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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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Well, I've been faithful subscriber to ToR since early access, but today I hit the "leave" button.


First of all, I grow tired of the game - I can't force myself to do even the weeklies, there are only 4 endgame flashpoints and 2 endgame raids (not counting that 50s, that drop nothing, and I already had enough of them before the 55 content was released)


"Roll new alts" they say - I have enough of them, and leveling became chore. You can't level up only via class quests, and as path thourgh the planets is the same, you are forced to repeat same quests for ever and ever - in WoW I could have pick to level up in different regions every time I roll new character.


Also the planets are very small, there is no feeling of exploration, and whole all planets are smaller than one WoW continent.


The static world - nothing moves, nothing changes, no weather, no moving around, no NPC banter - even the static world of Dragon Age: Origins is more alive with NPC banter and changes, that depend on player's choices than this game.


And the idiocy level of community is another straw - when you go to fleet or capital or starting planets (actually any planet), you have to switch /general off, because of numer of cretinous "jokes", vitriol, pseudo-political/religious discussion is too much for me. And if that's on RP server, than I don't want to imagine what's happening on server where people are "less mature".


And the final reason? FF XIV is coming, and I won't be paying for 2 MMOs.

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If SWTOR was done properly, without all the horribly bad decisions made during development that cost this game all those subscriptions, and therefore could not sustain a profitable margin of income from subscriptions alone, they would've still been here paying. Bioware took a gamble, spent far more than they should've for things that they shouldn't have, and every subscriber that's left now is paying extra for it. Do they have to? No and yes at the same time. If they don't this game gets shut down, no questions asked. We know the huge majority of Cartel Market purchasers are coming from subscribers regularly. But if subscribers ever stopped buying extra Cartel Coins indefinitely, Bioware would be screwed completely. They would have to change their game plan once again to stay a float or sink like the titanic with all hands on deck. There is no debate about that.


EA was aiming for more units sold. Kotor did very well. Bioware did very well despite all the bugs... It's no secret that Star Wars carries a huge following with it. It was supposed to be easy money.*

But EA underestimated the intelligence of consumers. They thought that Bioware + Star Wars = best MMORPG ever. With Bioware's reputation back then we may have believed it, and never doubted them. But they got cocky. Hired sub par talent for their Bioware Austin location. And again made more terrible decisions. Now, what we have here is a game on continuous life support.

It cannot function*without*a cash shop to make up for the lost subscriptions that will probably never return,(myself included soon enough when my subscription runs out). A combination of extreme greed and Laziness has taken hold of Bioware. The cash shop is now your supreme deity, and that comes first. Subscribers mean less than ever because of that. No matter how they try to convince you otherwise. That is the way of things in this MMORPG project. That is the way it will stay unless they start caring again and take matters into their hands and address all the things they should've that caused the mass exodus. Free to Play was a desperate band aid to save their jobs.

Band aids don't last. Ask Blizzard* *They know a thing or two about band aids.

The loss of Subscriptions were massive enough to change the outlook of the future of this game. Never will they address the horrible decisions during development. Nor do I believe they have any intention of doing so. Why? Because they will continue to milk Subscribers as long as players let them. Eventually, some day or year they'll get tired of it and Bioware/EA will have to think up some other strategy to do the same but make it look different. If they can't, then goodbye SWTOR.*

But, their greed seems boundless. So I have every confidence they will come up with something to keep the game going on said life support for quite some time with no end in the foreseeable future.


This is community member 42313. I can't help you if you won't help yourself Bioware Austin. You've soured everything there is to like about this game, and for that, My support you shall no longer have. Good luck.

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I unsubscribed today after playing since the first day of Early Access. I have been subscribed since the beginning. I am Legacy Level 50 and have played through ALL of the class stories, planets, flashpoints, operations, and warzones. After leveling up eight characters and waiting for new things to do on my main, I realize that I can do better with my $15 per month.


This is the reason I gave for why I was unsubscribing:


"New content and features outside of the Cartel Market are lacking and are not implemented with enough frequency to justify a monthly subscription. I appreciate when said content is brought into the game, but the span of time between these updates pales in comparison to how much time and effort goes into fleshing out the Cartel Market. I choose not to pay money any longer to encourage such priorities.


