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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Its to cover the fact the game is dying so investors and gaming magazines/web sites think the game is better off then it really is. If they openly state "We are opening mergers" it clearly shows the game is dying.


Every MMO that I can think of has had to merge servers. It's part of the cycle they go through. Merge the servers and have a hope of saving the game or go this route and piss off everyone (read the forum posts) and have the game die for sure.

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I gave up on SoAP long before I heard that they were actually planning on making character transfers a reality, because **I wanted to play on a server with other people,** not, as you seem to believe, because I'd heard transfers were coming, and figured I'd just move my toon(s) later. It's not my fault, nor any other player's fault, that BioWare GROSSLY overestimated their drawing power with this game, provided WAY too many servers to begin with, then gave us a game that would lose, what, about a fourth? of its subs within the first six months.


Am I entitled to something? F**k yes! For $60 up front, and an additional $15/month, I'm ENTITLED to play the MMORPG I paid for, not a glorified single-player game where you have to spam general chat for an hour if you want to do a [HEROIC 4] mission, and heaven forbid you should want to actually do OPS!


A friend suggested that if EVE Online can manage their 400k subs on one server, then why couldn't SW:TOR be hosted on just a handful of servers. Now, while I like that idea, I realize that EVE gets away with it because they've got 7500ish different star systems, with multiple planets, moons, and space stations in each system. You're not going to have the system lag of having 500 people in the same place as you at the same time. I'm not suggesting they should move the entire SW:TOR subscriber base onto a handful of servers, as my friend (and others, I'm sure) think they should, because I don't wanna fry my computer trying to zone into Imperial Fleet when there are 300 other people there already, but I don't think opening character transfer up to something a little more than "people on these 10 servers MAY transfer their toons to THESE 10, pre-determined servers, if they so desire" is going to kill the system.


I do get what you are saying, but other people to play with is not something BW can guarantee you so sorry, that is not what you are entitled to. Try and tell me that they aren't fixing the low pop problem. Guess what you can still transfer your characters onto other servers but first they are trying to figure out how many servers they need. But you will, just like all other MMOs have to pay for it.

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Ok, sat and thought about this for a moment before posting. Like many I was surprised that people were being allowed to xfer TO the Fatman as it's the highest pvp pop server. Also like many I was disappointed and upset that my original server wasn't named. Then I thought about it more, why would they transfer people to one of (if not the) highest pop servers? I mean, I'm all for it, but wouldn't overcrowding be an issue? I've already seen some lag server side as a result.... Wait, if they're allowing xfers to that server, with all the potential problems of overpop a server, then the population on the origin server must be really dead, I mean like stupidly dead as in a dozen or so active players remaining on it. Ok, I get it. The servers named on the first round are those in the greatest need. They're the ones where there's virtually no one logged into it at times, not like my server where theres around 20-odd people on the fleet and a handful scattered around on various maps, but they have an even lower population. Ok, I'm good (assuming my deductive reasoning is right).


May I make a suggestion though, Bioware? As you see with this thread a firestorm erupted. Now, of course some of it's to be expected, there's always going to be those that flame no matter what's done, such is the MMO world. However, may I suggest that y'all put down the reasoning as to the servers selected for this initial round? Some of us are on dead servers to the point that we chose either to walk away from swtor until the xfers came out (or 1.3) or reroll on another server leaving toons we invested a lot of time and energy into to sit in limbo until we can get them moved. Just a thought.

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I want to move to another server now because I have 3 days gametime left and I just want to get off the dead server, and then continue with a new sub when there is an update which has anything new I want to play, e.g. Space Combat Exploration, minigames, day/night cycles, less static worlds, chat bubbles, ship customization, guild capital ships.. all the fancy stuff which did not happen in the last six months.

So let your account expire come back when the new content you want to play arrives and transfer then instead. They have already stated the transfers will be available for a long time, it's not like if you don't transfer in the next 3 days you won't be able to do it when you return to the game in the future.


Nobody knows how the other phases will pan out and it's quite likely that by the time you decide to return to the game there will be many more transfer options available to you anyway.

Edited by RangerRobEU
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You are pointing out the problem that they are literally fixing as we speak. Believe it or not your situation is not special. This thread is full of people thinking they are the only ones that can't currently PvP. Again I am not happy with the way things are, but I am not going to piss and moan when the fact that they are changing to fix the problem right now.


I wish I lived in a magical place where this was never an issue but the fact is that server transfers are not magical, they are in fact so complicated that BW isn't even trying to deal with guilds. What about all of this makes everyone think that it should be an instant transfer for everyone?


I can pvp. I do it everytime I play because instead of forum whine I moved. Server transfers and guild transfers are not magical. They are database transactions. They can be as simple or complex as bioware wants to make the process. Without guilds they've dramatically reduced the complexity.


The fact is that not having planned there data and server structures around the eventuality of needing to movements and migrations speaks louder than anything that the issues surrounding this game are significantly larger.


