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Leaving warzones....


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Scre* all of you that leave before the end. If you are so terrible that you can't make a show of a match at least be civil enough to stay and take your lumps so I don't have to endure load screens to watch the last 30s of your loss.


Bioware PLEASE add a desertion penalty already. 2 in a row tonight... I am out and will go PvP elsewhere. As it is I avoid PvPing at specific times of the day cause I am likely to be annoyed with 50% of my pops being matches that are 80% over and badly lost. Much more of that sort of annoyance and the other games I play may just grow on me again. Thanks.

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I shouldn't have to play with you. This is my $15 a month. Go be bad on your own time and your own dime.


If your not good enough to make a show on your own, its no suprise you would end up on teams you would feel you had to run on.

Edited by Husanak
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Once i'm in a warzone from the start and we are losing I never leave and stick it out. Just yesterday I was in Novare where things looked bad at first and about 4 people left. The warzone filled up and we ended up winning.


If I join a warzone in progress, if there's still a fair amount of time left i'll stick it out as i'll be able to make enough medals so it wasnt a huge waste of time, mabe even end up winning in the process.


But joining a warzone only to see once you load in that you're greeted with the scoreboard, that sucks. Even moreso if it says 'Victory'.


People leaving is annoying, but sometimes they're the people you want gone and the people that take their place can help turn the tide.

Edited by Ashania
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Scre* all of you that leave before the end. If you are so terrible that you can't make a show of a match at least be civil enough to stay and take your lumps so I don't have to endure load screens to watch the last 30s of your loss.


Bioware PLEASE add a desertion penalty already. 2 in a row tonight... I am out and will go PvP elsewhere. As it is I avoid PvPing at specific times of the day cause I am likely to be annoyed with 50% of my pops being matches that are 80% over and badly lost. Much more of that sort of annoyance and the other games I play may just grow on me again. Thanks.


The ones leaving are not the terrible ones. They leave because they are smart enough to not give themselves a headache dealing with incompetent players who don't focus fire, don't guard the healers and just simply treat warzones like death matches instead of doing the damn objective.

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The ones leaving are not the terrible ones. They leave because they are smart enough to not give themselves a headache dealing with incompetent players who don't focus fire, don't guard the healers and just simply treat warzones like death matches instead of doing the damn objective.


Yes, when daily done, and when 6/8 of team are dumbest noobs in weak gear, there are no point to spend time for the lost game.

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The ones leaving are not the terrible ones. They leave because they are smart enough to not give themselves a headache dealing with incompetent players who don't focus fire, don't guard the healers and just simply treat warzones like death matches instead of doing the damn objective.



You can more or less tell if you're team are good or bad, especially in Novra or Civil Bore, when NO ONE calls inc - that is my biggest bug bear. There is simply no excuse not to call inc/help, unless you suck and if that is the case, those who do suck, need to go back to The Sims.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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I shouldn't have to play with you. This is my $15 a month. Go be bad on your own time and your own dime.


Yea I know, not everyone is born with courtesy, social manners, respect and regards for others. Kids these days arent taught anything besides selfishness and greed. The attitude of some young people these days is mind boggling. I have no idea how they are going to amount to anything in society.

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You can more or less tell if you're team are good or bad, especially in Novra or Civil Bore, when NO ONE calls inc - that is my biggest bug bear. There is simply no excuse not to call inc/help, unless you suck and if that is the case, those who do suck, need to go back to The Sims.


The problem with people who don't call warnings is they think they are superman and can take on anyone, then that 1v1 turns into 2v1 because they didn't think about a possible cloaker.

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Only wz I leave is NC and I leave it everytime as soon as I see someone go to the north caddycorner from our spawn. This strat never works and I am just plain sick of super heros.


I think you have no idea what strat is. Going for a the 3rd node, whether in NC or civil war, more often than NOT, works, especially against a decent team. The whole point is NOT to cap all 3 and flex your muscles. It's about applying pressure to keep the other team from focusing on ONE of your nodes. When I go solo against 1-2 players defending, and I succeed, guess what happens most of the time? At least 2-4 people come to reinforce and take back the node. So what did I accomplish? I kept 2-4 others from joining the other 2-4 that were going to focus on your bunker and often would have succeeded.


The BEST NC games I have played, were exactly that. BOTH teams were doing the same thing. And the entire game, both teams were within 10% of each other, and all 3 nodes were constantly switching sides.


But you sit back and defend the 2 nodes that you captured in the first 15sec of the game because you had 2 extra players going south. I guarantee you, a good premade will take one back from you.

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The ones leaving are not the terrible ones. They leave because they are smart enough to not give themselves a headache dealing with incompetent players who don't focus fire, don't guard the healers and just simply treat warzones like death matches instead of doing the damn objective.


Wrong. They are exclusively, the bad ones. They are bad because of their attitudes. Often they get replaced with better players in the middle of the WZ, and the game changes from a loss to a win.


