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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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True indeed. After me and my friends saw the F2P list with restrictions we instantly had the feeling of "well, here it goes ...the last try to grab some money and let the game die".


And after playing it feels like we arent that wrong. I mean ...loot at the game. Almost one year later and the gameplay is still broken. Animations stuck, skills wont fire yet trigger the GCD. This is not acceptable and I called this a gamebreaker 11 months ago, right before I left the ship. 6 months later without fixing the damn problem the devs announce F2P coming up. Sonn after that almost every known guy from the BW core so to speak either was let go or left by himself. Anyway ...there wont be any gameplay fixes because for this it's too late. Crappy engine is crappy unfixable engine. I just wonder why they push a new content patch on the PTR. I mean ...what gives? But prolly that was already almost finished for couple of months and the development costs werent high.


Ah man ...

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I just unsubbed a second time. Came back hoping the game would be better than when I left but it's just as bad if not worse. Not enough to do, PvP queues are too long. Just doesn't provide enough enjoyment like it did back in February.
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I have not yet unsubbed but i am on the fence about the future.


Here is why


I have 5 level 50 toons. I am working on completing all the class stories. This part is alot of fun.


I have 1 warhero toon i grindied many hours on and use for pvp and 1 toon i use for PvE.

The rest i dont use much anymore.


Now upcoming content includes a new planet with a general storyline, one that is not class specific.


This bothers me, alot. :confused:


This will bring a new level cap which will i suppose will make my current gear progression obsolete.


Now i understand gear progression to some degree, but its been 1 year and i have already had to grind out Centaurin gear, Champion gear (those god awful bags) Battlemaster gear and War Hero (insane amounts of comms).

All in the same 3 warzones (now 4). I really dont want to grind that again,


If gear changes every 4 months then its too much too soon. I dont even have time to enjoy what I have earned before they push out the next tier.


Now back to the new planet (my biggest concern).


Makeb is going to offer the same quest for all my toons. That should be 6 toons having to gain 5 level each, 30 levels. All of this off one shared questline. This means repeating the same quest 5 times.


If this was a new level cap with new class questlines, cool. Then each toon gets there own story and that is what this game is all about.


Just a generic quesline, I am not all for that one. :mad:


It's just not enough and while this game may not have day/night, chat bubbles; the little things that i personally would like to have seen, i can accept those things.


SWTOR's bigggest point is story though, and its what keeps me here and if they take a short cut there and we dont see continuation of class specifc quests and companion storylines. Then i will complete the 8 base storylines and pack this game next to batman arkham city as games i enjoyed but i completed.


For now i will continue to enjoy the 1-50 journey on my new alts, but depending on how SWTOR handles the continuation of storylines will dictate if I will be here this time next year.


Hopefully I will. :cool:

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The missing SGRA's, plain and simple

Of all the things someone would unsubscribe for, this is your's? Pathetic.


I've had a whopping total of 5 or so romantic conversations with my companion and she hasn't talked to me since. That was almost a year ago.


Hell, I didn't even know we were supposed to be married until someone else brought it to my attention like 2 months later in a thread here. And I just love how the entire relationship unfolded in about 5 minutes of back-to-back cutscenes in the cockpit of my ship.


Believe me, the romance arcs are not nearly what they were cut out to be. I've seen more developed love stories in a Disney movie.

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Of all the things someone would unsubscribe for, this is your's? Pathetic.


This is a game in a hobby market in an entertainment industry. People drop for all kinds of things that might seem small, but in the end if you're not having fun, you're not having fun.


Someone who unsubs for lack of endgame content is no worse a person than a guy who unsubs for the lack of jedi lesbians.


Mmm, jesbians.

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I also unsubbed in February, then resubbed to play with a friend and see what's changed once F2P hit. I won't be around long.


The endgame is still terrible. PvP in MMOs sucks altogether, the raids in SWTOR are boring, and dailies need to die.


The game still runs poorly and has many performance issues. No, it's not my PC. Now that we're all on these super-servers lag has just gotten worse and the game handles like crap.


"Free to play" is more like "Free to look at while we shame you into subscribing." It's practically offensive.


Bioware is way, way, way too committed to story. This might be okay, if we didn't have to sacrifice so many resources on this altar. They haven't made an MMO so much as they've shoehorned one of their single-player RPGs into the MMO genre.


