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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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If all characters from an origin server are going to move to the same server if they request a transfer, would it not make more sense to just merge those two servers together, or just transfer everyone off the origin server onto the destination? Then you don't have to worry about guildies getting left behind. More than likely after the transfers the origin server is going to be a ghost town so you may as well just move everybody.
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You are not required to move when transfers become available; it's your choice if you'd like to stay on your server.


So best of luck getting a decent server choice or stick in your low population server?



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agreed. i was hoping that they woud,l open all new servers to populate and have a fair system for guild names, character names and legacy names.


if we get to choose from a list of destination servers, then we will prolly be stuck with low pop servers, sicne we can prolly put us east on one server and be okay (yes i think that many people have left) etc.

it woujld be nice to be able to check for a server that doesnt have an active character with your name on it so u can keep your name (since you are paying and they are not). this is certainkly true of legacy and guild names as well.


i know nothing is perfect or fair, but you dont need to be a programmer to design a system to implement, and unfortunatly, they were prolly thinking of how to make this easy to code as opposed to how to not screw over soem of their most loyal players.


At first they are slowing the process by forcing a 1 to 1 option. This way things don't get out of control. Once that all shakes out they will probably open it up more because the volume of 'ship jumpers' to new servers will have been eased by the initial departure/migration.

Edited by Dansu
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Hmm so will one only be able to move from a RP server to another RP server, or will one be able to pick a PVE or PVP if one feels more like it? Because personally I'll like changing to a PVE server, but is corrently playing a RP.
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In a previous Community Q&A we talked about character transfers, and announced that they were coming in early summer. Character transfers are a complex process, but we're almost ready to go. Starting next week on June 12th, 2012, we’re allowing character transfers to occur between selected servers in order to provide a better gameplay experience for our players by ensuring population balance across the service.


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I have a few questions, this will have to do with the free transfer and also paid service:


1. It's about the legacy, I for one have created a lot of alts and have about 3 50s. I have a lot of unlocks. Does my main 50 that I created the legacy name with, need to be the first character transferred over?


2. Will there be a legacy transfer for option available? Transfer all characters on the server that is tied into your family tree? Instead of doing it one by one, for a nominal fee.

Edited by SanctifierX
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That doesn't address A LOT of the questions and concerns that were shared throughout this thread.


What about duplicate guild names?

Guild names, guild banks, guild ranks, guild permissions, will all that be transferred in tact?

What about duplicate legacy and character names? Who gets to keep what?

And can we get a run-down of what legacies/characters in our guild will be forced to rename if we opt to move?

What about pre-launch servers who were here first? Are they destination servers? If not, why?

What about guild members who have characters on other servers, waiting to be transferred to our server?

All of the people who rolled another character on another server because of the low pop issue, what do they do?

Will we have any idea of projected server pop size and the differences of staying put vs. moving?

IOW, will this just be from one low pop server to a slightly bigger, but still low pop server?

What about solving the low server pop problem by thinking outside the paradigm?

What about a cross-server LFG tool for instanced content, including ops, flashpoints, and even PvP?


Honestly, this just feels like another bandaid attempting to cover a wound that's been hemorrhaging subscribers ever since 1.1.4, 1.1.5, and 1.2.


Need to repick if you transfer there

You need to contact a CSR for that

Need to repick if you transfer there

Not sure

Probably treated like any other server. And not sure

Get lucky or wait for paid

You can check that out yourself

Not sure, but doubtful




There you go!

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Hmm so will one only be able to move from a RP server to another RP server, or will one be able to pick a PVE or PVP if one feels more like it? Because personally I'll like changing to a PVE server, but is corrently playing a RP.


You don't get a choice of where to go . . .your "destination" server will be pre-ordained by BioWare, apparently.

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If all characters from an origin server are going to move to the same server if they request a transfer, would it not make more sense to just merge those two servers together, or just transfer everyone off the origin server onto the destination? Then you don't have to worry about guildies getting left behind. More than likely after the transfers the origin server is going to be a ghost town so you may as well just move everybody.


That would be logical. I'm not really sure what the benefit is to BioWare to allowing people to stay on ghost town servers that are eventually going to have to be closed down anyway. Seems they should just get the merging over with right now and keep it simple for people.

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This is correct for the free character transfer service.


I can't help but feel like it was an extremely myopic decision to remove players' choice from the matter; it negates their ability to pair up with friends who might be on a different server from the one chosen by the team, as well as ruins whatever plans they may have had to, say, join a different guild on another server.


I can understand being afraid of a run on the big-name servers, but this whole process seems incredibly forced and constrictive.

Edited by Dezzi
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So best of luck getting a decent server choice or stick in your low population server?




You'll probably get more choice later. The initial mass movement has to be managed so people don't end up moving randomly and 'breaking' servers that are OK right now.

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In a previous Community Q&A we talked about character transfers, and announced that they were coming in early summer. Character transfers are a complex process, but we're almost ready to go. Starting next week on June 12th, 2012, we’re allowing character transfers to occur between selected servers in order to provide a better gameplay experience for our players by ensuring population balance across the service.


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Not... super happy about it being limited.


I really hope my 3 50s can join my 40,32,27 and 20 on my new server... I really would like that a lot.


I would pay 75 dollars to ensure it, in fact.




Really hope I am not going to be skrewed the next few weeks.

Edited by metalgearyoda
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So best of luck getting a decent server choice or stick in your low population server?






Limiting move, no real options for the move, so Bioware, WTHeck do you think people will opt for? Moving to a server with an unknown population size and risking legacy/character renames and guild not completely transferred, -or- staying put and not worrying about this cr@p?


