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Regarding server queues


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Greetings wonderful Bioware team. I, as well as many of my peers, would appreciate if you resolved this issue during the scheduled maintenance on the 19th. I speak for all of us when I say that if you launch this game with the ques we've been seeing, constructive complaints will turn to vehemence and non-subscription. These post are not mere complaints, but serious matters directly pertaining to the success of your game . We all hope you're taking this seriously. Edited by DragoRuun
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It is very rediculous. if they are going to do anything it should be cap the servers at max capacity and remove it from new player server rosters so they have to go to different ones to not overload the already existing full servers. You are making a lot of people angry with these wait times. By monitoring your servers with 35+ min avg wait you arent seeing if the server will crash or not. UP THE LIMIT. the most i have seen in any area is maybe 400. that isnt much to go on. 400 people cant crash a server with a capacity of probably 2.5k. that is my suggestion so please do something about it. i am potentially going to leave wow for this game, but i wont be doing it if there wont be any actions taken. im not pissy about the wait time so much but last night i got randomly booted out of the game and when i started it back up i had to wait for 1.5 hours to get into port nowhere. not cool, not cool at all. i normally wait for about 30 mins, on a bad day so all in all its good, but times like this is a bunch of crap.
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The game is awesome I truely love it but I'm already tired of the fact that almost everytime I log in the servers are all bursting with people and it sometimes takes like 30min just to get in. I don't even want to consistently pay until this issue isn't something we have to deal with every freakin' time you log in.

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Jut to post my voice, the queue situation is really not acceptable. I am ok with 15 - 30 but having at least a 3 hour wait makes me NOT want to log off and even for a couple of minutes or try out a different server since it takes so long.


I get the balancing act that needs to be made but the people that are getting the short end now are the people that pre-ordered your product and probably will stick with the game longer then the "casual" fan but honestly, if I have wait for this long, I am just going back to wow. I love SWTOR so far but just can't deal with logging in and not getting to play or talk to people online for 3 hours. And god forbid I have a hiccup in my internet connection and reset my queue to 744...(like just happened)


EDIT - Sweet connection hiccup again. My queue reset. Sigh...

Edited by Cyanbloodbane
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Not that it changes anything to post but I love this...I pay a premium for the game AND a monthly premium and still have to wait hours to get in the game...


I have a wife, 3 kids, and a growing business, which means no time to fire up the game hours before I actually want to play. If I ran my business this way I would lose my customers and go out of business. Guess that's the difference, they have us by our crown jewels. You want to play you follow their rules.


I just feel slighted, if this wasn't recreation the government would create some kind of law restricting the maximum wait time or companies would get a fine :rolleyes:

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737 in the queue for Mind Trick. Says 45 minutes which actually means 2 hours. Seeing as how I have to work in 2 hours I guess I won't be playing today. Thanks BW! Sure wish they would give people the option to transfer off the server to a lesser populated server. Or better yet just do something to expand the server pop. Every single day I try to get in I have at least an hour wait. I am sick of it and my patience are started to wear thin. Can't wait till the 20th. I don't think BW is taking this seriously. I could be wrong but it has been days and I haven't seen things get any better. They have, in fact, actually gotten worse.
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I purposely joined a low pop server. It's now 'Full.' In come the queues. I don't know how anyone can excuse a paid subscription service that limits your usage. It's still pre-release, but I won't stay subscribed if the queues continue. If I pay to play, I want to PLAY when I want to PLAY. Period. This is not a free service and I am not looking for handouts. I DEMAND that my PAID SUBSCRIPTION allows me access to my PAID CONTENT. If not, make it free to play and I'll work around your shortcomings. No way I'm paying $15 a month to have my access and usage be restricted in any way.
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Tonight, I queued at 6 PM CST to join our guild's pre-selected server. It's now 7:15 PM CST and I am still 150 in queue.


Here is the problem with queues. In order for me to move up in queue, the players in front of me have to be let into the game. In order for those players to be let into game, other players have to quit the game.


Seeing 1 hour + queue times in this pre-release phase is absolutely atrocious and completely unacceptable. This shows an extreme oversight on Bioware's part in anticipating the load on these servers.


The fact that Bioware knew exactly how many players were going to receive early access ahead of the official release means they should have been able to make a very accurate estimate on how to cap the servers, and how many servers to allow.


Furthermore, the guild deployment option should have given them EVEN MORE insight on how to balance the servers. Considering that they knew, yet again, ahead of time how many players from each guild to expect on each server, I find it completely unacceptable for the estimates to be this far off the mark.


Granted, they could have gone in the wrong direction, like Rift, and opened 40+ too many servers, leaving populations at 20%. Instead, Bioware went the opposite direction, and nearly every server is experiencing 50+ minute wait times on a Sunday night.


Listen Bioware. You're on your way to a great launch. You've minimized bugs. The game feels pretty solid.


