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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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On a seperate note... I somehow get the feeling that Andronikos is definitely straight and that the gay romance option for Sith Inquisitor is Talos... I don't know why I get that feeling, but I seriously do.


Because Andronikos is all gruff and butch and Talos has that prissy accent? :D


"Nothing has changed" is vague, as is our whole situation, given shake-ups at BioWare and announced changes in the direction of the game since March.


I've tried to explain as much in PMs to the relevent folks, that even without new announcements it would be helpful to know what of what has been said can be relied upon. I have also pointed out that since this is the only place we can discuss the subject, it would be good if the reply could be made here rather than via a PM to someone to repost. I have received no reply of any kind on that score, however, so make of that what you will.

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IF it's put in, it won't happen until a full expansion when they introduce new companions and new stories... It wouldn't be cost efficient to go back and redo the voice overs and cut scenes in order to add same sex romances to existing companions.


Personally I think it's all moot, the romance options are seriously lacking and extremely limited to begin with, the fade to black makes the whole system a G rated joke to begin with....


We don't need any nudity but you could be creative with the content.... How about if you walk into your cabin and find doc butt naked on your bunk with just his hat covering his private parts and then after some funny banter the camera goes out into the hallway and the door closes... Add some humor and make it just a tad more realistic then the whole hey lets go over here (fade to black for 2 seconds) then they come back to the group like nothing happened... yeah pretty lame....


How about going aboard your ship and everyone is gone except kira in some skimpy outfit sitting in your captain chair with that come hither look... there's so many ways you can do this and still keep it PG-13....


If they just continue with the whole fade to black thing then I would rather Bioware put there efforts into adding more game content and just remove the whole "romance system" because as it is now with the G rated content its just lame and boring...

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IF it's put in, it won't happen until a full expansion when they introduce new companions and new stories... It wouldn't be cost efficient to go back and redo the voice overs and cut scenes in order to add same sex romances to existing companions.


How is it less cost efficient to use known voice actors with whom they have contracted to continue their roles in the future than it is to audition, contract and record new actors for new companions?


But this is a very old question, and one that while Daniel Erickson has indicated is in fact pretty much decided, he has also said he won't tell us.


Truly - no changes for SGRAs, indeed. :p

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Personally I think it's all moot, the romance options are seriously lacking and extremely limited to begin with, the fade to black makes the whole system a G rated joke to begin with....


We don't need any nudity but you could be creative with the content.... How about if you walk into your cabin and find doc butt naked on your bunk with just his hat covering his private parts and then after some funny banter the camera goes out into the hallway and the door closes... Add some humor and make it just a tad more realistic then the whole hey lets go over here (fade to black for 2 seconds) then they come back to the group like nothing happened... yeah pretty lame....


How about going aboard your ship and everyone is gone except kira in some skimpy outfit sitting in your captain chair with that come hither look... there's so many ways you can do this and still keep it PG-13....


If they just continue with the whole fade to black thing then I would rather Bioware put there efforts into adding more game content and just remove the whole "romance system" because as it is now with the G rated content its just lame and boring...


Personally, the fade to black thing is fine with me. I feel like romances shouldn't be centered around sex, like most games show it to be. Like DA:O basically your relationship was about sex with Morrigan, Lelianna and Zevran... I like how in this game, it's more than that. They actually talk about their feelings for one another and even can get married, depending on circumstances.

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Personally, the fade to black thing is fine with me. I feel like romances shouldn't be centered around sex, like most games show it to be. Like DA:O basically your relationship was about sex with Morrigan, Lelianna and Zevran... I like how in this game, it's more than that. They actually talk about their feelings for one another and even can get married, depending on circumstances.


Yeah - I really am not looking for anything different from what we see in current opposite-gender encounters (some of which you get a F2B on even if you only agree to drinks and a meal, which is how I happened to see it ;D). What I look forward to is simply the option being there to explore if it suits me, and my character or even if I am just curious -- just as it does with the currently available options. Whether romantic content in general should be something more than what is in the game now is really beside the point.

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IF it's put in, it won't happen until a full expansion when they introduce new companions and new stories... It wouldn't be cost efficient to go back and redo the voice overs and cut scenes in order to add same sex romances to existing companions.


Have you, like, not been to the TOR homepage lately? They're already adding everything you'd expect to see in a full expansion.


The business and F2P arguments against SGR drive me crazier than just about anything. Subscription based models do not work very well anymore. Five or ten years ago MMOs had a higher degree of player loyalty based around the social experience of the game. That was before social media became so dominating of our everyday lives. Now the friends people make in MMOs just become part of their social network, and it disincentivizes players to keep keep playing (and giving subscription money) after they get tired of endgame grinding. These means less money for a company if there isn't equal player turnover. Freemium models, on the other hand, allow those players to pop back in if there is new content they want, for only a small fee, and the focus on expanding endgame content encourages new players to pay for advantages to get to that content quickly. The real beauty of it is that it doesn't matter about rates of player turnover. For 10 players spending $100 a month on content that covers 100 players in older subscription model. Of course not everyone will spend like that, but that is just an example of the most basic way in which F2P is a better model. It is something that will mean more content since people will have to pay for it a piece at a time., and you know, companies like money.


BW knows SGR is something people want. The ghetto-esque nature of this thread can make it feel like there aren't that many people interested in it, but it is a very common complaint about the game across the internet. BW knows people want it, and they would very much like for those people to give them their money. BW also knows that people who come back for SGR are pretty likely to spend money on other things in the new F2P game. That is a big part of why I think SGR probably has a higher priority than a lot of people seem to think. There are better potential net gains from SGR than the things that people think are top priority project. While a new operation might encourage a large number of wavering players to stay on for a time, players SGR brings in may include a percentage of the type of heavy spending dedicated players that an F2P game needs a large core of to stay profitable.