So if I have an expectation that professional MMO developers maintain professional standards and practices excuse me.

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I never expected BioWare to fail as often as they seem to with SWTOR. Today was the day I considered resubbing. No thank you, servers will still be dead and the community is going down with the TORtantic. Maybe if they had made their own engine instead of using the crap mess of an engine ZERO, um I mean Hero , they would be able to correct things at a much quicker and more efficient rate.


As I recall the reason for using HERO was so more people would play SWTOR... HEY BIOWARE... care to explain to subscribers and former employees how that is working out ?



SWTOR - the best single player game on the planet !!!

Edited by InfernaMortis
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Reforming a guild and transferring multiple accounts is Work? It's a small price to pay for a free transfer to a better game experience.


If it was free to play I would agree with you completely. I pay to play this game not to restructure their under populated servers.

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Everyone keeps saying be patient but i have had 6 toons stuck on a dead server for a long time now and i would like to move them to the server i had to start over on. Im sure when this testing phase for sever xfers is done they will charge me way to much for each of my 6 toons to move to the sever i want. If that happens say goodbye to this game and im guessing alot of others will do the same.


They need to fix the game for the subs they have now make us happy, cuz if a friend said he wanted to come back to swtor i would tell him dont bother right now his toons are still stuck on a dead server. The word will spread that swtor is fixed but they better hurry from what i herd subs are droping like flys.

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all I want is to transfer my 2 characters from Dreshdae Cantina to Empress Teta so I can be in my guild I started a character on Dreshdae Cantina prelaunch but and my local friends joined on Empress Teta due to high wait times for Dreshdae Cantina if Bioware would do this I would be more than willing to keep playing. I bought game time because I was hoping this could happen. please bioware I implore you for this.
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I have transferred 7 characters while it says 8 in the server list and at the character transfer page. When I log in it shows 7 characters, as it should be. Can I please transfer my last character as well?
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Everyone keeps saying be patient but i have had 6 toons stuck on a dead server for a long time now and i would like to move them to the server i had to start over on.
I'm the last person to defend Bioware, but...the end is in sight! Seriously...they have STARTED the real transfers! A little patience at this point isn't too much to ask.
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When they said limited availability to transfer. I never expected it would be THIS limiting.


Honestly BW, I would've expected a few more servers on the origin lists than what you have there. One Question I have to ask is...


Why the overly cautious approach? Is it because you want to see that everything goes smoothly with these few servers first before adding others to the origin list? Are you simply wishing to start out with a "test batch" of servers to make sure the process works like you have purported it to? Help us to understand the methods with which you are using for reasoning behind such a small list of origin servers.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Frankly, our expectations were overblown, and we're upset because of those same expectations not being met. I think the lack of communication regarding this is partially to blame for expectations going skyward.


So, let's ask a different question, Will origin servers be added to the list week by week, fortnightly or are these the only ones which will get the complimentary treatment? I dont expect these to be the only servers to get the complimentary treatment, Many of us have characters on servers that we consider to be dead that we would like to be able to move these characters to another place.


Rather than a list of origin servers, could the process be personalized to the player where on login, they can go to character transfers and look at the servers they have characters on and see what destination servers they'd have for those characters or will that come later? If I could make one suggestion, that would be open infinity gate as origin server, or consolidate the infinity gate server into infinite empire, no reason to have two servers that start with same name essentially as infinite and infinity are the same meaning really.

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Of course let's tell paying customers who have a right voice thier displeasure with a system they paid for to shut up and get in line behind Bioware's solution that isn't helping them. That's definitely the best course of action right...
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Looking good so far - let's hope that many many many more of the low to ghost servers are included on the origin server list towards some more of the popular servers.


Can we get an ETA on some of the selective transfers? How about an ETA of if / when restrictions on server types will be removed from the transfer process in these "free" transfers?

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My server isn't listed as an origin or destination YET, but that doesn't mean it won't happen later today or tomorrow or next week. They obviously chose these servers to start with FOR A REASON: based on complexity, extremely low population on the origins, or some information WE ARE NOT PRIVY TO.


You have the right to be frustrated but try to think beyond just your personal experience; maybe there are servers way worse off than even yours. There are conservatively 1 MILLION players out there and I'll bet by end of the process of free transfers that 30% (or more) of them will be offered a free transfer if not more. That means 300,000 (or more) potential transfers have to be processed before this is all said and done. Gee that might take a while to do CORRECTLY don't you think?


Helpful Post:

"BW, I'm very disappointed that my server, X is not in the initial phase. I hope you will consider adding server X in the next phase as last Saturday during prime time there were one hour cues to get into PVP. I am very concerned about this and don't feel I'm getting my money's worth at this time. Do you think it would be possible to get a list of what servers will be in what phases and the target dates? It would be helpful for me as I would like to put my account on hold until server x is available for transfers. Thank you -- User"


Ignored Post:

"Stupid BW, you're all incompetent idiots! 4 servers in the whole USA?! How oblivious! I'm unsubbing...I know I have said this 30 times before but I mean it this time. I MEAN IT, if you don't do exactly what I want, when I want it, I'm gonna quit! You won't have my $15....no seriously transfer me right now as you are reading this or I'm gone! Don't you know that my problems are more important than your other customers? I'm entitled to things that they are not and not outlined in the EULA! WOOKIE RAGE, WOOKIE RAGE!!!!!!"


