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[ Space Combat ] - dont play it if you dont like it


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If I wanted a space flight, or space fight simulator with full control of my ship I'd buy one. I didn't, I bought an MMORPG because I wanted to experience the full star wars experience. Mini games are fine by me to cover the space portion of the 'action'. The space mission design is fine by me as it is.
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That is one of the problems when you look at metrics, it does not take into account the "Fun Factor" for space for boring dailes, people do it to grab that carrot at the end of the stick not because it is always fun, and to offset the credit sinks this game has.


And since the layoffs and re-shuffle inside Bioware who knows what new priorities might be at this time, to get things done.

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Polls are often useless; subjective questions and non-participating Players often the source of why stats are ref as the third lie.


LOL. So you think a "non subjective" poll would turn out that everyone loves the railshooter and it's the best thing since sliced bread? :D

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i dont really enjoy space missions. i would much prefer a jtl style update.


do i do space missions? of course. why? well.. theres the crafting materials you can get from comms, and the fact that there is nothing else to do atm.

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This, of course, is the sad reality of a team that cares more about their number-crunching metrics taking place behind-the-scenes, rather than the very real and tangible feedback being shared on the forum. They're arrogant; BioWare knows best and the fans enjoying (or not enjoying) their game are just the huddled masses unreasonably looking for more...


"Please, sir. Can I have some more?"




The space game is uninspired (or is it inspired by Star Fox?) and has no meaningful impact on the rest of the game. They turned what could have easily been a lasting and significant experience in the game and boiled down into a mini-game largely unworthy or the time involved.


I mean... you can't even chat--in an MMO--during the space game. Really?

Edited by Dezzi
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If I wanted a space flight, or space fight simulator with full control of my ship I'd buy one. I didn't, I bought an MMORPG because I wanted to experience the full star wars experience. Mini games are fine by me to cover the space portion of the 'action'. The space mission design is fine by me as it is.


No you wouldn't. There's no really good MMO space combat full control games out there where you can dog fight and include a good ground game.

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If I wanted a space flight, or space fight simulator with full control of my ship I'd buy one. I didn't, I bought an MMORPG because I wanted to experience the full star wars experience. Mini games are fine by me to cover the space portion of the 'action'. The space mission design is fine by me as it is.


If I wanted a mediocre single-player game experience, I would have bought a mediocre single-player game that doesn't charge me a monthly fee for the privilege of enjoying such mediocre gameplay. I didn't, I bought an MMORPG because I wanted to enjoy the full Star Wars experience--not boiled-down mini-games that fail to live up to the hype.

Earn your own ship which is your base of operations as you explore the galaxy and participate in epic space combat.

Sorry, but there is nothing "epic" about the way space combat plays out in this game. You can't call a mini-game "epic" by definition.

Edited by Dezzi
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I think if the game lasts long enough BioWare will make a free roam space combat in an expansion. They have to know how much people would love it and it would bring back a lot of subs imo. I don't think it will come soon though.

I've read a lot of threads since launch about the space mission difficulty. Some people think they get too hard at higher levels and quit doing them. I think it would be a good idea to add difficulty levels that people could pick like easy, hard and heroic modes and give rewards accordingly. This might get more people doing space missions. maybe not though.

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Way ahead of you.


Beyond getting the Hot Shot Pilot title (playing each mission once), I don't do them.


And for the record, the best metric to show your displeasure with any aspect of the game would be your subscription. Cancelling it, with your reasons for doing so, sends a pretty clear message.

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Why do people on these forums constantly call for an "either/or" solution.


Why can't you all think in a "both/and" mindset.


Why can't we have 2 space systems. Keep the current one AND have the "free form" space many would like. Since it is currently "instanced" the system you jump into could be regulated by the type of missions you choose. If you choose certain missions you will be in the current system. If you choose others you will be in the "free form". See, best of both worlds. Options: always better.


This goes also for Same Server LFG and Cross Server LFG: should be a toggleable option in the settings so you have BOTH. Options: always better.


Think in "Both/And" not "either/or". :)

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I like space missions they give me something to do when I don't really feel like doing anything! :D


Actually, my son loves them for some reason. Hes my little credit farmer lol

I play WoW when I feel like that :p


I don't like the current Space Combat. I did a dozen missions while leveling my first 50 and haven't done any on the other 3 50s I've leveled.


I'm in idle mode waiting for server transfers and leveling alts. When I don't feel like leveling alts or get bored with PvP (or the queues simply start taking too long) I actually do go back and do some WoW PvP or Raids.

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If I wanted a space flight, or space fight simulator with full control of my ship I'd buy one. I didn't, I bought an MMORPG because I wanted to experience the full star wars experience. Mini games are fine by me to cover the space portion of the 'action'. The space mission design is fine by me as it is.


How does the "full star wars experience" not include something at least as good as SWG's Jump to Lightspeed expansion? :confused:

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"space additions"


How i interpret the word "additions" is more content on the same platform and design.


If they wanted to announce a design change or modification, why not say so.

Additions are well ... additions.




TTH: Will there be additional space combat missions in 1.3 or will there be new space combat model overall (such as free-form space combat)? How will multiplayer space combat be handled?


Daniel: New space missions are on their way but not for 1.3 and new space combat models are something we’re deep in the prototype stages on but nothing we can talk about yet.




A bit better?


Edit: And some more...

"New space missions are coming soon, but a whole new space combat exploration, that's a little further off," says Erickson. "The game has been out for about six months, and building a real new space game, that's a serious undertaking. Building any sort of fully fledged, let's say much deeper space experience, yeah it takes some time and it is something I expect us to be talking about soon."



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I'm probably one of the few people who do like Space Combat. Trouble is, it's just too hard. We need a difficulty slider.

I like them too, but my problem is the opposite. The missions are way too easy, we need a "Hardmode" version (Sollust interception is the only challenging one with Grade 3 gears). The last one in particular, is really a joke for a final mission.

Edited by TheNotorius
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I semi-enjoyed the space game up until the last tier where it seemed to have an inexplicable difficulty spike. I freely admit that I've never been a master of 'twitch' style games, and so i tend to overcompensate with equipment or difficulty level where possible. In this case I always made sure to have the best possible ship equipment as soon as I was of the level to equip it, but even with all purple equipment on my ship I find the final tier missions impossible. I know It's me and not the game, but that doesn't stop me from completely losing interest in it altogether. It's obnoxious to me to be able to take every space daily, beat every mission without breaking a sweat, then not even surviving to complete those final 2 missions. That's just not fun.
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