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Everything posted by kelvaen

  1. So I normally played vig on my jugg it was laways my favorite. Any suggestions on a spec? The new talent tree is a bit foreign to me now. I do strictly pvp though if that helps!
  2. Thanks, ill head over to the harbinger !
  3. Title says it, whats the best pvp server these days? Or is the game dead?
  4. Thinking about xferring a toon to you guys, do you guys see much rated action group or solo?
  5. I think this is a PVP problem more than pve, as a juggernaut ill spam charge to try to get mine off before another leaper does to make sure I have unstoppable up when I engage. Everyone knows that people have different connection speeds, and who spams fastest will get theirs off first. I support the OP, the red text is stupid, and anyone that says they like it is just trolling to argue, its that simple.
  6. I left because bioware thinks GSF is the answer to their failed pvp attempt. I played nothing but pvp over the last couple years, but now that ranked q's rarely pop, and there is still no reward info on doing them there is no point to stick around.
  7. I hope some classes are getting the fixes they want, cause I would love to see Ranked q's pick back up!
  8. Ill email the developers, and see if i get a response of some sort.
  9. Already exists http://www.hypercanestudios.com/p/swtor-companion-mobile-remote-desktop.html
  10. Jugg Tank As a Jug tank, my main spec, I feel i'm now useless in ranked . PT hybrid tanks are so OPED currently why would you take any other tank? They can absorb damage, and dish out upwards of 100k damage in a single round at 700dps. I am full Obroan tank geared , im forced to do a funky vengeance spec to dish out as much dps as possible, as well as swap my tank relics for obroan dps relics. I have also updated all my enhancements/mods to try and get more dps out of my toon. Bottom line the most I can dish as a hybrid is around 65k at 480dps . I use to love playing a jug tank, and was actually usefull in 8v8 style rateds. Now i'm just a hybrid tank that does crap dps. I rolled a tank to tank, not dps, all tanks should be on a equal playing field, I am forced to once again to stop playing swtor, I love the pvp in this game, but the pvp community always seems to be on the backburner. I know i'm not the only one that has gripes right now on class junk, but last thing ill say is it would be nice to see other healers other then ops healing in arena. If your gonna pvp on a healer everyone goes op, cause the rest just cant keep up. Id love to hear other peoples opinions on classes right now.
  11. Hey guys i'm a recent xfer from bastion looking for a fours group, I left bastion because my work schedule wasn't matching up for ranked hot Q times. I'm full Obroan, and know how to play my class (bouncing guards, taunting ,and messing with healers). I'm looking for a 4's group that needs a tank, an am willing to do tryouts, I have mumble,vent,TS,and for the pros I also use skype. My toons name is Comatos, send a in game mail or leave a message here if interested in talking.
  12. I figured casuals didnt go to the pvp forums much, ill state that in the survey.
  13. Yeah instanced style to cap the large scale pvp, so it dosent turn into a lag fest like illum did. Av was a large scale pvp of 40 on 40, with a pretty large map. But if you compare other large un instanced pvp thats pretty small. Bioware has issues with there engine, and there communitys hardware limitations. So large scale instanced would be the easiest for them to implement . They already use that code on the fleet when it gets over populated.
  14. You can consider yourself a pvper thats your right, but I don't consider you one. This survey isnt for people that only do ranked pvp, its for people that live and breathe pvp, its that simple. You have your pve people that live and breathe it, raiding every night, you also have pvpers that think of pvp the same way.
  15. If you have never done large scale pvp, in the fashion of games like EQ,DAOC,Warhammer, or even wows AV that I figured any pvper in the last 6 years would remember at its start. Then I wouldnt consider yourself a pvper, and wouldnt take the survey.
  16. You may be confused because this post is directed at pvpers, if you don't know what AV is I can understand that I guess. Although most pvpers have tried wow in one form or another I would think. You don't do rated pvp so I would say you shouldn't be doing a survey on the pvp forums directed to pvpers that want to see this games pvp succeed.
  17. Yeah I know it hasn't, but that's when AV was fun. Going to sleep after a couple hours of av, and coming back the next day to find the game still going on. Those were some epic battles! My main point for this question was to enforce the idea of instanced large scale pvp. Since the devs couldn't figure out fast enough that illum was a lag fest because they gave everyone one and there mother to many particle effects for their abilitys. Which caused a lag fest for everyone that had mid to low end machines. Then to top it all off they put guns on the bases firing into the air with massive amounts of particles that just caused the whole zone to be unplayable with 100 or more players.
  18. Results after 1 day Would you like to see Rated PVP in Huttball 1 Yes 120 69% 2 No 54 31% Total 174 100.00% Would you like to see all pvpers consolidated to one server no matter time zone OR would you rather have Cross server queues? 1 Cross Server 124 71% 2 Consolidated 15 9% 3 Either or I don't care, I just want to pvp 35 20% Total 174 100.00% Do you think a pvper is properly rewarded through item upgrades 1 No I have all the items a pvper would want, and i'm bored 84 48% 2 yes there are plenty of items I still need 90 52% Total 174 100.00% Are you a hardcore pvper, casual pvper, or wanting to be hardcore but not allowed to be? 1 No i'm more casual 67 39% 2 Yes i'm hardcore 44 25% 3 I would like to be hardcore but bioware wont allow me to, because they dont focus on the pvpers. 63 36% Total 174 100.00% Would you like more Huttball maps? 1 Hell yes 125 72% 2 No I hate huttball 21 12% 3 I don't care 28 16% Total 174 100.00% Would you like to see a warzone that was of similar capacity as AV in Wow 1 Yes, I want large scale warzones that last days on end 121 70% 2 No I dont want large world pvp warzones 53 30% Total 174 100.00%
  19. you would be surprised how many people have said no
  20. Getting awesome response on this survey, keep it coming!
  21. The reason I love huttball is because no matter how bad your losing, you can always pull together, and end up winning. Ive come back from a 5 to 1 losing fight many times. The next thing I love about it is players cant go and camp next to some cap point to receive what medals they can get for doing nothing. You have to stay active to gain medals. Last reason is because its a new type of pvp that is only seen in swtor. They re invented the wheel with this warzone.
  22. What the survey looks like Would you like to see Rated PVP in Huttball Yes No Would you like to see all pvpers consolidated to one server no matter time zone OR would you rather have Cross server queues? Cross Server Consolidated Either or I don't care, I just want to pvp Do you think a pvper is properly rewarded through item upgrades No I have all the items a pvper would want, and i'm bored yes there are plenty of items I still need Are you a hardcore pvper, casual pvper, or wanting to be hardcore but not allowed to be? No i'm more casual Yes i'm hardcore I would like to be hardcore but bioware wont allow me to, because they dont focus on the pvpers. Would you like more Huttball maps? Hell yes No I hate huttball I don't care Would you like to see a warzone that was of similar capacity as AV in Wow Yes, I want large scale warzones that last days on end No I dont want large world pvp warzones
  23. This survey will run for 1 week, ill post the results here when its over! This survey if for the more hardcore pvpers that still exist in swtor, and the questions are bias! http://www.instant.ly/s/dyapg
  24. Everyone that played Ranked Huttball back in the day that knew what they were doing would ignore the first ball pickup. It was about controlling middle, and normally the team knowing how to play Huttball would not pursue the carrier. They would just sit on middle to control it. When I played Huttball against another team that was good at the game, its the most fun I've ever had pvping. You obviously didn't do to much ranked play.
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