Here are a few suggestions that would cause me to re-subscribe:

1. Flashpoints, Operations, and Warzones added with more frequency. Additional Huttball maps would be a plus.

2. More leveling planets, so that players don't have to play through the same planets in the same order over and over again. I understand that class stories may complicate this, but it bores some players to the point they won't even bother playing new characters.

3. Engaging open-world PvP objectives. Nine times out of ten, the only time I see any type of interaction with the opposite faction is in Warzones.

4. Bug fixes, new game features, (guild calendar, dual spec, macros, etc.) and class balancing prioritized over rehashed Cartel packs.

5. More innovative space combat. I understand that this is only a small portion of the game, but it is a large portion of Star Wars, and it has the potential to be much more than the on-rails shooter that it is. Things like multiplayer, (both co-op and versus), free-roaming flight, and ship customizations would be welcome."

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If SWTOR was done properly, without all the horribly bad decisions made during development that cost this game all those subscriptions, and therefore could not sustain a profitable margin of income from subscriptions alone, they would've still been here paying. Bioware took a gamble, spent far more than they should've for things that they shouldn't have, and every subscriber that's left now is paying extra for it. Do they have to? No and yes at the same time. If they don't this game gets shut down, no questions asked. We know the huge majority of Cartel Market purchasers are coming from subscribers regularly. But if subscribers ever stopped buying extra Cartel Coins indefinitely, Bioware would be screwed completely. They would have to change their game plan once again to stay a float or sink like the titanic with all hands on deck. There is no debate about that.


EA was aiming for more units sold. Kotor did very well. Bioware did very well despite all the bugs... It's no secret that Star Wars carries a huge following with it. It was supposed to be easy money.*

But EA underestimated the intelligence of consumers. They thought that Bioware + Star Wars = best MMORPG ever. With Bioware's reputation back then we may have believed it, and never doubted them. But they got cocky. Hired sub par talent for their Bioware Austin location. And again made more terrible decisions. Now, what we have here is a game on continuous life support.

It cannot function*without*a cash shop to make up for the lost subscriptions that will probably never return,(myself included soon enough when my subscription runs out). A combination of extreme greed and Laziness has taken hold of Bioware. The cash shop is now your supreme deity, and that comes first. Subscribers mean less than ever because of that. No matter how they try to convince you otherwise. That is the way of things in this MMORPG project. That is the way it will stay unless they start caring again and take matters into their hands and address all the things they should've that caused the mass exodus. Free to Play was a desperate band aid to save their jobs.

Band aids don't last. Ask Blizzard* *They know a thing or two about band aids.

The loss of Subscriptions were massive enough to change the outlook of the future of this game. Never will they address the horrible decisions during development. Nor do I believe they have any intention of doing so. Why? Because they will continue to milk Subscribers as long as players let them. Eventually, some day or year they'll get tired of it and Bioware/EA will have to think up some other strategy to do the same but make it look different. If they can't, then goodbye SWTOR.*

But, their greed seems boundless. So I have every confidence they will come up with something to keep the game going on said life support for quite some time with no end in the foreseeable future.


This is community member 42313. I can't help you if you won't help yourself Bioware Austin. You've soured everything there is to like about this game, and for that, My support you shall no longer have. Good luck.



My sub on this account ends in one day. I might not be able to post on the forums after my sub finished, but if I still can, well yippee!




After this account can't post on the forums, I won't be back on the forums for a long, long time. Possibly for good, too. BW will keep getting my 6/mo sub, but once other games come out, I most likely will be playing less and less and may end my sub. SWTOR is one of the games worth playing and subbing to on the market, but I don't think it'll be the same thing in the near-future. Lots of huge titles coming out in the next 1 to 3 years.

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  • 2 months later...

I quit SWTOR on October 3rd, but I unsubbed as of October 4th.


SWTOR is a pretty terrible game if you just want to PvP. It could be a great one and one that could be classified as e-sports, gaining lots of advertisement from competitive PvP'ers and such, but EAware simply does NOT care about PvP. They took out Ranked Warzones, added Arenas in the same queue, made pretty much no restrictions to queue for Ranked Arenas, etc. I could go on and on, but it's rather pointless as BioWare does NOT care what a PvP'er has to say, nor would I think they've read this thread.


