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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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This! There is a fraction of servers left. Who cares if some servers are lower than others at the end? They are ALL nice and packed as it is!


This isnt even "transfers" and they know it! There is no "choice" on where to go ... there is no back and forth. No decisions what so ever. This is more a "voluntary merging" of the servers. What happens on the weekend is irrelevant anyway. Not many people care to stay in a ghost town, nearly everyone who is in an Origin server is going to leave eventually. You should already KNOW which has how many accounts and should set up your transfers accordingly.


Agree, this is a fail for sure back to doing other things besides this game

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We've been waitting for transfers on Frostclaw since Tuesday now.


I'm really, really cross that you're going to leave a large portion of us stuck on dead servers over the weekend.


I've been a loyal, paying supporter of this game since well before pre-release. Right now, for the first time ever, I feel like cancelling my subscription.


Yup I have characters there too after Goluud died now I've moved Goluud's to Red eclipse and was expecting I'd be able to combine them on a server of my choice along with friends I have on frostclaw.


Thats providing I'll actually still be able to find them because despite being told not making any attempt to preserve a players friend list with a characters current name would be a problem.


How this has been handled, designed and executed is like watching a bunch of 5 year olds playing with a tub playdow, entertaining for a while but sooner or later you realise there's going to be a huge mess to clean up afterwards.

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These Bioware apologist have no clue. There are only 2 PVP EST servers left, TWO, with a combined population of maybe 50. No amount of data over the weekend is going to impact the end result. These two servers have to be transferred to either Fatman or Po5,. So why wait other than to piss us off? Edited by Thorlas
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Well seeing that I will be stuck on my current server until after the weekend. Could I at least get approved to copy one of my 50s to the PTS to help with rated WZ testing?? I'm going to need somthing to do. I have applied many times for PTS Character copy's and I have heard nothing.
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  • Dev Post
They seem to have no plan going into the processes - as they've obviously not made any initial calculations based on metrics gathered the last couple of months of how many active players there are in the game, and divide them with the expected capacity of servers.


This is not the case. We understand that having to wait can be a source of frustration, but we definitely did not come into this with no plan. The metrics we had prior to transfers opening helped us prepare for the process, but we knew that the start of character transfer would affect populations. Our plan is to monitor populations and work to ensure that character transfer results in a good experience for players. We're constantly evaluating data and will continue to make decisions based off of it.

Edited by AllisonBerryman
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I guess I understand the rage, but I can't reasonable come to the same conclusions that the rest of the playerbase who are on 'dead' servers are coming to.

Are you saying you can't wait until the weekend to get transferred? So you've waited this long, and now, possibly, 2-3 more days is too much?

Also, I would imagine this is the same kind of rage that initiated this whole server fiasco in the first place. People on the forums literally RAGING for quick action from Bioware when they are misinformed and wholly run on what they think they know and what the Devs obviously don't know.

There was a previous post that stated good logical reasoning for this hesitation. It involved weekends and later transfer rates being higher than initial transfer dates, you can look for it if you want.

I'm starting to believe that by one person completely raging on the forums, it initiates a wave of complains from people who are not necessarily knowledgeable of the game, but will latch on to the first sign of unrest and anger and continue the trend.

My point is, people need to relax and take a deep breath.

You might say, how can we relax when Bioware is forgetting about us???!1!?

Well i'm running on the idea that they want to keep more subs, so you will not be forgotten, simply, you will have to wait, a little?, longer.

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After my transfer, will I have my collector's, pre-order and special in-game mail remailed to me?


No, make sure to take all your mailed items out of the mail because it will be purged. The same with any stuff you are selling on the GTN. Remove it or lose it.

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This is not the case. We understand that having to wait can be a source of frustration, but we definitely did not come into this with no plan. The metrics we had prior to transfers opening helped us prepare for the process, but we knew that the start of character transfer would affect populations. Our plan is to monitor populations and work to ensure that character transfer results in a good experience for players. We're constantly evaluating data and will continue to make decisions based off of it.


I dont want to repost it but I put a solution up a few pages ago. Open Firaxan Shark as a destination server and it will end a lot of this whining and screaming. It might save a few subs too.

Edited by AllisonBerryman
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Hello all,


Many posts that were disruptive, rude, insulting and contained profanity were removed from the thread, as were their replies. You can express your opinion, whether negative or positive, regarding the server transfer information, but we ask that you do so constructively and civilly. As a reminder:


  • Disruptive Behavior - Posts that are meant to cause disruptions or to incite flames are not allowed.
  • Profanity - Is never allowed.
  • Insults - Are not tolerated
  • Rude comments - will be removed, please be respectful toward one another.
  • Discussion of Moderation - If you have an issue regarding moderation, please send us an email so we can discuss it with you: communitysupport@swtor.com


Edited by Qishari
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A plea for reason....


Ok, everyone who has been responding to the raging and trying to calm things down, please re-evaluate the effect of your responses. I happen to agree with some of you but I think we are past the point of helping and anything we say at this point will only make people more angry.


The people left behind do have a right to be pissed, they are stuck in a sucky sictuation, whether or not they should have expected it due to what bioware said does not negate the fact that they were probably looking forward to a weekend of playing that they can't do.


