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Can Bioware Rescue This Game?


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TOR not failing do to its unrefinedness at launch i'm afraid its failing because it did not innovate in areas that count. It is a fact that old school point and click combat mechanics of WoW are kind of dieing off, its just an old fad that worked in the past because technology was not advanced enough to do more.


Games like Tera, GW2 and DCUO have proven that you CAN have a skill based combat system that works, and it actually be a fun game! i mean take Tera for example...take that combat, slap in starwars design and you would have had a KILLER game! heck that game practically SCREAMS starwars combat if you've ever played it you know what i'm talking about!


Combat in tor is it's weakest point, just like in the secret world both are GREAT games for story, and themeatics BUT the combat is just so dull and boring and done to death! people want something new! GW2 innovates JUST enough to set it apart in combat department but i still say DCUO and Tera have far better combat systems.


Will TOR die? answer is NO it won't die... it has made billions already and more then made up for its production costs, EA has made its money back now however they need to continue to make profits and i can see that being an issue. It is in decline BUT hardcore sci-fi and starwars fans will keep it running for years to come.

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If you don't like the game, fine. Doorknob, butt, hit, way out.


What a helpful individual. When/if this game does get better (which it probably wont) we will have people like you to not thank at all for their useful input.

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I truely think that what is hamstringing this game is the dev's inability to communicate with their consumers except in a tweet. If they listened then they'd know that what's killing this game is that the population is spread to thin to support the MMO aspect on a huge amount of servers. Bugs we can deal with as usually they get fixed. What we can't fix is that at prime time on some servers there's 10 people on them. Mergers are the only thing that will save this game in both short and long term.
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I truely think that what is hamstringing this game is the dev's inability to communicate with their consumers except in a tweet. If they listened then they'd know that what's killing this game is that the population is spread to thin to support the MMO aspect on a huge amount of servers. Bugs we can deal with as usually they get fixed. What we can't fix is that at prime time on some servers there's 10 people on them. Mergers are the only thing that will save this game in both short and long term.


they listened. thats why thye are putting transfers in... and are atleast open to the thought of server mergers later on...

that is listening to the customers..it may not be instant, but they are listening.

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GW2=server cross AH/GTN (all servers/worlds not just one)

GW2=transfer servers anytime, for free...wow what a concept @launch

GW2=WZ/BG skill>gear

GW2=no pvp stat

GW2=no epic long loading screens

GW2=not EABioMythic=win

GW2=player instancing based of choices in story...swtor=crap ship that does not change, lvl 50 class story ends & choices.

GW2=WvWvW big battle pvp, every 2 weeks words are fighting different worlds based on ladder system that changes so not always facing same people (plus free transfers change that too)

GW2=travel anytime by just opening map clicking waypoint.

GW2=learn all the crafting skills you want, not set to one like other mmos

GW2=dynamic events everywhere

GW2= not for players who are scared of a skill>gear based game pvp....if you enjoy gear>skill stay w/wow & swtor and enjoy dominating players that lack the hours put in grinding gear because you lack skill and have more time.:cool:

Edited by Wetworks
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-- it's pretty clear that people are going to play GW2 for many, many years to come. And most won't spend a cent after buying the box to do so.


Yes because they want be spitting out expansion all year, along with micro transactions.

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they listened. thats why thye are putting transfers in... and are atleast open to the thought of server mergers later on...

that is listening to the customers..it may not be instant, but they are listening.


Implementing the only method available to save their game from severe pop drops doesn't really count as listening to their customers. Many people can refute this by stating how many times BW didn't listen to their customers, especially in the beta.


Server transfers have been needed for ages really. My server was dying in Jaunary and dead by February.

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GW2 is absolutely going to hammer a big nail into TORs coffin.


Not only is there no monthly fee, but there's as much content, and it's presented in a far more interesting way.


And, dare I remind anyone, GW2 isn't based on grinding for the best gear; a fatal mistake TOR made by copying WoW.


Have you played it? It's same ol same ol boring grind blah crap kill 10 birds bro


Swtor is dying fast, but GW2 isn't the next big thing, like everything is supposed to be the next big thing. It's boring

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Have you played it? It's same ol same ol boring grind blah crap kill 10 birds bro


Swtor is dying fast, but GW2 isn't the next big thing, like everything is supposed to be the next big thing. It's boring


Have you played it? Your post implies a resounding no.

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The one and only thing that will get me to re-sub is server transfers/merges


This should be the highest priority to Bio. Low population on most servers is, IMHO, what's doing the most damage to resubs in this game. People who play MMOs want to interact with other players to experience all of the game's content. And when there's very few players on a server that's not possible.


Furthermore, expecting those players who're trapped on dead servers to keep re-subbing for who knows how long until Bio gets the transfers/merges going is wishful thinking. If I was on a dead server I'd cancel until Bio got the transfers/merges underway.

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If you think it's doomed etc. etc


door is ----> way


I've talked to GW2 beta players .. It's as broke as this ever was (which it wasn't compared to many others) and I can't wait to take a look at their forums to see all the same garbage as here.


Ultimately though, in my opinion, if STO can still be active (that was a total fail and I'm a huge Star Trek fan) then I don't suspect this will go away. I say that with one caveat:

Server transfers happen much sooner rather than later. I am a fan of this game and continue to defend it but when I saw only 4 servers at Standard and the rest at light at 1am EST on a Friday ..... yeah.]

Edited by Selethar
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The short answer is no, it cannot be saved.


The vast majority of those who left will not come back, when a business loses a customer they do not come back the majority of the time. And with all the hype and advertising, BW already got most of the SW fans who had an interest in trying an MMO to buy it already. Getting others who are not SW fans to try it will be a hard sell.


