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Class changes and balance in Game Update 1.3

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Was only meaning that although its a 5% nerf to Damagae mitigation it has an exponential affect the more targets involved in a multi mob tanking situation.

5% more damag against one mob may not be a massive nerf, but when appllied multiple times as a multi-mob tanking situation means that the increased damage also makes the Assasssin the worst OFFtank and no more fit for that role than a main tanking role.


Moreover, kinetic Ward is not working as Shield Boost in a muli-mob situation.. These 8 charges are completely depleting in 3-4 seconds when being attacked by more than 3 mobs.. So basically you have a lowered Shield resistance for 2/3 of each multimob fight.. Great example - Kaon HM FP..

Edited by Missandei
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First time i saw 1.3 patch notes i saw only WHAT THE HELL IS THIS,


Kill Light Tanks okay no problem, boost up sniper/gs hm ok why not.....


but MARAUDER/SENTINEL untouchet (carnage tree boosted LOL)? are you kidding ? they are unkilleable in pvp just spam TOTAL DEFFENSE stealth with absolutly incredible damage


aswell sage/sorceror why when they are the most fast dieing class (not healing tree) they dont have some brutal dmg spell ? like takedown at sniper, assasination at assasin etc ??


another DO NOT TOUCH OPERATIVE/SCOUNDRELL if you dont wanna kill them absolutly now they are total weak after what you done to them ..


are you trying to make balance or just kill game bcs i see only ppls leaving ... bcs of this PVPkill patches ..

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Assassin/shadow armor in with dark charge was half that of heavy armor in tank stance. Also take into account that dark charge healing proc is only around 464 every 4.5 seconds (103 HPS)


Nope, It can only proc once every 4.5 seconds. Dont mean to be so picky.



Our Current Rotations likely only see only a 50% chance of activation about every 5 seconds so getting a proc only once every 7.5 is more realistic

Edited by TheRedNalroni
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Nerf my boring slow swinging guardian and i will just delete him and avoid the class. he sucks anyways even with really good gear. guardian is the least fun of all classes. he swings slow, he has to swing a billion times with his standard generic attack to generate force just to use a lackluster ability. even if i change his stance to generate more he still so boring i almost never use him.


Please delete this class if you don't have the will to want to buff this class and make him more exciting.

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Wow this does not help my shadow assassin at all i just got geared enough to do ops and this is gonna nerf it this makes me want to debate to quit the game. All i can say is BWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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What about sentinels and sages are you planing nerf them and bring balance to combat ?

You nerf tank class because of pvp crybabies but same time u destroyed tank them pve too

Tank assassins are the weakest tank class at the game now you nerf more them and destroy

I think I'll nerf my account when 1.3 comes and quit

Seems legit

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Simple dou you know why people select tankassasin to pvp because deception tree is assassin has the worst dps all other damage class and if you don't have pocket healer in your group you will die easily or you have to be stealth and heal and stealth and heal yourself without killing anyone in war zones I suggest you go target dummies and test deception dps and compare other dps classes any good ranged class will kill you in 2 or 3 shots in warzones

Agree i didn't like the dps trees, the only good one "was" the tanking tree.

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How does that even make sense? They ALREADY have the weakest tanking ability in the game - their damage reduction is basically 10% less as it is than every other tank. Now it's going to be closer in line with a well geared Sentinel than a tank. On top of this, with the threat generation increase their PvE viability is basically completely gone.


In any case, how on earth is this supposed to make them better tanks????

Because they said so.

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need to free the high impact bolt from vanguard dps

just let it have the specific damage with specific cooldown, and nothing more

make vanguard dps, a respective range dps


as for the armors, are for the lols, are like wow in space

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We could talk and discuss many topics for which many of us agree to be displeased and there is a lot discussion from both sides.


It would be interesting to feel and test these changes on the public test server ourselves, how is the public test server doing at the moment?

Edited by humanyt
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People, they put 1.3 on PTS not beccause they want to get feedback on balance issues..

They just want all to be accustomed with changes. Thats all..

So even if you mathemaically and practically prove the fact that 2+2=4, that change nothing - BioWare will release 1.3 with a statement that 2+2=5.


They maybe listen to the BUG reports, but certainly not the Balance issues.

It is time to postpone the subscription for 3-4 monthes.. than in the midFall you can check how far the game had fallen..

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People, they put 1.3 on PTS not beccause they want to get feedback on balance issues..

They just want all to be accustomed with changes. Thats all..

So even if you mathemaically and practically prove the fact that 2+2=4, that change nothing - BioWare will release 1.3 with a statement that 2+2=5.


They maybe listen to the BUG reports, but certainly not the Balance issues.

It is time to postpone the subscription for 3-4 monthes.. than in the midFall you can check how far the game had fallen..




But Until My subscription runs out I refuse to give up hope that they see that the healing on paper is in practice half that due to no static tank and spank fights in Operations.

Edited by TheRedNalroni
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I'll keep saying it until it finally sinks into the heads of Bioware Devs.


Its a joke if you nerf tank dps without touching Marauder/Sentinel defensive cooldowns.


Well put. So many classes need to be tweaked one way or the other to put them in line with others, and their answer is to make balance worse by nerfing tanks.

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You do know they nerfed tanks more than buffed them right?


What is with the Dev love of the nerf bat? I've always wondered that. Instead of nerfing one tank class, why not just elevate the other two?


On my server (and honestly in pretty much every MMO I've ever played) whenever you see people LFM for their groups to do a FP, Op, w/e, they seem to always be looking for tank a healer or both. While I do think the aggo buff is a positive, do you really think that any nerfs making them a bigger PIA (pain in the arse) to play is going to rectify that trend?? (BW, I'm speaking to you)

Edited by BoushhDC
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whoa.. I can go to the Tython and oneshot kill every boss there.. «That shouldnt be possible..»


HAHA! Nice joke. Love it when someone isn't serious and uses over-the-top hyperbole. ;)


Nah, last time I did it was while doing the Bonus Series on Balmorra at level. Just yesterday, in fact.

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Eh, needed to be done. I'm soloing heroic 4 bosses, and that shouldn't be possible.


Were you actually soloing, or using a companion? If the latter, then the argument can be made that it's the companions that need to be nerfed, not the class since you can't use them anyway in WZs under any circumstances and are not preferable in Ops or FPs. By contrast, the changes made to the class itself will carry over beyond the "soloable" heroic 4s. Just sayin'.

Edited by BoushhDC
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Serious question: How many people who are complaining about the Shadow/'Sin changes have each of the tanks at 50 and have compared their performance to each other through playtesting rather than anecdotal evidence? I ask because I have a Juggernaut, an Assassin, and a Powertech, all at 50 and all involved in end-game PvE. Long before the balance changes were out it was my firm belief, gleaned through direct comparision of all three tanking styles, that the Shadow/'Sins were a cut above the others in terms of ease of play and survivability.


i have stated before, and I reiterate now, that anyone who decries these changes as a nerf to an already under-performing class is using the worst kind of hyperbole and selective memory. These changes are designed to bring them in-line with the other tanks and are needed.

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Were you actually soloing, or using a companion? If the latter, then the argument can be made that it's the companions that need to be nerfed, not the class since you can't use them anyway in WZs under any circumstances and are not preferable in Ops or FPs. By contrast, the changes made to the class itself will carry over beyond the "soloable" heroic 4s. Just sayin'.


Sure, that argument could be made, but it wouldn't be accurate. I have tried to solo the very same mobs on my DPS and Healer alts to no avail. Thus, comparatively speaking in similar circumstances, only as a tank can I solo it.

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