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Class quests complete. Game over?


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I've now completed the class quests on two characters - trouper and jedi knight - both were fairly epic. The Jedi one in particular was quite enjoyable.

But it seems that I may be missing some key factor(s) in what comes next.

As far as I can tell, the next steps are to repeatedly run flashpoints and daily quests to get equipment with better values than I can craft or have received as quest rewards, to get into flashpoints that need a higher gear (read level substitute) and thence operations.

But I'm left asking why I would do this?

I had a lovely time leveling two characters to level 50, following various story arcs and associated challenges along the way - the need to repeat all the non character specific quests was a trifle dull on the 2nd run - but then the game just... stops.

I guess, I just don't see how this busywork search for better equipment as a gateway to story-less content is desirable?


So this comment doesn't come across as pure negative, I wouldn't mind continuing to follow a story arc or three that had a similar effect as repeating daily quests, or doing flashpoints etc. But with more story. The story I was following was the best part, it's a shame it's so very limited at this point ; such that repeat runs require repeating most of the same quests.


I play games to relax and enjoy a break in a fictitious environment. When I'm encouraged to mindlessly repeat the same things over and over again just to get a little bit better so I can do it all again with a higher equipment gateway... well... that's work. It's not fun, and I want no part of it, especially if I have to pay for the privilege of working.


Thanks for your consideration.

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You should do the Imperial Agent storyline next, if you feel like rerolling again. You haven't done the Imperial quests, so that'll be fresh, and the IA is arguably the best storyline on the Imperial side.


You should do endgame if you want to do it, really. It doesn't have the impact or personalisation of the personal quests, but if you enjoyed the flashpoint content for the combat, you may want to try Operations. If you enjoy PvP content, try PvP.


If you don't want to do the endgame content but you were still happy with the storylines you got, what's the loss?

Edited by LilSaihah
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I more or less agree with you Ryth.


I was disappointed to see that once you've earned your class specific title and completed the final chapter the game just stops. You get a very short Ilum story arc, the Belsavis bonus series, and a few quests in the Black Hole.


As a PvP primary, it would be nice to have something to do in between Warzone queues. I have seen all the story arcs and lore the game has to other that particular character, the dailies aren't new so from a lore perspective I have no reason to do them and I have plenty of credits so there's no reason to do them from a financial perspective.


There's lots of issues at end game right now. For the player that has no interest in raiding or flashpoints, it's PvP or bust and for the player that wants to do ops and flashpoints, it's too easy and there's not enough. Nobody is happy with endgame right now.

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I agree - not a fan of life after 50 either. It's a shock to go from a story-driven experience to being told to report to the middle of nowhere and start endlessly grinding. I went to Ilum - it's not worth fighting over.


On the bright side, if you enjoyed two Republic quests you're sure to enjoy an Imperial quest - I'd say all of them are better than their Republic counterparts, every quest will be new to you, and our space station does NOT look like a rust bucket.


Come on over to the dark side and re-roll. :rak_04:

Edited by jgelling
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I've now completed the class quests on two characters - trouper and jedi knight - both were fairly epic. The Jedi one in particular was quite enjoyable.

But it seems that I may be missing some key factor(s) in what comes next.

As far as I can tell, the next steps are to repeatedly run flashpoints and daily quests to get equipment with better values than I can craft or have received as quest rewards, to get into flashpoints that need a higher gear (read level substitute) and thence operations.

But I'm left asking why I would do this?

I had a lovely time leveling two characters to level 50, following various story arcs and associated challenges along the way - the need to repeat all the non character specific quests was a trifle dull on the 2nd run - but then the game just... stops.

I guess, I just don't see how this busywork search for better equipment as a gateway to story-less content is desirable?


So this comment doesn't come across as pure negative, I wouldn't mind continuing to follow a story arc or three that had a similar effect as repeating daily quests, or doing flashpoints etc. But with more story. The story I was following was the best part, it's a shame it's so very limited at this point ; such that repeat runs require repeating most of the same quests.


I play games to relax and enjoy a break in a fictitious environment. When I'm encouraged to mindlessly repeat the same things over and over again just to get a little bit better so I can do it all again with a higher equipment gateway... well... that's work. It's not fun, and I want no part of it, especially if I have to pay for the privilege of working.


Thanks for your consideration.


The part you most enjoyed in SWTOR is the part that is original to it. No other MMO of my experience has had anything like the story content or cinematics of SWTOR. Love it or hate (I personally love the story content, as you did), that's the really big thing that makes the game different at all. At 50, for now, it repeats the pattern of every other MMO in joining the gear grind. But I don't see where you can honestly expect it to continue with the kind of story arc content that it contained from 1-50 post 50....until a post-50 expansion increasing the level cap is released. That kind of cinematic content is incredibly time and money intensive to produce.


On the other hand, why grind at 50 if it's not your thing? That's precisely what the Legacy perks for 1.3 are supposed to help you with, if you're bored with the non-story content then 1.3 will help you out by giving you several ways to increase the xp of your next toon you take through the story arc - the enjoyable part - without too much effort spent on the side-quests. I think at this point, the only class I'm not trying out is the sith warrior, but I will definitely be adding some of the xp options to the last few.....I don't want to do ALL the quests over, for every new toon. I'm already at the point that I would be happy to never see a couple of planets again (Taris, I'm looking at you.....).