I could go on, but the bottom line is it's a great game while you're leveling with your one friend, but once you're 50 the game just gets awful. It repeats all the mistakes other MMOs solved years ago.

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I am finally throwing in the towel. In a guild of 8 friends I was the only one stubborn enough to stick around.

Several of them considered coming back to see what's changed when the game went ftp. But even free they don't decided not too. Why? Same reason as why I'm going.


Too much repetition. I love making alts and trying different things but the thought of going through all the same planets and same quests again is too much! (not Class quests that's what they wanted to finish trying)


I am only here for the story/class quests and since the VO/Cinematics is too expensive it's highly unlikely they will ever be expanded. I don't care about raiding or PvP. (although I would pvp some if I could opt out of huttball. Gak)


The game shipped barebones much to the dismay of many people. (No guild banks? No server transfers? Etc.) I am a patient person but even I have limits.


And then there are the bugs. Bugs happen in all software but...

When it seems every other patch (every patch lately) breaks major things I wonder why am I still here? I am not having fun anymore.


I love BW stories and its really the only reason I came here as a long time fan. I also loved SW so thought BW+SW has to be awesome Yes? Could have, should have but whatever. Too much budget on VO in my unprofessional opinion and not enough meat and potatoes for long lasting game play and replayability.


All imho


Good luck all. I wish you all and the game the best.

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Let me start by saying this is all my own opinion, and everyone is entitled to their own.



I bought the game shortly after release in late Jan of this year. I didn't really follow the game during development or anything, I had just heard about it through some friends and on other MMO forums. I played for the first month i believe, got a jedi sent to 48 I think, then decided not to re-sub. For me, there were just to many things I didn't care for. Things such as how restrictive the classes were. I later came back for another month or two and leveled a JK guardian to 50.


I'm not a fan of tanking or healing, so obviously DPS is where I drift to. This is star wars. I need a light saber. Now, i'm not sure why but, I don't like having to use two light sabers. I also didn't want to use a two handed light saber. So at this point, after roaming the forums and such, I can either be a guardian or sage. And apparently as a sage, you don't use your light saber. So for the character that I wanted to play, I was forced into a class/spec I didn't really like. I ended up just dealing with the sentinel, obviously. When I couldn't play the character that I wanted to, this was the first red flag.


This was the first thing that began to turn me away from this game. All I wanted to do, was to play your typical jedi from all the other games/movies, and look the part. Which brings me to my second issue. The armor design. Completely rediculous. I don't even know how to describe my feelings toward the armor in this game. It's just...well, terrible. That's my opinion, of course, but I think there are many others out there that feel the same way.


The game in general just feels stale. A WoW clone, 110%. If people like it this way, so be it. But I don't think anyone can honestly say it worked out for BW and EA. There's really nothing original to be said about this game. Full voice acting? Well yeah, great, on the first run through. How much money did they drop on this alone? Did no one think about the replay value of having to hear 90% of the same stuff over and over again? Companions? Oh cool, a mandatory companion. All that really did was make your own character weaker because, technically, you're never on your own.


Now in BWs defense, the class story, atleast the JKs, is pretty good. I enjoyed it for the most part. But every other part of the game is not only terrible, it's an embarrassment to the whole MMO genre. It shows how little originality went into making this game. Copy the bread and butter from WoW, have BW throw in the voice acting and story telling, profit. Like I have already stated, this is all my opinion, and whether you like the game or not, I don't think anyone can actually say that this game is not a WoW clone. Yes they added their own flavor, oh and of course some star wars, but it's basically WoW in space. Nothing original, the game brings nothing new to the genre.


If anyone reading this is enjoying the game, i'm happy for you. The game itself isn't -to- terrible. What ultimately stops me from playing and enjoying the game is the fact that it could have been, should have been, so much more than what it is. Just a WoW clone with light sabers. I'm not a fan of PvP, gear grind (or even gear itself really), or end game raiding. But to be honest, none of these have anything to do really with why I don't enjoy the game. Pretty sad that simple things like armor and class design and lack of any type of custimization, other than basic character generator, is turning me away, rather than gear grind, which normally does it for me.

