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1.3 Maras/Sents no nerfs?


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Yea lets possibly screw up PVE tanks with the KC nerfs but not touch the number 1 class that should have taken a nerf. Worst case is that marauders/sents will be tankier than KC shadows! I dont know. Guess we will find out..
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I haven't had a problem with Maruaders as playing either my Pyro Mercenary or Vengeance Juggernaut. These are the only classes i have played so i don't know how others fair but it seems pretty easy to stun them at the right time or slow and kite them into ineffectiveness.
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According to my PvP data, this nerfs my Shadow self-healing by 45%. It is also reduces our mitigation (excluding Internal/Elemental dmg) by 9%.


Yet Marauders/Sentinels still get to do MORE healing than us + 3x the dps + have better survivability with insane cds + have better PvP stealth . . .

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While I do not agree that Sent/Mara need a nerf to DPS. I was expecting an entire revamp of the cooldown structure of the class. They definitely needed to increase the cooldown of Force Camo. It's entirely too good. Instead, they gave even more PVP versatility to my particular spec (Combat) by removing the GCD from Precision Slash. I just don't understand this.


I have never called for a DPS nerf on Sents or Marauders (Of course I'm combat specced, but generally I do better than any other Watchmen on my server, not to toot my own horn or anything), but have been an advocate to buffing other classes to bring them closer to balance with Sents/Mara's. Not to the point that any class should be face-tanking their DPS, but something should have been done for other classes to have balance "surviveability" of what we have. Either through a buff to other classes, or an overall Cooldown change for Force Camo (which is by far the best ability in the game on a 45 second cooldown)

Edited by invulnerableking
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The longer ttk's from the adrenal/relic changes are a bit of a nerf to the effectiveness of all their survivability cooldowns, however it also makes their strong sustained damage even more effective than it already is and helps to hide whatever ramp-up they have.
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Yea lets possibly screw up PVE tanks with the KC nerfs but not touch the number 1 class that should have taken a nerf. Worst case is that marauders/sents will be tankier than KC shadows! I dont know. Guess we will find out..


LOL OK. Yeah a marauder is far more tankier then a class and spec that's walking around with 43% armor around 20% dodge/parry and a ton of self healing that you can pop off quite often...

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BW just nerfed Biochem, relics etc for PvP. Lets just test how works now. If the insane burst is gone, Marauders should work fine now i think.


Tankassin got nerfed and are good news.


I don't know if you knew this, but Marauders are the best sustained damage dealer in this game. Any nerf to burst damage is a relative buff to them.


says the dude with a VG and sin...

I also have a sentinel, dude, and I will gladly sign a written affidavit saying that Connect Four does, in fact, take skill.


Speaking from experience, there was a slightly longer learning curve for the assassin than for an assault Vanguard, and slightly longer still for the Sentinel. None of the three classes are as hard to play as the players of them want you to think.

Edited by Hethroin
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I don't know if you knew this, but Marauders are the best sustained damage dealer in this game. Any nerf to burst damage is a relative buff to them.


proof of this? I'd like to see the information you're basing this claim off of.

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Marauder takes skill to play.


Indeed it does, a skilled Sent/Mara can easily defeat any other class in the game (Speaking from personal experience, here.) and even more easily tips the tides of a battle to his teams favor. No one can argue that.


The issue is, I know for a fact that I have played against many skilled players/groups and often times I find that even when I am playing against someone with a realistic similarity in skill to mine, I can still defeat them 9/10 times (going by Premade vs. Premade, the same can be said for team play).


Bottom line: Force Camo is too good to have on a 45/60 second cooldown. That usage of that ability wins me about 40% of my battles (albeit I use it at the most opportune times), but this alone should not separate a skilled player from another skilled player. It should always be measured in the application of the ability, and not the strength/utility in the ability overall.

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LOL OK. Yeah a marauder is far more tankier then a class and spec that's walking around with 43% armor around 20% dodge/parry and a ton of self healing that you can pop off quite often...


Not talking about now of course. Just a possible negative outcome I am clearly guessing at. Will probably be wrong but with Mara cds being VERY good and KC armor and self healing getting nerfed it may not be that far fetched that a Mara will be harder to kill than a Tanksin. Especially with a nerf to burst.


Of course we will see.

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Reading over near every comment with the exception of a few.... all that went through my head was....






I would think it's safe to assume that the players who are leading the war zones in stats AND objectives are the same ones NOT complaining. Just a tip: Try researching the mechanics of YOUR characters and the classes that give you problems. If I drive my car into a wall... it's not the cars fault, I may just need to learn how to drive. :D

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When are you guys going to figure out what some of us have been saying for 4 months now? Maras/sents are this game's bright wizards. They will never be significantly nerfed.


I'm literally shocked that they haven't done anything for half a year now.

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