Come next week when server transfers are "done" (no, I am not invalidating you guys EU RP-PvP, I know you are in a crappy situation but it is a difficult one and I know they are getting feedback from you in another thread trying to find out a way to make it better that works for everyone) things will settle down and those that unsubbed will either find that they are happy with the bigger servers or not. Nothing you say will convince them one way or another.


To everyone stuck in this crappy situation: I feel for you, I really do. I am not giving this suggestion as a way of saying, well you can do this so it makes it all better but you might want to consider (if you want to) going over to the PTS server this weekend and goofing around with folks there. It should be fun, and it no doubt will have more people than your existing servers and hopefully come next week you will be able to transfer to a bigger server. Do I think you should have to do this to enjoy the game you are paying for this weekend, no... but I am just trying to give you some suggestion to help.

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I understand the need to monitor the process, I understand you don't want to Overload the servers. But with 2 NA PvP servers left to transfer you need to roll us into either Fatman or PO5, combining the 2 remaining would NOT be acceptable, all that would do is lead to that server ending up like all the light one's from a week ago from people rerolling on the 2 big PvP servers.


If you had say 5-10 NA PvP left I could accept waiting the weekend, but with 2 it's rude to those servers and a BAD customer service decision. In the cases like the NA PvP servers you should just get it over with. Pair the larger destination with the smaller origin and the larger origin with the smaller destination and be done with it.


Quit dragging your feet when in this specific case your almost done.

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You guys do know that by holding the remaining transfers off until next week, that you are going to corrupt the numbers you are collecting over the weekend right? I plan on re-rolling a character on each of the new servers just to check them out. Hope you planned for this?
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The only part that matters is this :


This means that we need to monitor populations and rate of transfers over the weekend before opening up new servers..


Which basically means they are not going to make any server changes until next week.

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You already have a destination server with Jedi in the name, just make another with Sith in the name. Sith Wyrm balances Jedi Covenant. Just make Sith Wyrm a destination server for the rest of the pve east. Edited by Hambunctious
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This is not the case. We understand that having to wait can be a source of frustration, but we definitely did not come into this with no plan. The metrics we had prior to transfers opening helped us prepare for the process, but we knew that the start of character transfer would affect populations. Our plan is to monitor populations and work to ensure that character transfer results in a good experience for players. We're constantly evaluating data and will continue to make decisions based off of it.


A good experience for 82% of the population. The other 18% don't matter.

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Just open Frostclaw as a destination server for the remaining EU PvE servers, there problem solved.


As for the no transfer today I do not write what I feel. because it would not be nice not at all.....

Edited by Icestar
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the thing i dont understand is what are you going to do to the people who have became collateral damage? no one in my guild is playing due to this. They are now just angry at the fact they are waiting. Please remember our patience hasn't just been the last 5 days but more like the last 6 weeks for some and even longer for others. All I can do is wait but mainly because logically I can not realy understand the plan and method of thinking I like many will not be online much till this is sorted. But it has left a sour tase on someone who loves the game. I can say this happily i love the game my 8 50;s prove that. But I want to play with others and not just feel miserable waiting while others are enjoying the game. And im afraid that is one of the results from your waiting. I hope on monday you open up a huge amount of servers or you will get more of this. Which I dont you deserve for giving us transfers but i dont think imo it was thought out as much as it could of.
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It makes no sense that 2 out of 27 servers should be left without a transfer when it comes to PvP East Coast servers. At the end of the day they could split the difference or put both somewhere because all they have to do is direct new players to the other server to rebalance. I know of an entire guild on belgoth's beacon who is unsubbing because of this and I am not far behind. I demand we be given the fair 1 week of free gameplay because unlike anyone else on the east coast we have not been able to play. I urge anyone from Belgoth's beacon or Darth malak to be heard because they don't listen unless you unsub, maybe another couple layoffs will prevent these types of bone head decisions. I refuse to wait the entire weekend, and if that ends up being the case and we are not compensated in any way, I will hit them where it hurts, I will not give them anymore money.
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noone cares about Logic or Reason


And that is the problem with this community, this forum, this thread, and humanity in general.


we just dont want to be on a dead server any more, when obviously there is a simple solution


There isn't a simple solution, or obviously you wouldn't be on dead server anymore.

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It makes no sense that 2 out of 27 servers should be left without a transfer when it comes to PvP East Coast servers. At the end of the day they could split the difference or put both somewhere because all they have to do is direct new players to the other server to rebalance. I know of an entire guild on belgoth's beacon who is unsubbing because of this and I am not far behind. I demand we be given the fair 1 week of free gameplay because unlike anyone else on the east coast we have not been able to play. I urge anyone from Belgoth's beacon or Darth malak to be heard because they don't listen unless you unsub, maybe another couple layoffs will prevent these types of bone head decisions. I refuse to wait the entire weekend, and if that ends up being the case and we are not compensated in any way, I will hit them where it hurts, I will not give them anymore money.


I guess they plan to merge those two servers together so we can have 18 people on the fleet during peak hours.

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