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Bioware needs to decide


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I enjoy both PvE and PvP in this game and they claim they want the game types to be separate. In 1.2 they added more expertise so PvP gear could not be used in PvE or vice versa. Yet they still make changes that balance a class in one aspect of the game and make it less viable in the other. If this trend continues they need to decide if they want a PvP or PvE game. There has to be a middle ground to make the classes work in both aspects.
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You're right, they should just get rid of pvp.


I came from DDO, where there is literally zero pvp balance at all. . .but it's just common knowledge to not try and pvp in that game because of it. So it's not like no one would ever play swtor because it didn't have pvp. In fact I imagine this idea alone would attract a lot of people(probably less than they would lose from pvpers leaving, but still).


But, doing this would give the developers the ability to balance the game with insane precision for PvE.

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I came from DDO, where there is literally zero pvp balance at all. . .but it's just common knowledge to not try and pvp in that game because of it. So it's not like no one would ever play swtor because it didn't have pvp. In fact I imagine this idea alone would attract a lot of people(probably less than they would lose from pvpers leaving, but still).


But, doing this would give the developers the ability to balance the game with insane precision for PvE.


too bad I know more than enough 'PVE exclusive' people that enjoy the warzones immensely. and considering the biggest server is a PVP server... mhhhhh :rolleyes:

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You're right, they should just get rid of pvp.




Trying to do PvP and PvE result in poor gameplay. Though I'd actually go so far as to say trying to do PvP RPG in general results in poor gameplay.


(and P.S. Not really surprised the most populated server is PvP. For one thing, there is less of them, and for another, PvP relies on a large population FAR more than PvE. If anything, other than raid/group content (which a LOT of players surprisingly (or not) don't particularly care for, PvE is better on an empty server. Less competing for spawns/nodes/etc.)

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Treating PVP and PVE as seperate things always results in poor gameplay.


Ive always thought the opposite, when eq2 came out with the pve skills that had different abilities in pvp i thought for sure it would be a new trend in mmo's. And i still think any serious pve/pvp game that wants to excel at both will never be successful unless they seperate the two.

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How is this thread productive? Obviously there's no reason to choose between PvP and PvE.


How do you balance the two? You look at two sets of stats and see who's getting their butts whipped more than you'd expect for players with a certain level of skill...


...then you finally tweak sorc/sage healing in patch 1.3.1

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I wholeheartedly agree. In just about every MMO I have played, the nerfs to classes were the majority of the time initiatied because of somebody crying on the forums about such and such being OP. Make the classes function one way in PvE and another way in PvP. Solves the problem.
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All i do is PVP.


All my guild does is PVP.


All everyone i know on my server does is PVP


(sure there are some pvers spread around, i dont know what they are doing)


Getting rid of PVP is the silliest thing i have seen on these forums.... and if you have seen these forums you know that says a lot.


Maybe they should get rid of pve.

Edited by Drkstrider
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Bioware is telling the pvpeen community exactly what they want to hear, so their parents will continue paying their subscriptions.


So since i PvP, my parents are suppose to pay for my account???


Well then, wait till i see them when i get to Florida! I've been "pvpeen" in MMOs since '94, and they haven't paid a tootin dime!


I racked up some serious coin with AOL when I played Neverwinter Nights till '96 , and they charged me by the minute to play, after that UO, then DAOC...


-gets calculator-



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I like the idea of them making this a hybrid MMO. The new Nightmare Mode, "Terror From Beyond" and flash-point that will have A LOT of story (check link from a previous post) will definitely bolster the PvE content with more challenge and new lore. PvP will have MANY obstacles and the 'challenge' is not fixed like in a high end PvE instance, and it hardly has as much lore and storyline as the flash-points and operations. Here is hoping they balance it well and can make the PvP WITHOUT fixed challenges or story.
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Ive always thought the opposite, when eq2 came out with the pve skills that had different abilities in pvp i thought for sure it would be a new trend in mmo's. And i still think any serious pve/pvp game that wants to excel at both will never be successful unless they seperate the two.


City of heroes did just that. A while ago they kept pve where it was and revamped everything for pvp so that damage was consistant across all classes and powers. The result? It killed pvp and they lost a huge part of their player base.

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I enjoy both PvE and PvP in this game and they claim they want the game types to be separate. In 1.2 they added more expertise so PvP gear could not be used in PvE or vice versa. Yet they still make changes that balance a class in one aspect of the game and make it less viable in the other. If this trend continues they need to decide if they want a PvP or PvE game. There has to be a middle ground to make the classes work in both aspects.


Ever stop to think that they want that class to also be less viable in the other aspect of the game?

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Am I one of those crazy people who actually likes... both? I wouldn't play an "only PVP" game or "only PVE" game. I like the current duality, thank-you-very-much. Edited by Stenrik
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You're right, they should just get rid of pvp.


The devs have pretty much gave the PvP community the finger since launch. From poorly implimented world PvP (Ilium) to limited warzone maps, to horrid balancing they screwed the PvP community hard core. Now look at the sub numbers.... Maybe that wasnt such a good idea after all now was it?

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I wholeheartedly agree. In just about every MMO I have played, the nerfs to classes were the majority of the time initiatied because of somebody crying on the forums about such and such being OP. Make the classes function one way in PvE and another way in PvP. Solves the problem.


They already have this in the game with certain attacks that can not be used in PvP. Eviscerate for operatives and shoulder slam for BH. It can't be difficult to make it so in the case of Sin tank that self healing is reduced in PvP like Trauma. If they can't do that they are either incompetent or lazy.

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too bad I know more than enough 'PVE exclusive' people that enjoy the warzones immensely. and considering the biggest server is a PVP server... mhhhhh :rolleyes:


I agree, however do realize that the reason the biggest server is PvP is because they have bleed hundreds of thousands of PvE subscriptions. Entire servers went from Standard to Non-existent because of patch 1.2 and the crappy overall job they did 'balancing' classes with respect to PvE vs PvP. Let's be honest. They screwed the pooch and continue to look blindly at statistics and not the overall player satisfaction with their game. SWTOR RIP 2013.

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