I dont even know what the hec are you trying to accomplish. It is not like the queues are back to back, or you just instantly jump to another WZ. 90% of the time, you will wait it out until that WZ is finished. Or if you try to queue back up right away, you will enter the same WZ and look like a complete &^@%#$^@....lol

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Yea I know, not everyone is born with courtesy, social manners, respect and regards for others. Kids these days arent taught anything besides selfishness and greed. The attitude of some young people these days is mind boggling. I have no idea how they are going to amount to anything in society.


im 21 and i TOTALY agree with you.

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Wrong. They are exclusively, the bad ones. They are bad because of their attitudes.


Sorry but no. It's called not wasting their time with crappy teams. You can sit there and get farmed all day because you want to run in one by one, but anyone with half a brain is going to go find a different match.



Often they get replaced with better players in the middle of the WZ, and the game changes from a loss to a win.


lol this never happens.


I dont even know what the hec are you trying to accomplish. It is not like the queues are back to back, or you just instantly jump to another WZ. 90% of the time, you will wait it out until that WZ is finished. Or if you try to queue back up right away, you will enter the same WZ and look like a complete &^@%#$^@....lol


I'm on a heavy server, so this isn't an issue for us. There are several level 50 warzones going on all the time. Queue's at prime time are rarely more then 10 minute waits.

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Due to the low number of warzones that pop on my original server, I havent left a warzone in a long time and we are constantly losing, sometimes due to bad players, sometimes to exploiters and defintely due to gear imbalance.


Having said that I have a lower level toon on another server and recently played a match where I left because it became painfully obvious the team I was on was throwing the game.


So what I think is the solution is ranked warzones, its the only way to avoid this crap. As for penalties for players to leave warzones, the 8 man teams maybe should also be allowed in unranked warzones, that way the good players really can avoid the goofs, losers and cheaters. The other option is to seperate out solo matches from premades. Ohterwise if you have penalties for leavers, all that will happen is 1)players go afk 2)players will quit anyways(wait out the penalty. Forcing players to stay on teams that are bad will force players away not improve pvp.


Bioware made a mistake not allowing 8 man teams right from the start.

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Yea I know, not everyone is born with courtesy, social manners, respect and regards for others. Kids these days arent taught anything besides selfishness and greed. The attitude of some young people these days is mind boggling. I have no idea how they are going to amount to anything in society.


Yep and the fact that you pull the 'Kids these days' card out of nowhere absolutely proves your own attitude. Just because someone posts a selfish comment, doesn't mean you can go on and push them in your self-created, generalized group of people you appear to disagree with. Because that's exactly what you are doing: discriminating people (based on age), although there was absolutely zero lead to do so. Therefore, the only thing you've managed to prove with your comment is your own tunnel vision.


Think before you go on a rant.

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Sorry but no. It's called not wasting their time with crappy teams. You can sit there and get farmed all day because you want to run in one by one, but anyone with half a brain is going to go find a different match.


Sorry, NO. That is called, contributing to bad game experience for everyone else. Whether you like it or not, you ARE part of the reason people leave MMOs. Games are not and should NOT be exclusive to those who have skills and know how to keybind 30 abilities. If that's the case, your "heavy" server would be empty over night. There could be a special needs player, or a handicap person, or just someone without the same coordination that you have, on the other side of the world, who is also trying to have a good time in the game. What "time" are you wasting?? It's a freaking game! You're wasting your time regardless. If you just want to play with people of equal skill, find a game that caters to that, one that you can multiplay with a predefined set of people, not an MMO with 1mil+ subscribers. What are you going to do when you have kids one day and your son comes and asks you to play with him? Hopefully you're not going to tell him that it's a waste of your time.


Instead of actually being part of a positive experience, instead of actually taking charge and maybe teach a pvp noob something about tactics, strategies, etc..., you opt for the selfish route and screw others in the process. There is absolutely NOTHING "smart" about leaving a WZ. It's not like it requires skills to click on the queue button and leave. All it requires is a certain type of attitude. You're just proving to others that you yourself dont amount to much too, since obviously you cant even attempt to accomplish anything on your own. Winning a WZ doesnt always translate to more fun. Some of the best games I played ended up with a loss.


I think BW should DEFINITELY implement the "Deserter" flag.

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Sorry, NO. That is called, contributing to bad game experience for everyone else. Whether you like it or not, you ARE part of the reason people leave MMOs. Games are not and should NOT be exclusive to those who have skills and know how to keybind 30 abilities. If that's the case, your "heavy" server would be empty over night. There could be a special needs player, or a handicap person, or just someone without the same coordination that you have, on the other side of the world, who is also trying to have a good time in the game. What "time" are you wasting?? It's a freaking game! You're wasting your time regardless. If you just want to play with people of equal skill, find a game that caters to that, one that you can multiplay with a predefined set of people, not an MMO with 1mil+ subscribers. What are you going to do when you have kids one day and your son comes and asks you to play with him? Hopefully you're not going to tell him that it's a waste of your time.


