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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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is it me, or does it feel like the european servers are being held out on migration tonight? both updates have been US focused servers. (or have some european been moved today?)


Yes, no love for us that stands in limbo today. It would be a relief to know what will happen, but they refuse to give any info about that. They rather have us here on the forum feeling bad and trying to refresh the serverpage over and over again.......


All players wants to start the servermove as quickly as possible to be able to save characternames/guildname/legacyname before 10 other servers move in and do the same.

Edited by Icestar
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is it me, or does it feel like the european servers are being held out on migration tonight? both updates have been US focused servers. (or have some european been moved today?)


No EU servers have been moved today.


So Bioware, will it be any more servers today ?

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Ya know it would have been better if they just looked at the active numbers on sites compared to remaining subscriptions and just automatically moved everyone to servers at once instead of drawing it out like this making it absolutely miserable if you are on one of the remaining untouched servers.
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BW hasn't stated who is considered to be "eligible" and since we don't have their metrics its hard to determine what their goal is in the end. Obviously its to consolidate the underpopulated servers, but where is the line drawn on underpopulated.


One could argue that if they weren't going to include every server then using Fatman and JC as destinations would not have made any sense. One could also argue that since theres only 28% or so servers left, and some of them are still what could be described as the bottom of the barrel it would seem all servers will go.

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Ouch. So where's this "evaluating" and testing Bioware is doing of these transfers if destination servers are already very full with login queues? Why not spread out the population a bit more Bioware?


*sigh* This could be a fixable problem if we weren't stuck with server-transfers-on-rails and could opt where to go.


This is exactly what I was talking about. Everyone complaining and rushing BW to just finish this process is forgetting this very result. Sure ppl wanna have a populated server so they can play with more ppl, but if you and/or your friends on are stuck in huge queues it kinda defeats the purpose now doesn't it?

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The thing that is most frustrating about his is the fact that the servers with the lowest population have not been touched at all.. ie: Cravasse City (my server). I thought this process was to give a chance to the people that have been on low pop servers a opportunity to move to a higher population server. So you guys move servers with larger population first and leave the lowest for last ? I'm not here to curse BW, because I genuinely like SWTOR and have been a fan of the KOTOR series, but this a lesson is frustration.
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This is exactly what I was talking about. Everyone complaining and rushing BW to just finish this process is forgetting this very result. Sure ppl wanna have a populated server so they can play with more ppl, but if you and/or your friends on are stuck in huge queues it kinda defeats the purpose now doesn't it?



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So I would be willing to bet that the remaining East PVP servers won't go anywhere until after the weekend so they can "evaluate" the weekend usage and see where to put them. How exactly are you going to get an idea on that if those of us who haven't been able to move yet are playing on our rerolls on FM?


Just send them all to POF and be done with it. You are dragging this out for zero reason and only making the denizens of these servers (all 12 of us) pissed beyond believe.

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This is exactly what I was talking about. Everyone complaining and rushing BW to just finish this process is forgetting this very result. Sure ppl wanna have a populated server so they can play with more ppl, but if you and/or your friends on are stuck in huge queues it kinda defeats the purpose now doesn't it?


well they can evaluate after and make servers open again if they are overcrowded like they did with swiftsure...in the meantime they have managed to piss off yet another portion of their players by doing everything the slowest most backwards way possible!

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The thing that is most frustrating about his is the fact that the servers with the lowest population have not been touched at all.. ie: Cravasse City (my server). I thought this process was to give a chance to the people that have been on low pop servers a opportunity to move to a higher population server. So you guys move servers with larger population first and leave the lowest for last ? I'm not here to curse BW, because I genuinely like SWTOR and have been a fan of the KOTOR series, but this a lesson is frustration.


Was good to see you online last night D!

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I believe I understand the purpose of this service. Eliminate servers that barely have any users (like my Rwookorro(sp?) server, which is the least populated server in the list) by having those users transfer their developed characters to more populated servers. Perfectly valid, and a great way to focus resources instead of wasting them on a private server for me and ten of my friends.


However, I can't imagine any reason why you would ever compel people to transfer their characters onto a server that is already literally FULL half the time. The Fatman is the most populated server in the entire list. No other server (that I've seen) ever reaches a point where the system says the server is FULL. And yet, I can only transfer my Rwookorro character to The Fatman! As Rwookorro became more and more sparsely populated, my friends and my friend's guild shifted to Jung Ma. A well populated (but not FULL) server, which is a welcome respite after months and months on Rwookorro. Because my existing Rwookorro characters are wasted there, I have to go ahead and transfer them to The Fatman if I ever want to be able to really do any PvP. So now, I'll be sitting around on The (overpopulated) Fatman hoping that you permit me later to transfer my characters out of The Fatman to a well populated (but not FULL) server like Jung Ma.