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I'm moving on purely because of biowares failure to address the Apac pvp servers population issues within a reasonable time frame it's been months and no response it's not even worth converting to f2p to wait it out

As there's nobody to play with

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Let's start by saying I'm a sub and not planning on leaving for a few months...at this point. I finally got my 1st 50, and no issues with the character or the other toons I've started at this point or the legacy system in general.


What I've noticed, and what concerns me are the following:


1) buggy flashpoints. Having just started a little over a month ago, it seems like the farther I go, the more buggy the game gets, Collicoid turret battle anyone? Disappearing mobs that pop on top of you, delay in firing, etc... It's something that has apparently been around for a long time, maybe since launch and hasn't been fixed yet. That's just not good programming and debugging. The break in on Red Reaper, mobs that don't appear to you, and as thus can't attack. A boss that disappears and keeps firing at you but you don't know where he is, etc... These are huge bugs in fp's that should have been fixed a long time ago.


2) UI issues. Recently I've noticed in flashpoints and in conversations that my ui just dies. I can't push buttons to extrend a conversation. In a FP, my group bar, quick bars disappear and I have to either leave or log out to fix the issue. Add that, UI issues go beyond this. It's a design flaw that IMO has hurt the game. I hate to use WoW as an example, but when WoW launched, it had 10 quickbars that you could use some as side bars. The ability to customize it to fit the role you chose to play. This is not really available in SWTOR. My personal opinion will be point 3


3) add-ons. While I understand the point where add-ons have hurt WoW, I think there is a balance to be made. If, for example, BioWare added the ability to allow add-ons to the game, like a UI customizational interface, multiple keybinding saves, etc... It would add a lot to the game. It would also add more commitment and passion to get community. One of the biggest things that WoW is that.


My point being with 2 and 3, is that it has allowed the players to be able to customize and design their UI based on how they play and how they play in different situations. TOR has not allowed that and is definitely somehing that has hindered the game, IMO. For example, if you level a tank or a healer, you are going to use different buttons depending on what role you are playing and in what situation you are in. OP, FP's, soloing, storyline, PvP, all need different keys to be effective. Without that customization, it makes the game much more difficult to play. And if you add in respeccing, then it makes it even harder to continually set up keys and keybindings etc... It is definitely an area where add-ons would shine.


I'd also point out that something like a quick gear change add-on would be invaluable here as well to be able to switch between tanking gear and dps gear, or dps and healing gear as well.


I'd also like to point out that a dps meter of some kind would also be invaluable. How can I know what abilities to use and when to use them without some kind of meter to help me know what works better. Otherwise, I'm pretty much just mashing keys on cooldowns. Granted, I understand WoW has become a "your dps is terrible, we're gonna kick you" game, but without something that gives your performance, it's difficult to really get better.


4) loading screens. This is a serious bane of the game. Way to many loading screens for every situation on every planet that take to long and distract from the game. Granted, with the current game engine, I don't know if there is a way to fix this other than maybe a super power computer that will make loading insignificant


Those are my complaints. And if not fixed, I may not stick around.


But on the positive side, here's what will help people out and make them want to stick around


1) the community. This is the thing that can make or break the game. As said, with WoW and dps meters, it can be game breaking for some who just want to play casually to an instance or 2 and call it a day, but get kicked constantly from those by "elitist" people who think they are better and their attitude shows it.


What will help is a community of people committed to this game and this universe to help bring new players along and give them advice and to help them succeed, and to help them have a better gaming experience. This happened to me. I had just reached level 50, asked in fleet about hard mode fp's and some were doable by a fresh 50. I was told some were, so I queued for those. After my 1st one, a nice player actually took the time to help me out and show me a couple of things about the game. He showed me to the pvp terminal and got me the fresh 50 pvp starter set that was better than all of my previous gear. He took the time to show me to BH, and took me around there, etc...


People like this help the game. We should all look at this and commit ourselves, if we plan on sticking around, to do this for a new 50 or a new player that needs help.


2) I'd like to find more information about the game readily available. Meaning, instead of trying to search through post after post after post in the forums to find out what stats mean. What, for example is the difference between defense and absorbtion rating. What is the difference and what matters more for power, surge, crit rating, etc...


What's the difference between customizable gear. Is it just the mods and what weight do the mods play in armor and weapons and how much of a difference do they play, and what stat weight do they bear on each piece. None of these things seem to be readily available and easy to find.


