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1.3 Maras/Sents no nerfs?


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Marauders are fine, l2p. I dont like the nerf to tankasin they are giving out though. If anything i felt that their dps was too high for a tank.


Tankasins were fine L2P.


Marauders tankieness is too high for their DPS.



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proof of this? I'd like to see the information you're basing this claim off of.


Go check out a couple of the websites that people use to parse their combat logs. 9 out of the top 10 for dps are marauders/sentinals.


True story, no fairy tale crap like marauders and sentinals aren't OP.

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Sage healing is far from fine. Just because you saw some Sage put up 600k healing doesn't mean they are fine. The power of Sage healing wasn't changed other than the fix to the double dip bug. This is a big misconception with the healing changes. Sage healing power (the power of our heals) is still there essentially. However, they made it harder to cast heals by increasing the cast time of our main heal and giving brain dead DPS a larger window to interrupt heals while simultaneously buffing damage. When playing against terrible players who let Sages stand there free-casting..Sages look fine. Even one person with half a brain can take out a Sage easily..with minimal skill. That is NOT fine.


You should go play a Sage in PVP before making wildly uninformed comments on the state of the class.


In a warzone at least 80% of a healer's total heals are to themselves trying to stay alive. So to expand on what Ballzz said, in reality I'd they are doing 500k healing in a WZ, around 400k of that was on themselves.

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Well those ranged classes you mentioned have a much easier time of attacking a target because they have a 30m range so time on target is far greater. Also operative and assassin both have moves that go up to 30m and a lot of 10m range moves.


I'm sure you'll get the idea when you figure out different classes are different.


What are these operative and assassin moves that go up to 30m you speak of? Oh wait, none.


You may want to just quit quite your behind, your lack of understanding about the game is pretty evident.

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Good changes.


Just like what Assassins and many other kids said when 1.2 hits.


Sorcs are fine PvP and PvE, its just that no skill bads can no longer facerolling everyone. Sorcs are fine, the good ones anyways. Maybe its just you thats not fine.


let me copy and fix it up for yall


Sins are fine PvP and PvE, its just that no skill bads can no longer facerolling everyone. Sins are fine, the good ones anyways. Maybe its just you thats not fine.

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Fungi, for weeks every post you have made has been about how Sentinels and Marauders need to be nerfed. Every single post. For weeks we have been telling you that you are incorrect. We have told you how to beat us down the point now that we the Sentinel players have written and posted entire guides explaining how best to kill us.


Sentinels are 100% fine. They are not overpowered, they are not underpowered, they simply require someone to use their CD's properly to stop our own CD's.


This game will never go back to Sorcerers and Sages owning everyone in PVP. Never.


If you believe this I have a bridge on tattooine to sell you.

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What are these operative and assassin moves that go up to 30m you speak of? Oh wait, none.


You may want to just quit quite your behind, your lack of understanding about the game is pretty evident.


Please look into your class ability called "Recklessness" and l2p.

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Is this a serious reply? Are you suggesting that because BW favors a class over the rest of them, that they are potentially willing to risk hundreds of millions of dollars to out perform other classes instead of doing what is more logical and fighting the constant MMO balance fight and bringing in more sales and subs...


Wow... they must really love the marauders. :rolleyes:


PS: I'm pretty sure that if they nerfed everything that got a lot of attention on the forums instead of looking at the data and making logical decisions based on that... in the long run they would lose a lot more money. instead they focus on facts and not theories which should in turn keep the real MMO/PvP players around since these are the ones who will be still paying for subs in 3 years and most who are screaming for nerfs will have bounced between 3-4 games in that same time.


When you see 8 man marauder/sentinal teams at the top of the rated warzone brackets you'll understand just how much BW favors them.

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Go check out a couple of the websites that people use to parse their combat logs. 9 out of the top 10 for dps are marauders/sentinals.


True story, no fairy tale crap like marauders and sentinals aren't OP.