HERE IS THE ISSUE. Many players have a very limited scope of time to play each night. Only a few of those have the option to queue up before they do their other tasks that consume much of their night. The majority might have a 2-3 hour time window each night to play this game.


If 1/3 of that time is being eaten by server queue times, they aren't going to subscribe to this game.


Fix this immediately. As in Monday morning. Or you WILL lose subscribers quickly.

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This is a genuine post from our forum.


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ve had access since Wednesday 14th, and I'm grateful for that.


However, this is my experience so far:


Wednesday: 1500 queue, took me about 4 hours to get in, played 2 hours, and went to bed. Work in the morning.


Thursday: 1500 queue, took me a little over 4 hours, played for a couple, and again, had to turn in.


Friday: 2000 queue. Took me 5½ hours to log in. Had a Saturday shift, so again, could only play for a few hours, besides the wait...


Saturday: 2000 queue, around 6 hours again, logged in at 14:30, didn't play until 20:20. This is highly unsatisfying. Especially since, after a couple of hours, (reached lvl 10, weeeee, but have spent 4 times the playtime in queue), I got a D/C, and upon reentry, had to find myself in another 1800 queue. Quit, rerolled on a no-queue-server, and played until 9 this morning, reaching lvl 17. All in one go, no queues, no relogs. Lovely. Finally. Only trouble is, this char is NOT on Freedom Nadd... LoL.


Other than that, once inside Freedom Nadd, the server seems fine. I had that one D/C on Saturday evening, but I think that might as well have been my PC's fault. Not the game.


Sunday: Queing again, but I have to say, I can enter my new "not-on-Freedom-Nadd" character right away, and he is pulling severe interest from me, compared to a 6 hour wait, to play 4 hours on Jotak. Sadly.


Again, release is on Tuesday, and hopefully they will open the server cap, but if this continues for much longer than that, I will no longer subscribe to this game. Or just find another server to fool around and enjoy the game on. Because that's what I really have been looking forward to, for 6 months now. I am not complaining about the price, 'cause in fact, we haven't paid a cent in subscription fees yet... But I will NOT pay for NOT being able to play, sorry BioWare!


I will miss *******, and all you guys, but I would rather play 90% of the time allocated in my life for electronic entertainment, than sit in a queue for 90% of the time available. Hope this makes sense. And hopefully, it will look better on Tuesday.






This is from a guy I have played with for years, you are breaking communities with this bull.

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As a noob mmo player, I have to ask. Is this normal for other mmo's like WoW for instance?


To a point. This extensive and with so few of their final customers (launch is in 2 days and then Christmas right afterwards) is not normal. Nor is the lack of queue grace period. The silent treatment is common but is still a bad way to handle your customer base.

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This is a genuine post from our forum.


************************************************** ***************


ve had access since Wednesday 14th, and I'm grateful for that.


However, this is my experience so far:


Wednesday: 1500 queue, took me about 4 hours to get in, played 2 hours, and went to bed. Work in the morning.


Thursday: 1500 queue, took me a little over 4 hours, played for a couple, and again, had to turn in.


Friday: 2000 queue. Took me 5½ hours to log in. Had a Saturday shift, so again, could only play for a few hours, besides the wait...


Saturday: 2000 queue, around 6 hours again, logged in at 14:30, didn't play until 20:20. This is highly unsatisfying. Especially since, after a couple of hours, (reached lvl 10, weeeee, but have spent 4 times the playtime in queue), I got a D/C, and upon reentry, had to find myself in another 1800 queue. Quit, rerolled on a no-queue-server, and played until 9 this morning, reaching lvl 17. All in one go, no queues, no relogs. Lovely. Finally. Only trouble is, this char is NOT on Freedom Nadd... LoL.


Other than that, once inside Freedom Nadd, the server seems fine. I had that one D/C on Saturday evening, but I think that might as well have been my PC's fault. Not the game.


Sunday: Queing again, but I have to say, I can enter my new "not-on-Freedom-Nadd" character right away, and he is pulling severe interest from me, compared to a 6 hour wait, to play 4 hours on Jotak. Sadly.


Again, release is on Tuesday, and hopefully they will open the server cap, but if this continues for much longer than that, I will no longer subscribe to this game. Or just find another server to fool around and enjoy the game on. Because that's what I really have been looking forward to, for 6 months now. I am not complaining about the price, 'cause in fact, we haven't paid a cent in subscription fees yet... But I will NOT pay for NOT being able to play, sorry BioWare!


I will miss *******, and all you guys, but I would rather play 90% of the time allocated in my life for electronic entertainment, than sit in a queue for 90% of the time available. Hope this makes sense. And hopefully, it will look better on Tuesday.






This is from a guy I have played with for years, you are breaking communities with this bull.


Fully agree every word...