3) what is available in terms of gear and where. That could easily be added to this site. If I need a chest piece from a hard mode fp, where do I get it? I know a lot of bosses are skipped in some, but what do they drop? Is there a place to look that up?


4) Lots of crazy little customizable things could be added to this game that would personalize it. better customization on character creation. customizable personal ship, add-ons for the ship. Personalizing it, furniture, color, pictures, etc... maybe even quick portals to daily spots to avoid excessive loading screens. I know guild ships have been mentioned in another thread.


Basically more things like this that personalize the game to the player that make them say, "I care about my toon, and want to see him/her grow"


I know this has been long. I hope it helps.

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Of all the things someone would unsubscribe for, this is your's? Pathetic. I've had a whopping total of 5 or so romantic conversations with my companion and she hasn't talked to me since. That was almost a year ago.
If anything, *that's* pathetic.


For the record, story is SWTOR's main strength, and if the story isn't fun for somebody, I think it would be pathetic to *remain*, and continue allowing yourself to be taken advantage of. It shows backbone to make a stand, take your money and go home. The complete opposite of pathetic. Leaving because the story -- TOR's main point -- isn't fun is the best reason of all to leave.

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I left only for a couple of months and came back.


The reason why i left and most of my guild are 2:


1. Lack of new level 50 content (in particular ops and flashpoints).

2. Raid bugs messing up our fights.

4. Lack of information about the game's future (how many raids coming, how many patches, will there be expansions, etc. A game without a future is a game with a weak presense. I want to get excited about the future of SWTOR, but Bioware doesnt share it with me or just doesnt know whats gonna happen themselves).

3. I would add the lack of PvP arenas mode. Its not something i personally like but there are players that do.


Still, i am back and i love playing the game, but this needs to kick into gear (it has started to in the last month). The 5-6 month break with no content was what killed the game the most. We didnt stop supporting the game back then, but Bioware/EA appeared to have given up on it. If you dont believe in your game, your customers wont aswell. With that said i am back and here enjoying the game again, but i am still worried about the future. RIFT had an expansion 1.5 years after release, WoW has expansions at around that pace aswell. We NEED to know what to expect from SWTOR. In short: TALK TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. We are here despite all the flak this game got and the disbelief EA showed. We are here cause we like the game and want to see it realise all its potencial.

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I haven't left yet, and probably won't for a while, since I just started playing maybe 3 months ago. I still haven't gotten anyone to 50, and I am having fun playing through all the stories and different characters. But I would just like to agree with many of the posters here that EA/BW doesn't seem to be showing a lot of excitement about this game. Lack of communication is a big deal.


Also, add more customization with skill bars, let us have some addons. Make continuations of the class stories. Tell us what gear is available and where we can get it.


I'm not there yet, but if so many people say you have no endgame, I'm concerned you may have no endgame.

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I played since early access and quit about April. Recently came back for about two weeks now but likely to leave real soon. Reasons why I originally left:


Planets: or should I say a few squares here and there surrounded by cliffs or invisible zone walls. Everything is so static and lifeless. No day/night cycle, no ambiance, just boring really. Every single thing about these planets was put in place for a themepark purpose. I was hoping for large areas to drive off into and actually explore. They don't have to be massive like SWG was, but at least something more. Everything felt so confined. WoW actually felt like an explorers paradise compared to TOR.


PvP: Ok so I get to zone into the same 3, now 4 warzones over and over and over and over...I did this for years in WoW, was hoping for something more in TOR. Sadly, I was very disappointed. Never have I experienced such a lame PvP experience than what is this stun fest that is TOR PvP. Nothing irritates me more than being chain stunned while I am beat to death all the while not being able to do a thing about it. On top of this, there is so much cc that is not effected by resolve. Finally after getting killed I can now look at my resolve bar dissipate to nothing as I wait to come back into the fight so it can happen all over again. After coming back and now experiencing the stun bubble situation, I think its safe to say they are moving in the wrong direction.


Ilum: no explanation necessary.


Horrible space experience. Was hoping for a more JTL space experience like in SWG. I have done one space mission in my entire playing experience so far and I have absolutely no desire to do one again unless something drastic changes.


Race options. Basically humans, and humans with different colored skin. I read the BW reasoning and I think it's a lame excuse. This is Star Wars. let me experience it how I want.


