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Achievements System: The Answer to "There's Nothing to Do"


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This isnt one. Achievements do nothing to help improve the game. All they are are grinds to keep people in the game to think they are doing something usefull.


Lets see they can have achievements for killing 10 droids then 100 then 1000,10000,100000,a million then 10 million then 100 million and then a billion. Do the same for 50 other species or whatever then bioware can say that they dont need to add anything because there is still some achievements people havent done.


A great MMO would be an mmo where you want to go do something because its there to do not because you get a badge or whatever. Killing something a million times makes people hate playing the game more than enjoy playing it.


Achievements can be grindy, fun or everything in between. I love when I get an unexpected achievement and it shows up in guild chat. I recall that WoW had some fun fishing achievements and it was a fun way to whittle away time. Heck, some play sessions I just fished to finish up some of the achievements. Grinding mobs? Now if I had to grind a million or a billion, it would perhaps get a bit old, hehe. Mob grinding isn't necessarily bad though. Did a bunch of grinding over a few months to get some of my deeds/traits done in LoTR. We would get a group together, grind some mobs and just hang out a bit. When we got sick of it, we logged off. It was something we worked on between the other content. Anything that gives more play options is fine with me. Give me some long term goals and I may stick around for a bit.


Not to plug other games but I'm happy to see achievements in tSW. Some of them are quite whimsical like killing a certain number of zombies and you get various achievements that reference the Romero movies. It made me smile and I will probably be working towards all of them (within reason of course).

Edited by Florial
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I am only familiar with 2 mmo achievement systems - Guild Wars (Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, GW:EN) and WoW. I am familiar with the Dragon Age achievement system as well.


The WoW one seems almost too comprehensive: getting even 80% of all the achievements was tough - get 95%? You needed to have almost no life (and how do you kill that which has no life?).


I LOVED the Guild Wars one - hopefully GW2 will have an achievement system that can have some stuff to borrow from as well.


The Dragon Age Achievements were interesting, but there weren't that many and they didn't offer anything in the way of rewards (heck, the Half-Life 2 achievements were more interesting!).


I really don't BW to copy their Dragon Age achievements (boring!) but copying WoW would be ridiculous - over 1100 achievements 6 years (don't know how many there are currently).


Ideally, another Guild Wars style system - maybe a SWG achievement that transfers ala GW's Hall of Monuments?

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Achievements or Challenges are a two-edge sword.


For one they give something extra to do or reward you for your personal style-of-play.


A pet collector gets an exclusive pet - a mount collector a stylish mount and the no-lifers insane-in-the-membrane.


With most I am ok - especially guild achievements did bring some extra action and made focused / older guilds (combined with a guild affection rating) more attractive than new ones and as such reduced the number of guild hoppers.



The very downside is that people started to ask people to proof they have already done X, Y, Z - in a similar fashion as gear score. Making a bit of sense, as it might indicate that people are familiar with the boss mechanics.


But it immediately created a hen-and-egg problem. If you knew the mechanics or did complete the fight with another character you were not allowed to join.


Another downside is, that new people joining some years later are presented with an overwhelming number of achievements and will have a hard time to catch up - some content is "unavailable" if it belongs to an older expansion then it´s pretty hard to find people to join up.


I am very happy of Blizzards announcement to make achievements account wide - so you do not have to worry that you need to take toon X over Y to an instance as there is a chance to complete an achievement, but you need the gear on Y instead of X.


So if there is an achievement system it should be legacy wide.

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I definetly agree with this topic, the simple addition of more "Tittles" for completing certain things like for example: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=572054 would make exploration among other things, more interesting and rewarding for us.


Ofcourse making all codex entries avanible would have to be the first step for any of that to be implemented.

Edited by YeIIow
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