In short, this still isn't solving anything. This is just adding more confusion and chaos to an already strained community with already strained subscription numbers.

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Hey Devs-


If 1.3 is focused around Group play, why the hell are you making it hard to move a GUILD, the only GROUPS some of us have been relying on for the past few months? I'm still holding on to a thin shred of hope that my server is targeted as a destination, because this seems like a bit much of a burden to shift onto your playerbase to rectify your post-launch kneejerk reaction to open way too many servers. Great option for you unguilded folks, but guilds are getting the shaft here.



You are destroying guilds Bioware by doing it this way. This will be talked about in retrospect as a "nail in the SWTOR coffin" if you dont think about it and do something for guilds. How is guilds going to be able to shoose as a group of players what server to go to when one isnt even sure of the option in advance as a single individual?

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OK, I see one big, big problem. Let me quote the article:


"We're sure many of you are interested to learn which servers are eligible for outgoing transfers and which servers are eligible to receive transfers. However, because the process will be gradual, we cannot provide that information in advance. Depending on the number of characters transferred, the destination and origin servers eligible for transfer may be altered during the process. We don't want to promise a destination in case it may change."


What I interpret this to mean, is there's no guarantee my guildmates will end up transfered to the same server as me (I'm the GM of a guild on Kinrath Spider)


I'd love to get clarification on this


^^^ This. I'll be really upset if me and my wife end up on different servers. We have two accounts for the kids as well.

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If all characters from an origin server are going to move to the same server if they request a transfer, would it not make more sense to just merge those two servers together, or just transfer everyone off the origin server onto the destination? Then you don't have to worry about guildies getting left behind. More than likely after the transfers the origin server is going to be a ghost town so you may as well just move everybody.


pretty much what i was thinking, this is just merging servers without actually using the words "server merges" that apparently are taboo for BW/EA or we could call it "a complicated way to do a simple thing" .

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Many guild leaders have contacted us with their concerns about coordinating their guild members in preparation for the free character transfer service and I wanted to take some time to explain how this process will work.


In order to ensure an optimal playing experience for every server, we’ll be offering direct transfers from one origin server to a pre-selected destination server. This means that the destination server will already be selected for the origin server. As mentioned in our blog post, all server types and languages will be respected. You will not find your PvE characters transferred to a PvP server, or vice versa.


Therefore, all guild members on the origin server will be eligible to transfer to the same destination server, ensuring that the guild has the opportunity to stay together.


Why not just set up our guilds AHEAD of time, like you did post launch? You already have a system in place to make this easier on us Joveth...why not use it?!

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Why not just set up our guilds AHEAD of time, like you did post launch? You already have a system in place to make this easier on us Joveth...why not use it?!




That sounds like a fantastic solution to the problem.

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You are destroying guilds Bioware by doing it this way. This will be talked about in retrospect as a "nail in the SWTOR coffin" if you dont think about it and do something for guilds. How is guilds going to be able to shoose as a group of players what server to go to when one isnt even sure of the option in advance as a single individual?


Would you rather do it this way or wait another few weeks for this to get resolved?


I prefer it this way.

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Just read all 16 pages and didn't get a solid answer for the following:




I'm a bit confused by this.


I have a level 31 legacy on my original server, with a name I don't care for anymore.

I have a new, level 2 legacy on my current server, with a name I enjoy.

I would like to transfer my original characters over, while keeping my *new* legacy name, with the 31 levels of experience from my *old* legacy.


Could you please address this concern?


From my understanding, you are dealing with three different servers. Your old server has level 31 legacy, your current server has level 2 legacy and the transfer server has nothing. Regardless, per BW the highest level legacy trumps any low level legacy. However, there is a slight chance when you pull over your level 31 that the name is already taken on the new server and you will be told to rename your legacy..

Edited by Phill
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They are telling you where you can go (1 destination server) and those that rolled on other servers to play content are sol or have to pay to move to join the toons. Plain and simple. Your legacy/character names ect are lost no matter the seniority of your account.


Just so bad and there are so many questions left unanswered. I truly hope they learn from this.

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I'm the GM for my guild and I am not too worried about the transferring process. Frankly, given the dwindling pop on my server I'm happy to even get this. Is it perfect? No, its not.. But we don't live in a perfect world and I don't expect perfection. I understand others feel differently and think Bioware is just a huge failure on every level possible.... I just disagree and think people need to either lower their expectations, or try running a business on their own and see if they can do better.
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  • Dev Post
OK, I see one big, big problem. Let me quote the article:


"We're sure many of you are interested to learn which servers are eligible for outgoing transfers and which servers are eligible to receive transfers. However, because the process will be gradual, we cannot provide that information in advance. Depending on the number of characters transferred, the destination and origin servers eligible for transfer may be altered during the process. We don't want to promise a destination in case it may change."


What I interpret this to mean, is there's no guarantee my guildmates will end up transfered to the same server as me (I'm the GM of a guild on Kinrath Spider)


I'd love to get clarification on this


It looks like this line is causing a little bit of confusion. Hopefully I can help clear that up! What we're saying here is that we're unable to provide the origins and destinations in advance because those lists may change internally as we watch the response to transfers. We'll be monitoring populations and how many players are transferring, which will inform our decisions about further origin and destination servers. We won't be changing the destination on you once it's announced, we just don't want to announce a pair too early.

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Boy, you people must be quite fit with all the exercise you get from jumping to conclusions, flying off the handle, running down the devs, flogging dead horses, knifing fellow posters in the back, dodging player responsibilities, and pushing your luck.




No, but seriously, the naming conflicts would be less painful if BioWare would just separate surnames from Legacy name and make them on a per-character basis.

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