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Achievements System: The Answer to "There's Nothing to Do"


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The nice thing about more content is that it makes people happy with the game, even if it's not the content that you personally want to play. For example, I will probably only dabble in ranked warzones. But if ranked warzones make a lot of players happy and keeps them subscribed or brings them back, then that is good for the game, and by extension my enjoyment of the game since I want an MMO to have an active, lively atmosphere.


You don't have to personally like achievements or be motivated by them to accept that others might like them and that they might be a good addition to the game.

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The nice thing about more content is that it makes people happy with the game, even if it's not the content that you personally want to play. For example, I will probably only dabble in ranked warzones. But if ranked warzones make a lot of players happy and keeps them subscribed or brings them back, then that is good for the game, and by extension my enjoyment of the game since I want an MMO to have an active, lively atmosphere.


You don't have to personally like achievements or be motivated by them to accept that others might like them and that they might be a good addition to the game.


True enough. The more features the better. :)

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Achievements are not content. It's a fluff feature, inferior even to the crappy Legacy system.


SWTOR needs real content. Ranked WZs, new WZ maps, new Ops, etc.


@Cerdo_Hormiguero: WOW is that way -------->


In other words.... I support this thread.

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I have to agree with OP, the lack of single player end game is frustrating, my guild has gone from having 100 on at a time down to 16 (ish) people are board, raid teams have cleared everything and now not even logging in.


I started a new toon on the new Aussie server and already have full Rakarta, BM/WH PVP gear, i do a few dailies but am board with them, over black hole and daily raids that are in farm mode, crafting is waaayy to easy, space is boring/rail shooter crap.. this game has nothing to keep me playing.. i will wait till 1.3 but if there is nothing new and exciting in the patch then I will have to give this game up.. im not paying $15 a month for this anymore.

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I have to agree with OP, the lack of single player end game is frustrating, my guild has gone from having 100 on at a time down to 16 (ish) people are board, raid teams have cleared everything and now not even logging in.


I started a new toon on the new Aussie server and already have full Rakarta, BM/WH PVP gear, i do a few dailies but am board with them, over black hole and daily raids that are in farm mode, crafting is waaayy to easy, space is boring/rail shooter crap.. this game has nothing to keep me playing.. i will wait till 1.3 but if there is nothing new and exciting in the patch then I will have to give this game up.. im not paying $15 a month for this anymore.


What's great is that it doesn't JUST add single player end game. It adds things you can do solo, or in a group. Some things you'd need a group for, some things you don't. The possibilities really are endless.


I realize that not everybody is in the exact same boat. For example, Henu here has 1 alt in full Rakata and wants more single player game. I have 3 or 4 characters in full rakata or better and prefer things I can do in a group but also things to keep me entertained at 3am when not many people are online.


My hope is that they add more "time sinks" like achievements. Not everybody will enjoy them or want them, but there's a broad enough appeal that they will enhance the game overall, in my opinion.

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The best thing about them, other than giving you something random to do when you're tired of everything else, is that sometimes they encourage you to do things that are outside of your normal gaming box.


Achievements are something I never tended to get excited about but Blizzard nailed it in WoW with this. The smartest thing they did was tie rewards to certain achievements like pets, mounts, titles, etc. While the achievements themselves (ie. epeening my achievement number) were never important to me, the collector in me couldn't resist completing the ones that rewarded me with nonsense pets and toys that eventually filled my bank.


The only drawback was you always had those that whined about some that they percieved they couldn't get. "I hate pvp but you make me pvp to get this cool mount..." etc.


In short, it's a system that, when done properly, can add much replay value to a game and adds those all important goals that mmo players yearn for.

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Achievements are something I never tended to get excited about but Blizzard nailed it in WoW with this. The smartest thing they did was tie rewards to certain achievements like pets, mounts, titles, etc. While the achievements themselves (ie. epeening my achievement number) were never important to me, the collector in me couldn't resist completing the ones that rewarded me with nonsense pets and toys that eventually filled my bank.


This is exactly what got me. The activities themselves weren't really things I was motivated to go out and do, but it seemed like I was being given a giant to-do list and I just couldn't help but trying to complete them ALL. It wasn't about the points (because let's face it, the points didn't really matter), it was about getting the STUFF for the meta achievements and, well, I liked completing things. I really enjoyed the swooshyding >>

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Sounds good, I don't know if you included stuff about alignment/faction specific objectives. One of the many things that was cool in SWG (I know, I know), was the fact that for certain main story points you could get one of several achievements based upon your choice.


Agreed with you and OP. Would love to see this :D

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Achievements are not content. It's a fluff feature, inferior even to the crappy Legacy system.


SWTOR needs real content. Ranked WZs, new WZ maps, new Ops, etc.


It's already guaranteed to get that stuff. But you are going to have to wait for it to be developed. You might have to get that Ritalin bottle refilled so you have enough while you wait for this content, but it'll come.


OP, good ideas here, I hope some of them come to the game. It may not be "the" answer, but is "an" answer to the cries of lack of content/things to do.

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Kudos to the OP. That was a brilliant post and if the developers are reading, I certainly hope they are reading posts like yours.


I personally love a robust achievement system in my MMOs. While I may not be a hardcore dungeon crawler or raider, achievements can keep me going for months and months when I've sort of reached that endgame state. Getting a bit bored with WoW? I worked on my Loremaster title, went back and did every single stinkin' quest that I could get my hands on in every zone. When I ran out of obvious quests, I had to do a bit of research (finding a very helpful website) that directed me to some of the out of the way quests. When I finally got my title after months of working on it, I was a pretty happy camper. In fact, that was the title that I wore proudly. I also felt that I really got an indepth view of the game by going back and doing some of the content that I missed. I think that WoW did achievments very nicely imo.


Many players like myself need long term goals---whether it is the best gear, to be the higheset ranked PvPer, to have the most number of mounts, etc. I think that a good achievement system would do wonders actually.

Edited by Florial
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While I may not be a hardcore dungeon crawler or raider, achievements can keep me going for months and months when I've sort of reached that endgame state. Getting a bit bored with WoW? I worked on my Loremaster title, went back and did every single stinkin' quest that I could get my hands on in every zone. When I ran out of obvious quests, I had to do a bit of research (finding a very helpful website) that directed me to some of the out of the way quests. When I finally got my title after months of working on it, I was a pretty happy camper. In fact, that was the title that I wore proudly. I also felt that I really got an indepth view of the game by going back and doing some of the content that I missed. I think that WoW did achievments very nicely imo.


This was exactly what I was thinking, too. I like that achievements span across all sorts of groups in the player base--the more casual, the hardcore, the raiders, the pvpers, there's something that CAN appeal to anybody. Sure, not everybody's going to chase the carrot, but a lot of people DO find a good sense of accomplishment from completing things like Loremaster. And the number of people who went back & did all of those quests BEFORE there was an achievement was DRAMATICALLY lower than when we had a reward waiting for us at the end ;)

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i agreed with you OP!

BW hire this guy if your devs cant pull the idea, the community have so much good ideas, wonder if BW will listen some... sigh


This isnt one. Achievements do nothing to help improve the game. All they are are grinds to keep people in the game to think they are doing something usefull.


Lets see they can have achievements for killing 10 droids then 100 then 1000,10000,100000,a million then 10 million then 100 million and then a billion. Do the same for 50 other species or whatever then bioware can say that they dont need to add anything because there is still some achievements people havent done.


A great MMO would be an mmo where you want to go do something because its there to do not because you get a badge or whatever. Killing something a million times makes people hate playing the game more than enjoy playing it.

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