So I'd suggest working on other storylines, perhaps trading off on them until 1.3 comes out and you can slap the extra xp where you want it to avoid driving yourself crazy with repeating quests. There WILL be new solo and story arc content eventually, and therefore a new way to get gear without grinding at endgame. Only people desirous of doing HM flashpoints at level and operations need to worry about that grind; if you're not among that number, why sweat it?

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Well if it's work for you, don't do it, no need to have one more of thoses that does endgame content just to grind more gear.


That's said, you (like many) see the endgame content with the wrong mindset, the goal is to have fun doing the content, not to do content to get gear. The gear is there to give a feeling of progression.


Problem is many people don't like the content and still do it because they were trained like Pavlov's dog, they do something they don't really like because of the shinies they get.

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  • 5 months later...
Well if it's work for you, don't do it, no need to have one more of thoses that does endgame content just to grind more gear.


That's said, you (like many) see the endgame content with the wrong mindset, the goal is to have fun doing the content, not to do content to get gear. The gear is there to give a feeling of progression.


Problem is many people don't like the content and still do it because they were trained like Pavlov's dog, they do something they don't really like because of the shinies they get.


im not too sure when you did an operation in swtor last, but the gear is key, and some sense of skill and understanding is needed too. for a casual questing player looking for a story based RPG that is online and social, end game will be too much to process. No one will take you for a specific run unless you have a certain level of gear, and maybe even some previous experience. And story modes are not very straightforward either, whenever new guildies hit 50, i will always tank a story mode for them to help them get some starting columi gear or something along those lines. Some get it, and some run around like headless chickens completely confused.


Bottom line is, raid content is not for the typical RPGer looking for story based content. The new dread masters crap is total crap. I read about it on swtor wikia or something, and i got so bored reading about their history.


Not attacking you, just my thoughts.

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im not too sure when you did an operation in swtor last, but the gear is key, and some sense of skill and understanding is needed too. for a casual questing player looking for a story based RPG that is online and social, end game will be too much to process. No one will take you for a specific run unless you have a certain level of gear, and maybe even some previous experience. And story modes are not very straightforward either, whenever new guildies hit 50, i will always tank a story mode for them to help them get some starting columi gear or something along those lines. Some get it, and some run around like headless chickens completely confused.


Bottom line is, raid content is not for the typical RPGer looking for story based content. The new dread masters crap is total crap. I read about it on swtor wikia or something, and i got so bored reading about their history.


Not attacking you, just my thoughts.


5 month pointless necro ftw

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Not by a long shot. By your own admission you're less than 1/4 of the way there.


You only have completed 2 Storylines... out of 8.


You got 6 more storylines before you can call the game over, getting playing:)


Falling for 5 month pointless necro ftw

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Im surprised no one mentioned the flashpoints, in particular Battle of Ilum(part1) and The false Emperor(part2), as they continue on with the story from Ilum.

You also have Boarding Party(part1) & The foundry(part2) which further expands on the story of Revan.

Then there's Kaon under siege(part1) & Lost Island(part2)


Obviously, when you farm these for a while, the story gets lost, but they are good stories, and well worth experiencing.

Note, Boarding Party/The Foundry can be solo'd at 50 in SM mode, you just dont get any worthwhile rewards.

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Once I finish my character's story and get them to 50, I stop playing them. I don't want to do "dailies" or whatever, I'd much rather do something that's not mind numbingly boring.


Massive necro thread... but this. Been playing since December, only have 2 characters at 50, (one at 46, just about done with Belsavis)


I expect by the time I get through all 8, there will be *at least* chapter 4 out, if not 5 and 6.


Key to MMO's... don't do 'em too fast. You'll get stuck in the boring as heck end-game gear grind. Play 'em casually. Ancilliary. Filler between other games.

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Falling for 5 month pointless necro ftw


LOL. However, I do agree with the sentiment. "Roll an alt!" Ok. Wait. You mean I have to do the same world arc to level up with only the 3-5 class quests per planet that are unique? Well, ok.


Ok. Finished my second character. Now what?


Roll an alt on the other side! The process just repeats. I couldn't deal with my SI's story after Act II, so I re-rolled an SW. I was so bored going through DK again that I unsubbed for 9 months. Even coming back 9 months later, I've only been able to make myself finish two planetary quests to completion. Most of my levels are from PvP and flashpoints.

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I used to think rerolling would be a chore, but I am having a lot of fun just PVP leveling, rotating the characters to get my daily wins, crew skills in between matches, and skipping planet quests just to experience new class stories. This means hardly any repeated content.

I've actually shelved my 50's, though occasionally doing a few dailies on one.


I'm a happy camper so far. We'll see what happens when I get all 8 classes to 50. But I expect there to be more content by then... hopefully at least.

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I used to think rerolling would be a chore, but I am having a lot of fun just PVP leveling, rotating the characters to get my daily wins, crew skills in between matches, and skipping planet quests just to experience new class stories. This means hardly any repeated content.


I pretty much do the same thing. I do warzones or flashpoints for fun on alts, and just run through the class quests on the planets. The additional quests, beenn there done that. Perhaps a year or so from now I'll do those quests another time, since by then I'll have forgotten what they were about anyway.


Meanwhile I do continue on raiding on my 50 character however. But all in all, that gives me quite a bit to do for now whilst BioWare keeps working on creating additional content.


Leveling also doesn't go too rapid in this way, unlike the insane questing rewards. So you're not flooded with all those lvl 50's after just a few months of play.

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