I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but there comes a point where the end doesn't justify the means. I cannot continue supporting EAware, and I will not support the F2P model. It's a garbage model, and I cannot fathom myself playing for free... EVER. I will wait for TESO, Wildstar and EQNext. Hopefully their devs at least care about PvP.


MAYBE I'll come back, but that is if EAware makes a huge turnaround and "ignores" PvE'ers for a bit to improve the deteriorating play styles of this MMO.


I shall keep posting on these forums until my privileges are up, mainly because I can't believe how many people have /ignored me or get their panties tied in a knot because I'm still here. I have every right to be, and I'll keep posting my opinions/criticisms because I can, and because it's just so much fun. :o

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  • 3 weeks later...
I quit SWTOR on October 3rd, but I unsubbed as of October 4th.


SWTOR is a pretty terrible game if you just want to PvP. It could be a great one and one that could be classified as e-sports, gaining lots of advertisement from competitive PvP'ers and such, but EAware simply does NOT care about PvP. They took out Ranked Warzones, added Arenas in the same queue, made pretty much no restrictions to queue for Ranked Arenas, etc. I could go on and on, but it's rather pointless as BioWare does NOT care what a PvP'er has to say, nor would I think they've read this thread.


I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but there comes a point where the end doesn't justify the means. I cannot continue supporting EAware, and I will not support the F2P model. It's a garbage model, and I cannot fathom myself playing for free... EVER. I will wait for TESO, Wildstar and EQNext. Hopefully their devs at least care about PvP.


MAYBE I'll come back, but that is if EAware makes a huge turnaround and "ignores" PvE'ers for a bit to improve the deteriorating play styles of this MMO.


I shall keep posting on these forums until my privileges are up, mainly because I can't believe how many people have /ignored me or get their panties tied in a knot because I'm still here. I have every right to be, and I'll keep posting my opinions/criticisms because I can, and because it's just so much fun. :o


i just paid $30 to reply to THIS outrages post.


PVP is the only goal in this game.

PVE is just practice for the PVP game.

i have no interest in PVP.

i prefer player working together rather than against each other.

LOTRO is a good example of what i like.

i was hoping that TOR would be like that.

i was lucky enough to get into closed beta at a time that i helped with debugging the installer for the game.

meaning to say that i got in fairly early.

i was a fairly active beta tester.

i was glad to help, and would do it again even if i knew that i could never become a REAL smuggler.

i kept hoping that the smuggler would become a SMUGGLER.

the smuggler turned out to be just another fighter/healer class.

yes i do occasionally come back and download whatever patches i need to get into the game as free to play.

i have hope that this really good start of a game will develop into something that i will find attractive.

there is so very, very much that COULD go right here, and i keep hoping that it will.


i am a tremendous star wars fan and i will say that much of this game is VERY star wars.

however it has become a place where foul mouthed children come for bragging rights on how many times they have slaughtered NOOBS!! in PVP.

these children are very quick to pour insults and humiliation on people asking questions in chat that identify the asking person as new to the game.


i am going to guess that the people working on gaining bragging rights in PVP and insulting people new to the game are the primary source of income since this MMO, and almost ALL MMO's cater to this crowd to the detriment of any other type of player.

i hope that the dev's eventually get the idea that these nasty children are chasing away people, perhaps many PAYING people that are not interested in paying for being abused.


Lord of The Rings Online is a refreshing exception.

i don't mention it because i am trying to convince people to abandon this game and play LOTRO.

i like this game [sW:TOR] in many ways.

however there is nothing here for the PVE player that is not interested in bragging about how many PVP kills they have racked up.


the star wars myth has allot of material to work with.

the voiced aspects of interaction with NPC's is nice. . . the first six times.

when i would go on the missions with people they would get irritated with me for not just "space barring" through those conversations.

i like those conversations.

they DO add a nice feel to the game.

however i don't need them for the game to be quite immersing.

perhaps it may be that i grew up in a time when television was only brodcast for a few hours a day and books were quite enthralling as a form of entertainment and escapism.

so perhaps it is MY fault that i can get a full picture from text and don't need every little detail acted out in front of my eyes and ears.


if the game actually had the option to go exploring it would be nice.

just set up a few parameters and generate a couple of thousand worlds with generic and random shop keepers and mobs to hunt and scavenge for resources.

and only out on those distant worlds would be the items you need for the EXTREME special items that top level crafters can create.