TOR had a built in potential player base due to the IP, but growing beyond that base requires attracting people who are not really fans of the IP. Unfortunately it seems that BW/EA managed to run off a significant portion of that potential built in player base and replacing them will not be any easy sell. And EA may well decide that the expense of marketing it to non SW fans is not warranted. Given EA's stated strategy of wanting to bring microtransactions into their games, I can see them moving TOR to f2p as part of any marketing campaign to rebuild its player base.

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GW2=server cross AH/GTN (all servers/worlds not just one)

GW2=transfer servers anytime, for free...wow what a concept @launch

GW2=WZ/BG skill>gear

GW2=no pvp stat

GW2=no epic long loading screens

GW2=not EABioMythic=win

GW2=player instancing based of choices in story...swtor=crap ship that does not change, lvl 50 class story ends & choices.

GW2=WvWvW big battle pvp, every 2 weeks words are fighting different worlds based on ladder system that changes so not always facing same people (plus free transfers change that too)

GW2=travel anytime by just opening map clicking waypoint.

GW2=learn all the crafting skills you want, not set to one like other mmos

GW2=dynamic events everywhere

GW2= not for players who are scared of a skill>gear based game pvp....if you enjoy gear>skill stay w/wow & swtor and enjoy dominating players that lack the hours put in grinding gear because you lack skill and have more time.:cool:


SWTOR=Star Wars


SWTOR for the win.

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Implementing the only method available to save their game from severe pop drops doesn't really count as listening to their customers. Many people can refute this by stating how many times BW didn't listen to their customers, especially in the beta.


Server transfers have been needed for ages really. My server was dying in Jaunary and dead by February.


Also this times 1000


Server transfers were needed back in Feb. anyone could see the populations dropping. And it only got worse and worse, Just pop on the fatman server any night. And see the 130+ players in the starting zones all re-rolling, because they have 1-20 players in fleet on there other server.

They hit a 10 min que sat, sun and monday last weekend....


In my case if bioware has any hope of keeping me paying, they might want to have the server transfers out before the end of this month. This is me leaving the game, not for the next big mmo. That the PvP nerds drool over thinking its the next holy grail. Its me leaving because bioware killed there own game, and proved to me they have no clue *** they are doing.

I think over 6 months is more then fair amount of time, for them to get there **** in order!

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And with all the hype and advertising, BW already got most of the SW fans who had an interest in trying an MMO to buy it already. .


Considering that Star Wars is the #2 movie in history in terms of number of tickets sold, that's a pretty big audience.


The only REAL question is, are there enough people like me -- Star Wars fans who think $15 a month is chump change to play 1 or 2 hours per week and so faithfully send off our $15 a month -- to provide a large enough revenue stream for the game.

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If you think it's doomed etc. etc


door is ----> way


I've talked to GW2 beta players .. It's as broke as this ever was (which it wasn't compared to many others) and I can't wait to take a look at their forums to see all the same garbage as here.


Ultimately though, in my opinion, if STO can still be active (that was a total fail and I'm a huge Star Trek fan) then I don't suspect this will go away. I say that with one caveat:

Server transfers happen much sooner rather than later. I am a fan of this game and continue to defend it but when I saw only 4 servers at Standard and the rest at light at 1am EST on a Friday ..... yeah.]


What? They weren't playing GW2 then...

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What a helpful individual. When/if this game does get better (which it probably wont) we will have people like you to not thank at all for their useful input.


I like the game as it is, and most of the things people yodel about on this forum I either don't care about or actively dislike. Why on Alderaan should I support changes that will make the game less fun for me?

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Have you played it? It's same ol same ol boring grind blah crap kill 10 birds bro


Swtor is dying fast, but GW2 isn't the next big thing, like everything is supposed to be the next big thing. It's boring


GW2 is the next big thing. Your comment is making me think that you have never tried GW2 or played it enough, or even check the hype rating of GW2. SWTOR is dying because of the crappy pvp system. I don't think bioware has what it takes to rescue the game, it's their first mmo, I reccomend them rereleasing this game in another 2 years it will probably be better. This game looked rushed because the 1.2 or 1.3 content should be there at launch. Content like that nowadays is a must to be at launch. EA probably rushed Bioware to finish up on the game which is a bad move by EA, it seems to me EA doesn't care about SWTOR as much as they care about madden etc. Why should I care to keep my sub up on the game?


GW2=server cross AH/GTN (all servers/worlds not just one)

GW2=transfer servers anytime, for free...wow what a concept @launch

GW2=WZ/BG skill>gear

GW2=no pvp stat

GW2=no epic long loading screens

GW2=not EABioMythic=win

GW2=player instancing based of choices in story...swtor=crap ship that does not change, lvl 50 class story ends & choices.

GW2=WvWvW big battle pvp, every 2 weeks words are fighting different worlds based on ladder system that changes so not always facing same people (plus free transfers change that too)

GW2=travel anytime by just opening map clicking waypoint.

GW2=learn all the crafting skills you want, not set to one like other mmos

GW2=dynamic events everywhere

GW2= not for players who are scared of a skill>gear based game pvp....if you enjoy gear>skill stay w/wow & swtor and enjoy dominating players that lack the hours put in grinding gear because you lack skill and have more time.:cool:


He explained it well.^^^^^^^^

Edited by Jonoku
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And oh, GW2 was a huge disappointment. Those who believe that GW2 is the messiah of MMOs are in for a cold shower...


This. I actually beta tested it. I saw nothing that would impress me. Anyone thinking GW2 is the next best thing will be crying within a month, tops.

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