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  1. Well I actually read the interview and the one point 99% of pvp're were harping on was sort of answered and it was a MAJOR Disappointment, January as a target for the return of world pvp. Seriously? Ilum was broken from start it has been all but shut down for months and now you tell us it will be January before the MOST REQUESTED THING BY YOUR PVP PLAYERS is fixed? Way to EPIC FAIL Bioware, If GW2 is even 1/2 of what is expected your PvP servers will join the other locked servers.
  2. you don't have to but if you want to max out you base abilities (str/end) you do.
  3. So today I was looking at the set bonuses for the PvE gear and NONE of them have a set bouns for a Madness speced Assassin. Their are bonuses for healing scorcs dps scorcs Darkness speced sins and Deception speced sins but not Madness speced sins. In the PvP gear the Force masters set can be used by Madness speced sins without having a useless set bonus, Same with the stalkers set useable by both sin and scorc without a useless set bonus to one of the 2. Then we get to the PvE set and in the stalkers set there is 1 set bonus stat ( Bonus to Voltiac slash) that is useless for a madness speced sin. Checked the Force master and mystic sets to see if it was the same there and Yep same thing. Force master's Lighting strike and affliction bonus does nothing for a madness sin, and force mystic has a bonus to Innervate which again does nothing for a madness speced sin. See the problem here We have sets that work for 5 of 6 advanced class specs Madness speced sin's get the shaft. Your bonuses for the PvE armor sets need to be reworked so that one spec option does not loose set bonuses because of how they choose to play.
  4. I seldom speak out on the forums, and this will be my first "nerf this class" thread. But something has to be done by you at Bioware. Marauders/sent are WAY OVER POWERED. And Yes I have played the class. So to get down to it No class should have the burst damage they do and THE BEST DEFENSIVE SKILL IN THE GAME. You have also given them stealth another very good defensive skill on top of it. At current they are the best single target dps'er in game 2nd overall dps'er and defenses I wish i had on my jugg. They did need some help pre 1.2 but like all game developers everywhere you buff too much and nerf too much. Putting it simply check your data, if you have a warzone with 2 or more marauders/sent on one team and 1 or none on the other the team with the most marauders win's most if not every time. Three or more marauders you may as well just leave the wz because you'll loose. Yes dps is needed to win, but the burst marauders put out should have a downside of being super squishy and with the defensive skill's you've given them they are anything but. Some people think ranged is the way to take them down but hey you gave them force leap so that argument is out the window. I can't think of a game (I never played WoW) that I have played where a single class has been more overpowered. They have been this way since 1.2 and with the patch tuesday you inform us one of their skills hasn't been working properly, think about that now. Even with a skill being broken as you intended they are Still Overpowered. I've played every class in this game at one point in time and currently the TTK on a tank speced, tank geared, Jugg/PT/Sin is in the single digit seconds vs 1 marauder vs 2 or more your lucky to get a skill off. Too much DPS + Too much survivalability = BROKEN CLASS Please fix them so they are not the FOTM I like playing a marauder but when I can Kill anyone 1 v 1 in a wz we are Overpowered.
  5. Well much of what you've seen can be explained, Multiple stun breaks, thats easy DOT anyone, each class has 1 and only 1 short duration unbreakable by damage stun. Each of the other stuns add to their resolve also and any dot will break them. 1 stun breaker used at the right time on the right stun, a dot, and resolve will give the impression that your opponent is breaking multiple stuns. Multiple stuns by mirror class,well different specs can account for that, good example is a sin, deception spec has 2 stuns madness has 3 and a root, both have another that can only be used from stealth on a target not in combat. Minor Differences in specs can have major differences in the amount of cc available. The sorc you describe, well that sounds like some lag most likely on server side but could be your side also. the break of stasis could be a dot, another sorc removing the effect a commando doing the same allowing him to use his cc breaker a few sec later. The jump to 30 m away is lag, I've seen it happen many times since the server transfers but it is getting less frequent thankfully. Voidstar problem Lag plain and simple, the files for interacting with the doors are server side and CANNOT BE HACKED. And finally your novare coast example you were beaten by good tactics and coordination nothing spectacular there. None of your examples are IMO signs of hacking just being beat by circumstances and possibly some lag.