oh and maybe THOSE worlds could be anytime/anywhere PVP.

perhaps allow us to set up shops on these distant random worlds.


is this idea too much like EVE online?

or like SWG?


well anyway i am trying to get my $30 dollars worth into this one message, but i have two months to respond to any reply.

it was just too much for me to see a PVP'er complaining that they were being neglected when in fact they are the entire focus of the game developers in this and all the other MMO's.

i would almost like to see what your personal life is like. . . ALMOST.

please ignore that last line.


anyway i am going to log into the game and play a bit, since i'll have full access to the crafting skills i have been so pleased to build up and use.

i wish i had a REAL smuggler.

at least my imp agent is a fairly good sniper.


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Here are my 5 reasons:


1. Guild Management Tools ingame

Guild Calendar, Event-Planning tool, More information on guild members etc.


2. Introducing more Flashpoints, Operations and Planets or Planet Areas for Questing more frequently.


3. Space combat PvE


4. More complex Crafting System please.


5. New Stories (like Makeb)

hint: new stories do not have to come along with new planets or areas. I think they can be implemented in existing worlds and places. With this said, stories can be implemented seperately from implementing new areas or planets. with this said, update frequency and replayability increases. Bring in a new planet for dailies, and half a year later, when noone plays anymore on this planet, introduce a new story-arc brining the player back there. PERFECT!

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Our guild has been around since 2005 and came here at launch. We announced a few weeks ago to members that come 15th December we are withdrawing from Tor (wanted to give ample notice so those who wish to remain can start another guild, which I am happy to say they have as we continued to let them use our forums to do such a thing) and will seek a new 2nd game (Lotro being our 1st) to eventually replace it.

Now, please don't get me wrong, as a solo game there is nothing much wrong with Tor from level 1 to 50, the story when levelling are fantastic and I enjoyed them but for us personally its a case of guild/community over gameplay so my top 5 may be a little different to most and probably our reasons why we are leaving have no Barings on the majority of your players.


1. Below Basic Guild tools.

Biggest 3 gripes:

1st of all the dreadful cap of 500 characters per guild in a game you can have 13 characters per server. We have been on at Bioware, via representatives on these forums and customer service for 15 months now and you have been aware of this issue since shortly after launch but still no fix. Why not 500 legacy names, or why even a cap in the first place. Even with inactive member removals we are always hitting cap and we don't even spam recruitment on planets/fleet, just our message on server forums.

2nd- Awful message of the day system. Not improved since day 1.

3rd No ingame calendar. Not a breaker for us as we use our website for event planning and signups but it should be a basic feature as not all guilds have a website.

Last year in 2012 Bioware said guilds would get a lot of love this year. Where is it? its almost November and we have only had 1 XP boost which would not be in a guild leaders top 30 requests if asked what he wanted and a rehash of it later on.


2. No Community feel

No place to call home, cantina's you cant do anything in but use a jukebox (how long have people been asking for Pazaak in cantinas), nothing. We have come up with our own weekly guild events ie whole planet cron runs which we took all levels of players, Achievement and Codex runs, Horrible fashion contests etc but would be nice to have a little bit of support ingame. Pod racing around Tatooine could be an example. Put a race droid somewhere out of the way, instanced to allow guilds to plan more activities. No Multi passenger vehicles (in SWG it was great if we were doing a group event to go to the group in a 8 seater vehicle, really added to the feel of the game/event).


3. Starting to feel like a cartel store with a game attached to it, not the other way round. A lot of features we have asked for, ie barbershop being a good example you have added but only via cartel where a fair idea would have been to let a player change his appearance for in game coins but only having the choices he had at selecting a character screen, and adding additional features to that via cartel. But greed meant all of its cartel.

Collections were a nice idea but I gave up on it shortly after due to the quickness in which you brought out new packs. Without spending £1000's its impossible to get the collections. We have the trading card game in SWG, sort of similar to cartel packs but at least there it was a new pack every 6 months or so, not every 3 weeks.


4.Crafting. very basic. very annoying. I want grade 4 underworld metal, oh look I don't have a single mission for it. never mind, ill try grade 3, oh look no missions for it. I stopped crafting a long time ago and now just sell my monthly cartel pack (from free coins) for credits.