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Okay so, I realize that Bioware probably has the limit of players allowed in server capped extremely low in order to spread out player population across as many servers as they can, but this is just getting ridiculous. Look, I got an invite at 8:00a.m. on the 13th and I made my character on my server when there was barely anyone else on. I am not going to go to a different server when I was their long before the majority of people playing now. That's just not right at all.


Also, the whole starting to log on almost two hours before you ACTUALLY plan on playing is really annoying. It's like, "Oh, start logging on now!" *goes to see a movie, has dinner, arrives back home several hours later* "Hey, there's only two hundred people in front of me instead of two thousand! Hooray!"


If this doesn't change on the 20th, I will be very unhappy. I trust BW but some things are just absurd

Edited by CommanderAria
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I was wondering how the servers work:


I mean, do they need to change the hardware? Or is that about the set up they have chosen for these servers?

They have done quite some stress test in the beta, i am a little bit surprised.


What is gonna happend on the 20th? they can stop additional players to join their guild in already complete servers, right?

Maybe it was part of the plan: ****** server service before the 20th ?




How can you upgrade or add the number of servers without a full day interuption of service?


If any IT guy has the knowledge to answer, that would be great!


I have worked as a network admin in schools and businesses. Generally, a cluster of servers (a lot of them connected together) are set up in a way that each shares the load, in different possible ways, so that if there is a problem with one, you just shut that one down and take it out - and the rest of the group takes over the responsibilities of the one. In businesses, it is possible to have no downtime (some IT companies guarantee it) but it is easier to have it scalable by shutting down/turning on connected servers/shards. This is possibly what they are doing, simply upping the servers, having more come online, at launch. However I have absolutely no idea how they are doing it and at times it seems odd some of the choices they are making, but I suppose they have their IT/IS plans and are following them. The biggest limitation in a large service such as an MMO is the backbone, the pipes coming in and out. They could have nitrogen cooled supercomputers as servers, but if their traffic is bottlenecked by whoever their ISP is, that sets their 'traffic speed limit' and they can only handle so many people connecting/playing. That is more likely their problem (other than them purposely limiting server access on a temporary basis).

Edited by TroyTheTech
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Why not give people the option in the first week to change servers. I will change to the one other RP-PVP East server that is not constantly full if my character stayed intact.




How about offering free server transfers.. I did not choose to be on a server with with 60 minute wait times, and would gladly sacrifice a small part of community to ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME.

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Pre-Order NOW!

Get Your Copy and Play Before 12/20


This is a joke. How can you advertise this when its most likely untrue.

The server Q times are unreasonable. I have a feeling it will be fixed ( I hope) but the only response is "we know and we hope to fix it but we did it for your benefit so you had someone to play with." REALLY!!!!! I like bioware games in general but if this is not fixed I guess I will no longer be able to say that.

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This is a genuine post from our forum.


************************************************** ***************


ve had access since Wednesday 14th, and I'm grateful for that.


However, this is my experience so far:


Wednesday: 1500 queue, took me about 4 hours to get in, played 2 hours, and went to bed. Work in the morning.


Thursday: 1500 queue, took me a little over 4 hours, played for a couple, and again, had to turn in.


Friday: 2000 queue. Took me 5½ hours to log in. Had a Saturday shift, so again, could only play for a few hours, besides the wait...


Saturday: 2000 queue, around 6 hours again, logged in at 14:30, didn't play until 20:20. This is highly unsatisfying. Especially since, after a couple of hours, (reached lvl 10, weeeee, but have spent 4 times the playtime in queue), I got a D/C, and upon reentry, had to find myself in another 1800 queue. Quit, rerolled on a no-queue-server, and played until 9 this morning, reaching lvl 17. All in one go, no queues, no relogs. Lovely. Finally. Only trouble is, this char is NOT on Freedom Nadd... LoL.


Other than that, once inside Freedom Nadd, the server seems fine. I had that one D/C on Saturday evening, but I think that might as well have been my PC's fault. Not the game.


Sunday: Queing again, but I have to say, I can enter my new "not-on-Freedom-Nadd" character right away, and he is pulling severe interest from me, compared to a 6 hour wait, to play 4 hours on Jotak. Sadly.


Again, release is on Tuesday, and hopefully they will open the server cap, but if this continues for much longer than that, I will no longer subscribe to this game. Or just find another server to fool around and enjoy the game on. Because that's what I really have been looking forward to, for 6 months now. I am not complaining about the price, 'cause in fact, we haven't paid a cent in subscription fees yet... But I will NOT pay for NOT being able to play, sorry BioWare!


I will miss *******, and all you guys, but I would rather play 90% of the time allocated in my life for electronic entertainment, than sit in a queue for 90% of the time available. Hope this makes sense. And hopefully, it will look better on Tuesday.






This is from a guy I have played with for years, you are breaking communities with this bull.


Fully Agree.

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