get tranfers today...good job on sending them to already high pop servers. Are you kidding me? Those servers do not need more... its the medium pop servers that need to be the destinations.


Don't wait for the industry people to say a year later, "SWTOR died because they failed to fix a problem that was comepetely fixable" - as have been said about other games that have died.

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To get people off the dead servers and onto servers where there are people. That was the whole point of this. What the heck did you think was going on? They even said in some cases they'll move a server or two to an already populated server, and in some cases they'll put a bunch of lower pop servers together.


Seriously, read what they've wrote before you type nonsense.

I know what they wrote, that doesnt mean I understand the thought behind it

They want to create more populated servers right? Why put light servers with the heaviest servers that are already populated enough?


The only thing I can think of is that this is basicly a trialrun and if something messes up on the origin servers its only a tiny loss

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Look at most of the updates that Bioware has released, then look at the time frames that the were release in...they did 4 servers for today's maintenance and they will probably do 4 more random US/EU ones the next time; so we're probably looking at months of waiting.


That's the most fail logic ever..

1. Not every single US server will be an origin server..

2. You can expect them to increase the amount of transfers for every day.


Be happy you are not the transfer guinnea pig.

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LOL. Guys transferring hundreds of people a day is too technically challenging. The top men at BW can only do 4-5 char transfers a day. I must say, some of the bad software engineers in company are a million times more competent than these devs. Their ability to fail continuously is hilarious. Anyway, got the guild together to resub and transfer tofay morning but another disappointment. We are done. GW2 is much better anyway. Hope this game dies a slow painful death like the pos it is. Edited by harry_kpotter
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They never said they were doing 4 a day. Way to jump to conclusions, though.


This thread should just be locked. The only people complaining are people that can't read.


I didnt say they did, i said, if 4 a day is what we are looking at, thats no different then doing it once a week or month. Thats how cryptic bioware is. They say things that reassure you that everything is going to be in an acceptable manner, but then when it comes out - its flipped on you. They said staggered, they didnt say HOW staggered. Its a broad implication. And when it finally comes out and people complain, they defend themselves by saying ...."well... we DID tell you".


That saddest part about this, and like everything else. This is suppose to be game that listens to the community. Here we are on a REALLY big day, and the only interactions we have had with bioware is a general forums with EVERY topic but 5 locked by the forum mod and ZERO communication from the developers, mods ect. Want to ease people, someone needs to get their butt on these forums and explain *** is going on. Server transfers being staggering? fine, gradual? fine.... BUT SERIOUSLY someone needs to communicate, explain the process so people can understand and shut up.

They always do this, and when the forum is finally in an uproar itll be another cryptic explanation. Bioware isnt any different that anyone else, if its bad or unappealing news they cant put a positive spin on, you wont hear it.

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