5.Others- Loading screen times, lack of item customization (why cant you add a colour crystal to a vehicle to change skin etc), lack of bug fix's (people have been asking for about 15 months to have a fix for fleet datacron so they know they have it, and also after getting the 2 Makeb crons I have 69/69 but codex shows 67/69).


We have given Tor our very best shot, stayed 2 years and had fun and helped hundreds of players but simply put we finally ran out of patience with the lack of guild love from Bioware. Every update we scrolled through the notes hoping to find something for guilds but have now decided to move on. You wont struggle for players as although the game has the highest number of turnover on players leaving we have ever seen, there are always new players to replace them, but the game feels like it could be an Xbox game, not a mmorpg for us so we leave thanking you for the 2 years we have had here and wish you the best in the future, but we shall be elsewhere not in Tor

Edited by Ziso
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Just because you stopped paying (subscribed) it does not mean you are out of the game, you can continue as a premier or whatever they call the status of a player that is between FTP and Subscribed.


In another month my account's subscription will expire, and do not plan to re-subscribe and the hunt for another game to play will begin. But I am aware that the grass is not always greener on the other side, so should other players that are dissatisfied with the game.


What made me unsubscribe?


Lack of value


Lack of value you ask?


Despite that SWTOR's monthly rate is not that much, it is slightly higher than its competition, and thus I would expect to get a bit more from my subscription than what I would get from otehr games. SWTOR is not the only themed game out there, true it is for Star Wars, but the concept of themed games is not unique to SWTOR. Those themed games such as Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Dark Age of Camelot are cheaper to subscribe to than SWTOR, and what you get for their subscription is roughly the same with the exception of in game content which for LOTRO and DAOC far exceeds what SWTOR has to offer, and that gets me back to value, which essentially is what I get for the buck.


But what ultimately made me not renew my 3 month subscriptions, and start looking for something new is the bugs in the game, and the consistentency or frequency they make an impact when I play. If the bug seldom happens and its just annoyance, I tend to overlook, but if the bug is often and gets me killed that is a different story. A sample bug that is annoying is that I can slice something and some times my companion will go on and follow me and others will stay by the ghsot of the item sliced, I get on a fight and no companion. Sometimes i do get in a fight, and the companion wakes up, and runs to me, of course it gatehrs as much aggroe as possible along the way... Another happening that truly burned me out with the game, and really was the kncok-out blow, was the day the rolled out the new patch ahead of time, and next thing I knew I was reloading the game from scratch, that was the final strike.



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Eh $30?.....exaggerate much?


this is the nasty childish attitude i that i mentioned that discourages decent folks from spending time and money in the game.

these comments are a prime factor in my not wanting to be here.


i could put up with the fact that my smuggler is not a smuggler, and that all the character classes are so BALANCED for PVP that they are copies of each other.

there are many good parts to this game, and i could subscribe and feel good about it, if it were not for these people that come here to cut people low and attempt to cause bad feelings for people.

i will not pay to be abused.


it's $30 for two months and you well know this, however you had to comment in a way that attempts to discredit my statement.




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  • 1 month later...

I have un-subbed because I have pretty much gotten everything I can out of playing solo and GSF is not intended for those of us who just want to enjoy a casual Star Wars experience. I'm a console guy so I will be playing Battlefront a ton along with the Star Wars open world game they are developing as well as the several next gen SW titles that will be released over the next decade.

My journey into the cryptic MMO genre has been quite the experience, I ran into some pretty big a-holes that made me want to quit but I stuck to it and learned how to play. There have been some really cool ppl I have met and I sure as hell wish my in-game friends didn't stop playing after I spent a ton of time and creds helping them gear up so we could tackle endgame Ops and HM FP's together. They told me they bought Black Ops 2 and I never saw them again lol! It's all good though, I tried to fit in elsewhere but ultimately stuck to my "lonewolf" background and just did my own thing.

I managed to gear a few chars and several companions in full 72's (highest I could get them playing solo) and was hoping GSF would be a fun addition but I tried and tried to get into it until I finally realized that it wasn't for me, same with PvP. I don't just give up on things in life (I skated at a professional level for nearly 2 decades) but I ultimately decided that PvP and GSF are not my cup of tea. I really have enjoyed SWTOR and I'll keep my chars on ice in case Bioware decides to continue to add more character development and possibly a PvE version of GSF. Thanks for the fun but my Xbox One is calling my name and my bum knee is better so I'm getting back on board and gonna roll around the skateparks once again. Thanks for an awesome game Bioware!

