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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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^ This


My entire active Legacy is on Krayt Dragon. We have no idea what is going to be happening, so my Guild embers can't even make any decisions.


I'm trying to come up with alternates to my names as I assume most will be taken by the time I transfer..IF I have to transfer.


Everything is just so up in the air. If I knew for sure, Origin or Destination, so much would fall into place.


IF BIoware knows at least that much bare info for remaining servers that are on-the-cusp, releasing that info would calm down lots of anxious players right now.


Sure would be appreciated. Overall, the transfer process has been fantastic, but not knowing and possibly being at the back of the line with no knowledge to prepare is extremely stressful.


I hear ya. I'm also on Krayt Dragon. My guild has 30-40 people on at prime time and we voted to stay on the server even if it's an origin server. Hopefully they're going to keep it open (and they haven't indicated that they'll close servers after the free transfer period).


I get the feeling that the remaining 20 East Coast servers are going to be fed into Krayt Dragon and The Shadowlands (Krayt Dragon according to the server choice screen in SWTOR, Shadowlands according to TORStatus - although neither of those methods takes into account active subs). Keep your fingers crossed :)


Edit: didn't know half the EC PVE servers were as of yet unassigned - thought there were just a handful left and that only Krayt Dragon or The Shadowlands would be Destination Servers.

Edited by MadBlue
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You seem to equate the hour in which last do an update to the amount of work that we are all putting into this. Many weekends and extra hours have been worked in order to bring us to this point. Within the past 48 hrs, we've opened up 122 servers for character transfers in a service that has run (relatively and knock on wood) smoothly. We understand your passion and desire for a transfer, but know that we are taking many factors into account, including making sure that servers are stable.


That's unacceptable! No one stops, no one sleeps until each and every server is either marked for transfer or full to the brim. No soup for you until it's done!!




Good job on the transfers so far - worth the wait for those lucky enough these first two days from most indications. Fingers crossed for the rest of us tomorrow!



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Hardly anything related to the description of management you provided. What you're seeking is likely to come later on down the road, they want to start consolidating communities first before they open the door for multi-server transfers for what you describe. This has already been stated numerous times in dev blogs and stickies here on the forums.


Agreed but when that goes live I am going to have to pay for those transfers... I shouldn't have to... Bioware made a bad decision opening so may servers... I shouldnt have to pay to get all my toons on one server because of that mistake.

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Funny thing is if you think about their last posted subs number of 1.2 Mil. They are fitting all of NA on 7 servers basically. All in total the game will probably have 15-18 servers across the globe when all of this is done. Still believe that number ?


They've got 9 NA destination servers now, and 9 europe, and 3 asian, so 21 total.

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Finally got on new populated server and had a blast already, thanks for the transfers altough you sure did took your time :)

Also some people are giving flack to devs from lack of communication, i think it's been 10 times better after Reid's departure. So don't be too harsh or you will scare them away :p

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Agreed but when that goes live I am going to have to pay for those transfers... I shouldn't have to... Bioware made a bad decision opening so may servers... I shouldnt have to pay to get all my toons on one server because of that mistake.


I couldnt agree more....

I shouldnt have to pay for their mistake

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Just updated my original post to include some latency numbers. Not happy about being on a west coast server and having an east coast server offered as the destination server.


Surely that must be some sort of mistake. Why would they pick an east coast server as a destination when there are west coast options?


I really hope they tested and thought out all of the potential issues here. There's going to be major backlash if they didn't stress test how high they can increase the pop cap and then have to transfer people off of the destinations. That'd piss off both the people who transferred and the people who were lucky enough to be on a destination.

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Thanks Bioware, keep up the pace! My server hasn't been mentioned yet but I'm confident it will tomorrow! Hoping to see a Iron Citadel -> The Fatman, that would make my day! I have been playing on Fatman for the past month and the difference is night and day. It would be nice to bring my toons together but if I don't get on Fatman, oh well. That's only one toon down, ill still have my other 4 on a higher pop server. Legacy names, character names... I don't give a damn. Think of a new name and enjoy the damn game FFS. Have some patience, show some respect and stop acting like brats. Or unsub if you cant handle it...and no I don't want your stuff.


Keep up the hard work BW, thanks again!



K9 Leads the way hooah

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I couldnt agree more....