Instead of actually being part of a positive experience, instead of actually taking charge and maybe teach a pvp noob something about tactics, strategies, etc..., you opt for the selfish route and screw others in the process. There is absolutely NOTHING "smart" about leaving a WZ. It's not like it requires skills to click on the queue button and leave. All it requires is a certain type of attitude. You're just proving to others that you yourself dont amount to much too, since obviously you cant even attempt to accomplish anything on your own. Winning a WZ doesnt always translate to more fun. Some of the best games I played ended up with a loss.


I think BW should DEFINITELY implement the "Deserter" flag.


QQ much? You don't like quitters? Make a premade and carry the baddies. Until then deal with it, thats why its called a pug group. People quit because they don't feel like dealing with a bad team. The rest want to stick it out and get farmed? Good for them.

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Yep and the fact that you pull the 'Kids these days' card out of nowhere absolutely proves your own attitude. Just because someone posts a selfish comment, doesn't mean you can go on and push them in your self-created, generalized group of people you appear to disagree with. Because that's exactly what you are doing: discriminating people (based on age), although there was absolutely zero lead to do so. Therefore, the only thing you've managed to prove with your comment is your own tunnel vision.


Think before you go on a rant.


Maybe you need to understand the meaning of Generalizing before you rant. It's exactly that, generalizing. In general, that's the attitude of the younger crowd. Even a 21 year old agrees above. Anyone who looks at society today vs. 20, 30, 40 years ago, would agree. Are there younger people who are NOT selfish and have manners??? OF COURSE. Are there older people who are selfish and disrespectful?? OF COURSE. But in "general" that's not the case. It's not the fault of the younger generation. Everyone is a product of their own environment. You can blame it on parents, schools, media, society, whatever.

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QQ much? You don't like quitters? Make a premade and carry the baddies. Until then deal with it, thats why its called a pug group. People quit because they don't feel like dealing with a bad team. The rest want to stick it out and get farmed? Good for them.


I really think the QQ should be banned from use, because hardly anyone understand how to use it in context. LOL. Did I say I cant deal with it? Did I start this thread? Did I say I dont group queue? Lots of assumptions just so you can happily shout QQ?

Dont worry about me. I do just fine. I run in premade most of the time. I top dmg/kills/medals 90% of the time. I try to have fun, whether my team is facerolling or getting farmed by some hacks. My replies have nothing to do with my personal experience. But that doesnt mean, I cant feel for the rest of the people whose experiences in pvp is bad because of quitters.


I guess getting "farmed" for some reason strips you, and the likes of you, of some dignity. Maybe you have a phobia that the other team is making fun of you. I dont understand this "shame" of being farmed. It is not like your stats, rewards or anything in the game is affected by how many times you died. Unlike you, I actually try to make the best of it. I will run in, in the middle of 3-4, and see if I can take out 1 before I die, and it happens. But please, dont sit here and say that every loss in a WZ is a farm fest. Maybe out of 20 games you quit, 1-2 ends up being so and it is mainly because quitters.

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I really think the QQ should be banned from use, because hardly anyone understand how to use it in context. LOL. Did I say I cant deal with it? Did I start this thread? Did I say I dont group queue? Lots of assumptions just so you can happily shout QQ?

Dont worry about me. I do just fine. I run in premade most of the time. I top dmg/kills/medals 90% of the time. I try to have fun, whether my team is facerolling or getting farmed by some hacks. My replies have nothing to do with my personal experience. But that doesnt mean, I cant feel for the rest of the people whose experiences in pvp is bad because of quitters.


I guess getting "farmed" for some reason strips you, and the likes of you, of some dignity. Maybe you have a phobia that the other team is making fun of you. I dont understand this "shame" of being farmed. It is not like your stats, rewards or anything in the game is affected by how many times you died. Unlike you, I actually try to make the best of it. I will run in, in the middle of 3-4, and see if I can take out 1 before I die, and it happens. But please, dont sit here and say that every loss in a WZ is a farm fest. Maybe out of 20 games you quit, 1-2 ends up being so and it is mainly because quitters.


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Maybe you need to understand the meaning of Generalizing before you rant. It's exactly that, generalizing. In general, that's the attitude of the younger crowd. Even a 21 year old agrees above. Anyone who looks at society today vs. 20, 30, 40 years ago, would agree. Are there younger people who are NOT selfish and have manners??? OF COURSE. Are there older people who are selfish and disrespectful?? OF COURSE. But in "general" that's not the case. It's not the fault of the younger generation. Everyone is a product of their own environment. You can blame it on parents, schools, media, society, whatever.


And that's where you're wrong. There's an equal amount of douchebags all around the world. Age, honestly doesn't matter at all. I, for example have met far more disrespectful older people than younger ones. But, even yet you say that it isn't really their fault. Then why would you blame them? Or use it as an argument on a forum against someone that you suspect to be a younger person?

*Edited a part away, didn't read the final part of your post properly, my mistake*


This is my last post on the subject, as I am derailing from the actual topic a lot.

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