  6. Well I have played every AC on one side or the other and I can say that the PT pyro's dps is a little high for a heavy armor AC. But seriously what defense's do they have. A 2.5 sec aoe stun, hell a grenade is better. Their 4 sec electro dart, EVERY CLASS HAS A COMPARABLE ABILITY. Then there is the 25% damage reduction shield, compare that to Marauder/sent ability of 99% it's nothing. Defensive wise they aren't all that, my jugg, sin, sniper,marauder,scoundrel, & even commando can take a PT Pyro 1 v1. No my sage is toast to them but every class should have a "bane". The problem is that there are several good skills in low tiers (1&2) that enhance the damage output of the pyro PT. That combined with the neverending dot is why you see such high damage numbers from pyros. Yeah their damage need's a nerf mainly to their dot. Their defenses suck plain and simple and anyone who says otherwise hasn't played a pyro pt, they have the fewest defensive cool downs of any AC. Their heal is a joke, the aoe stun is short 2.5 sec and breaks on damage and the 25% shield .... well lets look at the "major" defensive skill of every class and compare. Juggs so outclass them on defensive skill it isnt funny, same with sins (stealth, Deflection, force shroud) worse if tank spec , sages(force armor & Heals), marauders(cloak of pain, force cammo, saber ward,undying rage), snipers(balistic shield, entrench, coverpulse), Operatives (stealth, Heals), & even commandos (concussion charge, heals). The defensive capabilities by EVERY CLASS is better so Glass cannon, mabee not but tin soldier yeah. The changes suggested are ok save one, the reduction in range of their abilities. Yeah a reduction of the cd on rail shot IMO is more in line with other classes than a full reset as it currently is. That change along with a reduction of the dot in some way should be enough. The problem is that when a nerf comes (i'm sure one will) it will be a huge nerf and the class will become unplayable. Some would say good and about time but no one want's their class nerfed, The pyro PT has too much dps and needs to be toned down some, but the claim by the op that they have too much defense is absurd.
  7. So I know this is not a popular spec and it is because the spec needs a few tweaks to help it come up to par with the other specs for sins. The core of the problem lies in the Deathmark mechanic. Pre 1.2 it was fine but with the time to kill decrease we saw with 1.2 the Calculating Mind skill is now a waste of skill points. Most of the time your lucky to get 1 dot on a target you've hit with your deathfield giving you 1 or 2 force in return before the target dies. This is a waste of 1 or 2 skill points with the current time to kill. Going full madness there is no way to get any other force regen/increase abilities from the other trees making madness spec sins continually short on force. Calculating Mind is the weak point in the Madness tree, some other mechanic needs to be implemented for force regen for Madness spec sins. A straight 10% force regen like from blood of sith (darkness tree) or a bonus to total force like Deceptive Power (Deception tree) would be a prefered mechanic but something needs to be done. Granted in some PvP matches you do get your dot's and you do get your force regen but these are the exception not the rule. Thus making Calculating Mind a skill that for the majority of fights is a waste of skill points. We need something for force regen and Calculating Mind just isn't doing it as intended anymore.
  8. Spoken like a true PvE'er. I don't like to grind daily's, and I don't like to raid, so why should I be penalized for doing what I want? I want to PvP, I want to augment my PvP gear, I want to customize my gear to look how I want. With the rewards given for a PvP match It take's a very long time to pull mods out and customize my look. Augmenting isn't all that bad but is another credit sink, being a PvP'er solely means your poor for much longer than a PvE'er. Which is where the problem lies. Just give us equal rewards for our time that's all we ask. if you gain 400k credits for running dailys that can be completed in 4 hours then 4 hours of pvp should net us 400k credits also. You get your daily comms for your time, we get our wz comms for our time, why not the credits?
  9. I've been having this problem since server mergers, click a skill 12 times or more before it goes off, spike someone with my sin from behind go to maul immediately and have them appear 2 sec later 20 meters away running away from me. Watch someone fall, get knocked back ect only to see them jitter around in one spot of a few sec then appear 20 meter away. It makes PvP almost unplayable and definitely un-enjoyable fix the problem asap please.
  10. Come on Bioware please talk to us. Will there be transfers today?
  11. If that's the case it's a bad decision on BW's part. Many of the servers remaining are Early access servers, which means most people on them will have their subs run out at midnight tonight. Care to take a guess on how many will let their sub's lapse or cancel?
  12. TBH , double your memory & kick it up to a at least a quad core processor if you can. Yes it meets min specs but the hero engine is a cpu/memory hog. Those are the 2 biggest factors for good fps in this game, and having a $300+ vid card isn't going to improve your FPS as much as having a $50 vid card and sinking the extra $250 into more memory and a faster processor with more cores.
  13. Ok Bioware you've had your weekend to collect data on the transfers & those of us who weren't included last week have waited, but it's Monday morning and we are tired of waiting. We understand what you were doing and for a few cases (NA PvP east) we pretty much know where we will be going now. So grab a quadruple espresso, a few donuts and open up the next round of transfers. No more excuses, no more metrics to monitor, even I can see where some people will be transferred to, so just get the ball rolling already.
  14. Ok for you people with analogy's here is a good example. You Lease a car, there is a recall for it for a bad fuel injector restricting speeds to 30 mph. Your informed that the dealerships will start with the repairs on Tuesday, Come Friday morning they say they are not accepting any more vehicles for repairs til Monday so they can check and see if the repairs that have done on 90% of the cars meet their expectations. So the 10% of those not repaired have to wait the weekend until they get their car repaired cruising a 30 mph while all the other leasers of the same car cruise at 90. Would you not be pissed off in this situation?
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