Now it doesn't hurt server population to let folks who regularly use The Fatman to bring characters there from other servers because they can only play one character at a time regardless of how many they've developed. BUT moving ME, when I have spent virtually all my time on Rwookorro to The Fatman potentially creates one more user to increase the likelihood the server will become FULL.


If there is any server whose population of users you should hesitate to increase, it must be The Fatman.

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Would be nice with some kind of communication. The time here in EU is 11PM, do you guys expect us to sit up here for long or can you with respect to your players tell us if ANY more update will come tonight.


I find it worth to wait if you actually have a EU batch.

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This is exactly what I was talking about. Everyone complaining and rushing BW to just finish this process is forgetting this very result. Sure ppl wanna have a populated server so they can play with more ppl, but if you and/or your friends on are stuck in huge queues it kinda defeats the purpose now doesn't it?


It also defeats the purpose if a number of people get stuck on low populated servers versus the large (possible) thriving ones because then the situation hasn't been remedied one bit for them.


Bioware have these numbers up front. They know how many active players there were per server. They have metrics of how many players a server should be able to support. Math will do the rest for the first round of transfers and then you open up the free transfers afterwards.


This is a MMO. Being stuck on a low populated server is not going to get people to stay subbed as we've seen.

Edited by xandax
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My server hasn't moved yet and I still managed to play 3 rounds of PVP last night in about 2 hours. Not great but not bad for a week day night. The Shadowlands, home to Old Republic Dads, hasn't moved either and ORD is a sizable guild.


Unfortunately I think a lot (not all) of the remaining servers are light population servers that aren't exactly ghost towns and they have to be more careful with were they move them all as to not overload the destination while still keeping guilds together.


So by my count:

79 origins --> 10 destinations in North America

58 origins --> 9 destinations in Europe

And I believe that only leaves 34 North American Servers to address & I'm not sure how many euro servers there are so I won't guess.


Oh yeah and this has all been done in a little over 48 hours. 156 servers addressed in 48 hours! And you are seriously worried, spinning conspiracy theories and assuming the worst for the remaining 34?

Edited by MrGrizzly
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It also defeats the purpose if a number of people get stuck on low populated servers versus the large (possible) thriving ones because then the situation hasn't been remedied one bit for them.


Bioware have these numbers up front. They know how many active players there were per server.


This is a MMO. Being stuck on a low populated server is not going to get people to stay subbed as we've seen.


I think you misunderstand, I'm not arguing AGAINST server transfers at all, just the idea of rushing them. Would you rather wait 1 extra day and get transferred to a properly populated server, with a healthy population you can play on? Or to get transferred 1 day earlier into an overpopulated server that you are now STUCK on having to wait in extremely long queues every day during prime time?


Personally I can wait the extra day.

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Would be nice with some kind of communication. The time here in EU is 11PM, do you guys expect us to sit up here for long or can you with respect to your players tell us if ANY more update will come tonight.


I find it worth to wait if you actually have a EU batch.


This, you've gone on record saying that you're reading all of this so prove that statement and let us know if were going to be getting a look in.

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This is getting rediculus... im on Bloodworthy myself and i get pissed seeing a full Tomb knowing how few servers in EU is left,


SO BIOWARE... have you been monetoring the populations on the EU servers at all? ... i don't know about the rest but i for sure don't like paying to get the short straw


i realyl don't understand how hard it can be, either you know the cap's and limitations of your servers or not, have the ability to see how many play the game and count in that some just don't play in wait for a transfer... calculate what servers to let everyone move to/from... all this i could do if i had the numbers in my hands and calculate with a crayon.


so a little hint of what to happen with the left over EU servers?

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This, you've gone on record saying that you're reading all of this so prove that statement and let us know if were going to be getting a look in.

yes please let us know we've been waiting around all night and it's getting late now

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Can't make you people happy these days, can you? You all complain because the servers are dead (partly because you all complained about having queue times on a freshly launched MMO, encouraging BW to open up too many just to accommodate all the QQers, who I'm sure canceled when the free month was up), then you complain because they're not transferring fast enough to suit you, then you complain because your particular server hasn't been selected YET... complain and moan, complain and moan. Would you all prefer it the way Blizz would do it? $15/character, then the servers crash for two days because of too much traffic... just to find out your account has been hacked while you were away? Grow up people, at least they're trying to remedy the situation. It's aggravating, yes, but it will be worth the wait.
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