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pvp needs more stuns!


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I think a SERIOUS nerf on stuns should happen. Last night I did a round of PVP and it was ridiculous. By the time my resolve bar is full I'm dead!


A few ideas I have. Let's complain and such... but let's also be part of the solution and provide some ideas.


A). Reduce stun break by AT LEAST 1 minute. 2 minutes hardly does any good. I'll get stun locked and died as a result 3 times before it's back up.


B). Change the stun CC to 5 minutes, have 1 stun per class and the rest be the... forgetting my vocabulary here... the one where damage will break it. Or reduce the stun timers on all except 1 stun to 1-2 seconds.


C). When I get stun locked and die, have resolve stay full until I take damage after stun has worn. Last night in huttball, 9 times out of 10 when I got stun locked my resolve bar was full and stayed there (because I was stunned) until I died. Then as I was running back to the action, it was running out. This makes resolve USELESS. Resolve should NOT start depleting until I've taken damage AFTER my stuns have worn off.


PVP should be a balance between damage causing, damage mitigation, and healing. Using abilities, strategies, and timing to defeat your oponent. Not using your entire arsenal of stuns to take them down.

Edited by Bewoulff
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seems like i don't spend nearly enough time chain cc'd in this game. its the coolest to not move or be able to do anything for large periods of time while 3 opponents smash my convulsing, unable to move body.


every class should have at the minimum 6 mezzes, stuns, roots and snares.


and trinkets / escapes should be taken out too. that way there's no way to remove any of them. why disrupt a perfectly good stun lock and chaining of the CC with a pesky escape ?


hopefully 1.3 will bring more snares and crowd control !!!


Do you not know anything about fair game play chain stuning will kill pvp. IMO if you have to take the cowards way out by attacking a helpless target then you don't belong in warzones or pvp of any kind. So get that though your head. there will not be anymore stuning of any kind.

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I think a SERIOUS nerf on stuns should happen. Last night I did a round of PVP and it was ridiculous. By the time my resolve bar is full I'm dead!


A few ideas I have. Let's complain and such... but let's also be part of the solution and provide some ideas.


A). Reduce stun break by AT LEAST 1 minute. 2 minutes hardly does any good. I'll get stun locked and died as a result 3 times before it's back up.


B). Change the stun CC to 5 minutes, have 1 stun per class and the rest be the... forgetting my vocabulary here... the one where damage will break it. Or reduce the stun timers on all except 1 stun to 1-2 seconds.


C). When I get stun locked and die, have resolve stay full until I take damage after stun has worn. Last night in huttball, 9 times out of 10 when I got stun locked my resolve bar was full and stayed there (because I was stunned) until I died. Then as I was running back to the action, it was running out. This makes resolve USELESS. Resolve should NOT start depleting until I've taken damage AFTER my stuns have worn off.


PVP should be a balance between damage causing, damage mitigation, and healing. Using abilities, strategies, and timing to defeat your oponent. Not using your entire arsenal of stuns to take them down.


Silly DPS, Resolve is for Tanks and Healers. : )

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Ive found on the Red Eclipse its the civil war that imps seem to shag the dog the most on and to be fair communication for some reason. Ive a Jug I pvp on and im getting my war hero on so have done the odd battle now. Although a bit cack I will agree, I tend to go straight to the nearest node capture it stay there get my medals and hope i dont get civil war next time.

Ive rolled a Sentinel just to see why its different and ive found if a plan is called to a player they try to stick to it and they call for help before they are attacked so said node isnt taken, sounds simple right but Imps seem to struggle playing together. 2-6-0 is called you might get that sometimes but more often than not you get varying formations then all nodes are lost and folk leave because obviously its everyone elses fault.

Personally I cant wait for premades then atleast theres no doubts if your beaten its due to the other team being better and not a team issue.


The other thing I like is that when healers are marked high dps wont just attack them they attack nearest, then moan that we loose. Or healers get moaned at because a player will line of sight the healer and then cant be healed. In short i think the Rep's have better play attitude, I love my jug and will stay imp but I do laugh at the chuckle heads I get thrown in with... my line now is when I finish above my imp team mates which is majority of the time. "need more practice."

Edited by Locksley
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How about a video (http://www.fraps.com) showing:

  • your gear (bring up your character in the vid, show your expertise)
  • an example of chain stunning and you dying


My personal experience is that getting killed (or burned down far enough that I'm practially dead) before the first stun clears (which we are riding out) happened a lot when I was in recruit and still happens now that I'm in full BM but it happens much less frequently.


If it is 3 against 1 and the opponents are geared the same as you or better and they have basic PvP skills then you should die quickly.


I'm a healer so I frequently get marked and focused on. If the opposing team is an elite PvP premade and my team is a PUG (or meh pre-made) then I do get stunned and burned down 3 vs 1. But these elite PvP players are both better geared than me and they play much better than me (and my team).


