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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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Absolutely. It's one of the biggest complaints. The content that is here is too easy, thus done too quickly, thus all the posts that there is "nothing" to do at 50. They unsub.


I'm told the forum population represents a non-representative minority of the game's population...



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"Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." ;)


Very true.


Has there been any info on the announcement as of yet? Does anyone have a link to it?


Anyone posting from E3?

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It's 5 subs, but only 1 subscriber.


Not to BioWare/EA, who will measure each of those boxes as a subscription individually; they're all tied to unique accounts so there's no way the developers can know one person is behind all five boxes.


We know better, but that's not how these companies tally their numbers.

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I really don't have the patience to teach you what a hypothetical is, so I'll pass you off to examples found on the internet. In terms of this specific discussion, I'm trying to understand this mentality that people leave a game just because...


People don't do things for no reason at all. You're all trying to tell me that even if a game provided incentives for gamers of all types to stay (a game that appeals to roleplayers, PvE, PvP, and everything in between), they'd leave.


I simply don't buy that.


You don't have to buy anything.


But every new MMO goes through this. I've been part of several launches and this mess always happens.


Really big launch.

Everyone enjoys game.

Locusts have their fill of game.

Forums fill up with "This game is done with man!"


We are telling you every new MMO has a surge of players and then those same players go onto the next big thing.

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Very true.


Has there been any info on the announcement as of yet? Does anyone have a link to it?


Anyone posting from E3?


The press conference is talking about Madan or something. I wasn't paying attention except for the talk about a super realistic physics engine. Wow.




No, nothing on Bioware games yet :p

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I really don't have the patience to teach you what a hypothetical is, so I'll pass you off to examples found on the internet. In terms of this specific discussion, I'm trying to understand this mentality that people leave a game just because...


People don't do things for no reason at all. You're all trying to tell me that even if a game provided incentives for gamers of all types to stay (a game that appeals to roleplayers, PvE, PvP, and everything in between), they'd leave.


I simply don't buy that.


Nobody is saying SWTOR is providing incentives for gamers of all types to stay. They're saying it's completely normal for a game to lose players in the first year after launch because no game can satisfy everyone.

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Just as no farmer can plant a crop large enough to withstand the ravages of a swarm of locusts, so no developer will ever make a game with enough to withstand the Content Locusts. It will always result in a Subscription Drop.


I keep linking that article, but have seen no indication that you're even reading it...


Fun read.


Apt Quote ....


They’re locusts. Content locusts to be precise. You may have heard the term before, especially applied to SW:TOR. The bane of all MMO designers, content locusts turn the fields black with players during the opening weeks of a game, desperate for whatever morsel of content is left unattended. The servers buckle under the sheer bulk of their chattering bodies, flooding channels with incessant rambling and rehashed memes. The sound can be heard for miles “Where’s Mankrik’s Wife? Where’s Mankrik’s Wife?” It’s deafening. It may seem like there is no end to the undulating mass of consumption.


But more importantly ....


This is not a time for mourning. Leave that for those fools who cast themselves into the arms of despair. We who remain are strong and love our land. Let us band together and pick up the pieces, fashion something stronger than before. Fire doesn’t destroy, it purifies. Those that hid amongst us, the locusts, made us weaker. Now, the doubtful gone, we can finally become what we should’ve been all along. A community of people passionate about our game, the world behind our game, and the characters that drive it.


Stay Strong my friends ... ;)

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You don't have to buy anything.


But every new MMO goes through this. I've been part of several launches and this mess always happens.


Really big launch.

Everyone enjoys game.

Locusts have their fill of game.

Forums fill up with "This game is done with man!"


We are telling you every new MMO has a surge of players and then those same players go onto the next big thing.


Yes, I'm well aware of the trend games follow after launch (nowadays). I've been a part of my share. However, you're trying to tell me the largest portion of those leaving are doing so just because they burn through content--a premise I simply don't agree with.

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Yawn... again like "EVERY" other year.

* Lets bring in a real NFL player and talk about how epic our game is.


EA , bring swtor next.

* Could careless about some new tackle animation.

Let's ditch the NFL game and put that physics engine into a Star Wars game... :D

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Yawn... again like "EVERY" other year.

* Lets bring in a real NFL player and talk about how epic our game is.


EA , bring swtor next.

* Could careless about some new tackle animation.


Oh joy. Another FB game I won't play because I loathe FB (clarification with edit: I meant SimCity, not Madden, but Madden started the yawning).


Glad to know I'm not the only one yawning ;)

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In the opening credits of the EA presentation they did list swtor.


but i still havent heard any of the anouncers on either channels say a thing about swtor except the guy from webbush saying its long over. but i think he just meant its already released.

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lol. why not.


O no.... NOOOO!


Not Sim... city...


Hey now, I like Simcity!*... Seriously though, TOR news please.


*: Simcity Social looks like Farmville garbage though.

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