Seriously, which post do you think Bioware or fellow customers are likely to find helpful or even get read?

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are you kidding me BW??? 4 servers? Hanharr has been dead since I started playing. No pvp for days, 10 people on the fleet at peak times, its rediculous. If they had just let characters transfer freely people eventually the populations would balance out on a few, well populated servers. I understand where they are coming from with the assigned destination points, but only four servers at first? that just doesnt seem fair.


I love this game and it bothers me how upset I am right now, please dont **** this up Bioware

Edited by bromotion
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How are you guys interpreting this as a let down? I was surprised not to hear more from BW about the xfers earlier this week, and yes the lack of knowledge was annoying. But these guys are doing exactly what they said. transfers START today. All you nerd rage-aholics were complaining 45 minutes after they rolled this out.


Need I remind you that this is a MASSIVE multi-player online game? despite popular belief there are more than 45 people playing this game. BW has to move hundreds of thousands of accounts and if they did it all at once you would still be waiting forever, it would just be a bigger shiz show than it already is. so cool your jets and give it a day or two.


I am so tired of the forum people not having a mode between satisfied and on the brink of murder/suicide. Can't you be mildly annoyed, or somewhat dissapointed without declaring the end of the goddam world?


Amen brother.


And for the record, I'd rather not end up on Fatman. Maybe to the near-sighted or completely indifferent they're happy to jump there and get it over with. I for one would rather exercise a little patience and hope to be consolidated someplace where the option of NOT having to rename any characters is better, and the population isn't dominated by foul mouthed and minded adolescents whose second ******** only drops when they're behind a keyboard.

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My original server with the character I want to transfer is on the list...


...but it sucks that they want to choose the destination where he can transfer!



How 'bout just let me pay for the transfer I want if that is what it takes for me to make the move I WANT to make.

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My server isn't listed as an origin or destination YET, but that doesn't mean it won't happen later today or tomorrow or next week. They obviously chose these servers to start with FOR A REASON: based on complexity, extremely low population on the origins, or some information WE ARE NOT PRIVY TO.


You have the right to be frustrated but try to think beyond just your personal experience; maybe there are servers way worse off than even yours. There are conservatively 1 MILLION players out there and I'll bet by end of the process of free transfers that 30% (or more) of them will be offered a free transfer if not more. That means 300,000 (or more) potential transfers have to be processed before this is all said and done. Gee that might take a while to do CORRECTLY don't you think?


Helpful Post:

"BW, I'm very disappointed that my server, X is not in the initial phase. I hope you will consider adding server X in the next phase as last Saturday during prime time there were one hour cues to get into PVP. I am very concerned about this and don't feel I'm getting my money's worth at this time. Do you think it would be possible to get a list of what servers will be in what phases and the target dates? It would be helpful for me as I would like to put my account on hold until server x is available for transfers. Thank you -- User"


Ignored Post:

"Stupid BW, you're all incompetent idiots! 4 servers in the whole USA?! How oblivious! I'm unsubbing...I know I have said this 30 times before but I mean it this time. I MEAN IT, if you don't do exactly what I want, when I want it, I'm gonna quit! You won't have my $15....no seriously transfer me right now as you are reading this or I'm gone! Don't you know that my problems are more important than your other customers? I'm entitled to things that they are not and not outlined in the EULA! WOOKIE RAGE, WOOKIE RAGE!!!!!!"


Seriously, which post do you think Bioware or fellow customers are likely to find helpful or even get read?


Careful using logic with some of these people, it acts like the sun and will burn right through them.

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I think it comes down to people comparing this process--which is relatively chaffing and limited--to the way other games manage to handle the same process. When you compare SWTOR to its competitors in terms of server transfers, SWTOR doesn't do well.

It doesn't matter if you have technical knowledge or not. You can be the best programmer in the world, but still produce a poor game.


QFE. *wonders if there will ever be a World of Starcraft*.

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Please add Firkrann Crystal to the transfer list i haven't been able to enter a single match of pvp on my low levels in over a month now. As far as my lvl 50 and pvp i can maybe play a hand full (3-5) of matches a week. The server is completely dead at peak times there is maybe 40 people on the whole server. I don't understand why you guys cant just have 10 main servers that people are allowed to transfer to until they hit standard population. Then add more servers accordingly? Edited by LIMEZILLA
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At the current rate it will only take 25 more days to consolidate down the NA servers and according to the forum faithful thats a reasonable timeframe. Because we all know based Bioware's excellent customer service skills they will be working weekends. :rolleyes:
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