Some days it seems my only opponents are the very strong teams which inevitably crush my PUG.


I don't see the stun/resolve system as the problem, I see the issue of match making very strong teams against weak teams so that a complete domination (e.g. 0-6 huttball, 0% - 100% novare) is guaranteed as the problem.

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seems like i don't spend nearly enough time chain cc'd in this game. its the coolest to not move or be able to do anything for large periods of time while 3 opponents smash my convulsing, unable to move body.


You are already dead, it should take 3 people just one stun to finish you... at this time, they don't even need a stun at times to do so in a (very) few GCDs.


every class should have at the minimum 6 mezzes, stuns, roots and snares.


Snares are not influenced by resolve, maybe thats your issue, you are confusing snares/root for stuns...?


and trinkets / escapes should be taken out too. that way there's no way to remove any of them. why disrupt a perfectly good stun lock and chaining of the CC with a pesky escape ?


hopefully 1.3 will bring more snares and crowd control !!!


I understand you are frustrated, but when three people are humping you, you are gonna die.


The "people" have spoken they don't enjoy having healers guarded and being hard to kill by just 1-2 dps that don't wan't to time interrupts... what do you think the people want to happen to you being solo vs 3 others.


The fact is, resolve (although maybe buggy?) is a big improvement to other mmo's I played. Room for improvement, yeah ofcourse. But complaining when 3 people are humping you, while stunned and then dieing seems a bit off.


Newsflash, even without stuns, you are dead in seconds ... unless you have 3 glue sniffing dps on you... which as an ex-healer... I admit... is always a possibility. ;)

Edited by SinnedQWERTY
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Silly DPS, Resolve is for Tanks and Healers. : )


lol Well I'm Kinetic Combat... if being a Shadow tank means anything after 1.3.


And regardless the same solutions would apply to Tanks/Healers.

Edited by Bewoulff
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Do you not know anything about fair game play chain stuning will kill pvp. IMO if you have to take the cowards way out by attacking a helpless target then you don't belong in warzones or pvp of any kind. So get that though your head. there will not be anymore stuning of any kind.


I think you should turn on your sarcasm detector.

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lol Well I'm Kinetic Combat... if being a Shadow tank means anything after 1.3.


And regardless the same solutions would apply to Tanks/Healers.


Oh man, I dunno what to tell you then..


The only time I ever actually get to have a full Resolve bar before I'm dead is on my Tankasin or Mara. <.<


Powertech, Sorc, Sniper all die right about the time they get a white bar. At least no one will be stunning me in the respawn area? <.<


That is, if I don't respawn DEAD. >:c

Edited by Varicite
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Good idea.


I always thought Force Push should have a small area effect to knockback several people.


Like in the movies you know.


I think Force Push should do extra damage if your target hits terrain and when he finally comes to a complete stop, dealing an AOE effect around himself.

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: Originally Posted by Sabredance View Post

Good idea.


I always thought Force Push should have a small area effect to knockback several people.


Like in the movies you know.

I think Force Push should do extra damage if your target hits terrain and when he finally comes to a complete stop, dealing an AOE effect around himself.


I think Force Push should do extra damage if your target hits terrain and when he finally comes to a complete stop, dealing an AOE effect around himself.


...and then he/she should like explode and there will be fire, gibs and stuff everywhere...


And unicorns! This game needs more unicorns...


... hey look a shiney... /wanders_off

Edited by SinnedQWERTY
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In the end, I see the PRIMARY problem is in the classes that have 3sec+ stuns that do not end with damage being dealt. It works fine in PVE, but isn't it possible to make those abilities end after 2 sec if damage is dealt? Sure, smart teams could string them together still, but then again that's good teamwork.

It's the stuns that don't end while they wail on you that are unfair in pvp, in my opinion. Otherwise, well, that's just how the cookie crumbles, agents / warriors will rock your world with damage, not stuns.

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...and then he/she should like explode and there will be fire, gibs and stuff everywhere...


And unicorns! This game needs more unicorns...


... hey look a shiney... /wanders_off



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Well, I hate to be "that guy", but IRL if you went up against 3 dudes.. the odds of them holding you down and beating you while you can't do anything are pretty high.


: )


Not if you're one with the force.

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seems like i don't spend nearly enough time chain cc'd in this game. its the coolest to not move or be able to do anything for large periods of time while 3 opponents smash my convulsing, unable to move body.


every class should have at the minimum 6 mezzes, stuns, roots and snares.


and trinkets / escapes should be taken out too. that way there's no way to remove any of them. why disrupt a perfectly good stun lock and chaining of the CC with a pesky escape ?


hopefully 1.3 will bring more snares and crowd control !!!


You left out that every said mez, stune, root and snare needs to be AOE. Because what fun is it, if only one person can't move.

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