Since returning I will add lag to the list. I ran the game really well when I left, but since returning, something bad has happened to this game. Being on the fleet is like a slideshow. Warzones lag for me real bad now too. Not sure what happened since I left.


I followed this game since 2008/2009. Had such high hopes for this game, but like most, was very disappointed. Hopefully one day some company out there will make a decent SW game. I just hope next time it isn't by a developer that has no experience in the industry.

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I'm dedicated to this game and have been since before it was released, but I've unsubbed and have a couple weeks left to play. My main reason: I'm gonna go back to Rift to play the new expansion, which looks awesome.


Secondary reasons:

Lack of any info or progress on same gender relationships

Overpopulated servers- I was never in favor of merges for this very reason

Game's getting more simple with every content patch

I'm simply running out of story to play with. I don't do grinds so after I finish a class story I go on to the next one.


I'll resub when and if they add more story content, and I'm not talking about any stupid raids either, and ESPECIALLY when they add same gender romance.

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1) The world is not an open sandbox and has been designed to force you into very linear pathing. The exception being Tatooine and to some degree Hoth.


2) Ability lag/delay.


3) Buggy OPs in hard mode and nightmare.


4) Lack of end game and does not have any definitive tie in with story lines.


5) Horrific customer service.

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I am very close to unsubscribe (for the second time this year) and while there are several things that bother me, there is only one that could make me do it this time:


lack of communication with players


Or should I say customer nonservice. Because customer service simply doesn't exist. And when you get something from devs or CS people, you get an impression that everyone at EAware are on vaction or are laughing at us for thinking that we can get any kind of help.

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I just unsubscribed.


The amount of bugs in this game is just too much. I know, many people will remind me that MMOs have bugs.. blah blah blah. I realize that and accept it. I have been playing MMO type games since the mid 90's when they were MUDs.


I have never in my experience in gaming seen a AAA release with so many bugs. After a while it just sucks and is time to give up. If they could just fix the bugs, they may have some more meaningful success.


I remember a few months back Doctor Lokin (Imperial Agent's companion) was bugged for months. He would completely disappear when he was in combat stance. To allow such bugs to fester for so long is inexcusable. I'm sure someone somewhere has an excuse, but its not really relevant to the consumer who wants a product that works.


In my opinion, the bugs just ruin this game. :( Sad to say goodbye.

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I've got about two weeks left and am about 95% toward unsubscribing, my reasons area:


Lag, lots of lag in WZ and just normal story line as well

PvP just blows and is unbalanced

Ability Lag, which goes to point 1

lack of customer service by BW on just about everything

End game Ops that has little to nothing to do with the overall story

No Day/Night cycles on the planets among a few


I enjoyed playing but I feel its the same thing over and over again and its lost its fun.

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I've been following the game for nearly 7 years now, was one of the first player to subscribe on the forums, spent countless of hours writing suggestions, swallowed so many pills that I thought I could endure anything.


Once again I was wrong regarding they're asking F2P players and subscribers to pay $20 to get the holiday items. Also make people P2W with the new space gear/missions. And well we don't even get an event.



Reasons for leaving:

  1. Really poor communication with your player base (Think 2 way)
  2. PvP balance broken & too much stuns lock . (Mercs/Commandos?)
  3. Lack of world PvP. WZ gets boring in the end
  4. Very poor character customization and tedious mods (UI vs appearance tabs and gear dyes in other MMO)
  5. World feels dead, too linear, no exploration at all not even a try to improve it
  6. Total lack of socialization incentives nor tools, nor sandbox elements.
  7. Space shooter is lame (Got 10+ years older games that are way better)
  8. F2P is about milking players (Even if I can afford to sub to many MMO I don't like being taken for a sheep).


All in all not only the game offers less than any other AAA MMO out there, but you aren't even trying to make it better nor fix longstanding bugs.

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Decided not to extend sub because;


1) Lag. The worst lag I've ever seen in an mmo. And by lag I do NOT mean Frames Per Second!!!!!!

2) Piss poor customer service. In fact, I haven't been able to reach a single person yet.

3) Boring. Now even more boring with free purple set arriving in mail / daily box.

4) Bugs. People losing learned schematics and nothing is done about it.

5) Not even half the game of what SWG (PRE NGE) used to be. It's a WoW clone with SW paint.


No thanks. Please promise me never to make an mmo ever again.

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