I have a hard time believing those stats if there are sorcs and PT's involved. I'm not gonna bother arguing anything since no one will EVER be convinced to change their minds. (these threads are pointless) But a DECENT PT or sorc should be able to match or beat the DPS of a marauder. In reality damn near every class should if played properly... I've seen near every class excel which leads me to believe it's a L2P thing.


Source: the 10-12 WZ's I play near every day on a fairly decent populated PvP server.

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Why bother? Not like you know what you're talking about.


Being a high quality player with unbiased views on classes, and with the ability to judge balance abosolutely makes me a person that doesn't know what I am talking about.


Again, kudos for another insightful post.

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When you see 8 man marauder/sentinal teams at the top of the rated warzone brackets you'll understand just how much BW favors them.


I look forward to going up against them... :D\


But really... I have a hard time believing that 8 mara/sents can beat a capable balanced team.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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What are these operative and assassin moves that go up to 30m you speak of? Oh wait, none.


You may want to just quit quite your behind, your lack of understanding about the game is pretty evident.


Technically recklessness will let you use force lightning at 30m (but this is a waste of a recklessness and should only be used in situations where you couldn't possibly get to your enemy). Sins do also have electrocute, whirlwind, and force pull to use at 30m, but these aren't really attacks. Operatives (even heals and concealment spec) CAN use their 30m ranged abilities (which are pretty awful for the energy cost for them) but SHOULD ALWAYS use corrosive dart, explosive probe, and orbital strike whenever necessary from 30m before they go about performing their normal roles.

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I have a hard time believing those stats if there are sorcs and PT's involved. I'm not gonna bother arguing anything since no one will EVER be convinced to change their minds. (these threads are pointless) But a DECENT PT or sorc should be able to match or beat the DPS of a marauder. In reality damn near every class should if played properly... I've seen near every class excel which leads me to believe it's a L2P thing.


Source: the 10-12 WZ's I play near every day on a fairly decent populated PvP server.


Almost full campaign BIS custom modded Sorc in our guild that's been farming HM EC and NiM KP tops out at around 1700 dps single target.


Our marauder in the same gear STARTS at 1800 dps.


This is on non-gimmick fights.


You're incorrect, regardless of how Maras do in PVP, they are the King of pVE dps.

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When you see 8 man marauder/sentinal teams at the top of the rated warzone brackets you'll understand just how much BW favors them.


8-man sent/mara teams will get squished by 8-man jug/guardian, p-tech/VG, and assassin/shadow teams due to taunting (mara/sents are the most frequent recipients of targeted taunts, and are VERY EASILY AoE taunted). Hell, an 8-man sent/mara team would even get ***** by an 8-man sorc/sage team that knows what they're doing (well, with 8 sorcerers they can be bad all-around players that at least know to avoid getting charged upon for easy goals and the only things they'll need to use are DoT's, slow, knockbacks, and of course the occasional CC). Try playing a marauder/sentinel when you have DoT's placed upon you from 2 sages/sorcerers - sure you'll probably kill one of them first, provided your defenses were ready, but that DoT damage sure adds up quick.

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Tankasins were fine L2P.


Marauders tankieness is too high for their DPS.




I have a 50 BM+ of each. I was always amazed at how much dps my tankasin was doing cause i never really felt like i was doing anything to put it out. Wither, shock, thrash, shock, lightning, repeat till assassinate and you get high dps. It was boring actually.


Now with my Marauder I am having to push all kinds of buttons and basically busting my butt to keep everything going.


In reality both classes are fine, however I really wanted to see Deception get some love as I feel it desperately needs it.

Edited by Dencre
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Hell, an 8-man sent/mara team would even get ***** by an 8-man sorc/sage team that knows what they're doing.


Doubtful when 3 sents leaping to a sorc can destroy him in 2 seconds.

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Please look into your class ability called "Recklessness" and l2p.


If your playing an assassin or a shadow your not using that for the increased range on force lightning or telekinetic throw unless your a bad, your using it for the 60% crit chance on shock or project and other non channeled force abilities, L2P.

