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[POLL] Extra Character Slots per Server?


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Bioware/EA math: 8+8 = 8. Nice.


Due to the way they decided to smash servers together, how are they NOT giving us 16 slots per server? I'm currently in the process of deciding which of my 14 level 27+ toons to axe because they somehow managed to designate my legacy level 21 Imp server as the ONLY destination for my legacy level 46 Rep server. I have to leave 2 full-rakata 50s and 3 43s behind because I don't want to delete all the toons I already had on the receiving server. Fortunately the Rep-side unlocks and legacy level transfer, so at least I don't lose ALL of that and I can keep playing my Imps, but I'd much rather not have to be making this choice.


I so want to love this game, but geez the way it's being handled is just moronic.

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Hey where is the poll? I was promised one. Please implement it in this thread asap!


No. In fact, I would love to see MMOs go the one character per server route. Makes that single character more important. No crafting mules, no constant FOTM alting, no "act like a total "d0uche" alts, etc.


Of course, in this game, where nothing matters, or takes any amount of real time or effort, and we are all just playing KOTOR 3, with bad multiplayer tacked on, it probably makes no difference anyway.

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I personally would love to have more than 8 character slots per world. I am one of those people that enjoys playing each and every specialization of a class that there is because they are all different in terms of game play. The fact that there is only 8 does not help the fact that I also had characters on the destination server (since mine was rather low population after D3 came out) and I was maxed out on my original server. I had to leave 4 characters behind (26, which I am sad about, 23, which I am also sad about, 17, and a 14) because I had no room.


In order to actually play some of the other classes I have to play on another server (Drooga's) so I can enjoy them, but none of my other guildmates/people I know play on those servers. :( (I know two on Ebon Hawk and that is about it.)

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No. In fact, I would love to see MMOs go the one character per server route. Makes that single character more important. No crafting mules, no constant FOTM alting, no "act like a total "d0uche" alts, etc.


Of course, in this game, where nothing matters, or takes any amount of real time or effort, and we are all just playing KOTOR 3, with bad multiplayer tacked on, it probably makes no difference anyway.


I leveled a JK to lvl 50 with a friend who doesn't play anymore. Another friend invited me to his Imp guild a while back and now I regularly play the IA I have in that guild. The JK just sits there because all the SP content is done, Flashpoints are all completed with every orange having been looted, Operations require groups too large for a solo act to band together (plus most people have guilds for that), and Warzone bores me. However that JK hasn't been deleted because I love the storyline and can't wait to continue it in an expansion. If we went with your idea, I've have to scrap the JK, play in the guild, scrap the guild char, re-level the JK (and hope I make all the same decisions), then repeat all that 7 or so more times just to play all the storylines. Oh, and I'd have to repeat all that every time an expansion came out - so every 1 or 2 years. And that's not even counting the times I'd have to restart everything because a friend re-rolled as a different class and wanted to play lower level content with me again.


As for the question at hand, I'd love to have double the slots we have now. I prefer to experience as much of the content as possible which requires different specs, race/gender combos, and morality alignment, but same class.

To minimize the number of characters I just make 2 JKs, 2 IAs, etc. and make them complete opposites, but I can't fit them on the same server so they don't get benefits from each other (like the EXP and companion points boosters coming in Legacy 1.3). This gets incredibly annoying because I can't just burn through the universal content - I have to sit and spend hours playing a planet questline I've finished 3-4 times already.


TL;DR: The guy I quoted didn't think his idea through too well and I'd totally accept/buy/kill for 8 more slots per server.

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8 more slots would be very nice since that would allow altaholics like myself to have one of each advanced class type. It would also help the people that had 8 imperial and 8 republic characters on two servers that got sent to the same server by the transfers.
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No. In fact, I would love to see MMOs go the one character per server route. Makes that single character more important. No crafting mules, no constant FOTM alting, no "act like a total "d0uche" alts, etc.


Of course, in this game, where nothing matters, or takes any amount of real time or effort, and we are all just playing KOTOR 3, with bad multiplayer tacked on, it probably makes no difference anyway.


It seems you are playing the wrong game.


Making 8 stories and then forcing people to have only one character per server is kinda a stupid move.


The thing is one character per server doesn't stop people from having crafting mules, FOTM alting or douche alts. People will just buy more accounts, that's all.



As about TOR and extra character slots, it needs 8 more.

