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Current Transfer Servers


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Guys be patient!!!! Stop whining for god's sake!!!!! Just BE PATIENT ppl!!!!!!:eek:


Are you new to this game.... We have had nothing but patience for this game... but again and again bioware, seems to not care about the players... we are left in the dark. they are more focused on new content.. 1.3.... I DONT GIVE A F(/&%#"¤ ABOUT NEW CONTENT... I want someone to play with in a MMO.. this is a freaking singleplayer game.. DEAD DEAD DEAD... Im out.... Bioware my sub ends on 18 June.. now kiss my resub goodbye...

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Thank you for that update.


I have to say that, if indeed additional servers will be added in very short order, that a tremendous amount of bad customer relations, "publicity," and perhaps most importantly that intangible taste in people's mouths could have been avoided by simply explaining ahead of time that servers would be rolled out over the course of a few days.


but they did though

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Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.


Ok, so you're letting my low pop server be a free to move from server (Rakata Mind Prison).....why can't I/we choose where we want to go?


And yes, not wise letting Fatman and JC be transfers to. (Those were already Heavy/Very Heavy...they should not be on the list.

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For the love of god!!!! I don't normally post on the forums because I understand that mmo's take time to develop and fine tune, but this is ridiculous that only 4 US servers are up for transfers currently. I woke up with such high hopes that i could transfer off Bondar Crystal this morning. Instead i have to hope that my server gets on the list before the days over so when i log on during prime hours tonight i have move then 15 people to play with.


Thank You Bioware for yet another fail promise as it currently stands :)

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The sky is not falling but I will say this....Fatman already has a queue at night after dinner. So if this is in fact one of the destination servers something has gone terribly wrong. I think the community was hoping to create more servers like Fatman with this process. No one was wanting Fatman to become unavailable during prime time as a result of this process.
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That's it Biofail. That's the straw that broke the camel's back congratulations on breaking the game beyond repair. Soooo many people will un-sub over this. I was going to re-sub today. Instead I'm going to delete all my characters so I no longer need to concern myself with this shower of ........
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throwing my hat in along with all the other sane and rational people,they did say GRADUAL server transfers......MEANING they will start slow and build up to more.Im sure most of the reasonable people will agree we all want this done right not half assed and if that means a little at a time than so be it.But by all means if you can do a better job than the people at Bioware maybe you should be there helping them do what they do.
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And you can not post it before "transfer"? :confused:

You always know how to disappoint ur players... :(


they did. they repeatedly stated that transfers would START on tuesday. they never even remotely stated they would take care of 100+ servers on one day.

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Does anyone know just how low population these first origin servers have? That might make it possible for people to guesstimate the order of transfers...


Of course, BioWare COULD do us all a favour and tell us that. Would be good to know if my republic characters should expect to wait a couple of days or two weeks - I mean, if it's closer to a couple of weeks than a couple of days I could still put stuff on GTN, I could keep things that I don't need right now in the mail... small things like that.



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Fatman has decent population, I made an alt there and it was pretty packed, but I heard about transfers coming and quit playing him at level 13.


that the problem fatman has a high population then may add more why not leave fatman as it is?

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I also wanted to point out that this process was outlined in our community blog last week and in our main transfer thread here. Specifically:


This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes.

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So... gonna be about a week and I'm going to be transferring to a server with some really geared up people. Sweet.


I was undergeared once but then i got geared. Not everything in life is free or handed to you on a silver platter.

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Yeah, I even took a day off to be sure to transfer and hopefully be able to keep some of my character names.


Stupid decision, why did I trust that this would be a happy day :rak_04:


You took a day off just for the hope of keeping character names? Yes, that is a stupid decision.


Especially since you could have just created a character on a server with the name you wanted then once you have transferred the one you want with that name, delete the duff character and 'rename' your main to the right name...simple.

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Sigh...I dont know what Bioware is supposed to do..if they had done this on mass, posters would likely scream it was taking too long...and then if there was a disaster the QQ would be of bibical proportions. Transfers are here, relax and let the professional server staff do their job. I work IT and these guys are proceeding as they should. If you cant show patience at this point, you really need to find something else in your life to do thats more relaxing.....like knitting.

I am personally surprised they are allowing trasfers to The Fatman so thats a treat for some players....as well I enjoy they patched another warzone exploit :)

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That's it Biofail. That's the straw that broke the camel's back congratulations on breaking the game beyond repair. Soooo many people will un-sub over this. I was going to re-sub today. Instead I'm going to delete all my characters so I no longer need to concern myself with this shower of ........


Only those that cannot, or did not read. ;p The rest of us knew that this is how it would go....because they kept us informed.

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