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You don't play a full heal spec'd Sage so nice try. Some of us raid in ops and need to stay fully heal spec'd. The fact that you have to use a hybrid heal spec to survive only provides further proof that healing Sages are completely broken post 1.2.


here's what you are saying:


respecs cost to much to do daily (valid) so I want my pve spec to be viable in pvp (sorry bro)


Sorry, life sucks sometimes. Your logic really fails though. I dont miss standing in salvation or never dying.


what you should be doing is asking for the eta on dual specs.

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For the record, my issue with marauders and sentinals isn't their dps. It's their defensive cool downs. Why on earth does a melee class have better defensive cool downs then a tank? And why do their (if spec'd) crit bleeds heal them for more the tankassins did did prior to 1.3 (and getting better)? Why does their stealth that lasts up to 6 seconds if spec'd perform better then assassin/shadow and op/scound abilities such as blackout?
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So what you are saying is gun/sent should do the most damage. so all the other classes with DPS trees should be deleted as it would be worthless having that class as a dps if they can't do anywhere near "dps only" classes.


So im guessing your 13 and you want this game as sent only.


Try 31 and a professional game designer.


No, not all other classes with DPS trees should be deleted. All melee DPS should do more damage than all ranged DPS yes. Because Ranged DPS is easier to play and requires a lower skill level due to not having to move as much or close as much.


You do know sent/mara doesnt need to hybridize? they have the best and most defensive cooldowns(not talanted) they have a huge chunk of surviablity and now you want them to be number 1 dps.




Needing to Hybridize and not having the ability to are different things. Sentinels are pretty much forced to go 31 (sometimes 33) in one tree and then, the abilities they can get from other trees often they can't even use as they require them to be in a specific stance that their main abilities are not compatible with. Sometimes a hybrid build has some major bonuses, and there are a number of Sentinels that I know who would love to pick up some (actual) tank abilities (like Guard) or some healing abilities to help in the clinch but that is absolutely not possible for us.

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If your playing an assassin or a shadow your not using that for the increased range on force lightning or telekinetic throw unless your a bad, your using it for the 60% crit chance on shock or project and other non channeled force abilities, L2P.


That doesnt mean you dont have a 30m attack like you claimed kiddo stop being bad and L2P please.


Tankasin will be fine, maybe not for the bad ones that dont know how2play. The good ones that do will be fine. Sins will be fine YOU however I am not so sure about.

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I think that everyone that QQs about Sents/Maras should level one up to 50 and then go out into real world PVP and see how they do.. it will be funny to see how most change their tune about the nerfs.


Fact #1: A Mara or Sent (Or any class actually) played by a better player is going to beat you.

Fact #2: Quality pvpers don't QQ about other classes beating them. They dual their friends, learn their weaknesses and then use it when fighting against that class in warzones.

Fact #3: Since this thread was started by a QQ'er then obviously they are not good at PVP and other classes beating them should hold no merit.

Fact #4: There are more bad Sents/Maras playing then there are good ones. I play a Sent and I have no problem beating another Sent/Mara while still maintaining 75% of my health in a 1v1. So how does that work? Our characters have equal abilities?!

Fact #5: I like putting (Fact) in here since everyone else is throwing around fake facts and made up statistics.


FINAL NOTE: Take the time you would have creating a QQ thread and learn to pvp against classes that beat you. Learn their strengths and weaknesses.. and above all, learn your own strengths and weaknesses. If we had more people that actually learned their classes and how to use that class to beat other classes then there would be a lot less QQ in the forums.


Thank you.


Before you say.. Oh he plays a Sent.. I also have a 50 BH, 50 Sage, 50 Mara, 50 Scoundrel. Maybe I am good because I have played most classes to 50, know their strengths and weaknesses and have played both sides of the Mara/Sent to 50 (Lots of hours invested learning how to play).. Maybe that sent that beat you was me. :)

Edited by troyh
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