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I need more slots... another 4-8 would be perfect. IT's bad enough that I can't talk to guildies on imperial / republic side without swapping characters to that side, but to have characters on two servers as well makes it even more awkward.
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I only planned on having one of each class when i started here. But then i found out you can't send stuff to the other side, and i wanted to be self-sufficient so i needed six characters if i were to be able to craft everyting. That made me decide to make one server for Republic and one for Empire. Now i have fourteen characters (made a few extra) that i care for and dont want to delete. It is kinda difficult to plan things when Bioware keeps changing the rules all the time.


So i am all for more character-slots.

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I only planned on having one of each class when i started here. But then i found out you can't send stuff to the other side, and i wanted to be self-sufficient so i needed six characters if i were to be able to craft everyting. That made me decide to make one server for Republic and one for Empire. Now i have fourteen characters (made a few extra) that i care for and dont want to delete. It is kinda difficult to plan things when Bioware keeps changing the rules all the time.


So i am all for more character-slots.


If those characters are all in the same legacy, you can send things cross faction.


On topic, I think we should have 25 slots per server. If the max you can have per account is 50 characters, why not limit people to rolling on just two servers? Seen a lot of talk on the forum of people keeping their factions to one server each.


Food for thought.

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I'm hoping that new character slots are offered up when they introduce the Cathar as a playable race. I've got 8 characters as it is, and don't want to erase any of them. But I also want to play the Cathar.
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If those characters are all in the same legacy, you can send things cross faction.


On topic, I think we should have 25 slots per server. If the max you can have per account is 50 characters, why not limit people to rolling on just two servers? Seen a lot of talk on the forum of people keeping their factions to one server each.


Food for thought.


We could not send things cross faction at all until 1.2. I have been here since december so i did not know that would come several months later... But you are right, now we can send things across our legacy.

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I only planned on having one of each class when i started here. But then i found out you can't send stuff to the other side, and i wanted to be self-sufficient so i needed six characters if i were to be able to craft everyting. That made me decide to make one server for Republic and one for Empire. Now i have fourteen characters (made a few extra) that i care for and dont want to delete. It is kinda difficult to plan things when Bioware keeps changing the rules all the time.


So i am all for more character-slots.


Now imagine Bioware/EA magically picks your two servers to merge together. Which to keep, which to let go...

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Definite yes, I've got 8 toons on one server and this whole HK51/one of each faction thing's really narked me off. Even 2 more slots and I'd be happy - just as long as if it's a legacy unlock its FREE considering they didn't warn us we'd need to keep a char slot free for this.
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Definite yes, I've got 8 toons on one server and this whole HK51/one of each faction thing's really narked me off. Even 2 more slots and I'd be happy - just as long as if it's a legacy unlock its FREE considering they didn't warn us we'd need to keep a char slot free for this.


Better watch out for the fanboi's, soon to be in here telling you about some obscure tweet from SR back before open beta that warned us that we needed to play both sides on the same server.

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Yes please!!


The Great Server Merge of 2012 really threw my little family tree plan out of whack. I had it all worked out...4 republics on one sever, 4 Imperials on another...and then they would each get a second generation of characters created with the freedom of interesting racial legacy unlocks. But alas, it was not to be. Now I have to put all my 8 gals on one server, and there is no room for any of their children! I like to play one of each class, one of each race, and then I can branch out into new combos the second time around. Second generation group was going to be male, opposite alignment of previous class play, and I'd get to try a whole new romance arc. :D


Still trying to decide what to do now. I could put all my males on another server, but they wouldn't get to be linked to the original family tree, and I wouldn't get to use any of my legacy race unlocks...which will all go to waste on the first server with no more slots to use them on. :(


More slots would solve my problem and make me a happy camper (as long as BW doesn't charge an unreasonable fee.) Ether that or make legacy perks account wide.

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I'd settle for 2-4, because I'm interested in more classes so that I can fill out my Legacy tree with my Miraluka and still have a little room to give my other races family. Ideally I would prefer the 8 more slots.


Paying for them not so much depending on how much they are and if you can buy them in bulk.


Money is not a friend that is often around, and I'll be lucky if I can afford to play once summer is over.

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/signed for total of 16 slots


yeah i want to see a total of 16 per server 8 imperial and 8 republic!


especially since we are getting new playable species and i am guessing more in future expansions.:cool:

Edited by Bad-Wolf
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