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I have un-subbed because I have pretty much gotten everything I can out of playing solo and GSF is not intended for those of us who just want to enjoy a casual Star Wars experience. I'm a console guy so I will be playing Battlefront a ton along with the Star Wars open world game they are developing as well as the several next gen SW titles that will be released over the next decade.

My journey into the cryptic MMO genre has been quite the experience, I ran into some pretty big a-holes that made me want to quit but I stuck to it and learned how to play. There have been some really cool ppl I have met and I sure as hell wish my in-game friends didn't stop playing after I spent a ton of time and creds helping them gear up so we could tackle endgame Ops and HM FP's together. They told me they bought Black Ops 2 and I never saw them again lol! It's all good though, I tried to fit in elsewhere but ultimately stuck to my "lonewolf" background and just did my own thing.

I managed to gear a few chars and several companions in full 72's (highest I could get them playing solo) and was hoping GSF would be a fun addition but I tried and tried to get into it until I finally realized that it wasn't for me, same with PvP. I don't just give up on things in life (I skated at a professional level for nearly 2 decades) but I ultimately decided that PvP and GSF are not my cup of tea. I really have enjoyed SWTOR and I'll keep my chars on ice in case Bioware decides to continue to add more character development and possibly a PvE version of GSF. Thanks for the fun but my Xbox One is calling my name and my bum knee is better so I'm getting back on board and gonna roll around the skateparks once again. Thanks for an awesome game Bioware!


I'm pretty much the same as well. I'm not really a MMO player, and really I've never gone into two or three ops aside from Eternity Vault, XenoAnalyst, and Tobborro because while do play alot at the time, I feel like on a moment's notice I could be called away and i would feel bad for ditching the ops group. The most endgame I've gotten into is HM FP. I'm in a guild but not much social talk for me there.


I really wouldn't call GSF a hardcore experience. I've never played a flight sim in my life and it felt fairly easy to get into. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst person out there on my server. Curiousity, what ship are you using? I've been using my Pike right now for my default GSF fighter. The default strikefighter kind of feels alot less easy to play by comparison. i haven't really tried the others really. Just getting use to one for now.


I'm sure that GSF is probably not going to be a deciding factor of whether of you stay or not of course.


I'll be looking into Battlefront 3 as well but alas, only the PC variant. Spent a bundle for a PC and for the foreseeable future, there will be no next gen consoles for me.


Be well.

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I'm pretty much the same as well. I'm not really a MMO player, and really I've never gone into two or three ops aside from Eternity Vault, XenoAnalyst, and Tobborro because while do play alot at the time, I feel like on a moment's notice I could be called away and i would feel bad for ditching the ops group. The most endgame I've gotten into is HM FP. I'm in a guild but not much social talk for me there.


I really wouldn't call GSF a hardcore experience. I've never played a flight sim in my life and it felt fairly easy to get into. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst person out there on my server. Curiousity, what ship are you using? I've been using my Pike right now for my default GSF fighter. The default strikefighter kind of feels alot less easy to play by comparison. i haven't really tried the others really. Just getting use to one for now.


I'm sure that GSF is probably not going to be a deciding factor of whether of you stay or not of course.


I'll be looking into Battlefront 3 as well but alas, only the PC variant. Spent a bundle for a PC and for the foreseeable future, there will be no next gen consoles for me.


Be well.

I've mainly leveled up my Gunship but I have used the other two default ships as well. I'm not horrible at GSF but I just can't get into it. It's not a bad expansion, just kinda wish I could play a PvE version of it because my PvP time is spent elsewhere.

I have a pretty big family and they we all migrated over to Xbox from Playstation when the 360 came out and we've upgraded to the Xbox One now so we play a lot of CoD and Battlefield and we're gonna be playing Titanfall and Destiny together too. I'm the only one who bothered to get a gaming PC because I'm such a huge SW fan and I wish they would play SWTOR with me but it's just not gonna happen.

I'm still gonna play out the rest of my sub time (40 something days) and keep all my chars cause I've literally spent thousands on this game (PC and several Hypercrates) but there is no carrot dangling in front of me right now. Those who are in good guilds and run their own Ops (PUG Ops are F'ing horrible) and mesh together should consider themselves very lucky, I guess I've just been incredibly unlucky finding a home since my friends left lol. Good luck to you as well, this isn't the end for me, I just can't see myself continuing to run dailies and spending hundreds a month (I'm very impulsive) on hypercrates and playing "GTN Mogul".

