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Regarding server queues


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Based on what Jeff wrote in his short "tweet" you can be pretty sure that he is so far removed from reality that this is the best he can do. The alternative would be that he simply didn't care or take it serious, so I am giving him the benefit of doubt.


Any Live team leader worth his lick would surely have said something like the following:

- Telling us that they are aware of the problem

- Telling us what the problem is, with numbers

- Telling us that it is their #1 priority right now

- Telling us that they have some suggested plans already, and are working on others

- Telling us what those plans are

- Promising to keep us updated every day with the progress on what those plans are

- And following through on this promise


We are not interested in knowing how "Sorry you are for any inconvenience caused", unless it caused you physical pain every time a customer had to queue we couldn't care less. We are interested in SOLUTIONS and FACTS, not UNDERSTANDING and APOLOGIES.


Monitoring the queues is what we the customers are already doing - for hours every day - cause we are stuck in them.


Telling us to create characters on lower population servers, where no other guild members or friends are located, for an MMO isn't a solution, its an insult.


This one cannot be repeated often enough.


Well said.

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Queue status: 501


18 of the 28 servers showing on the server list have queue's of at least 10 mins. I thought the point of the Thanksgiving weekend was to test capacity so as not to avoid this. I understand there is an art and a science to how many servers are live, but I would think leaning towards low pop servers would be better than full server. Giving players a reason to quit doesn't seem like a very smart move.


And yes a low pop server is a reason to quit but at least they're playing and less likely to get on the forums to complain about it.

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BW said the whole reason for staggered early access was to spread the server population out in a good way. I didn't like waiting to get in, but I understood what was happening and I didn't complain.


The intention for the staggering of early access was a FAILURE. There are queues for almost every server, and some of them like the one on my server, are over an hour long. So what was the point of early access staggering?


Also, it is unfair to ask people to up and leave a server where their friends and guild is. BW pushed the whole guild deployment thing, and if this is the outcome, then they ruined it by forcing players to abandon their guilds and leave for different servers.


I am not quitting the game, I enjoy it, when I can play it. I am, however, exercising my ability to voice my displeasure with some of these obscene queues. If BW is listening to their customers, like they say they are, then they will do something to fix this. Not just post a vague reference to the problem on the forums. I have serious concerns about how bad things might be after the official launch.

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Most likely this wont be addressed until post launch which is the 20th in case anyone forgot... we're all merely testing the loads of servers.


After Tuesday they should have a better idea of how many people will slam their servers, and honestly it's a good idea to leave the queue in place so everyone gets diverted to different servers instead of flooding already high pop ones.


If it's not resolved by next Wednesday then I'll start to get extremely pissed.

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No queue for those that recently disconnected, i.e. 5-10 minutes. This is to prevent huge waits after an unexpected disconnection.


Reserve queue location for those that recently disconnected if queue is larger than 5 minutes, i.e. 5-10 minutes. This is to prevent huge waits after an unexpected disconnection.


Adjust populations. Seriously we are in long wait queues in pre-launch? This is kind of ridiculous.

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Dug this post up from the other thread just to let everyone see it again. Wow.


Hmmm service providers work 24/7 365 days a year. Movie theaters are 24/7 365 days a year. Bioware is providing a 24/7 365 days a year product. Them being a corporation not taking care of issues on a weekend during PEAK hours is not an excuse. I highly doubt BioWare has a skeleton crew working the weekend.

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The only times I've ever sat in a queue for an MMO were back during Vanilla WoW... at raiding times I'd wait about an hour maybe less to get in, but since I was usually on early any way it was never a big problem.


But waiting over and hour or two hours, which is what I think my current queue will run, is a bit ridiculous. I understand they want to make sure all the servers get a nice population of people, but a lot of them have an "estimated time" of 10+ minutes, which probably averages out to be 30 or more. They need to do something quickly, especially since the game hasn't even officially launched yet and it's this bad, or on the 20th the queue times will may skyrocket further and people who haven't had EA or Beta will not want to wait 5+ hours to play a game they are paying money for. Increase the cap on the servers or offer free transfers to new servers for all guild members/friends.


Come on, Bioware, this is a great game. Don't make me hate it because of queue times!




Also a grace period for those disconnected would be nice!

Edited by Lyalla
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85% of the Queues are over 15 minutes, and trust me if it says <15 minutes...its more. Unacceptable is an understatement, I play alts that I have created on servers that I know noone because I cant get on in a reasonable timeframe. Im not happy :mad:
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Hey BioWare, just cancelled everything - 333250409 is my confirmation number. Goodbye.


I just spent 25 minutes in a queue to get in, once I log onto my toon, she is mid-air, cant move, /stuck doesnt work, cant quick travel. Annoying as hell - you can go **** yourselves, this game is going to fail so hard. Not enough time testing it, you dont listen to your testers to fix problems that existed since the first test launched.



INTO THE PIT is *********** broken, FIX IT.


Other than that, for the rest of you who are gonna flame this post **** YOU TOO.


Enjoy being in a KOREAN style game that makes you wait and grind for everything.




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this is PRE release play. The servers have been limited. and sure it pisses me off to have to wait up to 4 hours for the game, but in reality the low pop caps on servers will force people to go to different servers instead of going to the biggest and best....


I can understand where bioware are coming from... why maintain 2 or 3 high pop servers and have the other 20 or so as low population servers.


We saw this kind of thing in WoW when BC/WOTLK/CATA was launched that ques were getting up into the thousands, and you had to wait then too.


Technically the game hasnt even been released, and therefore bioware dont know exaclty how much stress is going to be put on their servers when the boxes start flying off the shelves.


you're all too greedy and impatient for the game. Its new, let them polish yet, yes not everything is perfect, but id prefer to wait my time for them to iron out the issues.


Do you want them to increase server pops to the point the server crashes and EVERYONE tries to log back on at the same time?


i for one dont mind the wait IF it means that the issues will be ironed out in the coming weeks.

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Waited 2 hours to get in to The Fatman earlier..got in finally. Played for around an hour, I don't know what the hell happened, client crash or DC, idk. Now I'm in a 1000+ queue...This is ridiculous. Not much of an early access is it? I've been on since the 13th, and I've only been able to play 3-4 hours because of the queues.
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