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I wonder if other threads for other kind of content get so consistent and relentless doomsaying as this one.:rolleyes:


edit:lol, double ninja'd


Ya for sure, got tons on my thread about species options, I think many star wars fans have this attitude that star wars screws everything up, lots of dissatisfaction out there regarding remakes, prequel trilogies, and kids cartoons. Many of us got a tendency to b negative jerks about it, n ya it brings about lots of doomsaying whenever there's a question involving new star wars stuff coming out, regardless of what it is. Been guilty of it myself, try not to take it personal, am pretty certain most don't mean anything by it.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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Well that's enough for me. A year past and nothing has been done yet so I've gotta unsub. It just costs too much when I'm not even playing for lack of interest as far as the romances go. The story is the whole reason I joined this one over Galaxies but the missing choices just grate on me whenever I try to play. Maybe I'll come back if they fix it after all like they promised so long ago. And I have a few days left to just watch and see before I go somewhere else for my entertainment.
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Well that's enough for me. A year past and nothing has been done yet so I've gotta unsub. It just costs too much when I'm not even playing for lack of interest as far as the romances go. The story is the whole reason I joined this one over Galaxies but the missing choices just grate on me whenever I try to play. Maybe I'll come back if they fix it after all like they promised so long ago. And I have a few days left to just watch and see before I go somewhere else for my entertainment.


You can't choose this over Galaxies... Galaxies no longer exists... it stopped existing when TOR came into being. xP And it hasn't been a full year... besides... they're working on new content now... an "expansion" of sorts which MAY or MAY NOT include SGRAs....

Edited by Silthir
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I've received another indication that when Allison said that nothing has changed, we are to infer that until we hear otherwise, the information we have is still to be taken as current. This from Joveth Gonzalez, who is our current Community Manager - the Big Cheese as far as the SWTOR Community goes:


Hi Uliain,


We recently received a CS ticket regarding your experience in our community forums. First, allow me to introduce myself: my name is Joveth Gonzalez and I’m the community manager for SWTOR.


We know that same gender romance arcs are an important topic for folks, so we try to direct all conversations about it to one thread in order for us to be able to keep an eye on it and moderate it as needed using our limited resources. We know that SGRA can be a sensitive topic, so we make sure to action any community members that violate our forum policies via hate speech and the like. Keep in mind that we consolidate and redirect ANY threads that are redundant or talk about the same topic, as it is a forum-wide policy of ours.


Please know that we’re definitely keeping up with all of the comments in that thread. Unfortunately, as Allison has said in the past in response to this issue, we do not have any new information since Daniel Erickson’s comments from the Guild Summit back in March. As soon as we have any sort of update, we will immediately let that thread know.


Thank you for your active participation in our community. We know that at times, it can seem frustrating when we do not have new information to share, but rest assured that when we do, that thread will be one of the first places that we’ll update.


Please let me know if you have any other questions!


Again, this is from a personal message to me, this time via email. But I want to point out that Joveth specifically mentions Daniel Erickson's comments from the Guild Summit, which is where we were told that we could expect SGRs this year. Now, time-frame on game content is notoriously fluid, but they know we know what was said.


If Allison is saying nothing has changed in regards to SGRA, and Joveth is going out of his way to mention the Guild Summit, I really hope that lays to rest the "Not gonna happen" crowd, and am hopeful that "this year" is still the target window they are shooting for.


I do find it odd that we're getting this indirectly, which is what my ticket was about. Also it's unfortunate I had to go to such an extreme to get this clarified to this extent. But there's our answer as to where things stand.

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Hi folks, I'm here to give a quick update to this issue. It's not much, but we actually do not have any new information to share with you at this time. Should that change, I'll be more than happy to update this thread!


Thanks for your patience and thank you for supporting the game! As I mentioned in the email to Uluain, we really do appreciate your discussions on here and we are definitely keeping tabs.



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Thank you, Joveth. I was getting tired of updating my sig every day. :)


I'll be good now. For at least another six months. ;)


I'll be honest, Uluain, I always wondered if the Guild Summit announcement referred to "this year" as being the year of 2012 (January to December) or being a twelve month period starting at some as-of-yet unannounced point. One has the potential to disappoint us in December and the other has the ability to keep us in suspended disappointment, with jam every other day.

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I'll be honest, Uluain, I always wondered if the Guild Summit announcement referred to "this year" as being the year of 2012 (January to December) or being a twelve month period starting at some as-of-yet unannounced point. One has the potential to disappoint us in December and the other has the ability to keep us in suspended disappointment, with jam every other day.


From the context, I always thought they meant 2012. But if it takes until next March to do it right, I'd prefer that to something rushed. If they do overshoot the target date, however, I will feel a substantive update taking on some of our longstanding, still unanswered questions would be opportune. My most optimistic guess is that this could come with Makeb, but we'll see.


That said, knowing that we still know what we know, I'll try to collate what's still up in the air so we can string it up again and beat it like a piñata until candy comes out.

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I thought this was already in the works and was going to be rolled out.


I take it now this is never going to see the light of day. Not a big issue for myself and I would prefer open world end game content but I am sure this was a promised feature 8 months ago.

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With free to play coming I wouldn'T keep my hopes up. Sadly. Had some plans with some of my characters. :(


People seem to have very odd views about F2P. I think it's unfairly demonized. F2P has been a very solid model for several MMOs in the past.

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