I shouldnt have to pay for their mistake


You knew the risks of signing on with a launch MMO. Plus, they're providing a service. You can still access that service so you're getting what you pay for. Anything extra will, of course, cost.

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I get the feeling that the remaining servers East Coast are going to be fed into one or the other and Either Krayt Dragon or The Shadowlands will be the destination server (Krayt Dragon according to the server choice screen in SWTOR, Shadowlands according to TORStatus - although neither of those methods takes into account active subs). Keep your fingers crossed :)


Toes crossed too. I so hope the rest of us aren't going to be dumped into JC or CO. Krayt Dragon would suit me as well as Shadowlands (I just hadn't considered it as a destination until your post).

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Did any of the people that said since there were only 4 servers opened up at the begining that it would be months before they were all open come back and appologize for being stupid?


Someone actually said months? Also I wouldnt be patting myself on the back until all servers are included. Right now there are more than half that are not.

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Agreed but when that goes live I am going to have to pay for those transfers... I shouldn't have to... Bioware made a bad decision opening so may servers... I shouldnt have to pay to get all my toons on one server because of that mistake.


They never confirmed that you would have to pay for those transfers. But at the same time, in truth, they never *forced* you to reroll on other servers either. You are the one that clicked the button, in the end. Bioware also did not force people to leave servers behind by unsubbing because they blitzed the content in 3 weeks and complained there was nothing to do. Bioware did make an uneducated decision on opening more servers when people were complaining about queue times, but that was a choice of the lesser of two evils variety. Hindsight is always 20/20.


Bottom line though, just gonna have to wait and see what happens once this portion of the transfers completes to see what they plan with giving the players the ability to consolidate toons from multiple servers.

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Well also have to figure summer is somewhat downtime as well, what happens when fall comes and servers get maxed out?

I honestly think fall IS there downtime and summer is when they are most popular. Almost everyone's on vacation, and a lot of people now have fast enough laptops to play on...esp. now that they're more affordable.

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I was so disgusted with the people who were red raging on the first day of transfers i couldn't even post. I had nothing nice to say. Nearly every post included the phrase "I am terrified that you can vote and have children!"


I'm so glad to see a zillion people posting here and throughout the forums that the transfers have been quick and mostly painless, other than name-change agony, which was to be expected.



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They never confirmed that you would have to pay for those transfers. But at the same time, in truth, they never *forced* you to reroll on other servers either. You are the one that clicked the button, in the end. Bioware also did not force people to leave servers behind by unsubbing because they blitzed the content in 3 weeks and complained there was nothing to do. Bioware did make an uneducated decision on opening more servers when people were complaining about queue times, but that was a choice of the lesser of two evils variety. Hindsight is always 20/20.


Bottom line though, just gonna have to wait and see what happens once this portion of the transfers completes to see what they plan with giving the players the ability to consolidate toons from multiple servers.


For the most part I would agree with you... I was not forced to re-roll on separate servers however here is my problem... I start on 1 server... month later server dies and no community left... So I find a standard server... month later, server dies and no community left... This happened 3 times... Each time my choices were, roll another character on the same server and not really be able to enjoy the game or go to another server... I love this game, but my frustration level is pretty high and my patience run thin... If my toons could all get on one server I'd be a happy camper and will re-sub...

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You knew the risks of signing on with a launch MMO. Plus, they're providing a service. You can still access that service so you're getting what you pay for. Anything extra will, of course, cost.


With over a decade of MMO releases there should be no risks, and if you are considering 8 months in as still a launch period then you are the perfect brainwashed subscriber they will need to keep this game going.

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Agreed but when that goes live I am going to have to pay for those transfers... I shouldn't have to... Bioware made a bad decision opening so may servers... I shouldnt have to pay to get all my toons on one server because of that mistake.


It wasn't BW's fault that they opened so many servers! They were listening to customers like you, who come to the forums to moan and groan. They did what their customers told them to do! They are actually trying to fix the mistake of LISTENING to their customers! Sooo you're paying for the mistake that your friends, etc. TOLD BW to do OR else they said THEY would QUIT!


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So go roll some level 1s on the one or two servers you might end up on now to reserve names.


While that will work for your normal names, you have no way of knowing what legacy names are taken until you get there. Some of us like the names we pick to go together.

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