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My 5 reasons:


1: don't feel its worth a sub fee and the nerfs for free to play are just too much to even bother with

2: boring as hell fluff quests in between story quests making storyline quest way too spread out

3: bugs still in game since beta

4: lag in stupid places like on personal ship, yet in big areas with lots of people no lag at all

5: GS being just a cheap knock off of Star Conflict and i mean CHEAP!!!


there is also the horrible voice acting and the NPCs for the fluff quests like to talk for ever for no reason at all and repeat things over and over no mater what choice you choose they will repeat what they have already said. then you have the part about your choices... you get 3 options, you think you picked the right one and you think your toon will say what that choice said but nope your toon says something totally different THAT ticks me off the most... but in the end your "choices" don't mean squat anyways



when we had the double xp weekend i actually enjoyed this game a LOT!! but that's because i skipped almost all the fluff quests and did mostly the storyline quests with one or two fluff in between. my sub ends either this month or sometime next month. only time ill be back is during double xp. but even then im not sure ill be back.. its just not worth it which is really sad!! i had such high hopes for this game back before it came out and was let down soooo badly when i got in game and its just gone down hill ever since B^(

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I've forced myself to keep subcribing for months now, even though I'm not playing. I don't see a reason to do it anymore. I'm a Star Wars nut, and it's so sad that can't bring myself to play a Star Wars game anymore, but I have no interest. I've played since beta. I've overlooked the numerous dev fiascos in this game (overlooked the Ilum rep nonsense, etc.), and kept playing, even when my guild finally died out. Bolster was really the last straw.


Yes, that was a long time ago, but truly my feelings toward this game changed because of it, and I haven't enjoyed SWTOR since. Bolster is a horrible idea, and it was implimented terribly. Dev response was too slow (took until 2014 for a substantive response to be given), and we are still waiting for the "Mathy" thread we were promised. Even now we still have some PvE items that are best PvP items for PvP.


I find it unfathomable that, instead of keeping and revamping the FREE pvp gear they gave everyone at max level (which was a very simple set of variables to change), they decided to revamp PvP. How does that make any sense? If people were too foolish to buy the gear, that was their problem. If the starter gear didn't give enough expertise, bump it up. In no way was totally changing PvP the better path to take. You want to scream LTP, fine, but the fact is that before we had a very simple premise to undestand...


Hit max level, get starter gear. Grind Comms. Go through PVP gear tiers. Tweak end level gear mods to max/min to your liking.


Easily understandable. Now... it's much more complicated. The notion that being naked was a viable option in the LIVE version of this game for any period of time indicates just how badly conceived and implimented it was.


I can't swallow changing everything about PvP to appease those that weren't using the gear they are supposed to, or even worse, appease who were whining because *gasp* they actually had to earn their gear and couldn't be uber right away. It was the dev's perogative to impliment intergalactic socialism, but it's my perogative to stop supporting it.


Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if bolster worked right, but it didn't (and still doesn't). Yes, the differences are not huge, but they are there. I wasn't the best PvPer, but I enjoyed it. I don't now, and if I'm not pvping, there really isn't any reason to stay.


I hope the game continues for a long time. I hope it is successful.

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I left because bioware thinks GSF is the answer to their failed pvp attempt. I played nothing but pvp over the last couple years, but now that ranked q's rarely pop, and there is still no reward info on doing them there is no point to stick around.
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Funny how timing works, I found a guild that I really click with few days after I cancelled my sub and have been raiding ever since. I can't believe how much fun I'm having (even through the frustrating wipes) and how much better this game is for me.


It is indeed amazing how much more fun an MMO (just about any MMO) is when you hook up with a good guild. :)

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It is indeed amazing how much more fun an MMO (just about any MMO) is when you hook up with a good guild. :)


Very true!


I just came back after 4-5 months of not playing, and only because my husband plays. After experiencing all of the storylines, there wasn't much keeping me in-game, so I took a much needed break.


Now that I'm back, I still feel there is a lack of content that I personally enjoy -- but my raid group is keeping me here for now. :p

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