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  1. The answer you treat as misleadingly shortened is my mistake and i admit it. But the full answer and the short one, to me are the same, just the full has a little more PR to it. However, i did take into consideration the full answer when writing the original post. And reading the "full" answer, same like the short , i firmly believe that BW will be making more missions like the current ones , because people play them and it shows up in metrics. For me this means, more content i don't like. And somehow it seems that i gave them the wrong idea, true metrics communication. BTW. I don't work for Blizzard. Wish i did do, in my opinion its a cool company.
  2. That is a great idea in my opinion , maybe they could announce polls true the launcher while the servers are down for maintenance.
  3. No one would be more happy then me if you are right. My guess is they will push more content of the same basic space combat design.
  4. "space additions" How i interpret the word "additions" is more content on the same platform and design. If they wanted to announce a design change or modification, why not say so. Additions are well ... additions.
  5. Here is the source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/05/21/star-wars-the-old-republics-13-patch-revealed
  6. Yes agreed, but however maybe? you should skip that 40 missions while leveling a new character, so that a clear message gets sent via "the metrics" communication system.
  7. Reading the Q&A, and according to the logic seen there, it seems to me that Bioware applies this reasoning regarding the subject of space combat: Since "the metrics" are showing that a lot of people are playing space combat as it currently stands, that means that space combat is not to be redesigned or modified/improved. Rather, it will be expanded to more missions with the same current design. So i look at this from my perspective: Do i play space combat? - Yes Why? - Because it gives me a XP boost and credits. Do i rely enjoy it and like the way its done? - Definitely not. So, if you are like me and you are playing space combat just for the rewards, ,stop playing it, since it seems that BW will interpret this true metrics and conclude that i must like it if im playing it. Not sure if it will be understood what point im trying to make. Don't get offensive is you DO like space combat the way it is, i respect that, im just stating my own personal opinion and in no way am competent to provide some absolute strategic advice on game developmet.
  8. In comparison to targeting in other games of this genre: - SWTOR Tab targeting feels awkward and confusing. - Even mouse targeting could be better and less clunky. Just my opinion.
  9. PvP: Sure , you loose 15 minutes on WZ , but also the 20 minutes at loading screens
  10. Try a sniper or GS ... You will stop worying about them being OP very quickly.
  11. It doesnt matter if this guy is right or not on the tehnical side. (on how the issue will be fixed) But, the part that i agree with completely is : Load times / performance fix would drasticly improve my gaming experience I cant stress this inuf, the loading times and performance issues are ruining the game far more then anything else (IMO).
  12. Saw a darkness build combining "raze" from madness ... And im confused now ... Raze requires light charge, but darkness is build around dark charge. So with this darkness/raze build , wich charge you use or how does it work at all ? (Or is that spec from a time before 1.1 when stance dancing was possible ...)
  13. Thnx for the constructive answers. I said infamous only because there are so many posts about this tank spec and its combination with dps gear... Never said anything about "i-win" buttons or anything along that line, dont know why would you imply that... ?
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